A/N - Yes, I know. Updates are few and far between. But now that I have the film on digital, there will mostly likely be a resurgence in chapters. So bear with me here.

I decided to add Hedwig's lisp into the dialogue for this one. So let me know if it bothers you, or makes it hard to understand. Because I'll be sure to change it if it does.

Characters: Patricia, Hedwig, and Dennis.

Summary: Patricia informs Dennis and Hedwig about Mr. Glass (takes place shortly after Elijah returns to his room).

Genre: General.

Disclaimer: I don't own Unbreakable, Split, or Glass.

"Mith Patricia? Whath's goin' on? Who were you talkin' to?"

"Now Hedwig," the older woman addressed the 9-year-old carefully, wagging a finger in his direction. "When we wake up, you are not to bother the man in the wheelchair."

"There'ths a man in a wheelchair?" the young boy asked incredulously, looking from Patricia to Dennis, who had his arms crossed and looked to be deep in thought.

"Whath's the matter with him? Are his legth's broken or thomethin'?"

"Yes," Patricia nodded. "he is very weak. But keep on his good side, Hedwig, because he can help us. Once we introduce him to The Beast he'll get us out of here."

"Are you thure?"

"Yes. We struck a deal, he and I," Patricia turned to Dennis, waiting for him to voice his doubt like he had a couple days before, or display some sort of disapproval.

Only for him to appear nonchalant on the entire matter.

"He'll hold up his end of the bargain..." she trailed off carefully, giving Dennis a knowing look.

A few beats passed as she and Hedwig awaited his input.

Patricia knowing full well that Hedwig would be reluctant to listen to her if Dennis seemed uncertain; the younger alter constantly seeking the approval of the older one.

"What's his name?" Dennis spoke finally, straightening up in his chair.

Patricia smiled despite herself.

Him not questioning her deal meant his compliance.

And at a time like this, when morale was low and her own insecurities were beginning to burden her, that was exactly what she needed.

"You shall call him Mr. Glass."