A/N - This is a short drabble collection for the movie Glass, all focusing on random points/scenes and/or possible scenarios in the film. To be clear, this is unrelated to my previous stories (A.K.A., the Dennis X Casey ones), but I will be posting a one-shot collection for them soon. So don't worry.

WARNING: THERE WILL BE SPOILERS. (Haven't watched the movie yet? Don't read!).

Characters: Elijah Price, Patricia, and The Beast.

Summary: Elijah daydreams while his "Avenging Angel" goes to work on the men in the hallway.

Disclaimer: I don't own Unbreakable, Split, or Glass.

Roll Forward

"Uh, The Beast is saying that he'd like you to roll forward when they come," Patricia informed him, pulling back and walking away afterwards.

Elijah didn't hesitate to comply. As soon as he heard The Beast emerge from Kevin's body, he wasted no time in tossing the hospital blanket that was on his lap aside, and wheeling himself down the hall.

The sounds of choking, strangling, pounding, and struggling coming from behind him as the group of men attempted to square off with The Beast.

But of course, they were no match.

A hint of a smile played on Elijah's lips as he pictured his childhood self on the playground outside his house being surround by bullies; Only this time he had a friend.

A powerful one that would stop at nothing to protect him.

It felt good to have someone fighting for him for once.

It was liberating in more ways than he could explain.

For the longest time he'd been the one to pick on. The one to tease.

But now that he had The Beast on his side, now that he had his 'Avenging Angel', he was a force to be reckoned with.