Inked in Mystery

Chapter 14: The Great Council

A big thank you again to Foxiso for the idea of the Big Council and all the descriptions :)

Bendy is securely tied with special Toonproof ropes to prevent him from escaping before being placed in a cell in the custody of both bulldogs. The fear makes him tremble and ink dripping on his forehead and in his eyes but he is unable to send it back.

Crying, he lets himself dribble... when he feels a hand wipe his forehead. He sees Coyote who, as a Toonologist, had the right to visit the prisoners to add that to their file.

« We'll get you out of there. » the Looney promises in a low voice because he wasn't entitled to the bias. « We gather the Toons and Humans proofs. Everything will be ready for the trial. »

The scared demon nodded (even though tears of fear continued to run down his cheeks) and Coyote came out pretending to take notes.

Bendy remains quiet for a few moments and then begins to hum slowly, intriguing the Toons in prison (mainly villains put there to be calmed and guards) The song is unknown to them ... and for good reason! She had long since been forgotten, as was her original performer: Alice Angel.

« La dadada da da da... la dadada da da... »*

Tears run down his cheeks as he imagines his friend singing her lullaby to her cherub brothers... and when Henry was gone, Alice had learned it from Bendy. They spent hours singing it both while dancing on the melody. Leaving his mind drifting, the dancing demon starts to smile despite his tears seeing himself dancing with Alice, Boris and Pandora, all smiling, all happy, all alive... but the image of Joey returns to him in mind. Trembling and wanting to chase this monster from his head, he continues to hum, his sad song missing to make the guards cry.

The day of the trial arrived. All the Toons moved to the Toon Assembly which was built on a model of Greek theater/Colosseum, facing the podium with roof covered in half sphere and pedestals that went from the smallest to the largest.

Public places worked as follows:

In the first places must settle the Toon of small size, the relatives of the accused and those who can help either in favor or against the accused.

The middle squares were occupied by medium-sized and human-sized Toons.

And the places behind were the places made for big or giant Toons.

All the Toons placed themselves in their respective places and it began to heckle on the advice. Then the silence came when PointDexter introduced the members of the Grand Council Toons one by one! Each of them advanced to their respective pedestals. The oldest (Koko, Betty and Felix) had the tallest columns because they were older and therefore the most important voices. Of course, the humanoids were entitled to the platform while the feline had to rely on his claws to climb the column.

« I swear, I'll ask to replace his columns with desks! » the cat in ink growl when he arrives at the top of his column.

He lies down on his side, breathless, while Betty and Koko sit right on their column. The bimbo in black and white grins a little laugh seeing the cat breathless.

Then came Mickey and Porky who climbed their smaller columns, one on the side of Koko and Betty face to face with Felix, and the other next to Felix. Both had also been entitled to a platform to raise the column because of their more human design. The next was Woody Woodpecker who sat directly on the smaller column so closer to the ground that he just need to pull a little on the feathers of his tail to lift his butt at the column. And, finally, Gertie arrived standing between Felix and Koko. Everyone bows when the Jurassic behemoth enters the podium.

« May we bring the one who assembles us again! » Gertie orders.

The doors squeak, forcing everyone to look at them, and Hector and Marc-Antoine enter, holding Bendy (which looks tiny between the two stout ones) by the arms. The little demon is paralyzed but, as soon as he appears, many Toons booed furiously, screaming to be killed on the field, shouting justice for their 'Dead'... but a strong paw Gertie on the ground resonates in the building and stops the screamings. If there is anything that everyone fears, it is the anger of their eldest.

The two bulldogs lead the little demon up to the pillar of the accused and sitting down. To be sure that he doesn't escape thanks to his ink (but especially to reassure others who see him as a danger), for the first time in the history of the Assembly, they attach the little accused with Toonproof ropes.

« Sorry, little guy. » Marc-Antoine mumbles, clutching the knot, sorry to see how frightened the little Toon is, about to cry.

Bendy turns to the assembly that judges him... when he sees all his friends in the front row, especially the Humans... and Boris. The wolf gives him a small encouraging smile even if he isn't too sure of how things are going to be. The other souls aren't there and that intrigues Bendy. Where were they all? Had they abandoned him to his sad fate?

« Bendy! » Gertie's loud voice suddenly exclaims, startling the demon. « You were called here by yours because you would have disturbed the peace in ToonTown. So we open this trial to discuss! » she announces.

Bendy swallows, especially worried because he knows the majority are against him.

« Bring Bendy's file! » Felix orders.

Coyote (in the front row seat, much to the shock of many) gets up and brings the famous file. Except to their surprise, the Looney canine holds two files: an old and a red one.

« W- w- w- what is th- th- th- this file ab -ab- ab- about? » Porky is surprised to see the Toonologist put both documents in front of Gertie.

« In order to remain impartial, I separated the new documents discovered during new research on the accused. » he explains before handing out the smallest and oldest file. « This is the Bendy's file as everyone knows it. »

As a clerk, PointDexter runs back the small file and brings it to Gertie. All are surprised because no file was so small.

Despite her imposing size, it is with astonishing delicacy that the dinosaur recovers the tiny pile of documents between her teeth to pass it to Felix. The cat frowns as he feels how light the folder is when Bendy was considered a monster by all of them.

« How can one judge with so little? ... » he thinks, opening the file and starting to read it.

After a few moments of silence, he passes it to Porky, allowing the pig to lean over the file while he verifies the accuracy of the file data.

« So, you're Bendy the Dancing Demon, owned by SillyVision, studio run by Joey Drew? »

Bendy gets angry at the word 'owned' but nods. The idea of belonging to this human as if he were only a toy make him sick! But before Felix or Porky can continue their questions, Henry gets up.

« I want to make a change! Bendy no longer belongs to SillyVision! »

While all are frozen (especially the three Toons of the famous studio), the Human leaves his place and takes a paper out of his pocket. The leaflet carefully, he states:

« Since yesterday precisely 3:42 pm, Bendy the Dancing Demon as well as Boris the Wolf and Pandora Devil belong to me, copyrights never having been filed by Joey Drew! »*

As Pandora smiles, ecstatic, Boris and Bendy are stunned. Joey had never put any rights on them? He still lied to them, saying they belonged to him! All the Toons whispering to each other while PointDexter retrieves the human document. Adjusting his big glasses, he checks the authenticity of the document. He looks at Henry over the frames of his glasses, intrigued,... then he says:

« It's a real… »

« YES ! » Pandora exclaims happily, happy to no longer belong to this hellish studio.

Henry smiled as he turned to the others, nodding at Eddie. Bendy understands that it was the detective who had helped his animator to obtain his copyrights. It made him the legal guardian of Bendy! Him and not Joey!

Felix understands the manipulation behind this request (although he is sure that Henry saw it more like adopting a child) but keeping a neutral air, he says:

« Good ! This change must be added to the file! »

Being the last to read the file, Betty handed the documents to PointDexter, allowing the little assistant to add a copy of Henry's official paper.

« That will save us from having to go get Joey Drew. » Felix sighs, still disturbed by what happened at his home.

And to make sure the monster wouldn't come back, he'd put Kitty and their kittens in the debate room just behind them, guarded by sentries. At least he was sure he could come in time if ever... but he had to admit it: Joey Drew's revelation beneath that mass of ink had disturbed him.

« And what's in this new file? » Betty asks under Koko's nods.

« New research which allows me to prove to you, honorable members of the Great Council, and to you, Toons of all kinds, that the accused here present is indeed innocent since the beginning of this tragic affair which lasts for 30 years. » Wile E. Coyote says.

Skeptics booed the words of Looney's canine but he ignores them.

« May I ask the honorable members if I can pass you a very interesting audio track that proves my statements and those of the accused? »

Felix and the other members of the Grand Council look at each other before looking at Porky. The pig shrugs. He has known Coyote long enough to know he was someone he trusted. Woody doesn't seem convinced, slumped on his column, and shrugs. Koko and Betty look at each other and shake their heads, intrigued by this recording that could innocent Bendy. Mickey and Felix look at each other, the uncertain mouse but the cat determined to discover the truth, before nodding. The final voice is Gertie's... and the dinosaur nods with a big smile. The others screamed in scandal, Sam the Pirate daring even the insults of ''sold'', but the Coyote opened the file and released the tape recorder.

After a last look at Bendy, he sets him on the road... and the demon is freezing when he hears Boris's voice. Silence is made by hearing the tone of the voice.

« Howdy... I don't know who's listening to this message but... I'm Boris the Wolf of SillyVision. This is not a joke but a call for help. The growth of our studio seems to have made Joey crazy. »

Council members frown, even Woody. This recording seemed to accuse Joey Drew ... but to accuse him of what? All listen attentively.

« It's been a few weeks since he's been doing weird tests on us, the Toons. It started with injections of water and other products... until he killed one of Alice's little brothers by injecting him thinner. »

Hearing this, the whole room begins to suffocate with horror. What Human working with the Toons could be cruel enough or unconscious to inject thinner to a little Toon? Bendy freezes as he remembers that day. Joey was already responsible? Big tears run down his horrified face. The recorded voice trembles and we hear him sniff as if he is crying with his lover.

« Joey is a monster... I managed to preserve Bendy for the moment but I don't know how long I can protect him. Joey draws pentagrams on the floor and Sammy, the director of the music department, also seems to go crazy… »

Felix stares at Bendy, seeing that he hears all this for the first time. Indeed, everything seemed to indicate that the little Toon had found himself facing much bigger than him...

« I don't know what's going on but I'm afraid that if Joey gets tired of us, he would attacking the other Toons, that he's going after ToonTown... I've often heard him accused Bendy for the many ink jobs all over the studio when I know it's him. »

In the crowd, Cuphead looks down at the demon. Apparently, it wasn't the first time he had been a scapegoat to Joey Drew. And to say that because of what looks more like a rumor or a plot, he had almost killed an innocent Toon. And not just any Toon! The Toon he loved!

« Luckily the others love Bendy and don't scold him because he wouldn't understand... Henry says he wants to leave and take us with him, but I'm afraid Joey will stop him and pick on Bendy. »

Pandora smiles, hugging her 'father'. At least now, Henry had kept his promise and Joey couldn't do something again it. All startle when a sound of broken glass echoes on the tape and Alice's voice sounds, suffocating Bendy. She too knew? All this time, Boris and she protected him from Joey without him knowing?

« Boris quickly! That's Joey! »

« Run to hide, Alice! ... Whoever you are, help us! Joey Drew is lying to us! He is dangerous ! He must be stopped for the sake of all the Toons! »

Coyote stops the tape after the others hear the hateful screams of the Human being choked by a door.

« I call to testify Boris the wolf! » Wile said without turning to the wolf who was stared at by everyone.

He swallowed discreetly as he got up from his seat and went to the center next to Bendy, in front of the members of the Grand Council. PointDexter approaches and extends the Big Book of Toons Laws while Gertie asks in a strict tone:

« Boris the Wolf, elder and head of all the Toons of SillyVision! Do you swear to answer the interrogation with the truth and nothing but the truth before the accused, the members of the Grand Council and the Toons here? »

« I swear. » Boris says honestly.

Finally, the other Looney canine turns to him.

« Boris, do you swear the accuracy of your statements recorded on this audio tape? »

Boris remains forbidden for a few seconds, looks at his transparent body, then, showing him with a gesture of his hand, he says:

« Am I not the living proof, if I dare to say? »

« Please answer the question, Boris. » Gertie declares calmly.

« You have heard and you see me! I didn't lie when I recorded that! » the wolf gets upset. « I was only trying to help you! »

« LIAR ! » someone shouts.

The other Toons start screaming scandal! How could we swallow something so foolish!? A human who attacks Toons? Toons who belong to him? It's true that Humans could be cruel to the Toons, like Charles Mintz with Oswald or R. K. Maroon who had been manipulated by Doom, to the point of letting one of his stars be accused of the murder of Marvin Acme. But the one to have done the worst horrors to Toons and Tunmans was himself a Toon (even if his true identity was never discovered).

Seeing that the situation gets worse, Eddie disappears discreetly under the intrigued look of the Rabbit family.

The members of the Great Council may call for silence, the rage of other Toons can't be contained anymore. Bendy and Boris get scared, seeing that some are about to jump on them to kill the Dancing Demon... when shots are fired, making everyone jump. Everything turns to see Eddie come back with a bag on his back, a human weapon (so harmless to the Toons) in his hand.

Sighing, he advances towards the column where the small accused is.

« Decidedly, it becomes usual to shoot to be heard. » he sighs when he arrives at the center of the Assembly. « And you, the Toons, answer me seriously. That's innocent maybe? »

He puts the bag on the floor, opens it and, with a quick gesture, empties its contents. All Toons start screaming in horror at seeing the mutilated body of the wolf and the parents hurry to hide the eyes of their children (Donald, Daisy and Scrooge aren't too many to cover the eyes of the nephews of the duck). Even Gertie is distraught when she has already seen horrible things in her Jurassic dinosaur back-story. Felix turns to Bendy to see the little Demon trembled when he sees the body of his friend and lover. His eyes fill with tears. Even if Eddie is bothered, he says pointing Bendy:

« Do you think he would react like that if he was responsible? »

Everyone looks at each other before looking at the little Toon. Boris is doing everything he can to not run to calm his darling devil, but he knows the Toons must see that.

Bendy stares at Boris's corpse, the pupils narrowed to the point that his eyes appear to be only two small dots on his white face, the ink of his body flowing between the ropes and on his face. The laughter and face of Joey's sick man come back into his memory, the images of his nightmares where his new friends ended up killed appear in flash before his eyes. His body becomes so unstable that the ropes pass through it and fall to the ground. He feels the energy of the SillyVision disaster that invades his body and Pandora panics seeing a pentagram that begins to emerge on the ground... but as the Toons prepare to stop the child thinking he is trying to use his magic to break free, Bendy then burst into tears, screaming:

« I AM SORRY ! »

The silence is then in the room so the shock is great. Bendy doesn't care that they see him as weak. His heart seems to break in his chest and big black tears run down his cheeks. His body seems to be nothing more than a big mass of ink shaking with sobs that Bendy tries in vain to wipe. He trembles with grief, unable to bear the stress that reminds him so much of this horrible day when he lost his lover and their baby.

All the members of the Grand Council (as well as the Toons present) are surprised by this reaction of Bendy. All the evidence was to show that he was innocent and yet he seemed to blame himself for something.

« Bendy? ... » Betty asks gently (as a member of the Grand Council and Inky Toon). « Can you explain why you're sorry? »

Bendy sobs while standing up, stabilizing his body as much as he can but unable to hold back his tears.

« I have never been perfectly like others. » the dancing demon admits calmly. « If Henry hadn't considered me a living, I wouldn't even breathe now... I didn't breathe immediately after my creation, unlike the others. I was even declared ''stillborn''... but Henry didn't want to believe it. It was him who animated me. Without him, I would never have existed... but that might have avoided this mess ... and I'm sorry ... »

« You don't have to be sorry because of what a Human has done to you. » a voice then declares.

All froze recognizing the voice of Oswald's wife, Ortensia!

The soul of the cat appears next to the little demon and she kneels before him to hug him. All Disney Toons are shocked to see her there, 'alive' and on the demon side. Still holding the little one in tears, Ortensia looks up to the Members of the Great Council.

« Members of the Grand Council! I wish to ask you for permission to call all the souls of the victims of the monster who has passed for the accused. » she said in a tone worthy of a queen.

A tone that Minnie (as a fiancée of Disney's Face) envied him often. Mickey smiles and looks at the others. Everyone nods and, after Gertie's agreement, Ortensia turns to the stands. And there, to the shock of all but especially of Bendy, all the souls appear in the benches of the witnesses on the side of the defendant.

« Since I am the first soul after Boris to have been and asked to testify, can I start with what I have to say? » Ortensia asks to the important members.

And again, everyone looked at each other and approved and then permission was given by Gertie. The 'Sovereign' of Wasteland stands up and declares:

« When this monster tore my heart, I felt a great cold. In fact, I had the impression that a vise of ice encircled my heart. But when I regained consciousness, I saw how Bendy reacted to the crowd. It wasn't a monster but a frightened child I saw. And then, Pepé convinced me to help him. »

« P-P-P-Pepé? » Porky wonders, drawing all eyes to the skunk's soul.

« Yes, mes amis! I have... » the skunk begins before swallowing, closing the eyes and then starts again. « I knew Bendy when I helped les petits to see him again. » the Looney confesses.

Penelope and the parents froze, understanding how the kids could help Bendy come to Halloween.

Biting his lip, the skunk explained:

« Bendy and I have things in common. We are victims of ''It's said''. So I decided to give him a chance and I let the littles one go to see him. I knew he had to come to Halloween and when that beast ripped my heart out, I realized it wasn't Bendy. »

« How can you be sure? » Mickey asks.

« Because a devil who dances on classical musique as soon as the musique sounds, it's not a monster! »

The Toons look at each other, intrigued. Bendy was named the 'Dancing Demon' but classical dance? Being the one of the assembly that was against Bendy from the beginning, Woody asks:

« What proves what you say? It's pretty vague what you tell us! »

« Listen, I know that sounds crazy about judging like a 'person' but... that beast didn't look as 'civilized' as he was! » the skunk says.

Bendy blushes slightly as some giggle, refusing to believe it.

« And you can tell me how he can be in two places at once? » the soul of Toon questions.

« What do you mean ? » Felix is astonished.

« After the Halloween disaster, Ortensia and I helped the petits to hide Bendy. He was hiding at Eddie Valiant's house. And, with each attack, we were with him! »

« Exactly! » Fauntleroy Fow intervenes. « From the moment we became souls, we were hiding at Mrs. Dolores' home while waiting for a solution. »

« And all the evidence found goes to Joey Drew! » Mugman exclaims.

« But what evidence? » Woody raged.

« The evidence there! » Coyote exclaims as he pulls out copies of Eddie's testimonials.

For several minutes, Coyote narrates the testimonies of each member of the studio. Going from the simple employee to the animator or doubler, all described a cold Joey with the Toons, who regarded them as mere objects and not living beings and who wanted a demon Bendy, thirsty for blood and power, but Bendy was everything but that.

As the testimonials are recited, everything seems to be turning in favor of Bendy (who is again sitting on the unauthorized column of the accused). Finally, after the testimony of the famous Wally, Gertie asks:

« Boris the Wolf! If all this is true, what do you know about Joey Drew's true intentions? »

Boris hesitates, not wanting Bendy to know about the director's madness ... but he sighs and says:

« He wants immortality. »

All frown without understanding.

« That's what he told me before tearing my heart out. » the Wolf said, shrugging his shoulders. « From what I understood, Joey persuaded himself that the Toons were like gods. All this because the majority of us live longer than the human average and we don't age in the same way. He almost spoke to me as one of those guys of the anti-Toons religious sect. »

« The Purgers? » Betty suffocates.

All tremble on hearing this name.

Long before Judge Doom, the Purgers were already frightening the Toons. These religious were still in the perspective of 'Father Creator' and refused anything that doesn't fit into this scheme live... and the Toons were for them the worst ignominy. If Joey Drew had a speech similar to theirs, he must have been so dangerous.

« Yeah, maybe. They didn't have a name the last time I saw them. » the Wolf responds with a shrug. « But in what he said to me, I understood that he intended to steal and use the Toons' hearts to find Immortality. »

« I have documents proving that! » Coyote says grabbing the pieces of paper that was with Boris' recording.

Gertie picks them up and hands them to Felix. The black cat begins to read them, intrigued by the satanic and alchemical symbols, but the inscription under Bendy's drawing disturbs him.

« Our portal to become Gods... »

While some chuckle at the idiocy of reasoning, Bendy freezes, finally understanding the interest of Joey for him during the SillyVision disaster and for the kittens of Felix.

« That's why... » he mumbles, drawing attention to himself.

« That's why? » Betty asks gently.

Bendy looks at her before looking at Boris and looks at the floor. He hesitated. Should he tell them?

« That's why ... he asked me ... he asked me to offer myself to him in exchange for keeping me alive to rule once become a god. » Bendy confesses.

The Members of the Grand Council and Boris freeze while fixing the demon... but as he is with the revelations, Bendy continues, trembling:

« Of course, I refused. That made him angry and he tried to touch me... so it was the same thing as at Halloween. I was furious because he killed Boris but... there was something else... » he begins, leaving tears overflowing from his eyes. « During the SillyVision disaster, ... I ... I wasn't alone... »

He puts his hands on his belly crying, shocking all the Toons present. Pandora freezes and begin crying. With all that had happened, she had completely forgotten the discussion they had had that famous morning... but the most shocked of all was Boris! The wolf approaches and looks Bendy straight in the eyes.

« Why didn't you tell me? »

« What's the point ? » the little demon is crying. « It didn't survive... Joey didn't know about his existence, but that didn't stop him from killing him. »

« Does that mean that the first Toon-born should have been born at SillyVision? » Mickey is horrified.

All are sad because a child remains a child. Even though he couldn't be born, his disappearance saddened the whole room, parents or guardians of children understanding the sadness that Bendy may have felt in losing his child who could have a great role in the history of ToonTown.

Suddenly, Felix realizes something.

« Bendy! Did Joey know about the unborn child? » he asks.

« No ! » the demon is horrified. « Other than my last animator, nobody knew about it. I didn't even have time to tell Boris, Pandora and... Alice... »

Bendy seems frozen in horror as he thinks about his friend and how she ended up drowning in ink. Without paying attention to the demon, Felix mumbles:

« That's better... because otherwise, I think he would have done something much worse. »

All turn to the feline member of the Grand Council, not understanding what he means. Feeling the eyes on him and standing up, the cat is explained, a thrill running through his fur just at the idea:

« I think I figured out why Joey did it to my little ones. According to the elements revealed during this trial, he seeks to obtain Immortality by recovering the hearts of the Toons. We, Toons, are 'immortal' until we are forgotten. But the Toons-born aren't subject to the same physical laws as us. They don't depend on the love of Humans like us. Can you imagine the gold mine that a Toon-born heart can represent for him? Especially if he is young! »

All refrain from screaming in horror, Toons-born parents clutching their children in their arms.

Bendy freezes, horrified! Candice, Aiden and even Keffan were all Toons-born! Perfect experiences for Joey! He realizes then that they were more in danger than him in the face of this patient! And to say that they had literally risked their skin for him when after losing his baby, Bendy had sworn to not risk any child and not break any family! Admittedly, he had attacked Keffan at their first meeting but it was out of prudence, to scare him! Instead, he had fraternized with them, and when Joey came back for him, he'd put all ToonTown and all the Toon-borns in danger!

« Children ... » the Dancing Demon suffocates, feeling tears of shame and sadness streaming down his cheeks.

Boris is surprised by what Bendy says, but before he can ask his lover what he has, Cuphead asks:

« But how can Joey Drew control the ink like a Toon? »

All look at each other. Indeed, Joey may have been director of studios, it wasn't possible that he could control the ink as can a Toon!

As the murmur resumes, Coyote reflects ... then he snaps his fingers.

« I think I have an explanation! » he said as he stepped forward. « We know from the evidence presented in this trial that Mr. Drew is seeking Immortality and that he thinks he can get it by stealing the hearts of the Toons, isn't it? »

« Indeed... » Felix recognizes. « And if he could, he would have already attacked the children to recover Toons-born hearts. »

« If we start from the premise that hearts are still intact as souls are still there, it means that Joey Drew has found another way to enjoy hearts to become Immortal. » Wile resumes. « So, we can imagine that, by using these hearts, he could have got Toons abilities, in the same way as a Tunman. »

« Do you think it's possible? » Betty asks.

« Ah, that would be the first case! » the Looney's canine said, shrugging his shoulders. « But that's the only explanation I see for explaining this almost Toon behavior. »

« Especially for someone who preaches killing for Bendy all over the rooftops, it's funny that he's at the absent subscriber, don't you think? » Woody mumbles, totally slumped on his column.

Everyone begins to indignant, very much in agreement with the woodpecker and again creating an annoying background noise. Felix rubs his forehead with a sigh.

« Fortunately, this kind of trial only happens when earthquakes happen. » does he think.

Suddenly, he jumps when he hears a great blow on the ground that silences everyone, out of fear but also out of respect for the one who made this noise: their oldest to all!

« Good ! We will now go to the vote! » Gertie says with a loud voice.

All rise from their seats, preparing to vote by show of hands (as is customary among the Toons). Bendy doesn't even face the assembly who judge him, his head bowed and his eyes staring into space as if he were lost in thought. It's Coyote who brings him back to the ground with a light pat on the shoulder. Although intrigued by the behavior of the accused, Felix stands up on his column and says in a loud voice:

« Let those who think the accused Bendy is guilty raise their hands! »

Bendy trembles, not daring to look behind him... Yet, eyes are exchanged, intersect, murmurs run through the room, but no one raises his hand. Boris feels relieved but Felix continues:

« Let those who think the accused Bendy is innocent raise their hands! »

Again, the hands don't seem to want to get up, as if they were unable to vote. Boris expects a void vote that will send Bendy to jail by caution... when the children raise their hands.

« We may be too young to vote but we know he is innocent! » Candice shouted, supported by her friends.

The wolf smiles even if their vote doesn't matter. Souls start to raise their hands... but like children, their status as victims doesn't allow them to vote.

Boris panics, fearing that Bendy won't survive another time in prison,... when Cuphead raises his hand. All are shocked because he had shown himself as one of the fiercest hunters but his heart and the elements presented convinced him that his eyes were deceived. Then, Bugs raises his hand, followed by Penelope then Oswald, Donald and his nephews, Yogi and BooBoo. One by one, all hands are up, some clamoring loudly « Bendy is innocent! ». Like a huge wave, all the Toons vote for the innocence of the darling devil!

After having the opinion of the Assembly, it is time for the Members of the Great Council to vote. Even if all the Toons agree, it was the voice of the Grand Council that counted the most! Standing up on their column, Betty and Koko look at each other and smile, shaking before the bimbo declares for both of them:

« Innocent! »

Porky gets up in his turn.

« I- I- I- I- Innocent! »

then Mickey declares while standing up:

« Innocent! »

Woody Woodpecker gets up, arms crossed. All hold their breath, waiting for his vote because he had proved throughout the trial that he remained convinced of Bendy's guilt. He remains silent a few moments ... then, pushing his famous woodpecker laugh, he says:

« Innocent! »

All applaud the declaration of the woodpecker. His voice may not be the most important of the Grand Council, but it was important. Finally, comes the moment of the vote of the two oldest toons of ToonTown: Felix and Gertie! One voice against them and Bendy could go back to jail. Felix stands up on his column and says:

« Innocent! »

Then, it's Gertie's turn! Bendy shakes as he feels the dinosaur's eyes on him. She lowers herself until her eyes are in those of the dancing demon. All fear her opinion... but the mastodon smiles and stands up, proclaiming:

« Bendy is innocent without a shadow of doubt! »

The whole assembly starts screaming with joy, laughing and applauding. Pandora screams, wild with joy, and jumps on Henry's neck before running to meet Boris who stands right near Bendy, relieved and happy.

Bendy is terrified to see Marc-Antoine the bulldog remove his ropes. His heart beats like crazy when he sees the Toons soften on his story and raise his hand to proclaim him innocent and then cheer his innocence! How was that possible? He could only dream! Joey did everything they could to hate him... Like any Toon in this kind of situation that cannot be explained to him, he starts singing through the cheering crowd cheering:

What's happening to me?

My heart is pounding so fast...

Boris smiled as he heard Bendy's voice. A voice that came from the heart, as when he lets his emotions express himself through singing, one of the things he loves most in the world with dance. Feeling the same sensation as his young lover, the wolf joins him in his song even if he does not dare to join him again.

What sort of place it this?

Where we're together at last.

Aiden, Candice and Keffan approach them with a smile and, almost like little angels, sing:

Where our misgivings are past

And we're together at last!

Pandora approaches in her turn and, holding Bendy by the shoulders, she takes again after the children:

Here we are, nearly strangers

From two worlds that have rarely met

Now I'm asking if you will let me

Come with you!

With the agreement of the members of the Grand Council (who come down from their columns to join the other Toons), Boris now has the right to approach his dear demon and embrace him under the look of others. Bendy instinctively hugs him, but the wolf pulls him aside and, with one hand on the demon's shoulder, forces the little Toon to look him straight in the eye.

Though our lives are tattered and torn

All I'm feeling now is reborn

I must be….

In a Place of Miracles!

Candice then jumped up, landing on Bendy's back with a big smile as only the Toons know how to do.

Where the blind can see!

Pandora and Boris resume looking around them:

In a Place of Miracles!

Keffan approaches them and takes their hands smiling:

Love can work its alchemy!

Aiden and Candice join their friend Tunman and sing around the Toons of SillyVision:

The devil so friendly

With a Wolf in an embrace

In a Place of Miracles!

While other adults cheer on the Council's decision, Bugs smiles as he sees the joy come back through the kids... but when he turns to Bendy, he's surprised to see the dancing demon apart. Instead of celebrating his victory with the others, he is alone, his arms wrapped around him nervously and big tears running down his cheeks.

« Hey what's that sad look? » he exclaims as he joins the little one, drawing all the attention to them. « You are at ToonTown! What is the idiot who made you cry? »

Bendy remains frozen watching the young Looneys' leader... then he closes his eyes, shaking.

« I don't deserve all that... » he sobs.

All are surprised. There was all the evidence that the Demon was a victim and not a monster but a real Toon! A Toon like them and therefore deserving the same justice! Even Bugs (Dispatcher specialist) is unable to answer so much he is shocked.

The dark air, the devil sings softly, tears falling from his eyes:

I knew I'd never know

That warm and loving glow

Though I might wish with all my might

No ink as hideous as my ink

Was ever meant for Heaven's light!

Pandora freezes, horrified! It seemed like Joey's brainwashing had finally worked on his brother. She then runs to her eldest and hugs him, trying to convince him that he is wrong.

All this time, I've been certain

That my life would be spent alone

And what's more, I've pretended

Not to care….

Bendy looks away as if to avoid seeing his sister. The little one in tears cannot believe it.

This time, it's time, I've learned

No love will be returned

To one who was born to be alone!

And now I know there'll be

No miracles for me!

Aiden runs to Bendy to take his hands.

But now we're here beside you!

Bendy pushes the chick's hands away, unable to stop the tears on his cheeks.

Better to have a heart of stone!

Candice and Keffan join their magpie friend to try to reason the dancing demon.

Though we set out for lands unknown

They're lands we'll share!

Bendy pushes them back violently, screaming in tears:

That holds no hope for Heaven's light!

The little demon then falls to his knees and cries. All this was just a dream! A dream that this sick man of Joey had slipped into his head to make him suffer. Give him everything he dreamed of and then make everything disappear! And that, the little Toon can't stand it!

Pandora feels her own tears invade her eyes. Shocked and shaking her head, she runs to her big brother.

« Bendy! You're wrong! Everything is true! » she exclaims, giving him a kiss on her cheek. « Big brother... it's not a dream... you're not a monster... everyone understands now... we're going to defeat Joey and get the hearts back... »

Bendy just looks away. How could he not be a monster when the chaos at ToonTown was his fault? Aiden is disgusted! Joey had really poisoned Bendy's thoughts, to the point of convincing him that he was really guilty despite the evidence of his innocence. Furious, the chick grabs his head with his little hands and declares, staring straight into his eyes:

« If you're a monster, Bendy... then I'm one too! »

This is the shock among the Toons... except Bugs who starts to smile at the little chick.

« Well said, kid. A real Toon! »

Approaching Bendy, he starts to sing softly so as not to scare the little Toon.

There's a place like this city

There's a chance you may chance upon

Where the true

Hidden you is clear to see

Where your secret self is revealed

And your deepest wounds will be healed


All the Toons look at each other and smile as they approach Bendy. At this moment, all hatred has disappeared to give way to hope to see their city as flourishing as before, as heavenly as before.

Will we reach a friendlier shore?

Will we find a haven once more?

Where we'll be

In a place of miracles!

Heckle smiled as he perched his son on his shoulders and caught his husband and friends Gandy and SourPuss, the jars holding his son in his arms.

Love will hold the key!

Roger smiles as he looks at his daughter in his arms and his wife kneeling behind him.

To a new reality!

The Toons unite, as formerly, only one by heart and joy, accepting Bendy as one of theirs.

In a place of miracles!

Bendy looks at the whole assembly, the Toons who are singing and smiling at him, trying to bring him a smile, to prove to him that he has his place in ToonTown, that he was one of them.

Where's my place of miracles?

Boris kneels in front of him and tightly holds him in his arms, kisses him delicately on the forehead then murmurs:

In a place

All Toons smile as they surround Bendy, finally feeling hope return to ToonTown.

Of miracles!

Bendy looks at them, visibly unconvinced... but he suddenly freezes as he puts his hand on his chest. His heart seems to be beating again as before, to the rhythm of Boris's heart had! The rhythm that made him happy! A sweet, calm rhythm! A smile of pure happiness illuminates Bendy's face. This time, he knows! He knows there is hope! If his broken heart had found that rhythm, then Boris and the others could be saved. Straightening and looking up with happiness and determination towards others, he says:

« It's time to prove to Joey that the Toons aren't toys! Let's face him and recover the hearts of ours! »

All begin to applaud and shout in accordance with the words of the dancing demon. It was time to face the Creator of Bendy and save theirs! This time it was Human vs. Toons!

VOILA: D Chapter 14 and Bendy's trial ends :) Thanks to Foxiso who helped me a lot with the Toons Assembly who is the creator of this idea. But after all, why the Toons wouldn't have the right to justice? :)

The song at the end of the chapter is a mix of the two existing versions of this splendid song and translation thanks to Foxiso ... again;)

Notifications rated *

22* Song we hear at the end of the trailer of chapter 3 and the song of Alice

23* In USA, in the years 59-60, works created in the 1925s (like Bendy here) would fall into the public domain after 55 years without renewal. So, to allow Henry's adoption of Bendy, Joey shouldn't have copyrighted the studio's creations.

Here it is :D to the next :)

And PS: don't forget to leave a little comment :)