Alright, I'm already welling up a bit! Here it is everyone, the final chapter of A Doting Devil. I know you're all anxiously waiting to see why Lucifer is so freaked out over his kid, so I'll leave you to it. :)
Chapter 13:
"Lucifer?" Linda cautiously handed the man a clean towel from the couch, doing her best to hide her befuddlement as she guided him over to the piano bench. "W...what happened? He sounds just fine. They both do."
His skin was pale and glowing from the thin layer of nervous sweat, his breathing jumpy as he wrung his hands in the towel, "I don't know, Doctor. I don't… I don't know. I didn't...pull. I didn't...I...I…"
"Okay, shhh…" the therapist sat down next to him and started rubbing his back, Maze replacing the towel with a glass of whiskey. Linda glared at her for a moment, but moved on when the demon backed up enough to peek into the bedroom, shrugging back at her. "Talk to me. It's okay. That's...that's just where babies come from…" she had to purse her lips to keep from grinning as realization struck her as to what could have shaken him so deeply.
"No!" He hissed, his eyes on the verge of crimson, "No, it''s...his...why? Why does everyone I love have to suffer because of me?!"
"Oooooooh," Linda nodded, again thinking she'd pinpointed his anguish. "We talked about this. She won't blame you now that it's over. She's okay. She'll recover. That will too," she winked, nudging him in the arm with her elbow in hopes to realign his mood.
"She won't blame me?!" Lucifer shot up from where he was sitting and threw the glass, narrowly missing Maze. "What about my son? How do I explain that his own father mutilated him when he's...when he's…?"
Linda's heart went to her throat as he choked, seeing her friend like this when it was supposed to be the best day of his long, long life. "I don't...I don't understand…" she shook her head, completely lost for words. "Tell me what happ-"
"Lucifer, get your tailless little Devil butt back in here!" Ella called from the bedroom, loud enough that she could be heard now that the baby was starting to settle down, but not so loud as to hurt the brand new set of ears.
The father's lip quivered as he shook his head, "What do I say to them?"
"I think you just need to go be with your family, Lucifer," Linda smiled, Ella's audible grin putting her mind at ease as she pushed him toward the bedroom, less gracefully this time.
He swallowed hard, his legs numb as he stumbled up the steps into the dimly lit room, "Chloe, I'm so sorry, I-" He froze in an overwhelming sense of confusion as his heart skipped a beat at the scene before him. His wife leaned back into the pillows, her face still pink from all of her hard work, her messy bun went every which way, and there were tears on her cheeks. But she was smiling from ear to ear as she looked up at him, cradling the squirming little bundle to her chest. "He's...he's okay?" he was finally able to whisper. "Even after I...m...mutilated...he's…"
"Mutilated?" Ella raised an amused eyebrow, her tongue on her bright white teeth, failing to control her grin, "I'm surprised too and I have to admit, I've looked everywhere for a tiny severed penis, but I can assure you, you did not accidentally castrate your son."
His knees shook and his stomach churned, running through every possibility, each one more horrifying than the last, "Then where…?"
"Nowhere. I was right the whole time." Chloe chuckled, rolling her eyes as the happy tears started flowing again, "Lucifer, we have a daughter."
Linda and Maze both reached out a hand to keep the father from falling backwards down the steps. "Wh...what?" he asked in a croak somewhere between relief and shock. "He's a...a…"
"He's a she, Daddy. Here," Ella jumped up from where she'd been working at the foot of the bed and handed him the surgical scissors. "Between the clamps. I won't let you cut off anything you shouldn't, but you need to do the honors."
He nodded ever so slightly as the midwife led him over to the bed so he could cut the cord exactly where he was told. His hand still shook as he gave the scissors back to his friend and, after a reassuring smile from Chloe, wrapped the mother of his child in his arms and touched his baby girl's tiny hand for the very first time. She blinked up at him with her big blue eyes as her soft little fingers grabbed onto his.
That was all it took to take the Devil's breath away and send him head over heels in love.
"Hello there," he whispered, trying to blink back the tears that fogged his vision. It was useless.
"Are you mad?" Chloe asked, her tone heartbreakingly serious.
"What?" he shook his head, still dazed as every emotion in the book ran through his mind and squeezed his heart. He kissed her temple and very gently caressed the back of his daughter's hand with his thumb, "No, Detective. I think the right word would be terrified."
Chloe grinned, a teasing sparkle in her tired eyes, "That she'll form a more organized rebellion against you than a son ever could?"
"No," Lucifer chuckled, "though with you as her mum she'd be much more organized than I was." He paused, tracing a feather light finger around his daughter's features, her nose a perfect miniature of her mother's. "She's just so...beautiful. How will I...we...ever be able to protect her from everything?"
Her mom smiled, "We raise her to be strong enough to protect herself."
"Damn right you do," Ella beamed from where she sat on the edge of the bed. "I mean that and having a badass looking angel for an uncle, an intimidating, though gorgeous, demon for an aunt," she winked over at Maze who nodded back from where she and Linda had been watching, "and the Devil for a Dad doesn't hurt either. Not to mention a cop for a mom. I think she'll be just fine, Lucifer."
He sighed contently, "I promise, my small princess, I am never ever going to let anything happen to you. And I keep my promises."
"He does. It's kind of his thing," Chloe whispered, kissing the little girl's forehead. "He has a few of them. We'll talk, don't worry."
"Besides, there's always next time for a boy, right?"
Chloe glared at him, "Fine, but you're on this end of things next time."
Linda took that as her queue and quietly came up to squeeze the man's shoulder before he got himself into trouble, "You did good, Daddy. Even if you did think you tore off your kid's penis. Congratulations Chloe. She's beautiful."
"Thanks Linda," she sniffled up at the therapist, the demon close behind. "You too, Maze."
"Anytime, Decker. I'm just glad we didn't have to go through with our deal," she crossed her arms and nodded toward the little girl, now fast asleep in her mom's arms, still holding onto dad's finger. "New spawn's not too bad looking either."
Chloe just laughed, "Thank you Maze."
"Deal? What deal?" Lucifer asked, sitting up a little straighter.
"It's nothing, don't worry about it," the Detective shook her head, voice a little strained as she shifted in her spot, clearly uncomfortable.
"Chloe?" his eyes grew suddenly weary again, looking from his wife to the brunette, "What's going on? This isn't where you say there's another head, is it?"
"This isn't Hollywood. No worries, Dad. Totally normal," Ella put an extra towel down under her friend and rubbed her leg. "It's that not-so-cute stuff that comes out after the baby. Still cramping?"
"I have been," she nodded, her voice breathy and tired as Lucifer watched, still looking more than a little uneasy, a supportive arm under his wife's to help hold their child.
"Well next time you feel like you have to push, we'll get it out so we can get you all cleaned up."
As the midwife went to get a couple more things out of her bag, Linda headed toward the living room, "Any requests for baby girl's first onesie, Chloe?"
She chuckled a little nervously, looking down at the blanket she was wrapped in, "Maybe something not so blue?" The therapist gave her a thumbs up, grabbed Maze, and gave the new little family their privacy.
Chloe groaned, shifting away from Lucifer, "Alright Ella, let's get this over with."
"That's the spirit!" she winked, slipping on her gloves and taking her place, expertly delivering the placenta as the mom didn't even make so much as a whimper as she pushed. After checking to make sure it was completely intact, she wrapped it up for disposal and beamed at her friend, "How do you feel, Mama Decker?"
She smiled, cuddling back into her husband's arms as he squeezed her around the shoulders and kissed the top of her head by what remained of her bun. "Exhausted. Happy. Relieved. A little empty," she gave a soft laugh, gazing down at the baby in her arms. "Still really uncomfortable though."
Ella nodded, "You will for a couple days. Uterus has to squeeze back down to size and all. Like last time." She looked at a very queasy looking Lucifer, "Your dad's design is super freaky, dude."
"Don't I know it…" he sighed, feeling like he could finally relax. A sudden wave of exhaustion washed over the new dad, interrupted by everyone's phones but Chloe's vibrating at the same time. He very nearly jumped out of his skin, scared that the buzz would disrupt his daughter, but got to his first and laughed at what he saw. It was a potato emoji and a question mark from Trixie. "Ah yes, baby's first selfie, Detective?"
"No, I look atrocious!" she protested, trying to hide her face from the camera.
Lucifer put a hand on her cheek, gently coercing her to look at him, "You, Chloe Jane Morningstar, are even more beautiful right now than you were the day I met you."
"Remember that when I'm in a diaper for the next month…"
"Always," he fluttered his eyebrows at her. "Come on, it's the Brat. She just wants to see her little sister."
"She wanted to see her little brother," she pointed out, her own eyes growing soft with the look he was giving her. "Fine," she sighed in defeat. "Just don't tell her it's a girl. We'll surprise her with that in the morning."
"Fair enough," he smiled, kissing her cheek before taking their very first family picture and sending it off with a smiley face. He closed out of his messages and held the phone up to compare the little girl's face to his background. "I could've sworn that was going to be my nose. And that...was that her cord then or-"
"Chlo?" Ella cocked her head at her friend, noticing her grimace. "You okay, babe?"
Lucifer clicked off his phone, tearing his eyes away from the fascinating new life, his stomach dropping when she shook her head no. "Chloe?"
"Are you sure you got it all? There's not like a...a piece still stuck in there?" she cringed, holding her breath as the pressure came on even stronger.
Ella shook her head, confused, "No…? The placenta was complete. You'll still be having pretty heavy contractions for the next couple hou-"
"I know, Ella," Chloe snapped, trying not to wake her daughter, "I know. But it''s…getting worse and…hnngh-"
"Miss Lopez?" Lucifer's eyes grew wide with fear as he held his wife tighter, "What's going on?"
"'s okay, Chloe. Just breathe for a second," remembering a trick from that winter and her recertification classes, she reached up to palpate her friend's belly. As soon as she tried, her face went white as all of the blood rushed down to her heart and sent it racing. Linda and Maze came in with everything from the nursery and started asking Lucifer what a potato emoji translated to before Ella cut them off as calmly as she could, "One of you ladies needs to take Little Miss Morningstar."
"Miss Lopez?" The woman's husband went just as pale, though his tone became impatient, verging on the brink of angry as Chloe squeezed his hand. "What's going on?" he asked again as Maze went around to her side of the bed and carefully took the bundle, her face momentarily looking like she'd drawn the short straw since Linda's hands were too full of supplies.
"I'm uh...I'm not sure how," Ella stuttered, putting on gloves and grabbing the doppler from her bag. "Chloe, I'm just going to check your cervix and make sure it's closing properly, okay? Just keep breathing."
Linda dumped everything out on a chair, a slightly panicked look on her face, "What's going on? Why is Maze holding the baby?"
"Hey," the demon shot her friend a look and shrugged. "It's not so bad, right Hell Princess?" she asked, though the baby was still sound asleep. "See?"
The therapist rolled her eyes and asked again, "Ella?"
"I think I found Lucifer's penis. Er...uhm...I mean…" she tried taking a deep breath, but it didn't do much to calm her nerves. "Chloe, how're you feeling?"
"Ella?" she asked, her eyes wide and scared though her body was relaxing a bit.
"Okay, keep in mind that the hospital missed it too and your father-in-law would never give you more than you can handle as the badass that you are, and that when this part is all said and done, it's going to be the best thing that ever happened to you and it's going to mean twice the love and double the-"
"Ella…?" Chloe's eyes grew just as wide as Lucifer's when she heard the word 'double'. "You are not saying what I think you're saying. I know you're not. You can't be. That's impossible," she shook her head into her husband's chest as her breathing grew ragged and panicked, an exhausted, confused, scared sob coming up the back of her throat. "No no no no no, the...the placenta…it…it came out, Ella. No. No!"
"I know, but with fraternal twins, the first one can come out before or after the second baby," the lab tech was calming down from the shock and going back into business mode, mentally preparing for every possibility as she felt around her friend's still rigid belly. She smiled, grabbing her friend's hand and giving it an encouraging squeeze, "You're still fully dilated, Chloe. But he's in a really good position for this already, okay? He doesn't even feel breech or anything. It's going to be just fine, I promise you."
"You also promised you knew what you were doing," Lucifer snipped, trying his best to comfort his wife as another, much stronger contraction took hold of her and she squeezed him tight around the midsection.
"Lucifer," Linda interjected carefully from where she and Maze were cleaning off the little girl more thoroughly across the room. They both wore anxious, worried looks on their faces, but kept themselves busy and out of the way.
The woman's perpetually happy expression fell for a moment at his words, but she shook it off and grabbed the doppler, pressing it low on her patient's belly, "Guys, I'm sorry, but-"
"It's dead, isn't it?" Chloe choked, eyes already squeezed shut as she cried, "There wasn't a second heartbeat. Or...or anything on the's….it's…hnnnnghh-"
Lucifer's face went from furious to heartbroken in an instant as she writhed in his arms, "No…?"
"No no no, he's okay. Listen, listen!" Ella turned up the volume on the small piece of equipment in her hands, a strong, steady heartbeat filling up the room. "Little man's just fine," she looked up at the parents, her failed poker face turning from worried to relieved as Chloe and Lucifer exchanged a stunned look, both of their eyes the size of saucers.
Chloe's attempt at a nervous laugh was cut short by a low moan as her body pulled in on itself yet again, her small smile turning back to panic as the pressure built. Her husband weaved his already sore fingers with hers and kissed her sweaty neck, rubbing her other arm as he whispered, "I thought you said there wasn't going to be a next time?"
"Shut up," she panted, any trace of a smile gone as tears spilled down her cheeks, "I can't. Not again, I can't."
Lucifer looked at his friend, the anger replaced with that vulnerable, pleading look back on his face he'd given her so many times already that day. She set her jaw, thinking, her big brown eyes never wavering from optimistic. "I know you can do this, Chloe, but we're going to let gravity help you this time, come on. Lucifer, help me get her to the side of the bed," she exchanged a nod with the rather disheveled looking Devil and carefully helped to ease her best friend to the edge where she sat between her husband's legs, their feet on the towels protecting the fuzzy shag carpet.
Chloe squeezed both of his hands so hard that he winced from where he watched, kissing her bare shoulder as he felt her body tense. He breathed in her sweet scent to try to cool himself down enough to keep her calm, hoping she couldn't feel his heart beating out of his chest as it split in three. With a pang of guilt, he realized he physically ached with the desire to hold the little girl he could hear whimpering across the room, and his stomach tied itself in knots, wanting what they could only presume to be the missing son out safe and sound. But it was his Detective that kept him grounded in place, right where he needed to be, always his anchor when he felt like he could spin out of control, "It's going to be fine, Chloe. You're the mother of angels, remember? You can do anything."
"Ugh, fuck. Ggggnnnghhhh," she groaned in response, tightening her grip as her head lolled forward to her chest, bearing down as hard as she could. Lucifer found himself holding his own breath and tensing up as he held her, silently cursing his father that there wasn't anything more he could do for her.
"That's it, Mama Decker. Just like that." Ella gave her an encouraging smile, lightly stroking the inside of her shaking thigh as she cheered, "Little more! Little more!"
Chloe had to back off to catch her breath, trying desperately not to scream and scare her tiny daughter. Or her husband. "S...sorry…"
"You're doing great, just keep doing what your body tells you to do. And breathe. Both of you. I don't need dad passing out on me either," the peppy midwife winked. "Let's just wait for the next one."
The baby girl started growing restless in Linda's arms, sending her mother into another panic, "Is she okay?"
"She's just fine," the blond whispered, bouncing around gently. "She's probably just a little hungry, but she can wait for her brother, can't you? Bar will be open soon, it's okay."
Without waiting for the next contraction, Chloe started pushing again, "Get...him...ouuuut!" she hissed through her teeth.
Ella put her hand on her belly to confirm her suspicions, "Shhh, Chloe stop. It's okay. She's fine. Wait for the contractions so you don't tear. I'm not sewing you up today, remember."
The Detective stopped, crashing back to Lucifer's chest as he kissed her cheek, her breath shaky as she waited impatiently. After half an hour and several long hard contractions and strenuous pushing, she jerked back into him so hard that it almost knocked the wind out of him, the noises coming out of her mouth worse than some he'd heard in Hell. "Shouldn't he be out by now? Doesn't the first one kind of…grease the wheels a bit? Stretch things out?" he asked, his own brow as sweaty as his wife's.
"Not necessarily," Ella bit her lip nervously as she did another quick check. "I think maybe this little guy was just helping to push his sister out."
"Something's wrong," Chloe gasped, a high pitched whimper and a scream contorting her face and sending Lucifer's heart straight to his throat as she flinched back. "Something's really wrong. I...feel like I'm being...split it haaAALF!"
Linda had passed the baby to Maze, running over to grab her friend's free hand and giving her patient a cool washcloth that he quickly placed on his wife's forehead. "Shhh," Lucifer tried to soothe her, but wasn't doing that great of a job with it as his own stare down to his friend looked as though he was about to take matters into his own hands. However that would be.
"I think he's got his little head stuck," the midwife sighed, subtly crossing herself.
"No…" Chloe whimpered, "no no no. Not again. No. No. M...Maze?"
"Again?" Lucifer asked, feeling as though he'd just been kicked in the chest.
Maze turned around from where she'd been whispering to the little girl in her demon tongue. She froze, shaking her head slowly, "D...Decker, I can't. I won't."
"You...have to. promised," the woman cried, sending her husband down yet another confused, helpless spiral as he looked from her to his infernal companion. "You have to…please?"
His heart stopped as he watched Maze carefully bend over to her own bag, the one that made the suspiciously metallic clunk as it hit the floor when she'd first arrived with Dan. "Don't you dare, Mazikeen," he seethed, his eyes turning red, regardless of his little girl still in her arms.
Ella's grew wide at the sight of Lucifer's, but she spun around to see Maze looking like she was going to throw up herself, slowly unzipping the bag with a shaking hand. "Woah! Nope! Huh-uh! Let's keep those kind of blades out of the delivery room, shall we?" She rolled her eyes, completely exasperated at the jump in conclusions and focused back on Chloe.
"Ella, she has to. I can't do this again. T...Trixie and I almost died last time. I can't let him. I can't…"
"Hey, no one's dying on my watch. Here's what we're going to do," she ripped off her gloves to tighten her ponytail and put on a fresh pair. "Lucifer, stack up some pillows and lay her back. That'll open up your pelvis just a tiny bit more, okay?"
Still looking dazed and more than a little shattered, he did what he was told, Linda supporting her back as he piled up the pillows and gently laid her down, never letting go of her other hand. He kissed her knuckles, squeezing it back in the smallest gesture of comfort he could think of as she looked up at him with terror in those big blue eyes he loved so much. "He's going to be fine. Both of you. Miss Lopez is the best, remember?"
"Maze, I need you. Give Linda the baby and leave the knives," Ella continued her orders, directing the leather clad lady to kneel on the bed, grabbing her hand to place just above Chloe's pelvic bone. "You're going to push down right here, firmly but gently, okay? Wait until I say so." Maze just nodded, licking her lips and looking a million times more nervous than she'd let anyone ever see. "Chloe?" she gave her the softest, most encouraging smile she could muster, her eyes twinkling with just the slightest glimmer of sympathy for what she had to say, "On the next contraction, I'm going to reach up and guide his little head down with my index fingers. I need you to push as long and as hard as you possibly can. It's gonna hurt and I am so sorry, but you are so close to meeting your son. I promise. You can do this."
Chloe cried, holding onto Linda and Lucifer's hands as tightly as she could, shaking her head against the pillow. "I can't. It hurts and I'm tired and I can't…I can't..."
"Shhh, love." Lucifer whispered, leaning down from where he kneeled beside her on the bed. "Yes you can. You're the strong one between us, remember? Chloe, you can do this. I just saw you do it, not forty minutes ago. You are by far the strongest woman I have ever seen and...I've seen quite a few," he winked, trying to make her laugh. It didn't work. Seeing his Detective so vulnerable and uncharacteristically scared made the Devil weak and uneasy, but he moved the washcloth long enough to kiss her forehead, tears spilling over to his own cheeks, "I don't just have faith in you, love. You are my faith." She looked into his eyes, a new spark igniting as she nodded ever so slightly, "'s just the horns." She finally smiled, rolling her eyes as he kissed her sweetly, having to pull away as she started groaning against his lips.
"Lucifer, Maze: Grab a knee. Ready Chloe?" At the woman's faint yes, Ella nodded to her assistant and the three of them did exactly what they needed to do, "Push Chloe! Push push push push! Yes! Yes! Keep going!" Chloe screamed, letting off for just a fraction of a second before going right back to it, her two hand-holds cringing themselves as they watched helplessly. "Hey hey! Baby's got a hand!"
"Oh God," the mother stopped, collapsing against the pillows, "is it broken? His arm?"
"Not at all. He's gripping my finger already. Keep going on the next one, you're almost there." Ella smiled, "Come on little man, Me' Ella laH gaD pagh!"
"What?" Chloe asked, startled.
"She said 'No one can resist Auntie Ella'," Lucifer chuckled nervously, wiping his forehead on his arm, both hands occupied with the back of his wife's knee and her hand.
"Why do you speak Klingon?!" she screamed as the pain started again, causing Linda to giggle in spite of herself as she comforted the baby in her other arm.
"I speak everything. Push, Chloe!" he smiled, curiosity outweighing the nausea as he carefully leaned over to see the tiny hand Ella was playing with as more and more of the little life became visible.
He went right back to her side as she gasped, "Owww, that burns. That burns! Oww!"
"Little pushes, Chlo. Let it stretch. Shhh, he's almost here."
"Almost done, Chloe. You're doing great," Linda squeezed her hand.
She grunted, closing her eyes tight, digging her face into the pillow as she pulled Lucifer's hand to her nose, "If this kid has horns, I swear to your dad I will kill you. Uuuuuuunnngfhhhh."
There was a wet sounding gush and an overwhelmingly relieved yelp from Chloe as the second baby slipped into Ella's waiting arms. "Well hey there, Little Dude!" She cheered, quickly laying the gooey, stunned, very obvious boy on his mom's now flaccid bump, grabbing a towel from a very relieved, though pale looking Maze and rubbing his small back until he started wailing.
Lucifer carefully put his wife's leg down, tearing his eyes away from his screaming son just long enough to replace the washcloth on her head with another kiss. She cried happy, shocked tears as he rested his cheek in her sweaty hair, reaching down to touch that tiny hand that made the boy's delivery all the more difficult, his heart swelling in relief when he was met with a strong, tight squeeze. "Hello son," he smiled as a tear rolled off his temple into Chloe's hair.
Both parents were emotional wrecks as Ella checked him over to make sure he was okay, suctioning out his tiny nose and mouth and drying him off as he cried. She clamped off his cord and handed the scissors to Lucifer, "Think you got it now? There is more than one thing you could cut off this time," she teased.
"Ouch," he shuttered, a smile playing at the corner of his lips as he cut, Chloe cuddling him to her chest as she sat up. "What's life without a little spontaneity, right Detective?" he laughed, wiping at his eyes in the most Devilishly manly way possible as he stuck close. The mom beamed at her husband as she caught her breath, her cheek against the tiny blond head as he started to calm from her touch.
"I think it's time you hold your daughter for more than just a quick pass," Linda whispered, her own eyes bleary as she carefully handed her over, smiling proudly at the man as he took the little girl without the slightest hint of hesitation.
Every fear he'd had about this moment simultaneously vanished and multiplied as her small, fragile, warm weight settled into his arms. He knew how strong he was and he knew what terrifying, hellacious events his past had entailed, but this tiny little thing with the Detective's nose and his eyes snuggled up comfortably against his chest, knowing none of that, and entrusting the Devil himself with her life as her brother settled down next to them in the arms of the woman that made it all possible.
Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose with his free hand, failing miserably to hide the fact that he was crying.
Chloe sobbed happily at the sight, resting her head lovingly on his bicep as she moved to cradle the little boy. Gazing down through her elated tears, she watched him blink slowly to adjust to the dim glow of the room. He had Lucifer's nose and lips, but her eyes. She ran a careful finger over his thick blond fuzz and laughed to herself, thinking about her husband's dream before the fire. The tiny baby was still whimpering when she raised him enough to kiss his forehead, "Aww honey. That was rough on you too, wasn't it?" she cooed.
"Yes," Lucifer sniffled beside her, making her laugh through her tears as she cuddled into his side. She maneuvered their new little son so that she and her husband were both holding the tiny siblings together. "I am so proud of you, Chloe."
"You too," she smiled, reaching up to kiss him, wincing again.
"No?" Lucifer's eyes grew wide with terror.
"Just sore," she chuckled, rolling her eyes at him.
Linda and Maze snuck back to the nursery to grab more supplies, including an extra baby blanket, while Ella carefully delivered the other placenta, cleaned everyone up, got mom and babies situated back in bed, and quickly ran all of the numbers on her little patients. "The princess has the prince beat. She's six pounds, seven ounces and he's six pounds three ounces. But he's longer at twenty one inches and she's eighteen and a half."
"Wonder where they get that?" Lucifer beamed, puffing out his chest.
"We'll change the sheets and everything once these two little angels are fed. You good if I give you some privacy?" she asked, popping up from her spot at Chloe's feet, her ponytail bouncing behind her.
Chloe nodded, "I think we can figure it out. Maybe warm up some formula just in case?"
"Will do," Ella smiled, sighing contently at the bedroom steps. "I'll just be out here if you need me."
"Miss Lopez!" She went to leave, but Lucifer quietly called her back from where he still sat on the bed with his family, "What I said. It was out of line."
She shrugged, reaching up to her absent necklace out of habit, "You were just protecting your family. It's fine. Daddy."
As she disappeared into the living room with a final wink, he helped his wife out of her red bikini top and couldn't resist proudly pointing out that it was definitely his son that latched on without any hesitation. Their little girl took a bit more coercing, but soon they were fed, burped, changed, and sleeping contently, both in Lucifer's arms as he sat in the chair by the window, gazing down at them in wonder while Maze and Linda were cleaning up the bed and changing the sheets back to a fresh set of their usual silk, Ella helping Chloe to take a nice warm, soothing shower.
By five in the morning, the demon and the therapist had retreated to Linda's for their own afterhours celebration, Ella crashed in Trixie's room so she could be close, and the thankfully large bassinet sat at the foot of the bed while Chloe and Lucifer were far too engrossed by their children to put them down. The parents were cuddled together again, under the covers with their tiny little babies pressed up tight to each other on their laps. They were finally able to put them in separate swaddles, but they both fussed if held too far apart for too long.
Chloe laughed softly, her head resting on Lucifer's shoulder as she lightly traced her daughter's chin for the hundredth time, "What the Hell just happened?"
Lucifer returned the same nervous, overwhelmed chuckle, his hand looking even bigger than normal as it delicately cupped his son's small head, "I do believe they call these twins, Detective."
"Have you checked?"
"No horns, no tails, no scales. No...burned lasagna," he rolled his eyes at her snicker. "Twenty fingers and twenty toes. Combined. Not on one or the other, that would be awkward."
"I meant their backs. Are they both…?"
Lucifer shrugged, gingerly picking up his son to lay on his chest, Chloe's heart warming at how natural he, of all people, looked. He ran his hand down the soft blue fabric, "Huh…" Cocking his head, he laid him back down by his sister right as he was starting to fuss. "A little human," he smiled, inexplicably proud.
"No?" she raised an eyebrow, moving the little girl back onto her chest so her father could do the same over the one pink baby blanket left behind at the penthouse before they moved.
"Ah," he nodded, eyes sparkling. "Seems she got more from her dear old dad than his hair and eyes…"
" you suppose that's why we didn't...didn't know about her?" she asked as her heart started pounding rapidly again. "Why we couldn't see her? Why we never heard a second heartbeat until she was right there? I...I-"
Lucifer shrugged, shaking his head, "I don't know. I honestly don't know. But...maybe that's why you said this one was always moving? Maybe when he was asleep, she took over?"
"Still…next time if there's not a human along with it, I what? End up on I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant: Celestial Edition?" she asked, her panic downplayed by the loving smile on her face as she caressed the brown fuzz on the head of her now favorite surprise.
The angel laughed, a little harder than he probably should have at her expense and kissed her temple, "Thought you said there was no next time."
"There won't be, you're getting snipped." But her teasing tone turned serious as she looked at him, her eyes on the brink of tears again, hormones still running wild. "I can't ask you to do that, can I?"
"Well," he puffed his cheeks, looking rather skittish, "I'd rather not mess with perfection down there, but-"
"No, I mean…" she sighed, collecting her thoughts. "After me. If...if you find someone else that makes you vulnerable, I can't ask you to give up all of this with her just because I'm too much of a chicken to go through everything again."
Lucifer gave her a sad smile, running a hand through her freshly dried hair, "There is no one after you, Chloe. We've been over this."
"Yes we have and you are not offing yourself before I go. Don't you want to be around forever for these guys? For our children?"
He stopped, feeling completely torn as he looked back at the two little bundles on their thighs, curious eyes wandering around the room. He couldn't resist and leaned forward, careful not to crush his little son as he kissed his daughter on the forehead, soon followed by the little boy.
"L….Lucifer?" Chloe ran her fingers through his thick dark, surprisingly curly hair, holding him down as he quietly protested, sounding more amused than he felt given their current conversation. "Don't uh...don't panic, okay?"
He sat up, easily pushing against her hold, "Not the thing to say to a Devil who just had to watch his wife give birth twice."
She smiled, tears rolling down her cheeks, "Do...immortals get grey hair?"
"Huh?" he reached up in a slight panic. "What?"
She nodded, pulling his head down, careful not to jostle the little boy on his lap, "Lucifer you have a grey hair!" Chloe laughed, inspecting his head for any others as even he chuckled in surprise, "I thought I saw one on our wedding night, but I couldn't find it again. But it''s there. It's grey." She paused, squeezing his shoulder in fun, "Do you want me to pull it?"
"I'm a dad now. I need that, thank you," he sat back up and grinned at his wife, putting a light hand on both of his children's tiny bellies. "It probably popped out when she did."
"Probably. But you did an amazing job catching her. Not every dad gets to say he delivered his own kid," she leaned back into his chest when he put an arm around her shoulders, nuzzling his cheek into her hair as he sighed in disbelief. She covered the hand he still had on his son's belly and fingered at his onyx ring, "With everything you're feeling right you honestly still think your dad is punishing you?"
He shook his head, trying to swallow the lump in his throat, "I don't know, Detective." He took a deep shaky breath, his eyes darting back and forth between his son and daughter. A million thoughts ran through his mind as Chloe finally drifted off to sleep in his arms, a protective hand still cradling their daughter on her lap. "Oh my God…"
The Devil didn't sleep a wink, but was up for every one of his children's feedings and changes throughout their first night, running to the nursery every time Chloe needed anything between her cat naps. He was a little startled to realize that the pull he felt to his wife had intensified a thousand fold toward the three of them as even a quick trip to the other room reminded him of how time passed in Hell.
Ella, being as close to an angel as a human could be without miracle status or having wings of her own, brought hot tea in for the new parents around one in the afternoon. She was still in her cat pajamas and glasses, setting the tray down on the bed and holding her arms out for the little boy snuggled up against his dad's bare chest, his tiny hands playing with the bigger version of his nose above him. Lucifer protested, but handed him over for a quick checkup while Chloe finished with their daughter's latest attempt at a feeding.
The midwife nodded to the file on the tray, "I brought in the paperwork so you guys could fill in the birth certificates. Thought of any names yet?" She smiled, pulling the buds of her stethoscope out of her ears.
Chloe sighed, blinking tiredly, "I don't even know what day it is. Are we even in the right mindset to name actual human beings at this point?"
Lucifer reached for the papers and a pen out of his nightstand, having to stare at his watch for a minute while his eyes focused, "It's the 27th," he yawned.
"I filled out the times for you. Figured Little Miss Morningstar was probably born a couple minutes before we got up here, so around 12:06. And I know for a fact my little buddy here was born at 12:52. It's a good thing you were able to hold off for a few minutes with her. Might be kind of awkward having twins born on different days. So many questions in elementary school, am I right?"
Lucifer noticed his wife's face as she looked over at Trixie's model and the badge still on her nightstand. "Twenty three days later…" he mumbled, the hamster waking up from his nap on the wheel in his head. "I like Jonathan, Detective. How about you?"
She turned back to him, adjusting her daughter and covering up when she just wouldn't take to the feeding any more. "I do too," she nodded, taking a deep calming breath to try and control her happy tears. "I thought we were going to come up with something more…Amenadiel-ish?"
"And boost his angelic ego anymore than it already is? Not a chance. I'm writing down Jonathan."
"It's a good middle name," Ella shrugged, picking him up and watching the parents grin in agreement as Lucifer continued scribbling in the form. "It's very nice to meet you, Johnny."
"What about little miss angel here?" Chloe looked a little horrified, having not given it a second thought after seeing the last ultrasound. "Nothing angelic, I know," she smirked at Ella, "he thinks they're too stripperesque."
"He is the expert."
"Hey now…" He frowned, "Well you're actually not wrong, but I was thinking...what about something like...Charnelope? Or...Parlette?"
Ella and Chloe exchanged hilariously disgusted grimaces. "Are you trying to Renesmee this poor kid? She is your daughter. Have a heart," her mom laughed.
"Wait, are you saying Lucifer knows who Renesmee is?"
"Trixie likes to torture him with the Twilight movies." Chloe tried to hide her smile as she whispered, "I think he likes it."
When the two ladies started laughing at his expense, he rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers, "Focus. Little Morningstar without a name here."
"Alright, alright." Chloe cocked her head, inspecting her daughters beautiful face, "We talked about Richelle for Charlotte?"
Ella's brow furrowed, "Richelle?"
"Richards," Lucifer explained, shaking his head. "It doesn't fit, does it?"
"Mikinzi?" Chloe suggested, "I feel like we should do something Maze related. Had she not pulled the beam off of you…"
"That's true," he swallowed hard, pushing the memory back down to the pit of his stomach. "But I think," he rubbed his chin, moving back to the pillows so he could put an arm around his wife and look into the little girl's eyes, "I think she needs to be named after the strongest woman I know. Stronger than any demon or goddess."
"What are you getting at?"
"What about Jane? It's simple but beautiful," he shrugged, a little bashful grin spreading across his face as he whispered. "What do you think, Princess? Jane Mazikeen?" The tiny thing blinked back up at him, "See? She's smiling. She likes it!"
"Gas," the women responded at the same time. "Lucifer, I don't know. You said Jane was impossibly boring, if I remember right. Do you even know what it means?"
He smiled, eyes sparkling brightly above the tired dark circles, "I do."
Chloe cocked her head at him, kissing his sweet lips and resting her forehead to his, conveying the pride she felt with her eyes. "Okay," she whispered. "Write it down."
He gave her another quick peck on the lips, wrote down the name and signed both bottom lines, handing the pen to his wife and exchanged the folder for his son with an almost giddy squeal. "Jonathan Amenadiel. Your uncle's going to be impossible," he sighed, shaking the little hand with his fingertip, the moment broken by the elevator ding.
"I didn't think that was working?" Chloe asked, looking thoroughly confused.
"Linda called the security company this morning. Somehow there was a time lock from midnight to four. Something about drunk traffic from the club? We got it fixed, no worries." Ella pulled out her key card from the pocket of her pajama pants and smirked, "Personally, I thought it had something to do with these fabulous rhinestones, but-"
"Shhh," the mom hushed her friend, hearing her daughter's voice. "It's Trixie. Do we surprise her or…?"
Lucifer's face broke into a cheek splitting grin as he carefully got up with the boy, sending his wife's heart fluttering as he cuddled little Jonathan to the muscles of his bare torso, his plaid pajama pants hugging his hips just right. He greeted his stepdaughter and her dad in the living room, Ella sneaking behind him with her phone to capture the moment.
Trixie gasped excitedly as Lucifer kneeled in front of her, moving the little boy so she could see his face. "Il ressemble même pas tant que ça à une patate"
The Devil chuckled proudly, amused even more by the bewildered look on Dan's face. "Bien sûr que non." He winked, slipping her a $50 before nodding toward the bedroom, "Maintenant, on arrête de parler de patates devant ta maman. She's can't wait to see you. Go sit with her and I'll bring him in for you to hold."
"Okay!" She clapped, quickly placing a gentle kiss on her little brother's nose and galloping to the bedroom, Ella close behind.
"Was my kid just speaking French?" Dan asked, looking even more dumbfounded. "Wh...what did she say?"
The new dad held his son up, looking completely chuffed, "She said he doesn't even look like a potato. Can't exactly speak in emojis can we? What do you think we do all day while she's on summer holiday, Daniel? Sit around and watch TV? Sacrifice a goat or two?" He looked playfully mortified, standing back up, motioning with one hand for him to follow to the bedroom. "Come on, you'll want to see this."
Dan couldn't resist and made a silly face to the baby, greeted by a quizzical look from his temporary partner. He laughed awkwardly, the whole angels and demons situation still not sinking in completely, despite his living situation, mingled with the fact that the mother of his child just had a baby with someone he used to fantasise about killing. He stuck his hands in his pockets and shrugged, stepping up into the bedroom, "Pretty well behaved for being the spawn of Satan, hu- …..what...the…?"
Trixie looked just as stunned, frozen by the Assyerian stone wall, her big brown eyes looking even bigger as her little mouth hung open in a shocked smile. She kept glancing back and forth from Lucifer to her mom, blinking in surprise, "Hoooooly merde!"
"Trixie." All three of her parents lightly scolded, Ella snorting behind her camera.
"Come here, Monkey," Chloe patted the bed beside her, hugging and kissing her little girl as she gently placed the baby in her left arm, the pink blanket already in the hamper, replaced with a white one. "Support her little neck."
"Her?" Trixie grinned.
"Mmhm," Chloe nodded. "Meet your little sister, Jane Mazikeen Morningstar."
"And this," Lucifer carefully placed the little boy in her right arm, hanging close in case she needed help, "is the little brother you were promised. Jonathan Amenadiel…Morningstar, of course."
"So I was right!" she squealed. At her mom's questioning brow furrow, she explained, "I knew you'd name him after grandpa. And right before Lucifer showed me his Devil face for the first time, I asked if you were having twins, remember? The looks on your faces were hilarious!"
"You were joking, Bug," her mom laughed, putting an arm around her.
"I'm still gonna count it as a win for me. Did you guys keep this from me the whole time?" she asked, looking at her stepdad with her almost threatening glare.
He chuckled, "Not at all. This was quite the surprise for everyone."
"And mom hates surprises," she giggled.
Chloe just smiled, "I'm very happy with this kind. Now that they're out here anyway."
Ella wiped away her tears, feeling silly for being the emotional one in the room as she clicked for a few pictures, the video still recording. Dan snorted, met with glares from everyone. "Guys, it's funny, I'm sorry. A detective and her partner name their twins John and Jane? ...Doe? Anyone?"
Chloe gave a startled facepalm, glaring at her husband who was pursing his lips in what seemed to be an attempt to not bust out laughing. "Oh Jesus, Lucifer. I told you we weren't in the right mindset to name people…"
"Detectiiiiiive! He's screaming!" Lucifer had both John and Jane on his chest, his tiny son wailing at the top of his lungs while the little girl just glared at her brother, refusing to be left alone. At his last resort, their dad somehow managed to open the bathroom door with his knee, "Why is he scream-?"
"Lucifer!" Chloe hissed as he caught just the smallest glimpse of her wet, glistening body stepping out of the shower before she turned around, quickly pulling on her robe. "Don't you know how to knock?"
"Got my hands full," he frowned, a bit from the confusion at her reaction and partly from the resulting awkward tightness in his pants from the lack of action in the past two weeks. John's cries though, however sweet, were starting to fray his nerves, "I've tried everything!"
"Shhh, it's okay baby," Chloe expertly picked him up and snuggled him so his little blond head rested on her shoulder, rubbing his back while he calmed right down. "Yeah, you just wanted mommy, didn't you?" She smiled mischievously at her husband, but her eyes quickly changed to concern as she reached out to fix his disheveled hair, relief brightening her eyes as her finger touched the lone grey hair. "You better get changed. Linda's expecting you."
"Changed?" He yawned, raising a confused eyebrow at his wife as he gently shifted Jane down to lay in his arms. When Chloe pursed her lips, he followed her gaze and grimaced, gingerly passing the angel to her mom's free side. "You know, I didn't realize I'd have to change as often as they do…"
"Babies are magnets for designer suits," she smirked, kissing her daughter's chubby cheek, rolling her eyes as she started to fuss. "Really? You're giving me a complex, little lady."
Lucifer shrugged, a goofy proud grin on his face, "What can I say? She's clearly already got Devilishly great taste in men. Can't bear to be away from me." He leaned over to kiss both babies on the back of the head and his wife's forehead, pulling away to look at her with a worried glimmer in his eyes, "Are you sure you're fine with me leaving for the afternoon. Linda did offer house calls for the time being."
"Go," she looked back at him with the same serious tone. "Trixie's a huge help and Maze is coming over for lunch. You need this, go. Don't forget to change your shirt." She smiled tiredly as he still hesitated and nudged him with her foot, "And take the Corvette. You look like you need some sun."
Halfway through their session, Linda laughed to herself as her patient's head lolled back against the couch. She cleared her throat a couple times, but found herself having to throw a pen at him instead. "I got him!" he jerked awake, blinking at his surroundings.
"Guess that answers my question."
He yawned again, rubbing his neck, "What was the question?"
"How's fatherhood treating you? Aside from all the pictures you send us every night," her grin still gave away her disbelief that the actual, real life Devil was now happily married with twins.
"It...actually reminds me a bit of a Hell loop," he smiled softly in spite of the comparison, his eyes sparkling as he sat forward, pressing his fingertips together. "You get one fed and burped and put down and then the other one wakes up screaming to be fed and burped, and by the time you get that one put down, the other one needs changed. And then when that one's changed and finally rocked back to sleep, the other needs changed and that one's crying wakes up the other one, so you're trying to get both back to sleep at the same time, but you're not sure why because they'll just be up in a couple hours to do it all over again. And then-"
"Why um," Linda interjected, trying not to laugh at the exhausted new dad's expense, "why don't you and Chloe hire a nanny?"
"Like Amenadiel? I mean he has been over every single day to see his new tests. They've seen their uncle more than their grandmother, which is fine, but don't you think it's time the angel gets a real job to help with your rent? Or is that what you're suggesting?"
The therapist snickered, "I'm serious. One baby is a lot of work for two parents, but two babies...oof. It's not like you can't afford to hire someone to help out a little."
His smile quickly dropped, "I'm not letting the help raise my children, Linda. I'm not my father. Not that anyone raised us."
"That's not what I'm saying. But, it's interesting you bring him up. I do have to say, your influence on your daughter's name took me a bit by surprise. Chloe said she even asked you if you knew what it meant?" she crossed her legs, grabbing another pen from the desk behind her and gently tapping it against her lips. "Why don't we talk about that?"
"What's there to talk about? It's a good name," Lucifer leaned back, rubbing his thighs pensively. "Yes, I realize I had once called it boring, but I wouldn't let her name a daughter Lucy, so I didn't exactly think she'd want a daughter named Chloe."
"But Jane means gift from God in Hebrew."
"I speak everything, remember?" At his friend's silent response, he sighed and started playing with the ring on his right hand, "I dunno, I just...I vulnerability around the Detective was so she would be the one and only person I could...knock up, as it were. I don't…" he took a deep breath, standing up to pace around the room, "I don't know if our children have some sort of special purpose or if they're just little screaming, pooping, cuddly apologies, but as much as I hate to admit it, I realize that my dear old dad definitely did have something to do with them."
Linda pursed her lips to keep from grinning ear to ear as butterflies erupted in her stomach like they always did when a patient was close to what could be a major breakthrough. "Lucifer, what is your gut telling you here? A few months ago we talked about that. About how your as it turns out children, were possible apologies from your dad. But, what about the rest of it? What about that grey hair Chloe found the night the twins were born?"
"That's just it, Doctor. I don't know," he stopped by the window to stuff his hands in his pockets. "I don't know if this is an apology and I should forgive the bastard, or if this is still part of a massive punishment. It doesn't feel like a punishment, but…" he paused, taking a seat, his eyes wide, "if I'm aging, I could be with Chloe for, what? Another thirty, forty years? But then what? She goes up to the Silver City and I'm right back where I started?"
"You still think you're going to Hell?"
"Sorry, have we met?" he asked, sarcastically holding out his hand for a handshake. Pulling it back, he poured a glass of water and continued, almost frantically, "I am...the Devil. I am supposed to be the embodiment of evil and cheesy and rubbish as it sounds...I find myself falling harder for my wife every single day in a way that feels more powerful than my fall from Heaven."
Linda's jaw dropped, "Wow…"
"And the same is happening with our spawn. So yes, right now is lovely. I'm sleep deprived and exhausted because I want to be there for every single moment of John and Jane's lives. I find myself watching them for hours, even when they're asleep because they're fascinating, but I want to be there. Not just because my dad wasn't, but because I feel...sick...when I'm not close to them. And yes, I'm happier than I've ever been, knowing that I have a chance to grow old with Chloe, but after we...after we die…" He had to stop and clear his throat, his voice growing thick with emotion, "Jane will be able to take John up to Heaven because, as an angel, she can come and go as she pleases and John just needs a ride since he's half celestial without the wings. But...I've come to realize that Chloe will be able to see them forever. And I'm sure there's a way that they can sneak Trixie in as well, being half miracle, but I…the Devil..."
Linda nudged the box of Kleenexes across the coffee table as subtly as she could with her foot, "Lucifer?"
He sighed, "I only get to see my family while I'm here. On Earth. I would never ever let my wife, my son, my daughter, nor Trixie see Hell. Ever. So...if it means being a little tired all the time, so be it. I don't...I don't want to miss a single second of any of their lives while I'm here. I don't want them to feel like I've ever abandoned any of them like I've felt with my own father for my entire life. I'm...happy...but what if my happiness now just means more sorrow later while I'm back in Hell as a tenant now that Michael and Gabriel have taken over? Is this all an apology or does it make the Hell bits that much more cruel?"
"That's up for you to decide," Linda nodded slowly, a small proud smile on her face. "Lucifer...Jane playing celestial taxi aside, it sounds to me like you're trying to cope with something that has been plaguing mankind since the beginning. In a way, not counting your Devil Face or your wings, you''re kind of a human now. Whether it's just Chloe that makes you mortal, or maybe Jane and John have something to do with it now...either way, you are in a position where you have to think about life and aging like the rest of us."
"Black socks with sandals and shuffleboard in Florida?" he smirked.
Linda shook her head, leaning forward to look him straight in the eyes, "We're only here for a certain amount of time, and we have to make the best of that time we have. Most people don't know for a fact, or don't believe that Heaven or Hell exist, so they choose to be happy in the moment. You'll get to see your children grow up. You'll spoil them rotten and you'll fight because it'll be like arguing with miniature versions of yourself, but it'll be wonderful. And humans are friggin awesome. Look at what Chloe's been doing for the last nine months. She made two people and solved how many murders while she was doing it? As a...kind of...human, you made that possible, Lucifer Morningstar. You helped to create life."
"Certainly seems like my father's style. Nine months of anticipation for those lives and only so much time to enjoy what's come of it…"
"Mortality sucks. It does. But I think, personally, and this is something you will have to decide for yourself...I think you're dad has been watching how great life can be for his favorite toys and decided to let his son enjoy it too. Because, as I know you know, life is just that much sweeter when it can all disappear in an instant. Just don't be so sure that you'll still be banned from the pearly gates when your time comes. You are so not the man that used to pay me with sex."
Lucifer chuckled a little sadly, looking down at his hands while he fiddled with his wedding ring, "Even if that were true, I'm just supposed to be happy for forty odd years knowing there's still a possibility I may end up back in Hell for all eternity?"
"Welcome to the human race. It's really not as bad as it sounds. You might want to lay off the booze a tad and pick up jogging,'s pretty great. And you have an amazing family to spend all those years with."
"As long as she'll let me…" he shrugged with a small pang of guilt as he looked down at the glass of water, the memory of his freshly showered wife poking at the fire in his belly. "I know we can't do the horizontal hokey pokey for another three weeks, six days, ten hours, and four minutes, but she's so skittish with changing or showering that I feel a bit like a peeping Tom in my own home. Not that I usually mind that, but she gets so angry with me that I...I…"
"Like I said, Chloe just made two humans. Well, an angel and a human, but still." Linda suppressed a smirk at his countdown.
"I realize that. I had a part in putting them there. Which means I've seen everything. I've seen everything coming out of everything. That doesn't leave much more to see after that."
"She's probably a little sensitive about what that did to her physically, but her hormones are still going crazy so gentle with her."
"After six weeks of long cold showers, I'm not so certain I'll be able to be gentle. But I think I know what you're saying, Doctor."
"I don't think...that's not...uh ...not what I was getting at," she sighed, knowing anything said after he threw back what remained of his water and walked determinedly toward the door would just go in one ear and out the other.
"You just gave me an idea." He grinned mischievously, opening the door with a flourish and nodding his goodbye, "I'm sure I'll see you this evening with Macho Poppins."
"Wouldn't miss it for the world," she shook her head as he disappeared, reaching for her phone and trying to decide if she could ethically warn her friend.
"Trixie, get in here!" Chloe yelled over the blaring music, loud enough to pulse the bed in the master bedroom on the opposite side of the penthouse. She cringed as both babies started whimpering, Jane on the pillow in her lap trying to enjoy her afternoon snack, and John kicking his little legs against her thigh as he waited for his turn. "Sorry, sorry,'s okay. It's okay guys. Mommy didn't mean to yell so loud," she cooed, clearly terrified of starting an all out cryfest after enjoying the peace a quiet they'd given her that afternoon. When the music still didn't stop and the culprit hadn't yet shown her face, she reached for her phone and texted her request, "BEATRICE CAROL ESPINOZA! TURN IT OFF AND GET IN HERE!"
Finally after a few minutes, the music quietted to a low rumble and Trixie slowly sauntered up the steps. "You remembered me?" she asked, the preteen moodiness having amplified after the realization of how much work twin siblings would actually be.
"Trixie, you have to keep it down, remember? Tiny ears?" she scolded gently, her heart noticeably squeezing with a hint of guilt that overpowered her annoyance. The girl just rolled her eyes in response and folded her arms, but her tough act didn't fool her mother. "What was that anyway? Sounded...creepy."
"Manson," she shrugged, visibly trying to perk herself up. "Can we play Guess Who while they eat? That doesn't take much effort. Please?"
Chloe shook her head slowly, her heart breaking as Trixie's face fell even more, "Monkey, not right now. I'm sorry. Why don't you come play with your brother while Jane finishes up and we can play later, okay?"
"Aww, come on, Mom! I can't do anything anymore. I always have to turn down my music, I can't practice on Lucifer's piano, my guitar's too loud, we don't get to watch movies anymore without these two interrupting our fun. I'm so over this!"
"Trixie!" Chloe called as she turned around in a huff, stomping out of the room. She sighed, looking from her other little girl's eyes to John's tiny fist he held tight to his cheek, "Your sister really is a sweetheart, I promise."
The elevator doors opened just in time for Lucifer to hear his name over the music and watch his Brat storm down the stairs. Out of some strange new overpowering reflex, he quickly dropped the parcels he was carrying on the bar and caught her around the waist with one arm, a confused look on his face as she tried to squirm out of his grip. "Put me down, Lucifer! I'm not in the mood," she growled.
"You are your mum's offspring, aren't you?" he smirked, sitting her on a barstool. "What's going on?"
"I'm ready for school to start. No one will play with me now that there's two of them," she frowned. "And you promised."
That unexpected pang of guilt from his therapy session settled back into the pit of his stomach as they both rolled their eyes at the same time, "I seem to remember warning you that he was going to be a lot of work. Just so happens to be double the work now, isn't there? But what else did I tell you?" Trixie set her jaw and looked everywhere else but at him. He cleared his throat, eyeing her, "Urchin?"
"That Dad's not a consolation prize."
"Eh," Lucifer snickered with a playful shrug. "And?"
Trixie sighed in defeat, a smile playing at her lips as she looked up to her stepdad and played with her necklace, "That I'm not actually being ignored, you just don't know what you're doing."
"Right, I don't know what I'm doing. The Detective is a pro, look at her," he beamed, watching her with their children from the doorway as she took Jane's tiny hand and made it wave to him. Turning his attention back to the girl, he nodded toward her room, "Don't we have a book to finish?"
Her eyes lit up as she jumped down and ran toward the steps of the hall, "Be right back!"
"And turn off the freaky me music!" He shook his head with a smirk, picking up the dozen red roses from the bar and headed for the bedroom. Chloe smiled at him as he took a seat on the bed. Laying the flowers down, he carefully picked up his son with a cheesy grin on his face.
"How do you do that, Lucifer?" she asked.
"Like it says in the book. Support the neck and all that."
Chloe rolled her eyes, "I meant with my kid. I know I've never been through what she's going through, but she's just so..."
"Bitchy?" he winked. "Remember, the Devilish charm worked on the routiest of Demons, darling."
"Even Maze?"
"Eventually. Speaking of," he looked quizzically around the room, "where is our little Demon Doubtfire?"
"Dan called a while ago with a lead on one of her bounties," she yawned, gingerly picking up the little girl to burp once she was done. "He said you invaded the precinct with baby pictures again?" she teased, praising Jane as the sweetest little burp came out of her tiny mouth. "Was that before or after you robbed the Botanical Gardens?"
"I would never do any such thing, Detective," he paused, his feigned look of offense cut short as he practically giggled when John grabbed hold of his thumb. "Stealing flowers anyway. I have to show off these little beauties though, don't I?"
"You were drilling him about the list from the cult?" she asked, her voice going quiet as she side-eyed the doorway for Trixie.
He nodded, "The San Francisco Police Department has everyone on surveillance, supposedly. Daniel ran background checks on them too. Said none of them looked to be threatening, so there's some comfort at least…"
Chloe pursed her lips against her daughters soft brown fuzz, her eyes sparkling at just how sweet her husband looked, cuddling with his little boy. All the concerns from their episode with such evil seemed to vanish behind the love in his eyes and the smile, put on his face just by the mere sight of his family. "Care to switch, Daddy?"
"Your lucky day, Mr. Morningstar," he grinned mischievously, scooching closer to scoop up his daughter in his left arm. "This place is delectable, isn't it Princess? I've been trying to get in for weeks."
"You're hilarious," she glared up through her eyelashes, bringing her son close. "Come here, buddy. I made sure your sister didn't take your favorite side."
"That's my favorite side too, son," he winked.
"Eww!" Trixie grimaced, walking back into the room, book in hand. "Did you forget about me again?"
"Absolutely not," Lucifer's brow furrowed as he moved to lean against the headboard, patting the space between him and Chloe.
She smiled from ear to ear, quickly moving the roses to the dresser, careful of the thorns, and crawled into place. "Just so you know, I think we should read Harry Potter next. But you have to whip out your Devil face and a scary voice for all the Voldemort parts. As a returning favor, if you will." She fluttered her eyebrows, "I think I have enough leftover for all the books."
"Oh do you?" he tried to sound bothered, but in all reality, he'd already ordered the set to be delivered by eight o'clock the following night after catching the hints she dropped the morning before. "Baby for a book?" he offered.
"Is she gonna pee on me again?"
"Hopefully not," her stepdad couldn't help but laugh, lightly wrapping the little girl in the new pink baby blanket Fitz had made to go with John's, and eased her into her sister's arms. "Watch her head. Now where were we?" he asked, picking up the book and flipping through the pages as Trixie stared at him, looking a little queasy. "Ah, here we go. The aircar rocketted them at speeds in excess of R17-"
"Wait!" the girl stopped him, "Spoilers! Mom hasn't read the rest of it."
"Bug, it's fine. I've watched the movie with you a hundred times."
"The book is better," they both said in unison, causing the Detective's eyebrows to spring up into her forehead.
"I promise I won't get mad if I hear anything that'll ruin the rest of it for me," she chuckled, wrapping her free arm around both of her daughters, and sending an amused smirk to her husband over Trixie's head.
"Right," Lucifer yawned, stretching his arm out on top of the headboard behind his family. "The aircar rocketed them at speeds in excess of R17 through the steel tunnels that led out on to the appalling surface...of the planet which was now in the grip of yet another drear morning twilight. Ghastly gray...light congealed on the land," he kept yawning, trying his best to stretch open his suddenly heavy eyelids. "Ghastly gray light congealed-"
"You already read that part," Trixie interrupted, though she didn't sound too troubled by it, squealing as her sister ended up with one of her braids in her small hand.
"Sorry," he blinked furiously, refocusing on the words. "R is a...velocity measure, defined as a reasonable...speed of t-travel..."
A little concerned, but feeling much the same way, Chloe looked over to watch her husband struggle with the next few lines before the book finally slipped out of his hand and his head came to a rest on a slightly baffled eleven year old's shoulder. "Uh..." she frowned, looking at her mom, "is Lucifer okay?"
She grinned, leaning over to see, careful not to disturb the little boy in her arms. Lucifer was out cold, now with an arm protectively across Trixie's lap, looking a bit like a child with a teddy bear, mumbling something to himself about Urchins, Mars, and no tattoos. When the stand-in bear went to poke him with her free hand, she grabbed it and gave it a comforting squeeze, "I think he finally wore himself out. Let him sleep."
"I'm a little stuck here," she retorted quietly, this time with far less attitude.
"Shh...he's slept even less than I have since these two were born. I'll help you ladies out when your brother's done. After we put these guys down I think we may have time to watch a movie. What do you say? Your choice."
"With five games of Guess Who and four rounds of Uno."
"Two Guess Who and two Uno," Chloe countered, breaking out her best interrogation room negotiation face, elated that their usual silly banter was back.
Trixie raised an eyebrow, not blinking, "Two and three."
"Deal," she chuckled, kissing the top of her fristborn's head. "I love you kiddo."
"Love you too, Mom. But...something stinks."
"Want to learn how to change a diaper?" Chloe smirked at her daughter's reaction, "It's not that bad. Lucifer hardly gags anymore."
That evening, like almost every other evening since the start of his new title, Uncle Amenadiel showed up with yet another small stuffed animal for the nursery, a slice of chocolate cake for Trixie, and a break for his sister-in-law. Aunt Linda said her usual apologies as she gave her friend a hug, and was met with the same grateful smile from the tough but tired Detective, her stubbornness outweighed by newborn induced fatigue.
"Where's Lucifer?" Linda asked after almost an hour, gently bouncing Jane by the fire, her small head resting on her shoulder as a tiny hand played with her glowing blonde hair.
Chloe shook her head, chuckling as she walked by Amenadiel and Trixie, giggling on the couch while gently strapping on a pair of fluffy blue wings to the little boys back, the baby looking like a toy in his uncle's massive, careful hands. She nodded toward the bedroom, "He finally fell asleep. He's been out for hours."
"I'm amazed he made it this long. Last time it was what, a week?" the therapist asked, not fully thinking of the situation that caused his last bout of insomnia before the new mom's face fell ever so slightly. "Not that this is at all the same thing."
"Thankfully no." She sighed, handing Linda a glass of wine, sipping on her own non-alcoholic version. "You know, not that I ever, ever pictured Lucifer as a dad before we got together and he started bonding with Trixie, but...I never pegged him as the type that would help out as much as he does. He is the Devil, but...I just know he's going to be that dad that kisses owies and tells these two not to go too fast on their bikes because they might get hurt. And here I was worried he'd be so distant, especially after he ran out of the room when this one was born," she laughed softly at the memory, reaching a gentle hand out to her daughter's tiny feet.
Linda smiled, recalling the morning's conversation and the root cause of the man's exhaustion. "Can you imagine what he'll do if a guy ever breaks her heart?"
"I don't want to think about it. I mean I do love him for everything he was, I just hope he doesn't go back to that on some poor kid." the mom shuttered, a small smile playing on her lips. "I can't believe how much he's grown just since I saw his...his face. He's not even blaming his dad for everything anymore, just a few things here and there, and I swear it's just in fun. Do you think maybe he's starting to forgive him?"
"I think it's possible," she shrugged, setting down her glass on the mantle and expertly switching Jane's position as she started to fuss. "I've been thinking about that a lot today too. I can't say I'm all that surprised that Lucifer is as good with these two as he is though. I see it all the time. There's two paths sons with absent fathers usually take when they enter into fatherhood. They either copy their own dad, in this case God, or they do the exact opposite and bend over backwards to make their kids happy. Or...nephews too, apparently."
The two ladies turned around to see little Johnny on Amenadiel's chest, looking very confused as Trixie gently flapped the little blue wings, "See! Now he's an angel too!"
Chloe just laughed, turning back to Linda as her daughter's attention went back to her uncle. She opened her mouth a couple times to speak, but couldn't find the words as she watched one of her best friends grinning down at the little girl in her arms, "I...I know Lucifer shouldn't have said anything, but um...I'm sorry. I didn't know about uh...about your…"
"About Dr. Rachael Preston, M.D.?" Linda looked up, her proud smile easing the woman's discomfort, "Don't worry about it. Like I told him, not many people know."
"I know, I just...I feel like I think of you as the therapist bestie and you always get sucked into hearing about my problems and I just...I wanted to make sure you knew you could come to me with anything too," she stuttered, wiping her eyes as her voice broke. "I promise the hormones will go back to normal eventually."
"I know they will," Linda laughed, carefully wrapping her free arm around her friend for a light hug over Jane. "But I'll keep that in mind."
"Good," she sniffled, pulling back. "You're just such a natural with them. Have you ever considered…?"
"If it's possible," the therapist nodded, looking back at Amenadiel, her heart fluttering as he kissed his little nephew's head. "He makes a hell of a good uncle. No pun intended." She smirked at her own joke, but her brow furrowed as she spotted something across the room, "What's that?"
"What?" Chloe asked, following her gaze to see a fancy small white shopping bag on the bar. "Oh! No idea. He brought roses home after his sessions. Maybe something to do with that?" she shrugged, curiosity taking over as she went to check it out.
"Oh no…" Linda's eyes grew wide as she followed quickly behind. "Chloe, I think that might be…"
"You have got to be kidding me," she snarled, pulling a lacy white negligee out of the bag, her cheeks growing red. "What the f-" she stopped herself with a huff, stuffing it back where it came from. "How could he?"
"Chloe, I don't think that was the inten-"
"I just had twins, Linda. I still look at least five months pregnant. WHY would he think this is okay?" she almost shook, she was so angry, throwing a glare into the bedroom as she tossed the bag back on the bar. "He was so sweet and understanding with me when I was pregnant, but now he pulls this? This is what I was worried about and this is only two weeks without sex. He's regressed back…himself. And what happens when we can do that again? One look at me and he'll fly off the balcony. Literally."
Linda took a deep breath, giving her friend a calming smile, "You know that's not going to happen. He's concerned, Chloe. He keeps thinking he's done something wrong since you won't let him uh...see you. But for the record, you do not look like you just had twins, just saying."
"Thank you big t-shirts and pajama pants," she mumbled, crossing her arms self consciously over her torso.
"Look, I know you know this from when you had Trixie, but things will go back. It'll be fine. He's not that shallow...anymore." She rocked Jane as Chloe swallowed hard, the fury burning in her eyes slowly transitioning to a look of worry as she reached for the bag again, pulling out the contents with her jaw set. The top was lacy, but more modest than she would have expected, coming from her patient. "Maybe it's more sweet than selfish? You really need to try that on. It's adorable. Nope, sorry. It's trè sexy." At Chloe's questioning glare, she shrugged, "I was right about your wedding dress, wasn't I?"
Chloe just rolled her eyes, shaking her head and looking back into the bedroom, the round lamp on her husband's nightstand casting a glow over his beautiful face. A face that she now found very difficult to stay mad at after all he'd done for his family. She sighed, "I guess. Might stick a blindfold on him though."
A couple hours later, after Chloe had tucked Trixie in, she placed a loving kiss on both babies noses before laying them in their cribs, Jane's set up right next to John's like it had been there the whole time. She yawned, chuckling at the row of World War II pinups on the wall that Trixie argued to keep up as strong beautiful women for her little sister to look up to. Turning on the nightlight, she made sure the monitor was on, and picked up the small white bag as she walked through the main room.
Lucifer stirred as he felt the bed move, blinking in confusion while he rubbed his face, his hands catching Trixie's blue cat ear headphones, "What-?"
"Those are magic headphones," his wife laughed, taking them the rest of the way off and putting them on her nightstand with the screen for the baby monitor. "Morning."
"What time is it?" he asked, squinting at his watch.
"About 10:30," she yawned, joining him under the galaxy print blanket Trixie had thrown on top of him. "You slept for over eight hours. Now it's my turn," she winked. "I pumped, so there's milk in the fridge when they're hungry."
"Mmmm," he moaned, wrapping his arms around her middle, resisting her attempts to move his hands up. "I see you found my present."
"You're lucky Linda was here. I almost strangled you with it."
"Why?" he finally backed off, if only to strip down to his boxers and pull down the duvet for them, forgetting it at the foot of the bed as he really took in the sight of her with her hair down, his eyes growing soft. "You look beautiful."
She bit her lip as she laid back down, and felt her cheeks growing red. The top was loose enough to be comfortable, but the sheer white flowy skirt was a bit short considering her bump hadn't gone down nearly as much as she would have wished in the past couple weeks. She pulled it down as much as she could, making sure the wonderful diaper she was still stuck in wasn't visible, "Please don't look at me like that."
The man's brow furrowed ever so slightly, his heart in his throat as she turned out the light, "Like what?"
"Just...come back to bed. Sleep when they sleep, remember?"
Lucifer laughed a little sadly, reaching for the covers and settling himself between her legs, despite her light protests. He wrapped his strong arms around her middle and nuzzled into her stomach, "You said yourself that was bullshit, Detective. What we need is cocaine."
Chloe sighed, defeated, gently swatting the side of his head before running her fingers through his soft hair, the glow of the screen guiding her way to find that single piece of grey. "So I'm a flabby pillow now, is that it?"
He shook his head, leaning himself up on his elbows and slid a warm, cautious hand under her shirt, his heart breaking as her lip trembled with nerves. He traced one of the few stretch marks left by their children with his thumb, pulling the skirt up enough to feather light kisses around her belly button. He could feel her shaking under his touch and that pang of guilt grew ten times stronger. "You have seen my face so many times now, Chloe. My face that brings terror to all but your daughter the first time they see it. A face that I know is hideous and wretched and brings nothing but pain and suffering. But you see it now without so much as a flinch."
For just a moment, he slowly transformed into his red, scaly Devil face, his smile shining through as Chloe nodded in understanding, tears running down her face as she caressed his hairless head before changing back. "If you can love me enough to make me see past that, I can at least try to love you enough to see that I don't care about your scars. I don't care if your lingerie crinkles at the moment," he chuckled.
"I'm sorry, it's just...your...history…" she cried, trying to blink away her tears.
He sighed, "I know. But despite the fact that you, my Queen, gave me a beautiful princess and a handsome little prince, I am retired as the King of Hell, remember? I'm not going back. Ever," he swallowed hard, squeezing her just a little tighter, "not until I absolutely have to after I've grown very, very old with you. Can you imagine what my Devil face will look like when it's old and wrinkly?" he asked, trying to lighten his own mood.
She shook her head, though calling her his queen did put a smile on her face. "No, I meant your history of drop dead gorgeous models, stewardesses, strippers, waitresses, more strippers, more models, just...just generally stunning, size zero, perfect tens. I...I can't compare to that...not anymore."
"That's where you're wrong, Detective. I've only ever slept with one perfect ten. And I married her."
"Candy?" she teased through her tears, but was interrupted by a small whimper on the screen beside her.
"Absolutely not, love," he looked at her sternly, though his eyes were shining as he crawled up to kiss her. "You go to sleep. Time for the Devil to return the favor. I'll see you in the morning."
She yawned, "I fed him right before I put them down, so he probably just needs changed." A hand still in his hair, she ran her fingernails up his back and grinned at the goosebumps she felt rising in their wake, "I love you Lucifer."
"I love you too." He kissed her once more, grabbed for his robe, and she rolled over to watch him pick up their little boy and check his diaper. "You don't smell like you need changing, do you? Did you just want a quick cuddle with dad?" Chloe laughed as her heart skipped a beat, wiping her cheeks as he sat down in the rocking chair and started singing to him quietly as their daughter slept.
"May good fortune be with you, may your guiding light be true. Build a stairway to heaven with a Queen just like your mum. And may you never love in vain. And in my heart you will remain, forever young, but not too young because you and I need a Vegas weekend when you're older. Don't tell your mum or sisters," he grinned to the camera, kissing his head before he continued, to Chloe's surprise, not editing the parts where the boy's grandfather was mentioned. "And when you finally fly away I'll be hoping that I served you well. For all the wisdom of a former immortal, no one can ever tell. But whatever road you choose, I'm right behind you, win or lose, forever young…"
"I'm telling you, Mama Decker, with the exception of the whole 'holy crap, there's actually two' thing, they're as textbook as you were, carrying them." Ella smiled, making faces at John on the changing table. "They're gaining the right amount of weight for being four weeks old, their numbers are good, everything's spot on. I couldn't have asked for easier patients for my return."
"Your return?" Chloe asked, a little shocked as she patted Jane's back. "You're not...l-leaving us at the precinct, are you?"
"No! Not at all. I've had my fun," she could see her best friend's eyes turn from heartbreak to relief in an instant as she picked up the little boy and soothed him when he started crying. "Now that these guys are going to start seeing a pediatrician, I think I'll hang up my bag and leave it for the nuns at Nonnatus House."
"Well I can't thank you enough, Ella. You realize that, right?" the mom smiled, squeezing her arm with her free hand. "You really took the pressure off. Even if it did hurt like Hell."
"Good one," the tech snorted. "I mean, I will come out of retirement if my services are ever needed again," she gently elbowed her with a wink.
Chloe glared at her, but the corners of her mouth twitched, "Not needed, thank you. I'm planning on teaching a certain someone how to use condoms later so he can practice while he insists on counting down the days."
"Is that what the cucumbers in the kitchen were for?" Ella busted out laughing as Chloe's jaw dropped. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding."
When Lucifer walked into the nursery, Chloe started laughing too, causing a rather confused look to spread across the man's face, "Uh...I was just coming in to see if you'd had a chance to ask Miss Lopez yet…"
"Ask me what?" she perked up even more, her ponytail bouncing as she looked from Lucifer to Chloe. "I'm not helping with that lesson…"
"No," Chloe blushed. "We were just um...just wondering if you'd be willing to be Jonathan and Jane's Godmother?" she asked, a little carefully given the woman's remaining lack of jewelry around her neck.
Her eyes grew wide as she stuttered, trying to think of something, anything to say. All that came out was a tiny squeak at Lucifer, grinning with one hand in his pocket and the other on the goat's stuffed head, "You...want them to have a...Godmother?"
"Sort of," he rolled his eyes, covering the bashful grin on his face. "We figured who better to teach them about their grandfather than someone who can get through the stories without laughing at them or getting too angry, right?"
"Uh…" she looked at him with an almost deer in headlights expression, slowly handing him his son. "I'll uh...I'm…sorry."
She didn't say another word, but quickly left the room, leaving Lucifer puzzled and Chloe looking at him with 'I told you so' written all over her face. "Please go talk to her," she asked with a sympathetic smile, reaching an arm out for John.
"Way ahead of you," he nodded, handing her their son and jogging after the brunette he found on the balcony. "Miss Lopez, I think you and I need to have a discussion about Dear Old Dad…"
"I'm sorry, I'm honored, I just…" she gripped the railing, looking much smaller and sadder than he'd ever seen her. "I uh...I crossed myself...when Johnny was stuck. It's just...habit, you know? And I've been feeling super...guilty and weird about it and I keep thinking I should apologize to you for that, because I know what your dad did to you, but...I just...I'm sorry. I don't know if me being a Godmother is such a great idea. I love those little buggers so much, implies...Him...and...and I just have a tiny apartment if anything were to happen to you and Chloe and…"
"Miss Lopez," Lucifer stopped her before she started pacing, grabbing her by the shoulders. "I've been meaning to talk to you about that as well. Not your apartment, because nothing is going to happen to the Detective or me, but...I don't care that you...crossed yourself. If it took thinking that my father was helping you through that, than so be it. John's safe and sound because of you and that's what matters. I'm grateful." He waited for her to look at him, nodding ever so slightly. "I've wanted to apologize to you, Ella."
"For what?"
"I know how much your...your doubt meant to you. The fact that you had faith because you were able to doubt that the whole God thing was real. That I'm the Devil. That Amenadiel is an angel or Maze a demon or Ray Ray is something other than a ghost. All of that. I took that from you, and I'm...I'm truly sorry. I want you to know that."
"Honestly?" she shook her head, "I'm okay with knowing it's all real. It just means that...even if He wasn't listening to what I had to say, there was still someone there, you know? Someone to explain...everything. Someone that designed it all, even looking at it as a scientist. It...makes sense now. But...what I can't get past is...well you, Lucifer. You're like my big brother and I hate to think that he put you through so much shit can I trust in someone that does that to my big bro?"
Lucifer's heart swelled as he subconsciously puffed out his chest, "Miss Lopez, I want you to have something." He dug in his pocket and brought out a hilariously gaudy box, covered in what she could only guess were genuine, brightly colored gemstones. He opened it to reveal a much more subtle, though still sparkling and colorful cross, "It's not my taste of course, but it was a gag gift from Elton for all the piano lessons. Blessed by the pope, supposedly."
"Elton? As in…?" she went to touch it, but pulled back, biting her lip.
"Mhmm," he nodded as if it were the most normal thing in the world. Taking a deep, steadying breath, he grabbed the necklace and handed her the box, motioning for her to turn around. "Consider it a thank you for helping Chloe through everything, if you like, but...I don't want my relationship with my father getting in the way of your relationship with him, alright? As much as I'd like to stick it to Dear Old Dad, I'd hate for him to lose you of all people."
Ella reached up to touch her new bling with a shaky hand. It did feel right in her fingers as her vision went misty. She turned around, a knowing sparkle in her eyes, "Lucifer, does this mean you and the Big Guy might be...making up eventually?"
He shrugged, looking slightly taken aback, "Let's just say that if…well if the Devil himself can work toward forgiving the bastard…you can too," he shrugged, giving her a sheepish smile. "Come here," he feigned annoyance, bending over to embrace her small stature.
"You're hugging me?!" She squealed, "Awww, Lucifer!"
That afternoon while Trixie was still at school, having just started the seventh grade, Chloe walked into the kitchen with the screen to the baby monitor and quietly sat it on the counter before wrapping her arms around her husband's middle, chuckling as he jumped. "Sorry," she squeezed. "I just wanted to say how proud I was of you."
"You saw Miss Lopez's new bling, I take it?" he asked, chopping the cucumbers and raising an eyebrow at her in question for her giggling. "What? I can be a decent Devil now and then."
"I know you can," she nodded, stealing a piece. "I also saw you gave Ella one of her famous hugs."
"I did. You're not jealous, are you? Because I did get you a present as well," he winked, wiping his hands off on his apron and reaching into his pants pocket, pulling out a much more sophisticated blue box. "It's a bit controversial on the mommy blogs, but I'm nothing if not a magnet for controversy." He grinned as he handed it to her, waiting for her to open it, her eyes instantly welling up. "It's called a push present, Detective."
"You replaced my bracelet?" she smiled, trying to control a sob. "It's beautiful."
"It's also yours, love. Daniel said the firemen found it in what used to be the basement. I had it sent away for cleaning and...made a few adjustments to more suit our family. I hope you don't mind." He kissed her forehead, clasping it on her right wrist and delicately showed off the platinum charms. "I had Trixie and John's stones reset. Added Jane's, of course. The angel wing is hers. The teeny tiny LAPD badge is John's. Trixie is the space ship," he chuckled as Chloe grabbed the towel to dry her cheeks. "Our anchor."
"Is that...the Golden Gate Bridge?" she asked, pinching it between her fingers.
"They'll get more exotic as the kids get older, I promise. And I had to add these," his eyes grew soft as he carefully spun it around, showing off the two Menopoly shoes.
She sniffled, shaking her head in awe. "I can't imagine how much this cost, Lucifer."
He rolled his eyes in fun, "Well for starters, I've had the jewels forever. Almost literally. John and Jane's rubies were a party favor from a weekend at Mark Antony's when he and Cleo were on a bit of a break." At Chloe's wide eyes, he shrugged, "There's plenty more in all sorts of colors in case we accidentally make anymore Morningstars."
It was Chloe's turn to roll her eyes, "You're just trying to keep me barefoot and pregnant, aren't you?"
He cocked his head at her, caressing her cheek, "You are cutely vulnerable when you're pregnant, Detective."
"Oh shut up." He just grabbed the box from her, setting it down on the counter as he wrapped her in his arms and kissed her. She couldn't help it and hungrily deepened the kiss, squealing as he picked her up to sit on the counter, their tongues wrestling with each other as his hand tangled in her hair, her breathing ragged. "Lucifer, we can't."
He snuck his other hand up the back of her shirt and pulled her close to his already hardening bulge, every nerve in his body on fire with a yearning for her, "Don't remind me," he whispered, moving her hair to kiss her neck. He pulled back, giving her a devilish growl, "But that doesn't mean we can't make out like two horny teenagers."
Two days later, after a small dinner party with all of their family and friends, Lucifer tossed and turned on his side of the bed. He was completely unable to shut off the gears, grinding away in his mind, causing a dull ache in the pit of his stomach and a tightness in his chest. By the time he finally found a comfortable position, curled up around his wife and listening to her faint snore, a loud cry came from the monitor on the nightstand. Chloe sturred, but he carefully untangled himself from her and eased off the bed, tying his robe as he quickly padded across the living room.
"Shh...what is it angel?" he whispered, her sweet little cheeks wet with tears as she wiggled in her crib. He scooped her up and gingerly leaned over John's crib, grateful he was still asleep, but watched him with a paranoid stillness until he moved. "Come on, let's not wake your brother," he kissed her soft brown hair on their way to the living room, snuggling her tiny frame to his chest. "What is it you desire, Baby Jane? You don't need changing and your little tummy's full…" he rubbed her back and chuckled, "Tummy. You'd never believe it, Princess, but I used to rule Hell. And I just said...tummy."
He shook his head, yawning as he grabbed for a blanket from the couch and made his way out to the balcony. She calmed down almost instantly as he lay back on the bed sized lounger, covering them both up with the thin throw as she stretched out on his chest. "You're probably a bit like me, aren't you? I like to come out here when I'm feeling like that too," he kissed the tiny hand that reached up to his face and gently outlined the ridges in her shoulder blades.
She was still fussing a bit, but his talking soothed her, "Did you have fun with Auntie Maze tonight? She seems quite attached to her little namesake. In fact, I'm a bit surprised she hasn't brought you any blades yet." The little girl squeaked and plastered a cheek splitting grin on her dad's face, "I know, right? That sounds like a terrible idea. But your Uncle Amenadiel and I were talking about the house you and your siblings will grow up in tonight. Have I told you about that yet? Just don't tell mum, alright? I think it'll be done by Christmas. Your big sister and I went camping on the property once, well tried to anyway. Remind me I need to call an exterminator, would you? And have someone look into fences... Anyway, it's wooded and on top of a big hill so you'll be able to stretch your wings a bit when you're older. And your dear old dad here will teach you how to fly. How does that sound?"
At the mention of her wings, he found himself feeling a bit out of his element with that same strange sensation that tingled up his spine when Chloe pointed out his lone grey hair. "I'll probably give you this talk a million times when you're a teenager and I'm annoying the Hell out of you, but I want you to know how much I love you and your brother. I never...ever knew I could feel the way I do about you two. Or your mum. Or your sister. But you have such an important job, my angel. Because, see...someday...your mum and I won't be here," when she started to fuss, he gently pulled her up closer and kissed her head as she settled down to the sound of his heartbeat, "shhh, not for a very long time, don't you worry. But when that happens, because of you, Trixie and John will still be able to go see your mum, just like you. Now, I just hope you're all old and grey by the time that's necessary... I just...I don't know if I'll be in the same place. So just in case I'm somewhere that I'm invoking my fatherly right to forbid you to see, I have to try and squeeze every single moment I possibly can, every single day with my kids. I'll probably go overboard, trying to show my family how much I love them, just ask you mum, but I'll never let you think I abandoned you, okay?"
She yawned, her little eyelids drooping, Lucifer's heart melted all over again as he wiped the tears off his cheeks. "Oh sorry, am I boring you? Let's see...was it you or your brother that liked my singing when you were still in your mum's tummy? Bloody Hell, I need to stop saying that word." He laughed quietly to himself as he felt her warm breath steady on his bare chest, "Baby Jane, don't leave me hanging on the line. I knew you when you had no one to talk to...except your brother. Now you're moving in high society. Don't forget that I know secrets about you. I used to think you were on my side. Now I'm no longer sure… because you're giving me grey hair… When I give my heart again, I's gonna last forever. No one told me I'd feel like this...I's gonna last forever."
"You sang that to them when I was pregnant," Chloe smiled, running her fingers through his hair and taking Lucifer's breath away as she stood in the faint moonlight with John. "Is this a celestial only party, or are us mere humans invited?"
He moved the blanket for her to join as she carefully laid the little boy next to his sister, kissing his son's head as Chloe settled next to him and laid a protective arm over her babies. "Happy birthday," he beamed at her, reaching down to kiss her beautiful lips as she smirked, her eyes already closed.
"Am I interrupting some Morningstar cuddle puddle?" Trixie asked, stepping out onto the balcony in her space pajamas, rubbing her eyes.
"Get over here, Brat," her stepdad whispered, putting a finger up to his lips and nodding to the two sleeping babies on his chest. He moved the blanket for her as well and opened his arms to let her into the pile on the other side, messing up her hair as she giggled.
"No arguments when I get you up for school tomorrow," Chloe winked, caressing her daughter's cheek overtop of the twins.
Trixie just yawned, nodding in the crook of Lucifer's arm before falling right back to sleep, mumbling something about a favorite step Devil. He chuckled, resting his head in his wife's silky blond hair, breathing in the vanilla and lilacs of her shampoo, now mixed with the faint scent of baby powder. With the comforting weight of his small children on his chest, he listened to his family's faint snores, looking up to the sky as the pain in the pit of his stomach faded.
Months ago, the love of his life said he needed to have faith in himself, in her, in his family, and in their future. Her words turned over and over in his head as he watched his tiny son reach over to grab the little angel's arm, squeezing tight enough to cause her to stir and inch closer to him. Before he knew it, Chloe was shifting up to kiss a tear off his cheek. "And people choose to procreate?" she teased, moving up so they could watch their children together.
"I think…" he had to swallow down the lump in his throat as he looked back up to the sky. "I think you may have been right about Him, Detective."
She nodded, resting her head on the pillow next to his, looking up to the black abyss with him before she closed her eyes again, a small, exhausted smile on her face. "I know. I'm always right, Lucifer."
As she fell back asleep, the Devil looked at his family and gave a playfully exasperated sigh, "I'm going to have to carry you all back to bed now, aren't I?" He attempted to move his arm out from under Trixie, but in doing so, he jostled the babies just enough to make John whimper in protest. "Shh, it's okay, son," he cooed, laying back down and kissing his little blond head. "It's okay. Daddy's not going anywhere, I promise." John's tiny mouth stretched into a wide yawn against Lucifer's chest, the new dad beaming proudly down at the two little lives he helped to create.
Taking a deep breath, he nodded ever so slightly and looked back up to the sky, "Alright Dad. Message received," he whispered. "Thank you."
**First and foremost: Credit to Douglas Adams for the small section of 'A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' and Rod Stewart for both 'Forever Young' and 'Baby Jane'.
***Secondly: A huge huge huge thank you to all of my readers. I do hope this ending did not disappoint. I realize twins are a bit cliche in this fandom, but after Linda and Amenadiel took my original idea for a little boy named Charlie (haha), I could not for the life of me pick whether they were having a boy or a girl. Fast forward to about a week before I started writing the previous chapter: I had a single carton of eggs with three double yolkers and took it as a sign to go for it. I hope you don't mind. :) I'm also leaving this open for a future sequel or one-shots, but my next project has to be me and my health, so please be patient!
I cannot tell you how much I appreciate every single one of you that has favorited, followed, reviewed, and encouraged me throughout this whole experience. It had been about ten years since I stuck with a writing project through to the end, and I never would have done that here without you guys. I love you.
Also, a huge thank you to my friend Victoria, for not only supporting my nerdiness and being an amazing friend since day one of college, but for introducing me to 'Lucifer' one random night before 'Outlander'. This is all your fault, but also thank you for being my first and loudest cheerleader! ;) And to Agni for reminding me mental health is as important as keeping my readers happy, Lylis for her help with what little French I incorporated in this chapter, and Lily for her artwork that acted as a constant source of inspiration, particularly her piece called The Embrace.
And to everyone in this fandom for welcoming me and every other newbie with open arms.
I'll see you at Lux!
PS: Because I'm not exactly ready to say goodbye to this story just yet, I'm going to continue my little fanart project based around A Doting Devil, so follow me on Twitter at CoraSPWC if you're interested. :)