I'm back. Things have been a little busy and only getting busier. I'll try to update more in the coming weeks.

Thanks to everyone who left comments. Now onto the chapter.

The night before Thanksgiving, Maj got to work preparing all the little things and side dishes. She even threw the turkey into her biggest pot to marinade. There was a lot of food for her to cook, but she didn't mind it. Maj was happy that she wouldn't be spending the holiday alone.

Weasel had offered to have her up at the bar. He had planned a festive day for everyone, but Maj would rather stay home. There was less of a chance of her getting drunk. He still told her to stop by if she didn't want to be alone. She appreciated it, but thankfully, Steve, Bruce, and Alec said they'd stop by. Alec was to come by after spending the morning with his family. He had invited her, but Maj reminded him Nat was going to come home.

With the sides started or finished and the turkey set to cook, Maj went to get ready for bed. She wasn't as tired as she thought she was, but she figured it would be nice to get extra sleep. Majalia should have known better, but she had to try. Not three hours after she'd closed her eyes, Maj woke. She groaned and turned over, willing herself to fall back to sleep. When it didn't immediately happen, Maj turned on her light and reached for a book. Might as well get some reading in. The young woman managed to get through half the book before her eyes finally drooped.

Majalia jolted up when she heard a loud bang from the kitchen. Since Steve had promised to be over early to help, she figured it was him and that he'd pull her out of bed eventually. That thought was dashed away when she heard a voice she hadn't heard in months. Maj tossed the blanket aside and sprinted out of the room, jumping onto the redhead. The woman's quick reflexes were the only thing that kept Maj's ass off the floor.

"I see I was missed."

The younger woman extracted herself from the spysassin, hands going to her hips. "Of course you were. I didn't call you for no reason. Not like you answered."

"I was busy." Maj rolled her eyes before she checked for injuries. "I'm fine. I didn't do too many mission."

"How's Clint?"

"Getting better. He might be cleared in the next few weeks if he passes evals."Maj nodded. "I tried to get him to come but he wanted to stay home."

"This is home!" Maj took a breath, trying to calm herself. She hated that he didn't consider here home. In her mind, home wasn't a place but the people who made you feel most comfortable. She had to remember not everyone thought that way. "New York or just here?"

"He didn't specify and I didn't push. Look, I know I'm not him, but I'm here."

Maj's shoulders sagged as she thought about what Tasha had said. "I am happy you're here. I just wanted you both here. I guess I'm being selfish."

"You're not. It's been the three of us for a while. I know it's difficult when we're gone but we do care about you. Clint… he just needs to finish getting his head on straight. It didn't help that Loki took you too. He's dealing with a lot. Give him a bit more time."

"Okay. So, were you going for coffee or…"

"Yes." That concluded the heavy talk. Neither woman had to say what they wanted. They moved around each other with practised ease, eating breakfast and enjoying the other's company.

The dishes had just been washed when the door opened. Nat glared and the younger woman, but Maj ignored her and went to greet the guest. Steve gave her a smile before he moved towards the kitchen. He paused upon seeing Natasha standing there with her arms crossed.


"You have a key."

"Steve spends a lot of time here."

"Does he now?" She raised an eyebrow.

Instead of responding to the redhead, Maj took the bags from Steve and placed them on the counter. "Thanks for bringing this. Even though I told you not to."

"I couldn't come by empty-handed. Besides, I was hoping you'd help me make marshmallow pumpkin pie. My mom used to make it every Thanksgiving."

Maj gave her friend a soft smile. "Of course. Do you have the recipe or should I google it?"


"Okie dokes. We can get started on it in a bit. I have to start mixing for the mac-and-cheese." Steve offered to help but Maj brushed him off. "You can work on the sweet potato pie filling. Put those muscles to work." She let out a laugh at Steve's glare before she turned her attention to Natasha. "Since you like veggies, you can work on those. Please."

The three worked in silence until Maj remembered to turn on the TV. She had completely forgotten about the parade. Thankfully, they had only missed an hour or so. As she returned to her work, she couldn't help but notice Steve was distracted by the balloons and floats. Knowing it was his first turkey day in the 21st century, Maj grabbed his hand and pulled him to the couch, forcing him to sit.

"Watch and enjoy. I'm sure the parade has changed a lot since you were younger."

"It has. Everything is bigger. Brighter."

Maj chuckled and patted his shoulder before returning to the kitchen where she found Nat watching her. "What?"

"Nothing." Rolling her eyes at the red-head, Maj finished up with her task before moving onto the next.

It was three o'clock when Bruce knocked on the door. As Maj let him in, she pushed a drink into his hands and scurried back to the kitchen to answer her phone. On the other end was Weasel asking her to come in for a bit. It reached the point where Wade took over the call, stating he was coming over. Maj did everything she could to dissuade him, but once Wade made up his mind, there was no telling him anything.

Majalia was a nervous wreck for the next hour as she and Steve made the pie. She was worried Wade would actually show up. She loved the guy, but she knew he wouldn't mesh well with anyone present. Tasha would shoot him, Bruce might lose his cool, and there was the possibility of Steve throwing punches. It would be a catastrophe Maj wanted no part of.

Alec showed up around five and much to Maj's relief, he was cool around the three Avengers. Granted, he was aware that Nat was impartial to his presence, Alec spent most of his time talking to Steve. Though they were very different, they seemed to get on well enough. with having gone through his freak out over the phone.

By six-thirty, the five were seated at the table. There was a nice spread out and enough food for Steve to eat until he was sated. Turkey carved and everyone with food, Maj was happy things were going smoothly. As they got deeper into their conversation, there was pounding against the door. Everyone grew silent, with Nat reaching under the table and Steve getting to his feet.

"It's Wade. I told him not to come."

"You don't know that."

"It has to be him. I mean, who else could it be?" That was a bad question to ask. The moment Steve unlocked the door, it was forced open and men in black tactical suits rushed the room. Natasha and Steve immediately jumped into action while Bruce grabbed Alec and pulled him to another room. Nat tried to get me to go but I figured I should be able to help them. With a breath, I focused on the intruders and thrust my hands out. For a moment they seemed to slow down but the effect was soon over and they continued their attack at full force.

"Get out of here, Maj."

The young woman bit her tongue, contemplating before she decided to try again. Pushing all her irritation to the forefront of her mind, Maj repeated her action. This time, most of the assailants collapsed. Steve and Tasha took out the last standing before Natasha stalked past her.

Bruce and Alec entered the room, with the former on his phone. It took a few words to realise he was speaking to SHEILD. A few minutes after the call ended, agents entered the house and carted them off. Dinner was ruined, food scattered over the floor. With no need for them to be there, Bruce offered to take Alec home.

With the two gone, Maj was left with the disappointed American Icon and an emotionless spysassin. Neither was ideal but Maj knew the best way through was to let them lecture her. And lecture they did. They kept her there for over an hour, tag-teaming her when one lost air. Eventually, Maj had enough.

"I just wanted to help! So sorry I'm not a super soldier or a highly trained assassin. But I was able to do something. Use this stupid ability for something good. I managed to control it for hell's sake."

"We didn't need your help. You should have gone to the back with Bruce and Alec."

"I didn't want to. I'm not going to sit around and hide. I won't let people fight my battles for me."

"Oh please. No, you know what. Fight your own battles then," Natasha snapped before she stalked into her bedroom.

Maj let out a sigh before she glanced at Steve. "What? You going to yell at me some more?"

"I'm glad you managed to control it but you should have gone into the room. You could have hurt myself or Natasha. If there's ever a next time, think about your surroundings." Maj nodded. "Get some rest. I'll clean in here up."

"It's okay. I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight. If you want, you can take my room. I'll just clean out here." Steve observed her for a moment before he gave in. Majalia spent the rest of the night cleaning her living/dining room. It wasn't until the sun began to peek through did she fall asleep. Outside of the year her parents died, this Thanksgiving was the worst she'd ever had. She could only hope that everyone would forgive her.

So, what did you think? Hope you enjoyed and I look forward to reading your reviews.


a-starry-eyed wolf: Thanks so much. Bucky will be coming in soon, in a few chapters. I actually will be having Maj help with a few of his things. They'll be helping each other really. I have big plans for the Wanda/Maj relationship so I won't say too much. As for the timeline, this is before TWS. These next few chapters are kinda just Maj getting acquainted with her newfound abilities. As for Wade, at this point in time, he's not Deadpool yet. That will happen a bit after TWS arch. Also, your review was totally not boring. I really appreciate it and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

daydreamer987: Bucky will be coming soon. Only a few more chapters to TWS. Thanks so much for reading and I'm glad you've been enjoying it.