
-Lucina is born, and Chrom can't help but panic, the thought of losing his wife and baby ever present in his mind. (Aka- Chrom is a worrier) Also as a note, they have no idea of Lucina's sex, so this will also be their reactions to meeting their little girl-

It had happened suddenly. One moment they had been walking the courtyard, Chrom supporting his heavily pregnant wife as she waddled along side him, the next Robin had gasped in pain, her eyes scrunched in pain.

"Robin!" he'd yelped. "Whats the matter?" Her hand was apon her stomach. "Is it the baby?"

"I think the baby is coming," she breathed out, riding the wave of pain that wracked her body.

"Oh god!" Chrom instantly started to panic, running a hand through his hair. "Oh god, what do we do. We need Lissa... no Libra..."

"Chrom, breathe," Robin who was calmer than a woman in labour should be, placed her hand on Chrom's shoulder. "We need to head inside and be calm about this. We probably have a while," she flinched again as another wave of pain hit, this one causing her to fall to her knees, "Or not," she added meekly.

"Robin!" Chrom knelt in front of her. "Come on lets get you to Libra," he scooped her carefully into his arms, standing up and jogging towards the infirmary.

"Some tactician I am," Robin murmured. "I can plan for enemy movements and predict strategies, yet a baby has me with no plans in place."

Chrom chuckled, seeming calmer than he was a minute ago. "Babies never come on a schedual, or so I hear." He kissed her forehead. "I love you Robin, I can't believe were having a baby." His blue eyes sparkled with excitement, he was grinning ear to ear.

"I love you too Chrom," Robin smiled despite the pain she was clearly in. "And I can't wait to meet our baby."

Chrom was pacing back and forth in front of their quarters, as he had done on and off for the past 5 hours, when Frederick and Lonq'u arrived.

"Milord," Frederick greeted with a bow. "I'm sorry I took so long, I couldn't get away from my other duties."

"It's OK Frederick," Chrom stopped pacing to greet them both. "Lonq'u," he nodded to the stoic Myrmidon. Lonq'u and he were always cordial to each other, moreso since they became brother-in-laws. Lissa couldn't have chosen a better husband than the Feroxi warrior, and Chrom had easily given his blessing for them towed.

"Chrom," Lonq'u replied stiffly. "Is Lissa inside?"

"She is, as is Libra and Maribelle.

"And Lady Robin?" Frederick asked. "How is she?" It still surprised Chrom to hear Frederick treat Robin so formally, considering the rocky start the two of them had had. But Frederick now trusted Robin implicitly, and Robin had a fast friend in the Ylisseian knight.

"Damned if I know," Chrom ran a hand through his hair for what felt like the 20th time in a hour. "Apparently I'm not allowed inside the room, something about it being uncouth, Maribelle's word." He sighed. "Surely having three of them in there means something is wrong, right?" He glanced at his friends, who seemed to have no words of comfort for him.

"I'm sure its fine Milord," Frederick said eventually.

"Then why can't I shake the feeling somethings wrong?" A scream from inside the room caused Chrom to pace again, his hands now in his hair, tugging his azure locks in worry. "What if I lose her Frederick, what if I lose them both."

Frederick looked down at the young prince, seeing the distress in his eyes, the fear for both his wife and child. "Milord, I'm sure everything is fine. Robin is strong, as is the babe." His hand came down on Chrom's shoulder. "Robin wouldn't want you to stress this way."

"I know," Chrom sighed again, clenching his fists as another scream erupted through the door from his wife. "But tell me you wouldn't be the same if it was Sumia?" He looked at Lonq'u. "Or Lissa?"

"Point taken," Frederick conceeded. "But I would have faith in my wife's strength."

"As would I," Lonq'u smiled. "Lissa is a formiddable woman, especially since she took up the Axe. She scares me somewhat."

Despite his worry Chrom laughed at his words. Imagining his sister, who he always deemed so delicate, scaring Lonq'u by wielding an axe with such ferocity just made him smile.

About an hour later the screams from within the room died down, replaced with silence so deafening. Chrom had a hand on the door within seconds, ready to wrench the door open, when the unmistakable cry of a newborn, the sweetest sound to his ears, was heard. His hand faltered on the door handle, stunned.

Moments later Lissa exited the room, her eyes filled with tears, and Chrom's heart dropped. Was Robin OK? Was it possible his wife had died bringing life to their child? No, Chrom couldn't bear that thought.

"Lissa," he grabbed his sister by the shoulder, "Is Robin OK?"

"Oh Chrom," Lissa wiped her eyes. "She's fine." Chrom sighed in releif. "I'm just so happy, thats all." Maribelle and Libra entered the hallway.

"Lord Chrom, would you like to go meet your daughter?" Libra asked.

"D-daughter?" Chrom couldn't believe it. He had a daugher. It didin't seem real.

"Yep," Lissa nodded. She made her way to her husband, who placed a hand upon her shoulder. She looked exhausted, her blond hair loose of its pigtails, her eyes bloodshot. "She's beautiful Chrom," she sniffled.

"Thank you Lissa, you go rest, you've earn't it."

Dissmissing all of his friends Chrom opened the door to their quarters, tentatively stepping inside.

The sight that greeted him caused his heart to burst with happiness.

Robin lay on the bed, covered up to her waist by neumerous blankets. She looked tired and her hair was a brown mess around her face, some still plastered to her skin, yet Chrom swore she had never looked more beautiful. In her arms lay a bundle swaddled and held close by his wife, and he swore he could see a tuft of blue hair. Robin looked up and smiled at him, her eyes full of tears.

"Hey you," she greeted, her voice tired but non the less happy.

"Hey you," he moved closer, almost afraid to get too close, choosing to pause at the foot of the bed.

"Aren't you going to come meet your daughter?" Robin tapped the side of the bed next to her inviting him to come sit. Chrom moved around the bed, carefully climbing next to his wife, moving close to the bundle in her arms.

The sight took his breath away.

Pink skinned, with the same bright blue hair as him, his daughter was snoozing in her mothers arms, her tiny fingers curled into fists. Robin carefully moved her arms, transferring the babe into Chrom's waiting arms. The little princess cooed in her sleep, and that was all it took for Chrom's eyes to water, a lone tear falling down his cheek.

"She's perfect," he whispered. "Oh Robin," he turned his head to kiss her. "You've made me the happiest man in the world."

"If I knew thats all it took, I'd have done it sooner," Robin yawned, resting her head on his shoulder, her arm looping through his as she stared down at their daughter. "Just maybe let me rest for a few years and if your lucky I'll do it all again."

Chrom chuckled. "I'll hold you to that."

"I'm thinking a boy next time though," she yawned again. "Complete the set, you know."

"Sure thing," Chrom looked down at his wife. "Your amazing Robin, so strong to have gone through all this," she snuggled into him, her eyes struggling to keep open. "You should rest, you've had an exausting few hours."

"As have you, I'm sure."

"I'm fine," he brushed off her concern. "I'll stay awake and watch over you both. I promise I'll keep you both safe."

"Expecting a Risen attack?" she chuckled.

"Don't say that," he groaned. "You have a scarily accurate way of predicting when they are near."

"Don't worry so much dear husband," Robin's eyes closed. "I don't predict anything right now." She breathed out a sigh. "But I'm sure Frederick wouldn't let them near if by some bad luck they did show up."

Chrom chuckled, "Of course he would." He watched his wife settle herself as best she could on the pillow beside him, hr body finall giving in to sleep. "Oh and Robin, I forgot to ask," he looked down at his daughter, who still slept. "What colour are her eyes?"

"Blue," Robin mumbled, a smirk tugging at her lips as if she knew more. Chrom frowned. "There's a small surprise, but I think I'll let you discover that yourself." Within moments she fell asleep, the rise and fall of her chest a comfort to Chrom.

An hour later a gentle knock came apon the door.

"Enter," Chrom spoke softly so as not to wake either his wife or daughter.

Frederick entered the room, a tray in his hand, ladened with bowls of steaming soup, bread rolls and warm glasses of cocoa, a Frederick speciality.

"Milord," he bowed. "Am I intruding?" He took in the sight of Robin asleep, keeping his voice respectfully low.

"Of course not my friend, come in," Frederick stepped closer to the bed, placing the tray of food on the desk under the table.

"I brought you and Lady Robin some food, neither of you have eaten for most of the day and it is wise to keep your strength up."

"Thank you Frederick, thoughtful as always," Chrom shifted himself slightly, his body numb from being in the same position for a while. "But somehow I cannot find it in my heart to put her down." His daughter shuffled in his arms, and Chrom smiled down at her, totally at peace. Frederick stood at the side of the bed and looked down at the newborn princess, smiling.

"She is beautiful Milord," he looked at Chrom, a man he'd watched grow from a bumbling teen, who would rush into danger without thought for his own saftey, into a man who would be Exalt, who was married and now had a daughter, who had so much to live for now. Sure Frederick imagined that Chrom would still be as reckless as ever, but at least he had a family to make sure he wouldn't rush into things. As much as he hadn't wanted to admit it in the beginning, Robin really was the best thing that had happened to the prince. Two halves of a whole was right, for Robin counteracted Chrom's rash nature perfectly, stopping him from recklessly running into danger. And their love was evident by the small babe in Chrom's arms.

"Thank you," Chrom smiled. "I still can't believe she real."

"Does she have a name yer Sire?"

"Not yet no, but I have some ideas, for when Robin wakes up."

As if on cue, Robin groaned, wiping her eyes of sleep, before tentatively sitting up. "Is that Frederick's famous hot chocolate I smell?" she asked.

"Indeed Milady," Frederick grabbed the tray of food and placed it before her. "I also to the liberty to bring you both food."

"Your too kind Frederick," she took a mug and took a sip of the rich chocolate drink. "Also how many times have I told you to just call me Robin, I mean you did before I married Chrom?"

"I couldn't Milady, it wouldn't be proper," Frederick bowed.

Robin waved a hand in dismissal, "Proper? Frederick, we are friends, are we not?"

"Of course we are Mil..." seeing Robin frown at him he backpedalled. "Robin." The future queen smiled at him.

"Better," she sipped the cocoa again before looking to her husband. "You should eat too Chrom."

"I will," he promised, "I just don't want to put her down right now."

"She's asleep Chrom, she doesn't need us right now." She placed her hand atop his where it rested on their daughter. "We need all the strength we can get, we can't neglect our own health."

"She's right Milord," Frederick added.

"See, your outnumbered," Robin chuckled. "Frederick will hold her while we both eat, fair?"

"Milady, you would really entrust her to me?" the Knight gasped. "Surely she would prefer her crib?"

"I disagree," Robin shrugged. "I say she would prefer her Uncle Frederick watching over her when her parents cannot, right Chrom."

"Sounds perfect to me," Chrom smiled at the knight, who's mouth was agap. "What do you say Frederick, are you up to the task?"

Stunned Frederick's usual composure slipped and his eyes watered. To be given the honor of being an Uncle to the tiny babe, despite no relation to the two royals, not even through marriage, was humbling. He cleared his throat and wiped his eyes before anwering.

"I would be honoured."

With the baby settled with Frederick in a nearby chair, the new parents tucked into the soup he had kindly brought them, enjoying the last moments of silence before their daughter needed them again.

The only sounds heard were the sounds of spoons against bowls, and a small humming from the corner, where Frederick held the baby. Robin realised that he was humming a tune, one she didn't recognise.

"Thats a lovely tune Frederick," she piped up.

"Thank you Milady," Robin rolled his eyes at the formallity, but decided to let it slid. "My mother would sing this to me when I was young. The princess seems to enjoy it at least." Noticing Robin had finished her food he stood and brought the baby back over, helping to resettle her into her mothers arms. He then gathered the bowls and mug, placing them on the tray, before removing the tray off of the bed. "I'll take my leave now, if there is nothing else you need?"

"Thank you Frederick, but I think we will be fine for now," Chrom smiled at his friend.

He bowed, "Milord, Milady." Before leaving the room.

Robin chuckled.

"He's never going to call me Robin again is he?"

"I'm used to it, no matter how much I wish he wouldn't, Frederick really is set in his ways," Chrom looked down at his daughter, who's eyes were starting to open her eyes. "Look, she's waking up." He lent closer as his daughters eyes opened wider, her blue eyes meeting his, before realisation dauned on him. He could see Robin smirk out of the corner of his eyes as he suddenly realised what he was seeing in his daughters left eye. Clear as day over her pupil was the Brand of the Exalt. "Wha.. Robin, is that what I think it is?"

"Yes," she said simply.

"But not even I was born with mine, neither was Em. Lissa's never appeared at all as you know," his finder traced his daughters cheek. "How is this possible?" Chrom's eyes filled with tears again, and he allowed them to fall freely.

"Oh my darling, Robin snuggled him as best she could whilst holding the baby. "She's strong, just like her father." Chrom sniffled, looking to his wife, his eyes red and puffy.

"I'm not strong Robin, especially when it comes to you," she looked at him, her head tilted in curiousity. "When I wasn't allowed to be with you, to hold your hand as you delivered our daughter, I was scared," he continued. "I spent 5 hours pacing or sitting nervously, constantly thinking something bad was going to happen to you or the baby."


"Frederick did all he could to comfort me, hell even Lonq'u made me laugh," Robin chuckled.

"I didn't know Lonq'u knew how to make people laugh?"

"Me neither, but it was appreciated," Chrom sighed. "I'm just so glad your both OK." He kissed the top of her head, breathing in the scent of her. Silence ensued for a little, before he spoke again. "She still needs a name huh."

"Yeah... She can't be just baby all her life," his wife shifted to face him. "Do you have any ideas?"

"I do... well just one really. I thought of it while you were sleeping and wanted to run it by you."


"I was watching her sleep, and thinking how she was the light of my life, much like her mother, when it hit me. Lucina, it means light," Chrom smiled. "What do you think?"

"I love it!" Robin smiled down at her daughter. "What do you think? Is that your name baby girl?" The princess stared at them and yawned, her blue eyes blinking up at her parents. "I think she likes it?"

"She's only a few hours old, I don't think she gets it."

"Well if she's strong like you, maybe she's smart like me, and understands us perfectly?" Robin shrugged.

"I very much hope so," Chrom agreed. "Well then Lucina it is then?"

"Hello Lucina," Robin cooed. "It us, your parents. Were so glad to finally meet you."

"We love you so much," Chrom added. He stared at Robin, who was beaming ear to ear. His heart swelled with happiness and love at the sight of his wife and daughter beside him. "And I love you."

"I love you too Chrom," she sealed her declaration with a kiss.

A kiss that was interupped by Lucina's soft cries.

Chrom groaned. "We're not going to have alone time for a long time, are we?

"Nope," Robin laughed at her husbands pout. "Not for 18 years at least."

"Is she hungry?"

"I think so, honestly it's all new to me, I only hope I do ok."

"You'll be fantastic," Chrom said confidently. "And I'll be right here, for both of you."

Chrom wasn't able to sleep, no matter how exausted he was. He instead watched him daughter sleep in her crib, while Robin slept in the bed. Part of him was still frightened this was all a dream, that this happiness he had found wasn't his to enjoy, that he was living a dream of someone elses life.

The rise and fall of his daughters chest as she slept was a comfort to him, and he found himself mesmerised by it. The fact that he had help create something so small and innocent, untouched by the war, still boggled his mind.

Although Robin had claimed she was the spit of him, as she slept Chrom noticed that her facial structure and nose were most definitly her mothers, and he was glad even the smallest parts of Robin had graced their daughters features.

Lucina cooed in her sleep, and Chrom placed a hand on her stomach in comfort.

"It's OK Lucina, papa is here," he felt slightly silly for talking to his newborn as he knew she couldn't understand him anyway, but he made the promise anyway. "I promise I won't ever leave you, I'll always be here for you, and so will your Mother. On my life I swear I will keep you safe."

He kept his vigil, watching over the two greatest loves of his life, until morning finally came.

Authors note: I always imagine Chrom panicking when Robin goes into labour. I also imagine him being a doting father to both baby Lucina and of course future Lucina ( who will be in a future drabble chapter, as will everyones favourite child unit, Morgan). I also felt Frederick being a big part of Lucina and Morgan's lives is something Chrom and Robin would want, even though he isn't technically family.