Here it is the chapter you have all been waiting for - changed slightly from Jack's original plan

The week had passed quickly in Hope Valley, Jack had had word from HQ that Weaver and Hayes had both arrived at their trials without incident and were now safely locked up Medicine Hat Prison much to his relief and the relief of the other Mounties. True to his word he had attended Mountie Mendes' prison along with Bill, they hadn't seen each other in a few days and the break had done their friendship some good, Jack still hadn't forgiven him completely for what had happened but he wasn't one to hold a grudge for long, besides as he once told Elizabeth life was to short to hold on to grievances and with everything that had happened lately that was closer to the truth than ever. Everything in the town was looking safe again, Elizabeth was recovering well from her gun shot, Jesse was back at the mill with Lee, Rosemary, Dotty and Clara were enjoying a wonderful week of sales in the dress shop, even RIP seemed brighter lying out in the sun.

As Jack woke up that Saturday morning, he knew that today was going to perfect, he and Elizabeth were finally going to get their special date and he would be able to propose marriage to her. He had wanted to do it at the school house, but it didn't seem perfect enough to him and she deserved perfect, he wanted to propose somewhere special and as he was on his rounds that morning, he found the perfect spot, it was such a special memory for the two of them, it was perfect.

Heading back into town he stopped off at the café he had to formally invite Elizabeth to their date since she still had no idea what he was planning

'Good Morning Miss Thatcher' He smiled walking through the door

'Good Morning Constable' she smiled back from the sofa she was resting on

Sitting next to her he took her hand 'Miss Thatcher, I was hoping you would join me for an early supper and walk this evening, you will not be required to cook, but you are required to wear formal attire.'

Elizabeth stared at him as he asked, 'Why so formal Constable'

'Because it's a special evening, so it deserves a special invitation'

'In that case, how can I resist'

'good, I shall pick you up at 5pm' he kissed her hand gently and left the café, he had one more stop to make

Jack exited the café and headed up to the saw mill

'Jesse, I need your help with something' he asked seeing him standing at the entrance of the office

'Hi, Jack, of course, if I can'

'I need you to head to… 'he whispered the next part not wanting anyone around to hear 'can you set up some candles there, leave a blanket and a bottle of wine, I need it done by around 6:30pm'

'Of course, Jack, I'll head when I finish here, something special planned'

'Yep, but that's a secret for now'

'did I hear the word secret?' Rosemary asked coming up behind the two of them

'You did Rosie and the whole town knows you can't keep one, so you'll have to wait and find out'

'Jack, I won't breathe a word I promise, speaking of promises, didn't you make me one a while ago that you wouldn't keep Elizabeth waiting'

'I did Rosie and I promise it's one I will keep' Jack winked as he walked off

'You better Jack' she called after him

Jack arrived back at the jail and for the first time in a few weeks he was happy that nothing was going on, he was able to sit out front and enjoy a cup of coffee as he watched everything getting back to normal, even the sun was starting to come back out. After a few hours he got ready for his and Elizabeth's date, this time he decided to stay with the green suit, no matter how much RIP protested.

Picking up a bunch of Elizabeth's favourite flowers from the Mercantile he headed for the café, knocking on the door gently his breath almost stopped as he saw her, she had that same dress on she had worn for their personal Mountie Ball that Christmas, he had taken his breath away that night to

'Miss Thatcher you look..'

Elizabeth was almost as lost for words when she saw him, she had always loved him in his Mountie Serge but green always bought out the colour in eyes

'So do you' She gulped as she looked at him

'These are for you' he smiled handing her the flowers

'They are beautiful, thank you Jack' she gave him a kiss to his cheek as she took the flowers from him, placing them in a vase on the table.

'Shall we' he asked holding out his arm for her to take

But instead of taking his arm she reached for his hand and didn't let go until the got to the end of the walkway at the café door

'This way again' he winked as he led her through the door 'Our first date was such a special one I thought we would do it again, Abigail has made the same dishes, same wine and even the same song we danced to that night'

'Jack its wonderful' she smiled hugging him tight

After a dinner of chicken steak and salad leaves, Jack and Elizabeth danced to the same song they had that night, but instead of just wanting this part of the date to end with a kiss, it did. As they parted Elizabeth stood with her arms resting on Jacks

'Thank you for a wonderful dinner and evening Jack'

Jack kissed her cheek and smiled 'Its not finished yet' holding out his hand he smiled 'Come for a ride with me'

Elizabeth took his hand once more as they headed outside and gasped when she saw what he had really meant. Jack had arranged for their horses Sergeant and Ryder to be hooked up to a wagon

'I want to take you on a special horse ride' Jack spoke as he helped her up

'Where' She questioned

'That's a secret' he smiled as they headed off to their secret location

The ride didn't take long, but Elizabeth knew where they were the moment, she saw it

'The site of our camp out' she smiled, turning her head to look she saw the candles Jesse had set up, the blanket over the log they had sat on that night and the bottle of wine with two glasses 'Jack its beautiful'

Holding his eyes on her as he watched her look around Jack smiled 'it is' he smiled walking in front of her he took her hands in his

'Elizabeth, I bought you here for a reason, the second you walked into my life I knew that everything had changed and that you were the reason for that change. I know we didn't have the best of starts but you were and still are the beautiful woman I had ever seen. I knew that heaven had sent me an angel, that he had sent me a new purpose. I fell in love with you from that first meeting and over our time together my love has grown. I told you something the night on the homestead and here that I wanted to wake up next to the one I loved every morning. Elizabeth that person has and always will be you. So I ask you here on the night I made you a promise of what our life would be like together' Jack took the ring box from his pocket and knelt in front of her

'Miss Elizabeth Thatcher will you marry me'

'Yes Jack, of course I will marry you'

Jack stood up quickly and lifted her into him, taking the silver ring with a blue stone out of the box and placed it on her finger before kissing her hand

'Jack its gorgeous and absolutely perfect'

'So are you' Jack smiled as he pulled her into a deep kiss that sealed their love and future.

After enjoying some alone time on the same log they had that night, drinking wine and keeping warm under the blanket, both knew that, that night was the beginning of what would be the rest of their lives and that no matter what challenges they faced, who would come and go, illnesses, threats and disasters as long as they had each other, they would get through it all and once again the sun would shine high over Hope Valley.

The End

I know originally that he was going to do it on the hill of the first kiss but I was watching the camp out episode last night and he had made those suggestions to her so changed it x plus its always been my favourite scene between them x

please review - I'm ending this one with the engagement but I have a couple of one shots planned for it so technically its not the end