Dont own the characters, there are some aspects of the show that Ive included, but changed a few things, Jack hasn't gone to the north so he and Elizabeth aren't engaged, YET, and Doug is still alive

The sun shone high over the small frontier town of Hope Valley, it was a perfect Tuesday morning, Lee and Jesse were happy the saw mill was running effectively, Abigail was winding down after the breakfast rush, Bill had just got back from a short ride up to the new settlers, the children were getting ready for their morning at school, Dotty, Clara and Rosemary were setting up the dress shop, Pastor Frank was heading from the cafe for a quick stop at the school house before coming back to abigail for a short fishing trip, even Henry was sat peacefully in his jail cell waiting for transport. There wasn't a cloud in the sky it truly was a perfect summer's morning.

Jack Thornton was enjoying his leisurely walk in the warm sun to Elizabeth's for breakfast, since starting their official courtship at the end of the previous year it had become their morning routine, Jack would walk over to her house, they would enjoy breakfast together of bacon, eggs and berries, then hand in hand he would walk her to school before starting his rounds, it was his idea of pure heaven especially as he got to share it with his future wife, she just didn't know it yet

"Approaching her door he gently knocked hearing her say 'come on Jack' from the other side, the smell of bacon filled the air as he opened the door walking in

"'good morning' she smiled sweetly towards him in a way only she knew how 'breakfast is served' she said placing the white plates filled to the brim on the table

"Jack smiled walking towards he couldn't resist giving her a sweet morning kiss 'this looks delicious' he smiled, it was true it did her cooking had got so much better since they had started learning together, both picking up tips from Abigail who had been happy to teach them both, chicken fried steak was still not her speciality but breakfasts and shepherds pie definitely were

As the pair sat enjoying each other's company and their breakfast conversation turned to their day

'any Mountie business to take care of today'

there was something important that he had to take care of from HQ about a prisoners escape but he was last seen heading North so didn't want to worry her if he didn't have to 'a few confidential things I cant really say, paperwork from the Weaver arrest and transfer for Henry to prison. I'm also going to telegram Mountie Hq to find out how Doug and the others are getting along'

Elizabeth knew how much he was worried, it had been a hard decision for him to stay but finding out that the north was coming back under mountie control and the threat of life from the Weaver gang meant Super Intendant Collins had telegrammed and told him to stay where he was needed, she took his hand in hers stroking her thumb slowly as he had done to her everytime she was worried

"'I know you're worried Jack, but you have to have faith, the Northern Territory is almost back under Mountie control, hq said that Doug and all the other men should be back with their families within the next week, you have to believe that you taught him well, that the fight and courage you have in you, he has and he will come home back to his family.'

"Jack couldn't resist her he had to hold her in his arms, she always knew what to say to him, he hugged her tightly knowing that even if anything happened she was right there, kissing her softly he whispered 'thank you for being you'

"She smiled sweetly back at him as he kissed her hand;"'walk you to school'

"'that's the best offer I've had all morning' she laughed as he took her hand and walked with her to the school house, watching the sun reflecting off her long locks it took his breath away several times and he couldn't help but just watch her, she was his future and the little box locked safely away at the jail was going to prove to her how much, he knew when, he knew how and hopefully buy the end of the morning and a conversation with Abigail he knew where or at least where the evening would start

"'penny for our thoughts' Elizabeth smiled when she noticed him day dreaming

'you can still have them for free and it's still how absolutely beautiful you look'

"Elizabeth blushed as they arrived at the school house, she wanted to kiss him right there but knew that with all the children around it wasn't appropriate, so instead gently squeezed his hand as he kissed her cheek

'I'll come back later and help carry your books home', Jack spoke as he watched her head to the school

'another best offer of the day, you really are becoming a teacher's pet' Elizabeth smiled back and as she disappeared through the door, and as Jack heard the familiar sound of the cow bell he couldn't help but think 'it truly was the perfect summers morning'

but will the perfect morning stay perfect or is there a someone hiding in the woods ready to spoil the peace and tranquility of Hope Valley - read on and review to find out x