A/N I don't own anything Kingdom Hearts related except for this story. This similar to my Naruto story except it's a different plot. Sora is a college basketball coach and Kairi's a kindergarten teacher.

November 3rd 2006

It was a quiet night for Kairi Mori. She is 8 1/2 months pregnant and is expecting to give birth to her son in a few weeks. She is a Kindergarten teacher at Destiny Elementary school. Destiny is the nickname for Lexington, Kentucky because they say you are destined to be with your loved one until death do you part. So far Kairi's been with the man's been married for 6 years. She just finished her last day before taking off for maternity leave. She won't be back until January 2007. Now she is ready for bed. After she finished brushing her hair, her husband came out of the bathroom. His name is Kazuki. They have been married for 3 years. They were very excited for their son coming. After settling down in bed Kairi finally decided to speak.

"You know, it won't be long until Ken is born." Katsuki smiled then puts his arm arounds her shoulder.

"Yeah, it won't be long before he will be a star basketball player like his old man." Kairi gave the man a smirk.

"Katsuki, you were a bench player. If he becomes like you, he'll never get playing time." Katsuki gave his wife a glare.

"Hey!" Kairi laughed before giving him a hug.

"Whatever happens, I hope he grows up to be kind, good hearted person like you. That's all I want our son to be." Katsuki smiled. They both closed their eyes before they heard a window crash. It sounded like someone was breaking in. Katsuki tossed down the covers than ran up to the closet and grabbed his baseball bat. Kairi noticed and loudly whispered.

"What are you doing?" Asked the pregnant woman.

"I going downstairs to take care of those bastards."

"No...don't." Kairi pleaded but it was too late. Katsuki fled down. Kairi was about to get up but not before she heard gunshots. Her eyes widen in fear.

"You idiot! You were supposed to shoot his leg, not his heart!" Said a voice. Kairi gasped.

"Sorry, man!" The other voice, apologized.

"Let's get out of here before someone calls the cops." The first voice said. Kairi heard the two men leave. She rushed downstairs then to the living room then she sees a horrific sight. Katsuki was lying on the floor with a gunshot wound. She grabbed her phone and dialed 911.

"911. What's your emergency?"

"Hello? My husband's been shot. I NEED AN AMBULANCE!" She screamed.

"Calm down, Ma'am. What's your name?"

"Kairi Mori. I live at 723 at North broadway."

"Okay...An ambulance is on his way."

"Okay!" She hung up then unlocked the door then she sat down to comfort her husband.

"Baby... it's going to all right. You're gonna be fine." She said to her near unconscious husband.

"Kairi..." Katsuki said before he was coughing blood. "I'm not gonna make it."

"Don't say it. The paramedics are on their way to save you." Kairi reassured him. He shook his head.

"No... it's too late for me... Cough cough. Kairi, listen. If I don't make it, please live on. Find someone else to love."

"Love? But I'll never love a man like..."

"Yes you can. I don't want you to be lonely. I want you to find someone and love him like you love me." He said with a smile before his eyes closed. Kairi never left him behind. She stood by him until the ambulance came.

Kairi waited in the emergency room for about 3 hours. She still has no words about her husband yet. She looked heard the elevator open to reveal a blue haired woman wearing a t-shirt and jean pants with a man with a buttoned up brown shirt and jeans. Kairi recognized those people.

"Aqua, Terra." It was Kairi's older sister Aqua and her husband Terra. She gives both a hug.

"Thanks for coming. I need all the support I can get." She whispered. Aqua gave her a sad smile.

"Kairi, as soon as you called us, we just had to come over. Katsuki is part of our family. Is there any news yet?"


"Did you see what the burglars look like?" Kairi shook her head.

"No... they just left before I could even see them. I don't know even care if they stole anything..." But before she could rant some more, the doctor arrived with a sad look on his face. Kairi didn't like the look on his face.

"I'm sorry, he didn't make it." Kairi's world just fell apart. She's a widow, at age 29. She jumped into Aqua's arms and cried on her sister's eyes. Aqua hugged her shoulders. She too was crying. She loved Katsuki like a brother. Terra just stood there with silent tears coming out of his eyes.

5 years later on October 13th 2011.

"Mommy, wake up." A child called her name. Kairi raised her head up then looked around a bit before she looked at the child that called out to her.

"Oh... Sorry, Ken. I must've dozed off." She stretched her arms before smiling at her 5 year old son. He was born about a month after his father's death. He looked like Katzuki, he had brown hair but he had Kairi's beautiful blue eyes. Kairi gave her son a smile.

"Are you ready to go, Yet?"

"We can't leave yet." Ken said. "Haru and Ami are still here."

"Really?" Kairi asked. She looked over to see the new kids named Haru and Ami Fair. (Kairi couldn't help but wonder why their names sound familiar but she shrugged it off. ) "I thought their babysitter was picking them up today." The boy shook his head.

"Nope. Just them. Their daddy is picking them up."

"Ah, okay." Kairi sighed. She then turned to her son. "Well since you've been extra good. How about I take you to the UK Basketball practice?"

"For real, Mommy?" Asked the excited little boy. He, like his father is a huge basketball fan. In fact he just started playing basketball with Haru for the pee wee basketball teams. Their first game starts this Saturday.

"Yes, I just saved enough money to buy us those tickets, You can Finally go see the UK Basketball players.

"YAY!" The boy cheered he then

She walks to the playhouse to play tea with the girl Ami while Haru was playing with their Marvel Super hero action figures(Ken was the Hulk while Haru was Spider-Man. They played for about 20 minutes until they heard someone cleared his voice.

"Excuse me, miss. Are you the teacher?" Kairi looked up to see who was calling to her and gasped at the sight of the man in front of her. He had spiky brown hair, blue eyes that would melt any woman's heart and is wearing a black coat, white shirt and blue tie.

"Sorry I'm late miss. I'm..."

"You're Sora Fair." Kairi gasped. "The head coach of the University of Kentucky Basketball team." The man named Sora rubbed his head.

"Yeah... I am."

"DADDY!" the two twins screamed as they run to their dad. Sora laughed and picked up his kids.

"Hey, there kiddos. I'm so glad to see you." He laughed then give Haru the noogie then he kissed his daughter on the forehead.

"You guys ready to go?"

"Can we say goodbye to our new friend Ken first?" Asked Ami.

"Oh... you made a friend... Okay but make it quick. We gotta start another practice." The kids cheered then went over with Ken to get their stuff. Sora and Kairi looked at all of their children with pride.

"So... that little boy is yours?" Sora asked.

"Yes... He's my pride and joy. I would do anything for him."

"Yes... same here. I would do anything for my kids especially since well you heard..." Kairi looked at him with realization.

"Oh... your wife's passing." Sora nodded.

"I know what you mean. Ken's father died a few weeks before he was even born." Sora's eyes sadden.

"I'm sorry to hear that Mrs..."

"Oh.." Kairi took out her hand as Sora shook it. "Kairi Mori."

"Pleasure's all mine."

"Me too. I'm a huge UK basketball fan."

"Really? Asked Sora as he put his hands on his hips. "Cause no offense but you don't look like the type to like sports." Kairi smiled.

"None taken but I've always had a passion for sports since my dad took me to my first basketball game. And tomorrow I'm taking Ken to Big Blue madness."

"Really?" He asked. She nodded. "Which section?"

"Upper level."

"Well... how about this... I'll give you free VIP passs so you can sit at the lower level with my parents and the kids tomorrow. How's that?" Kairi gasped.

"No... really. I couldn't impose."

"Nonsense." Sora waved his hand. "Besides I'm sure your son would love to sit with the twins instead of the bleachers.

"I supposed that's right... Okay." Sora smiled then pulls out two VIP passes. "Here you go."

"Thanks... Coach." Sora gave the woman a wide cheesy smile.

"Call me Sora."

Yep. This is my first time writing a solo Kingdom Hearts fanfic. To tell you the truth at first I didn't want too but after playing Kingdom Hearts III I decided to write a modern story. It'll be way different than my Naruto story. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter cause there are more to go. Until then have a nice day.