I'm sensing some people thinking to themselves, "What!? This ain't a Duel Rider chapter!" I know. I've got ideas mapped out, I just need to write it down. It's coming. I promise. I just wanted to try something different.
I finally forced myself to read Bram Stoker's Dracula. And let me just say, Hollywood has no idea how to make that book into a faithful movie. For one thing, Dracula and Mina aren't in love. The reason Dracula forces her to drink his blood is so he can control her and eavesdrop on Van Helsing and the others. Speaking of, Van Helsing is Dutch and has a hard time with the English language which can be quite comical, but he also has these moments of seriousness whenever something remotely vampiric happens. I'm sad to say he isn't the cowboy hat, trench coat wearing badass that Hugh Jackman is. But I don't care, that movie is awesome.
So with context out of the way, I bring you a Jelsa vampire love story. I apologize in advance because I made Elsa's parents really big jerks in order to further the plot.
Creatures of the Winter Night
Chapter 1
"Are you absolutely sure about this?" The queen asked her husband.
"What other choice do we have?" He answered, "We don't have a big enough army to fight against Hans' forces."
They're argument could be heard from anywhere in the west wing of the castle. It kept the staff awake and made sleep for the princesses impossible.
"Do you think dad's really gonna do it?" Anna asked her sister.
"I don't know. He could be dethroned if he does. It's basically making a deal with the devil." Elsa answered.
"Couldn't you just use your ice powers and build a wall or something?"
"Dad won't let me. He's afraid other kingdoms would see it as me losing control again. Then they might all come and invade us."
Anna sighed and rubbed her temples trying to fight a headache, "Do really think it would even come?"
Elsa shrugged, "Dad said the Grand Pabe told him it was real, he's never lied to us."
Anna grew more anxious, "Kristoff grew up with him. He read the stories about it. He's more scared than we are."
"... We'll just have to be strong. Do you still have that necklace?"
Anna pulled a chain out of her pocket with a cross at the end, "I hope it's enough."
Elsa nodded, "Me too."
(The next day at dusk)
The king and queen sat in their thrones with Elsa and Anna on either side of them. The room was surrounded by guards with new weapons made of pure silver with a clearing in the center for their… "guest."
"The sun is almost gone, your highness." The guard at the window said.
The royal family reached into their shirts and each pulled out a cross.
"Daddy, I'm scared." Anna said.
"We all are." He responded. "But we'll make it through this."
The last sliver of sunlight disappeared on the horizon. "It's time, Sire."
The queen, Anna, and Elsa looked at the king as he took a deep breath.
"...Jack Frost."
Suddenly the room grew cold as a fog creeped in from the open widows
"Jack Frost."
In the center of the room the fog twirled as the lights from the chandelier went out. The king took one last breath.
"Jack Frost."
Suddenly a figure in a blue cloak fell from the ceiling and landed on his feet with barley a sound. The guards readied their weapons in case it tried to strike the family. It rose from it's crouched position with it's cloak billowing in the wind and pulled its hood down revealing a young face with skin as smooth as porcelain and hair as white as snow.
It flashed the king a wide toothy grin, "Greetings."
"Gulp… Greetings."
Jack took a quick glance at his surroundings. Sharp spears made of pure silver were pointed at him and frightened looks could be seen from under their helmets.
"Not the most warmest of welcomes. You haven't even offered to take my cloak."
The king looked to his right as Elsa stepped down from her spot.
She approached the creature and held out her hands with a brave face.
"M...may I take your cloak?" She asked.
Jack chuckled quietly, "No thank you. I'll keep it on."
Elsa bowed quickly and returned to her place beside the king thinking to herself, What was the point of that?
"As you know, we've been under attack by Prince Hans of the Southern Isles. We have no army to defend ourselves."
Jack stayed quiet.
"W… we're prepared to give you whatever you may like in exchange for your help in defending our kingdom."
Jack looked at Elsa, "You were the one who froze the land last year weren't you?"
"Jack…" The king started.
"Yes." Elsa answered. "I did. It was an accident. I'm sorry if it inconvenienced you in any way."
"Not at all. I enjoy sleigh ride." Jack said with complete sincerity.
Elsa covered her mouth as she chuckled at the idea.
"Jack Frost, I said that Prince Hans is..." The king started again.
"I heard you the first time!" Jack said in a demonic voice.
No one moved. No one spoke. No one even breathed.
"Anything… you say?" Jack said.
The king nodded slowly.
Jack smiled and looked at Elsa.
"I want her."