Jessica bird sat in the middle of environmental science. She had no idea why she chose it. Well she did. She thought it would be interesting learning about the reefs and wildlife that occupied the coast line, but so far all they had done was a litter pick along the promenade and looked at the lay out of Melbourne and the effects it may have on the environment. She sat staring out the window. Being on the second floor she had a fantastic view of Port Phillip bay. She loved the sea and the freedom it gave. Today they were learning about the pros and cons of recycling.

She sighed leaning against her arms. She had never been so board in her life.

"are we keeping you from something Jessica?" her teacher called from the front of the class

The whole class turned round to look at her.

"Jess" her friend May poked her hard in the side making her jump

"eh" she jumped looking up at the board "sorry Sir" she smiled weekly frantically scribbling down some notes of the board and looking like she was interested

At that point the bell rang singling the end of the lesion and thankfully the end of the day. The sun was shining. Packing her books In to her bag she sighed, she couldn't wait till summer.

"your homework for tonight. 500 words on how we can improve recycling in school for Monday please and the headmaster has asked me to remind you that there is the careers and future education fair.

There were moans from the class. They had all hoped that he had forgotten about homework. It was Friday and the weekend had promised to be hot and sunny. Heading for her locker outside the courtyard was bathed in a warm sun.

The two girls walked home. Their route took them past the ADF recruitment offices in the centre of Melbourne. Jess noticed that there was a new display in the window. Posters for all the forces but one caught her eye.

"RECRUTING NOW..! Are you going in to Year 12 and want to take a break from study or don't know what you want to do next in your life. Join the ROYAL AUSTRALIAN NAVY gap year program. Earn a wage. Make friends. Learn life skills." It showed picture of several young people dressed in full uniform on the bridge of one of the ships.

"come on Jess" May called from several paces ahead "if I am not back before 4:30 then my mum will go ape"

"coming" she ran to catch up with May

"whats so interesting in there"

"oh nothing just a really"

"right, well come on"

They reached the corner of both their roads where they normally parted.

"See you tomorrow" may called "we can go to the mall"

"cool" she forced a smile

Once upon a time she loved the mall but it was the same boring shops and tat that they always sold. She wanted more she wanted a adventure. She just didn't know how or what she wanted really

okay so this was originally going to be a one shot but I had a thought and I think there is too much for one chapter. let me know what you think.

duckmadgirl x