Hey all. Yes, I live. Just had a mild case of writers block. Thankfully, its gone now...hopefully. Also, work situation is getting difficult...people not following protocol. But enough about my problems, lets get to some reviews!

Hellsink Bathhall - Thanks for the lengthy review! Now, something I need to point out is that there is a card called Paladin of Dark Dragon, a Red-Eyes B. Dragon version of Paladin of White Dragon. That's on me, I got the name of the card wrong and that is what Professor Sweet was cosplaying as, minus the Dragon. As for the segment with the Sacred Beasts, I'm trying to show that they aren't just mindless beast who want destruction. Blank personalities like that just irritate me. And yes, Yubel was naked, but only to Jaden. She cast an illusion to hide her breasts and lower regions. And Zane does not have a crush on Yubel. He was blushing because Jasmine, Mindy, and Alexis were dressed as Harpy Lady sisters, which if you recall in Duel in love, Syrus blurted out to everyone that Zane had as a harem.

And the Judeo-Christan subtext can only be seen in the Japanese version. 4kids, not wanting to make any kind of statement in regards to relgion, took great pains to censor it all out.

Neo Infinity - In all honesty, I do it because I can really. No joke, look at how Syrus is treated in the later seasons and you can't help but feel sorry for the guy.

ReddragonForce1 - I am actually going to make an original archtype for Syrus that combines both Machines and Spellcasters. I'm working out some finer details but I do intend to have a few of them support DMG.

Now that is done, onward!

The day after the the festival was a calm one. At least on the island. Out at sea however, a lone boat rode the waves, a panting man pushing it with a single oar. Another man sat in the front, large and heavily muscled. His hair was black with two buns just above his ears.

"Get the lead out, I want to be at Duel Academy by morning!" The ssecond man barked at the first.

"Y-yes sir!" The rower remarked.

The second man glared at the rapidly approching island, one thought in his head.

It's time for Chumley to give up this notion of being a duelist and come home.


Jaden sat under the shade of a large tree, far from any dorms of the school itself. His mind was on the mystery of the vanished Professor Banner. He wasn't sure what to make of it. The Professor had a cushy job here at the island, able to teach others about Deck Alchemy, the mixing of cards to get the strongest deck you could make.

Other then Yugi Muto's deck, there was no true 'perfect' deck. Even he admitted that many of his decks had flaws in them that many could exploit. So why would a professor up and leave without any kind of notice?

His musing was interrupted by a shout of his name. The boy sat up, seeing Chazz and Syrus running up to him.


"We got trouble." Chazz said, stopping.

That made Jaden get up in a flash. Syrus shook his head, saying it wasn't the Shadow Riders. It was Chumley's father, he was here to pull Chumley out of the academy. That made Jaden see red.

Chumley had come a long way since his days in Slifer. Now he could handle his own and managed to get his grades up. Now the man that was once a pro was coming here to ruin it?!

The King of the Ring got up and hurried with the other two.


As the three approached, they could hear shouting.

"And I say its time you give up that dream of yours! You'll never be a duelist!"

"Not true, Dad! You only got my earlier report cards and then came right here! It takes hours to get here by yacht but you came by a rowboat! That takes months! I've improved since those report cards!"

As the three arrived, they saw the man. He was large, broad shouldered and wearing a white muscle shirt with dark blue jeans and boots. He was glaring down at Chumley who was glaring right back.

"You will listen to your father, Chumley!"

The portly boy shook his head, refusing. He demanded he duel his father, to show him that he was a far better duelist then before. Hearing that made the man laugh.

"Very well, but if I win, you have to drop out and join the family business."

"Fine, but if I win, I'll stay here." Chumley said.

Jaden hung back, watching as both of them got on their duel disks. Syrus commented that this would be easy for Chumley. Chazz shook his head.

"Not really, Syrus. Mr. Huffington down there was a former Pro who retired just as Jaden hit the scene."

"Chazz is right. Mr. Huffington was well on his way to be an international champ but had to stop when his own father passed away suddenly. He took over the business, given that it was his lifelong dream to have it."

"Business? What kind of Business?"

Jaden said only two things.

Hot sauce and Sake.

The man ran a Hot Sauce and Sake company, even managing to mix both. The deck reflected that. However, Chumley wasn't without his own bag of tricks. The three watched the duel start.

Kazumo Huffington: 8000/Chumley: 8000

"Since you don't have a chance, I'll let you start, son!"

"Thanks, dad." Chumley said, drawing his card.

Looking at his opening hand, he grinned.

"I'll first set this card facedown in defense mode! But now I'll follow it up with Book of Taiyou!

(Book of Taiyou – Type/Spell/Normal.

Flip 1 face-down monster on the field into face-up Attack Position.)

The monster flipped up to reveal it to be a large Koala. Kazumo's eyes went wide, seeing the monster. Chumley explained that this was Des Koala and when it was flipped, it dealt four hundred points of effect damage multiplied by the number of cards in the opponent's hand.

Kazumo: 6000

"I'll set three cards facedown and end my turn."

"I draw!" Kazumo shouted, taking the card.

Looking at the card, he smirked. That had Jaden go on edge.

"Watch guys. Kazumo can end most duels in a single turn. This might be the card that starts it."

The man had played a card called Dizzy Tiger in attack mode. A large feline appeared, wearing pants and sunglasses. In its hand was a large brown bottle. Wisps of smoke escaped its mouth as it stumbled around. That made Chazz blink.

"Uh...is that monster drunk?"

"Looks like it...is this that Sake part of the Huffington family?"

Jaden nodded, watching the monster intently.

(Dizzy Tiger – LV/****, Attribute/EARTH, ATK/1800, DEF/600, Type/Beast-Warrior/Effect.

Negate the effect of face-down Defense Position Flip Effect Monsters attacked by this card.)

"Now, Dizzy Tiger! Attack!" Kazumo shouted.

The monster charged forward...only to stumble suddenly to the right. Chumley didn't hesitate, he revealed a facedown card of his.

"I play Beast Soul Swap! This trap allows me to swap out my Des Koala with another level three beast. I chose Gyaku-Gire Panda!"

(Gyaku-Gire Panda – LV/***, Attribute/EARTH, ATK/800, DEF/1600, Type/Beast/Effect.

Increase the ATK of this card by 500 points for each monster on your opponent's side of the field. When this card attacks with an ATK that is higher than the DEF of your opponent's Defense Position monster, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points.)

The koala was swapped out and a panda appeared. Syrus stated that wasn't part of Australia. Chazz nodded.

"Yeah, but you gotta remember, not a whole lot of Down under cards out there."

"Wait, I thought you mentioned a card, Jaden." Syrus said turning to the boy.

"That was a mistake on our author's part. He forgot how the canon of the Original universe ours is based off of went and a reviewer pointed it out."

Both Syrus and Chazz ahh'd in understanding then.

"Okay, so forgetful author messing up. Good to know."

Kazumo laughed, stating that Dizzy Tiger was still stronger then the Panda. Chumley just smirked.

Panda – ATK/ 800 → 1300

"Not so with my other facedown! Go Ojama Trio! This card puts three Ojama Tokens on your side of the field, giving my Panda another fifteen hundred points!"

The three Ojamas appeared next to Chazz cheering while said boy gained a tick mark. The tokens appeared, the panda getting larger.

Panda – ATK/1300 → 2800

Kazumo frowned, calling back his tiger. He had to admit, that was a good move on his son's part. Checking his hand, he didn't have what he needed yet. He ended his turn, allowing Chumley to take over. Drawing his card, he looked at it.

Seeing a Kangaroo with boxing gloves on, he smirked. He saw he had what he needed to.

"I play Fusion Sage. This allows me to gain a Polymerization card from my deck and add it to my hand. But its not staying there, cuz I'm playing it!"

Chumley revealed his Big Koala and his Des Kangaroo, fusing them to create a new monster. A large koala appeared in a boxer's outfit, ready to fight. Everyone gasped at the attacking power of the monster, a whopping forty-two hundred points.

Kazumo blinked; that was the card Jaden Yuki had given his son a very long time ago. Chumley smirked, ordering his Panda to attack one of the tokens. Kazumo realized what was going on; Panda dealt pierce damage! The monster easily tore the Ojama token to shreds.

Kazumo: 4200 → 3900 (Token effect)

Panda – ATK/2800 → 2300

"Next is my Master of Oz, with pummel from down under! Make his Dizzy tiger sober up!"

The large koala charged, its large fist raised. Bringing it crashing down on the tiger, Kazumo yelled out in shock.

Kazumo: 1500

"Awesome! Chumley's got his dad on the back foot!" Syrus cheered.

"Don't count out Kazumo yet. He's got a few more cards to play." Chazz said, knowing of the three time state champ.

Kazumo took over after Chumley ended with a facedown. He played a monster called Dizzy Angel, the monster appearing and stumbling about. Once more the stench of Sake wafted through the air. Chumley grimaced, knowing what was coming next. The man then played three facedown cards, Chumley scowling. He knew what they were. Then Kazumo revealed a spell card.

"Flipping the Table! I knew it! Those facedowns are Hot Sake Bottles! They inflict five hundred points when destroyed." Chumley explained.

"Right son, and I now play Flipping the Table's effect! I'll destroy your Master of Oz and your facedowns too!"

"Don't forget that with you taking out your Ojama tokens, you take three hundred points!" Chumley butted in making Kazumo grunt.

Kazumo: 900

The three facedowns were destroyed, Oz flipping and into the air. With an explosion, Chumley covered his face. The bottles appeared and exploded next to him.

Chumley: 6500

The only monster that remained was Dizzy angel, Kazumo explaining that the monster was unaffected by Flipping the Table's effect. And now that Chumley was wide open, he ordered an attack. The monster threw its sake bottle at the boy, the bottle breaking and coating Chumley in its contents.

Chumley: 4700

"I'll play one card facedown and end my turn. Your move Chumley and make it a good one!"

"I will! DRAW!" Chumley shouted, drawing his card.

He saw it was another Des Koala of his and smirked when he checked over his hand. He revealed a spell card, Card of Santicty and both drew until they had six cards. Kazumo frowned; what was his son up to?

During the entire duel, Kazumo had expected his son to make mistake after mistake. Yet...not one mistake. He had played flawlessly, making combo after combo. Truly, his son had improved since those first report cards. Perhaps he had underestimated his boy.

"I play one monster in facedown defense mode, then follow that up with Magical Stone excavation! I'll discard these two to regain a spell I used at the start of the duel!"

Kazumo's eyes went wide. The first spell he used was Book of Taiyou! Chumley nodded, taking the card. Kazumo frowned; the card he had placed was Double Sauce Blast. Only problem was that he needed his Dizzy angel to be destroyed to trigger it. It wasn't going to happen. Chumley revealed the card and Des Koala flipped up.

From its pouch came several orbs of light, all which surrounded Kazumo. The man looked at them all...before laughing.

"Well done, Son! I see that you have improved indeed! Come on now! End this duel!"

Chumley nodded, giving the go ahead to his spirit monster. The orbs exploded around Kazumo, taking four hundred points times the number of cards in his hand.

Kazumo: 0

"I...I...I won?!" Chumley exclaimed.

"He won!" Chazz and Syrus shouted, one in disbelief, the other in joy.

Jaden smiled, walking down as Chumley helped his father up. The man was laughing up a storm, impressed at how his son had done. Rubbing his son's head, he stated how proud he was of Chumley's dueling. Said boy blushed, stating that it was thanks to his instructor here.

"Really? Well, whose the professor I should thank?" Kazumo said, eyes gleaming.

"He's right behind you."

The man's eyes bulged out at the voice. He spun around to see a cloak wearing boy with golden eyes.


"Hey, Kazumo. Before you ask, I was hired by some concerned parents."

Kazumo's eyes went back to normal and frowned. He had heard rumors about some missing kids, but thought it was just a rival company trying to smear Kaiba Corp. Guess he was wrong.

"So, you trained my boy?"

"As well as every one of the Slifer Reds. This year, they have been kicking serious ass." Jaden said.

Kazumo laughed, stating that if the Supreme King of the Ring was teaching them, they had better! He turned back to Chumley.

"Son, I couldn't be more proud of you. Not only have you come a long way, but you made some good friends here." Kazumo said. "Now come on! Let's have a feast for my son's victory over me!"

Everyone of the Slifer Dorm cheered.


Professor Jason walked the path from the Main campus to his apartment. It had been a long day filling out assignments and grading them. Now though he could go and relax with some classical music. The wind picked up a little making him pause.

Looking at the ground, he saw a odd symbol followed by another. Frowning, he followed them into the forest.

After he entered, he came to a clearing, the trees behind closing tight. Now realizing that he walked into a trap, he brought out his disk. Sensing someone, he spoke.

"Let's do this."

There was a sound of disk deploying.

An explosion echoed.


Deep underground, another lock slid away.

And just like that, the seventh strikes again! Professor Sweet gave one hell of a fight, but like Bastion, was overwhelmed. Next chapter has the Seven rider go out into the open and attack the final guards.