Chapter 4

This is a long one (5,001 on the word count) so hang on tight! This chapter will have some weird chat dialogue within the Horde and alters…

Kevin will be underlined and bold

The Beast will be italicized

Patricia will be bold only

Barry will be underlined only

Hedwig will be italicized and bold

'Dennis will be italicized and in singular quotations/apostrophes'

Any other italicized words will be for speech expression, intensification and/or thoughts. I started this story out on my phone since my laptop was in the PC Doctor's office, but now I have it back I can write way more easily. Thank you for your patience.

.WARNING! Dark themes in this chapter (assault, mentions of rape/incest, murder) may trigger readers…. No readers under 18, this is Mature Audience work only.

His hands and feet pounded into the ground as he followed Casey's trail. Her Uncle had taken her, His Casey. He couldn't wait to sink his teeth into that human's flesh and tear him apart for his atrocious act.

We should've just stayed with her. We should've been there! We could've—

There's not much to be done about it now Kev dear. As much as I don't want to admit it, the Beast is our only chance to get her back.

Yes Barry, he is. Trust in him, as we should have all along.

Can we even trust the cop? What if he, you know, like takes her away? Etcetera? Wha—what if her uncle did something bad!?

Quiet! All of you! I need to focus. As the Beast came to a skidding stop, he was outside the Uncle's home. Panting from the 10 mile run, his eyes scanned for any movement. An open window on the second floor drew his attention. He was about to lunge forward when he realized he wasn't alone.

"Hey man," His head snapped to the voice. The detective slowly walked to him, a hand raised in peace; however the Beast's eyes glanced at that gun on his hip. "I've searched the home, they aren't here."

"I will find her. I need her." The deep distortion in his voice was unnerving, human yet more aggressive. His face started to strain as he tried to catch his breath. Looking up, his body contracted a little as he tugged his shirt from his back pocket, and put it on. "Officer Graham right? I'm Kevin."

"Yeah, I know who you are. You kidnapped and ate those girls." Kevin grimaced at the memory.

"That wasn't—I didn't—Look, I saw her right before he took her. The Horde, they—they like her. I like her. She's the first one to get through to all of us since Dr. Fletcher and I can't—I can't lose her. She's all I got."

"It's alright son. I hear ya. We'll find her. Okay?"

"What do—do you mean? She's not here?"

"No and neither is his work truck. He's probably got her in the back of it and keeping her mobile. Bastard's probably planned this since the beginning of the trial." He put his hands on his hips and sighed while looking around. "I put in a request for any info on other places he's got. Warehouses, cabins, anything in his or her name will come back."

As if a sign from above, Graham's cell rang in his pocket. He snapped it open.

"Graham." A pause. "Yeah? Where?" He looked at Kevin and motioned him to follow him to the car. "Alright send me the address. No back up though, you hear me? No one knows, he might spook and kill her." As they both settled into the unmarked car, Graham glanced at Kevin. "Charlene, I'll be okay." He hoped this "beast" identity was as powerful as Casey claimed in her report. "Trust me, I got enough help."

Straining against the chain on her wrist, she cried a little as she looked around the room for the hundredth time for any kind of hope. The dark stone walls were barren, the light dim. She was slowly conceding to the possibility that she wasn't going to make it out alive this time. She didn't even know what time it was, she at least knew where: the hunting cabin out near Lehigh River. She could hear the river pounding against the rocks a few hundred yards away. A sweet sound had never been so torturous.

She heard the door hinges open and the same boots thudded down the wooden creaking steps. When her Uncle appeared, she struggled.

"You little bitch. Do you even know how much shit you put me through? Telling the cops and shit?!" He tugged at his shirt and undid his buckle. The metal clanking had panic flooding through her. Her eyes widened as she struggled more.

"Kevin! Dennis! Someone help me!" Hearing his name somehow stopped the advance.

"That the man who killed my buddy? Huh?" He reached forward and roughly grabbed her chin in his hand.

"I don't—I don't know what you're talking abou—" He back handed her hard; the crack was loud as it echoed in the small room of the basement. Her whimpers fell into silence.

"Don't you lie to me girl! His neck was snapped backwards. He was torn part! They found him a couple miles from that dump you're in. You tell him to do it?"

She suddenly remembered Kevin's dream he had, except now she knew for certain it wasn't an imagination.

"No he just wanted to protect me. He just…" her voice died off as she saw realization flare in his eyes.

"You love him, don't you? You want him you little slut. Does he know I had you first? Huh?" He continued to disrobe as her tears flowed. "I'm gonna make damn sure no one would ever want you again…"

Graham and Kevin finally found the dirt road for the cabin. "Secluded, that's good. No one will see us coming." He turned off the main road, dimed the lights and slowly rolled up the dirt road. "Listen, I know we feel the same about this asshole, but we need to bring him in alive. You hear me?"

"No, no, no we—we can't. Not after what he did. He'll just get let go again."

"If we ambush and he lives? It'll be self defense on his side and it won't look good—"

"I don't care! He took her. He has my Casey." Kevin choked a little, then straightened himself, his demeanor suddenly calm as he tucked his shirt closer to his nape. "Officer…Graham is it?" A feminine voice came from Kevin.

"Yeah, and you are?" He still wasn't used to the multiple voices this guy had.

"My name is Patricia. I'm sort of the matriarch of the Horde. Would you kindly stop the car? So we may prepare for his arrival?"

"Who's arrival?" He asked as he stopped the car, quietly putting it in park.

"The Beast of course. You met him earlier I believe?" When he nodded, Kevin smiled gently. "You're about to witness our avenging angel sent to us. Normally, we select those who have been untested, but this..." He looked up towards the cabin. "This is personal. We do like the girl, and Kevin wants to protect her. We all do. She's more pure than anyone we've ever met. And right now, she needs us. Needs him."

As Kevin got out of the car and slowly took off his shirt, Graham quickly checked his magazine. When he heard slow panting and growling, he looked over and winced. He could've sworn Kevin's muscle mass was twice what it had been only a few moments ago, veins protruding from underneath his skin. His eyes turned towards him, the pupil had taken over the color of his eyes. He didn't look human. With a sense of calm aggression, he stared Graham down. "Stay out of my way, or I'll kill you too."

As he lunged on all fours towards the house, he felt a strain from the Horde but he pushed it down. She could be dead already—

A small voice came from the back of the shadows of Kevin's mind.

'Wait, wait, wait, hold on a minute.'

What is it Dennis?

'Think about it for a second, please. Her uncle—'

What about that filth? Why are you stopping me?

Yeah that's right. What if—if he's did it again, ya know?

What do you mean boy?

What if he's done, like traps? Etcetera?

'Hedwig may be right. Pawns are sacrificed in chess first for a reason…'

Graham watched as the massive human skidded to a stop, seemingly warring within himself from going forward. 'Why would he stop?' Then he glanced over his shoulder back at Graham, but it wasn't a look of fear in his eyes… it was determination. 'Shit.' He readjusted his grip on his pistol, ready just in case the tables turned.

The Beast looked back at the cop and pointed towards the door. "Cop…go around the back. See if there isn't a generator that cuts power. We'll need the darkness like you said. And draw him out and away from her."

He let go of the breath he was holding, it was a solid plan. "Got it," He drew his gun up towards the house and slowly flanked to the left. As he rounded to the side of the cabin, he looked behind at his back up…who was still in the same place. 'Why isn't he moving in?' Shaking it off, he continued around back. Glancing over by a pile of pallets, he sighed as he found a generator sitting between some piles. 'Well fuck, he was right.' As he walked forward, there was a click under his foot, freezing him instantly.

"Fuck me," He groaned. Looking down, he saw small triangular spikes barely protruding from the ground surrounding his foot. "Really? A fucking bear—" His leg twitched in stress, causing the pin to release. The iron jaws snapped shut, digging deep into his leg. He quickly muffled his screams as he bit his own hand. Kevin slowly came around back, and glanced down.

"You alright?"

"Fucker put bear traps." He groaned in pain, then a thought hit him. "You know he'd do this?"

Kevin tilted his head. "Dennis. He thought he'd might. So why not send a pawn instead of the king?"

"Oh that's reassuring. Thanks your royal ass-ness." He was losing consciousness, dark spots filled his vision. "Can you help me out here?" When Kevin leaned down and went for Graham's belt he winced, and instantly regretted it. "Ow, fuck! What are you—"

"You'll need a tourniquet when I rip that off. You've already bled a lot." Nodding in silence Kevin took the belt, and wrapped it above the knee.

"Okay, okay, okay. That's good enough. Now there should be a switch on the side—"

With incredible strength, Kevin ripped the jaws apart with ease. The throbbing became worse as he bit into his hand again. Reaching over, he handed Graham a sledgehammer.

"When you can, rejoin us."

"The generator is over there. Pull the main cord in the back of the box."

With a nod, Kevin carefully walked over to the vibrating box. Studying it, he made quick work of the strip, and the box shot out sparks, watching it fall silent.

The lights above flickered and shut off. John glanced up while redoing his belt.

"That damn generator." He looked down at his naked and ruined niece. "That thing has given me almost as much problems as you." Her quiet sobs annoyed him as he spat on her whimpering form. "God you're fucking weak, just like your father." As he treaded up the stairs, he became instantly on alert. He didn't remember leaving the door open. As he got closer, and shut it quickly, the room descended into darkness. Sighing in relief, he walked back over to the kitchen and opened the fridge. Seeing only two left, he groaned. "God dammit…I knew I should've grabbed some." He cracked the beer and took a big swig when something caught his attention out the kitchen window. He took a closer look at the generator and froze. The cord was ripped out.

He set the beer down on the counter and went to reach for the shotgun when he was tackled by a strong force from behind. He struggled to get out from under the body that laid on him when he felt a sudden burning pain in his leg. He looked back to see a shirtless man sinking his teeth into his calf. "What the fuck!" He cried as he used his other foot to kick the man in the face. Knocking him off, he tried to get up to run but a hand grabbed him and pulled him back. The fear of being caught like prey sunk in.

"You… are an abomination in this world!" The attacker's voice was twisted and demonic as he easily held him in place. He struggled once more before a foot come slamming down on his leg, and he yelled in pain as he felt both the bones snap. "You must be eradicated." The other leg was punished as well, both bones breaking under his assault. Suddenly, Casey's scream of "help me" was heard, causing the man to let go. As John crawled away slowly, he saw the massive human stalk to the living room.

"Where are you little one?" he yelled, scanning the house, listening for her.

"Down here!" Her cries sent a cringe in his stomach. He glanced back at John and growled, debating on either leaving him or finishing him off now.

The cop came in, setting the sledgehammer down on John's back. Ignoring the pained groan, he settled on his good leg. "Go get her; I got this piece of shit." The Beast nodded as he turned and ran down the stairs. Kevin took deep breaths, attempting to regain the Light.

"Casey?" His eyes landed on her naked body. "Oh god baby. I got you, its okay." He grabbed a blanket and wrapped her up. He was as gentle as he could have been, but her whimpers almost broke his heart. "Shhh I'm here." He heard a commotion upstairs, so he hurried up and saw the cop struggling with John. He set her on her feet, steadied her and strode over to the pair, the Beast taking over quickly. Grabbing John's collar, he ripped him off the cop, throwing him against the wall. As he lent a hand to the cop to help him up, he heard a gun cock behind him. Looking back, John had grabbed and cradled the shotgun and aimed it at the Beast's chest. He roared and advanced but when the shot rang out, Casey screamed. He looked down and saw the impact of the round: it was no more than a rug burn.

"How…is that possible?" John was in awe and afraid. That slug round should've gone through him. With another roar, The Beast flew at John, grabbed the gun and tossed it away. He leaned down and bit into John's neck, and tore into the muscle. John's anguished scream was almost too much for Casey as she watched the Beast chew on her uncle.

"Stop it!" She screamed, covering her ears. She wasn't expecting him to listen to her, but when she looked back, he had pulled away and looked at her expectantly. But when the cop was hobbling over to her, he got defensive, and stepped between them.

"Leave her!" The Beast roared.

"We have to get her out of here right now. Someone would've heard that shot." He looked down at her and gently took her into his arms. His body shrank a little, Kevin returning to the surface.

"Call your back up. I'm taking her with me."

"They'll need her statement for…this." He motioned to John, who was clutching his wound.

"Tell them an avenging angel came for her, and saved her life. You arrived after this. You don't know where she and I will have gone." He ushered her to walk away when John laughed.

"I'll get out again bitch. You hear me?" She stopped and slowly turned to him. His laugh was disgusting to her, feeling bile rising in her gut. "They let me go once, who's to say they won't let me go again?" Another laugh. "I'll tell them your little fuck toy here came at me in my own house. And I defended myself!" Her face hardened angrily as she pushed away from Kevin. She leaned down, grabbed the shotgun, checked the barrel, and cocked it. "You ain't got the ba—" she pulled the trigger unflinching as she watched half his face be blown apart by the slug.

"Fuck you." She growled out quietly as she dropped the gun. She looked back at Kevin. "Get me out of here." He went to her and gathered her up once more and led her away. Graham took one last glance at the body on the floor.

"Fucking hell…" He sighed, shaking his head. He felt relief despite this causing more paperwork later on. At least Casey was— He glanced up and cursed. They were both gone. Reaching in his pocket, he pulled out his cell and called the station.

"Good afternoon, this is Rebecca Layhey with the 12 o' clock news. Last night, officers were dispatched to a cabin near Lehigh River in Hickory Run State Park, to a gruesome event. John Cooke, a 46 year old male who had just been found not guilty for the sexual assault of his niece Casey Cooke, was found murdered in his home. Police haven't released details on how he was killed, or the whereabouts of his niece at this time—" The TV was shut off by Kevin as he glanced back as Casey, who was sitting on the bed of the motel they found outside of White Haven, tending to her slightly reddened cheek from where John had hit her.

"Are you alright?" When she nodded, he wasn't convinced as he sat down next to her. "It was an incredible thing you did, killing him."

"He was right. They would've let him out. He would've come back."

"You're probably right." They sat in silence, together in each other's arms. Kevin was about to speak when the burner phone she had from Graham rang. They glanced at each other, before Kevin reached over and flipped it open and hit the speaker button. "Yeah?"

"You guys safe?"

"Yeah uh, we are. Thanks." He cleared his throat, his discomfort obvious. "So—so what's gonna happen now?"

"Well, once this gets sorted out, there shouldn't be any charges pressed against Casey. I did leave you out of this Kevin. You have a lot of heat on your back and I didn't want this to be added onto the list of shit piling up." Casey leaned forward.

"When can we come back?"

"Hey there," He sounded genuinely happy to hear her. "Yeah um, it's unclear at the moment—"

"I want it known that Kevin saved my life."


"I don't care. You and he both came and saved me." Kevin and Casey shared a glace while there was a heavy pause in the air.

"I'll try to talk to my Sarge but I'm not sure how she's gonna react. As far as she knew I went alone. Adding Kevin's help in the official report would flip a lot of shit around here."

"What about unofficial?" Kevin quizzed.

"Look just, stay safe. I'll call you when things cool down okay?"

"Okay thank you," As they hung up, Casey sighed. "I'm gonna take a shower. I need to—"

"Get clean?" He answered softly.

"Yeah…" She had a feeling he knew what it meant to feel dirty. Ruined. "Thank you, for saving me."

"Of course. I couldn't let him…" He trailed off. "I'm sorry I couldn't get there sooner. If I had—" She waved him off.

"What's done is done. I'm gonna clean up, okay?" He nodded and looked down, picking at the scratchy, thin blanket. When he looked back up, she was looking at him with flushed cheeks, a hand reached out to him. "Do you…do you want to help me?" He was shocked, but wasted no time getting up and following her. As he took her hand, he tugged her to him and pulled her close.

"I told you I won't lose you again," his breath heavy as he pressed his lips to hers. She whimpered a little as she gripped his shirt tightly. As if he knew, he pulled back and ripped his shirt over his head and threw it behind him. She gently ran her hands up his chest and it sent chills down his spine and a fever to his groin. Losing himself in her once more, he gently guided her to the wall, where he pinned her with his body and went for her neck. His teeth leaving a trail of love bites to her collar. A groan left her throat and it drove him insane. Growling, he paused and was about to ask but she reached down and peeled the large sweatshirt, part of the clothes he stole for her, over her head.

He forgot she wasn't wearing anything underneath.

His hand was shaky as it left her hip and slowly rose to cup her supple breast. Her gasp was rewarding as he leaned down and gently kissed her. Resting his forehead on hers, his voice was hoarse. "We don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with. I just…"

"It's okay. I want to. But…"

"Shower first?" He smiled at her small laugh as she nodded.

"Please?" He turned her and watched her walk to the small bathroom. He stayed in place, meant to turn away but his eyes were glued on her as she slowly pulled down the sweatpants. He saw her scars that ran along her body, which only added to her beauty that he loved.


She turned and looked at him, and nodded towards the shower with a smile. He felt warmth in his chest, something he hadn't felt in a long time as he walked towards her.

Yes. Loved.

She locked eyes with him as she closed the door, trapping them both inside. He turned and reached in the shower, turned the nozzle, the spray struggled then came to life. She bent down to pick up her sweats when she glanced at his shorts, his arousal was evident. Smiling, she slowly straightened up. As she tossed the pants onto the counter, she leaned in close.

"Do you want me?" Her boldness was intoxicating. He nodded.

"Yes, I do." His voice heavy with need.

"Take them off." Her order was quickly followed as he shed the clothing quickly. By now the shower had begun to steam the room, but the haze was only fueling the desire between the two. As she led him into the stall, he was nervous. He hadn't been with anyone in a long time, and while he knew she wasn't a virgin, given her trauma he was going to treat her like one. Like the goddess she was.

"You are beautiful." He blurted out. Her smile was genuine as she leaned up and kissed him. Her soft lips stirred him as he pushed her gently under the spray. Grabbing the bar of soap, he lathered it in his hands, and slowly rubbed her shoulders. Her eyes closed, she bit her lip slightly. As he moved lower, to her arms, breasts and waist, she let out little moans that teased his self control.

'Easy Kev.' He heard Dennis, the OCD alter, rattle through his brain. 'Go slow and take your time with her. You'll thank me later. Don't be afraid to show her who's—' Shaking his head to clear out the disturbance, he leaned down and kissed her gently but she wasn't fooled.

"Who was it?" She ran her hands up his muscular arms, grabbing his face a little.

"It was Dennis…he…he told me to be easy. To go slow." He kept the other part to himself but she sensed his anxiety. "I'm trying, I really am."

"You're just fine Kevin. Promise." She handed him the soap. "Do you want to finish?" He nodded, taking the bar from her and lathered up again. When he got to her waist, he held her gaze as his hand went farther and slid over her mound. She gasped at the touch, as his hand rubbed her over and over. With a renewed sense of confidence, he ground his palm against her, earning a moan as his other hand massaged her breast. As his fingers ran between her southern bits, her head craned back, her mouth gaped open in pleasure. He didn't want to go too far as he slowly took his time and washed the rest of her, kissing random spots on her tender flesh. He paid special attention to the raised scars, and to his delight, she didn't shrink away.

When the water began to cool, they finished up, he stepped out and handed her a towel. Watching her dry herself was exhilarating, his eyes trailing the curves of her lithe body. He needed her. Bad. And just like that, all of his insecurities went out the door.

"Go lay down on the bed," His tone was even, no hesitation, and held his dominance. She looked at him with fire in her eyes that was coupled with her smirk.

"Or what?" She dared, hoping to bring out his need once more. His growl was barely any warning as he picked her up, and tossed her on the bed. Her squeak of surprise fueled him on as he landed on her, and kissed her hard.

"Or, I'm not going to be nice about it." He pinned her arms above her head with one hand while the other tweaked her nipple. Her body rose off the bed slightly, and he took the time to grind his hardening cock against her folds. She gasped, feeling him so close where she wanted him to go made her writhe in impatience.

It was his turn to smirk. "Oh no Casey, my pace, my rules." He smothered himself in her neck and inhaled. Fuck she smelled irresistible. He couldn't help biting her again. "I'm going to show you just who you belong to."

She didn't feel his free hand slid down and began to rub her again. Her whimper was silenced by his kiss, his circular pace never faltered. Her breath quickened, coming in small pants. He barely increased his rhythm and her body arched once more. "You gonna come little one?" Her nod was desperate. "Come for me."

"Oh god." She moaned loudly as her body shifted and contracted. His hand never stopped as she rode out her orgasm on his hand. Once she settled did he slow down.

"Feel good?" She nodded quickly.

"That's what I want." A finger slipped in her wet folds. "God just feel how wet you are for me."

"Please…" She begged. She couldn't even form words.

"What do you need? Hmm?" Between his gentle kisses, the slow penetrating finger, and the heat between them made her dizzy with want.

"I need… oh god I need…" She managed to wriggle a hand free and reached between them, grabbing his stiff hard on. He was taken back as she quickly lined herself up and before she could slide down onto him, he backed away.

"Oh you tease. You almost got me there." He laugh was threaded with desire. He rolled them over, her landing on his chest, her hips square with his. "You want it? Take me." He ground himself into her heat as he sat up and gave her one last gentle kiss. "I'm yours."

She wasted no time reaching between them again, grabbing his member, and lining up perfectly. She gave him a glance and with his nod, she slowly impaled herself. He almost couldn't take how heavenly her core felt. Once she was seated, he gave them both a second to settle before he rolled her back over onto her back. He stared deep into her eyes as he began a deep and slow pace, enjoying every feeling she had to offer. The little sounds she made enthused him as he rocked harder into her body. Her groans, her wet tight body, her soft yet rough touch was driving him insane as his end was near.

"I can't hold on love." He dipped his head into her nape as he felt that sinful electric body shot run through his lower back and he pounded harder.

"Don't stop." Her cry was all it took for him to drive his hips deep as he released inside her. He quickly threw his hand between them and furiously rubbed her clit. Her core clenched on his cock as her final orgasm ripped through her body. They both locked eyes as they began to settle back into their own.

"Fuck that was…" He couldn't even finish the sentence. Nor did he need to. Her smile told him everything he needed.

"You…you love me?" Shit, she caught that.

"I do. I—I love you," His hand rose up and brushed her hair away from her beautiful face.

"I never knew I could feel this way about someone." Her eyes teared up a little as the joy she felt in hearing those words from him was unreal to her. "I love you Kevin." She pressed on. "All of you."

"You don't…think it's weird? I mean, I almost ate you," They both chuckled.

"It should be, right?"

"Yeah, probably." As they laughed together his arms encircled her as he pressed kisses where her tears trickled down her cheeks. Her giggles ignited a new feeling inside him, one he'd never knew: peace.