Todoroki woke up, blinking and disoriented. His head hurt, and he wasn't sure where he was. Looking around, trying to take in his surroundings, he took note of the fact that they seemed to be in a hospital ward of some kind, but definitely not in Recovery Girl's office. He blinked slowly, sitting up slightly to observe around him. There were four more people in the other hospital beds. By the looks of it, it was Midoriya, Bakugo, Kirishima, and Kaminari.Well, he thought,at least we have a chance at fighting with this group, if it comes to that.He silently hoped it wouldn't come to that.

He slowly slid out of bed, placing his feet carefully on the ground. He padded over to Midoriya's bedside, gently trying to wake the green-haired boy. Out of all of them, Midoriya would be the least likely to try to fight him when he awoke, and the most likely to help analyze the situation they were in.

"Hey, Midoriya," The two-toned boy gently shook the other. Midoriya blinked awake, then bolted into an upright position.

"To-Todoroki wha-" He began mumbling so fast that Todoroki had no idea what he was getting at. He tried listening. Midoriya was mumbling something about a villain attack, a quirk accident, and an alternate dimension.

"Shut the fuck up, nerd! You trying to alert everybody here that we're awake? Who knows where we are, or what's waiting for us!" The voice hissed from across the room. Todoroki sighed.I guess Bakugo is awakehe thought to himself. He turned around to face the explosive blond, who looked a lot less pissed than he had sounded. Bakugo got up and proceeded to make his way over to Kirishima, trying to wake him. Midoriya began mumbling again as Todoroki made his way over to check on Kaminari. Suddenly, Midoriya gasped, and the others spun around to look at him.

"You guys..." The green-haired boys' eyes were wide, "We were hit with that villain's quirk, and sent into an alternate dimension."

"Tch. Yeah, well where the fuck are we then?" Bakugo hissed towards Midoriya, the venom dripping off his voice was becoming more and more hostile.

"I-I'm not sure about that part. But, look out the window! We are definitely not home." And he was correct. Todoroki looked out the window. They seemed to be in some old-fashion, run down bar? The streets were way out of date, and there was an ocean in the distance. It was...almost beautiful. Todoroki didn't want to let himself dwell on the peacefulness that seemed to encompass the place, since he had no idea what kind of danger they were in. He looked down at his right hand, allowing some frost to come off his fingertips.

"At least we still have our quirks." He stated, looking over his shoulder as Bakugo held his palm face up to send off a few test sparks, and Kirishima hardened his forearm.

"Uh guys, not to ruin the peace but, somebody is coming." Kaminari barely had time to warn the others before the doorknob clicked open. The five boys stood ready, facing the door ready to fight. They were not, however, prepared for the sight before them.