Welcome to the ARChive

Beep! Beep!,a timer went off. "Oh no! My casserole!" Oscar panicked, worry dripping his voice at the possibility of a burnt casserole. Before Oscar, Saffron or Tarra could react accordingly, Jaune rushed off; yelling over his shoulder "I got it Oscar! Mom would kill me if I let good casserole burn!" and vanished to the kitchen. Everybody that did not know Jaune or his mom well enough sweat dropped at the shear speed of his sprint, leaving only a Jaune shaped dust cloud.

As Jaune disappeared, Saffron chuckled, gaining everyone's attention. "If your wondering why Jaune ran off like he was about to die, it's because our mom installed in us a great sense of cooking, and if it wasn't for our dad, she would literally try to murder is in cold blood if we burnt anything. " she explained, her spine shivering in fear at the repressed memories.

After the dust cloud settled, with Jaune still in the kitchen; Ruby asked the all important question, "Well? What do we do now?" and before anybody could answer that loaded question, everyone- sans Jaune, vanished with out a trace.

Everyone reappeared in a heaping pile with Qrow being, predictably, at the bottom with Oscar and the old woman on top. "Get off 'a me!" grunted out a certain drunk bird, with the others panicking at the sudden darkness. "RENNY! WHERE ARE YOU!" screamed a worried Nora, "Right under you Nora.",soothed a winded Ren, wondering what was going on. As that was going on, Blake was looking for some sort of like switch to banish the inky darkness. "Do you see anything Blake?" Yang called out, Ruby griping her in a crushing death hug. "No Yang. I….I….I can't see anything." she stuttered out, ice cold fear griping her heart. Upon hearing the terrified tone from the B of team RWBY, Weiss started to rummage through her pouches, trying to feel for any spare dust. "No need for that Miss Schnee." a voice rustled as the lights flashed on. After their eyes got adjusted to the lights, they noticed there surroundings, noticing they where no longer in the home of Saffron and Tarra.

The room looked like one half theater and one half office space. The theater half was filled with cushioned recliners placed in a half circle pattern, surrounding what looked to be a DVD player jury rigged to a movie projector. The office half had a work desk topped with a high end computer, multiple filing folders and, inexplicably, a small corgi plush with a rolling chair set behind it. Futuristic filing cabinets lined the walls, giving off an eerie blue glow.

In the chair though, was the strangest sight they've ever seen. The being was male, given the lack of feminine curves, but with no discernible features- save for a yellow neck tie emblazoned with a rearing badger. He looked like an outline of a man with spiky hair, everything colored in gray.

Nora did the appropriate thing. She tore a recliner out of the ground and threw it at the strange man. All it did was make the stranger turn and look at her direction- he literally turned in his chair to her direction. "Miss Valkyrie, please don't throw my chairs, I just got them cleaned yesterday." the entity said with a sigh. "Oh, and Miss Rose, to answer your question? Sit down and relax."

With shock evident on there faces at the ineffectiveness of Nora's attack, Ruby asked the grey ghost "Who are you?"

"Ah, apologies my friends," he said as he got out of his office chair, "My name is PaperView, and I'll like to welcome you all to Sub-basement 42 of the Nexus. Or as I like to call it- the ARChive!" he finished with a flourish, his yellow neck tie waving in the sudden wind.