The sound of rain continued to make its triumphant noise above the pavilion in the parking lot in front of the hospital. The rain and the cold, winter air performed a duet that made the concerned couple shivered. Momo and Shouto stood outside in the pavilion to get some air. Although it was cold and desolate on that Musutafu night, it did not compare to the feelings that they had inside.

A compromise was established between the dueling parties. Momo found it ridiculous when the police called the father and son a dueling party. The compromise was that Shouto's parents were to visit Izuku first. Once the parents were escorted from the hospital, then he and Momo can visit Izuku. Visiting hours were drawing near to a close, so the couple only had fifteen minutes to check on Izuku.

So here they were. Playing the waiting game until his father and mother dearest made their exit out of the hospital.

He flicked the lighter and inhaled the smoke to blow it in the night sky. Momo stood there, agitated that she wanted to be in a better position of consoling all parties. That was her kindred nature, now at least. She did not have loving parents to speak of; or relatives that claimed the name of Momo Yaoyorozu. Shouto and Izuku were the closest she could call family.

Of course, she had her friends at UA, but it was not the same.

Shouto and Izuku were people she could actually say she loved. So watching her boyfriend in this paradigm and her friend who she delightfully called her brother was upstairs recovering from his own paradigm. Here she sat holding onto a cigarette that she honestly wasn't in the mood to smoke. She needed something to numb the feeling, but instead, she watching the fire burn the tobacco.

"Babe." Shouto broke the silence, interrupting Momo's thoughts. "You can go back home if you want." He took another smoke. "I can call one of the guys to pick me up. You have class in the morning and I want you to have your rest. I give you a call tomorrow if anything changes."

She gave him a stern no. She stubbed the cigarette onto the concrete and sat beside Shouto. She took his hand and wrapped it tightly around hers, intertwining their fingers. "I am not going anywhere, baby. Your problem is my problem. Your brother is my brother. Thick and thin, no matter what."

Shouto looked away, combating the tears. He knew her decision was final, just like the end of the cigarette he finished smoking. It made him think of the day when he and his crew were pulled over by the cops.

What should have been a failure to signal turned into an investigation of their vehicle. The police suspected the members of the vehicle were under the influence. Admittedly, Shouto knew that only one of them was under the influence, but the others received a contact high. All of them were searched with the exception of Momo. The police believed her story. How she convinced the officer not to check was unbelievable. The smug look on the cop's face when the search resulted in nothing made the cop made a sly remark about them being rough-looking and a waste of space.

Before Shouto could spit a vowel, Momo hit him, promoting silence. The cop gave them a ticket and left the crew. Momo reached into her pants and threw the marijuana back at one of the crew. Since then, Shouto knew that Momo looked out for people, even those who should have gotten into trouble. Momo was a rebel, but a woman with a purpose. And tonight, her purpose was to be with her man.

"Sorry you had to see that with Dad," said Shouto. He was shaking his leg. He watched another car entered the parking lot. Another couple was passing through the area. They nodded at each other before going their separate ways. "Knowing for him, he has gone gambling at the Indian casino again and lost. Or maybe somebody at work pissed him off."

Momo hated when Shouto gave his father excuses for his abuse on him. This incident was not the first time he had put his hands on her boyfriend. Shouto's father was described by close friends and family as "night and day." He could love at dinner and kill at dessert.

His father works at a meatpacking plant as a supervisor. He worked day and night. A hardworking man, no matter what shift, he took it. He worked at the plant prior to meeting their mother. According to Shouto, he was happier before meeting their mother.

"You don't have to explain yourself about your father," replied Momo, still holding his hand. "He still had no right of putting your hands on you. Couldn't he see that you were hurt as well?!" She scoffed, disgusted on what she was going to say next. "He had no right of calling Icchan a pussy."

Shouto was frozen. Stunned as he was about to produce something else. He nodded his head. He wiped his eyes with his arm. Momo can see tears around his arm from the streetlamp above them.

"Icchan has always been a gentle child," said Shouto. "Very kindred in nature. I can't say one bad thing about the kid." He reached into his pocket to retrieve his lighter. Momo gave him another cigarette from her pocket. "He was the kid who prefers peace over war. A child that always, I mean always, wanted to do the right thing. He was a people pleaser." He shook his head. "And it often worked with or against his favor." He spat at the ground. "Dad never liked Icchan like that. Pussy is more subtle than any other discouraging remarks. I have heard worse. That was a paper cut compared to other wounds."

"Still, this is not the time. Who knows what remarks is that man is telling him right now." Momo spat in disgust. "No matter how sensitive he is, he is a good man. A good man, Shouto!"

"With Mom being there, I hope he doesn't," said Shouto. "If so, then Izuku can decipher the difference. I just hope to God he is not awake. The last thing he needs to hear is being called a sissy or a punk." He sighed. "It is just not right. Not right at all."

Momo could never understand on his defending his father. Her earliest memory of Shouto's father was the day she came over and studied at his house. They were working on a project for their Thermodynamics class. They were sitting in the living room listening to music and drinking some beer he got from one of his crew members. It was late in the evening when his father returned. Immediately, he turned off the music as he saw the stern and aggressive father. His father's face was flushed, redder than a tomato. His eyes displayed anger. For who, Momo didn't want to know. The moment he opened his mouth, the duo detected a heavy stench of alcohol.

Shouto's father walked into the kitchen. The silence was evident there. They heard the heavy slamming of the refrigerator, followed by the shattering of glasses. He cursed loudly before heading back to the living room. He headed for Shouto and hit him with the broken plate.

His father's reasoning was why didn't he closed the deep freezer properly. He proceeded in insulting him before exchanging sexist remarks with Momo. He told Shouto to clean up the kitchen and for Momo to leave.

Not once did Shouto flinch or react. He just did his father's orders. He kissed Momo and told her that he would see her in the morning. Since then, Momo never wanted to be in his house.

Momo's thought was interrupted when she saw Shouto's parents exited the hospital. The father kept his smug look and the mother remained silent. The sound of heavy walking was making the tempo until she saw both parties entered separate cars and departed. She was grateful that they didn't see either of them. She looked at her clock.

"C'mon, babe," said Momo. "We have a few minutes left before visiting hours end. Let's go."

Shouto and Momo took the elevator that led them to Izuku's floor. They held hands the moment they saw Izuku's room in front of them. Each of them took a breath before entering the room.

The hospital room was a sharp contrast from the rest of the hospital. It appeared more of a luxury hotel than a hospital room. There were flowers, beautiful paintings, leather chairs, and soft music emitting from the ceiling. On the wall was a plasma screen and there was a large, comfortable leather sofa that could seat two, maybe three. It had a small coffee table with a lamp and coffee maker along with complimentary coffee. There was a window that gave a view of the Musutafu skyline. In front of them, on the comfortable bed, was Izuku.

He was sleeping as the doctor explained that he was heavily sedated. The orderlies placed a quilt over him to ensure comfort. There was an IV attached to Izuku's skin. There was a heart monitor beside him that kept with his heart rate. Both were upset to see him in that position but relieved that he was still with them.

His right eye was swollen and had a purplish-blue tint to it. There was a slight cut on his right cheek. His breathing was irregular as he sounded like a congested heavy smoker. There was bruising around his neck and lower mandible. There were bandages covering them. Wasn't ready to see the other wounds, he stroked his hair as he was sound asleep.

"Icchan! My little bro," said Shouto as she placed a peck on his forehead. "I am so sorry, Icchan. I am so sorry, little bro!"

Momo tucked in her lips. She hoped that at some point in the attack he had lost consciousness because nobody deserved what happened to him. She wouldn't wish it on her worst enemy.

Shouto dropped his knees. He let out a crackled cry before resting his face on Izuku's chest. The sound of the heart monitor and his sobbing coincided with each other. He kept saying he was sorry for not being there. He kept saying it repetitively.

Momo kneeled beside Shouto. She took his hand and rested on his shoulder. She, too, wanted to cry, but she needed to stay strong. One of them had to, so it might as well be her.

Their moment was interrupted when they had heard a knock at the door. A doctor appeared into view. The doctor wore green scrubs and her hair was tied into a ponytail. She was a short, elderly woman with grey hair styled into a netted bun.

"Good evening, children," said the doctor as she stepped inside of the room, proceeding to close the door. "My name is Dr. Shuzenji and I am Izuku's doctor." The doctor was calm, holding on to her cane as she kept a standing pose. Upon entering the room, Momo and Shouto felt a warm aura. What felt mundane turned into somewhat of a solace. "You must be Shouto and you must be Momo!"

"Yes," said the duo in unison. Perplexed on how would the doctor pinpointed their names correctly, both were wondering. "How?"

The doctor took a seat at the chair beside the hospital bed where Izuku resided. She remained calm, observing him briefly. She took his wrist and held it, apparently in search of a pulse. Afterward, she returned his arm to his chest before releasing a strong sigh. "He is quite lucky to have two good people like you." There was a small pause as she cleared her throat. "I was there where we were prepping him for surgery. He constantly asked for you guys. And thinking the people earlier weren't it, I kind of figured that he was referring to you all."

Grabbing his chest, wanting to release the tension that he had felt all evening to this woman. However, his girlfriend got to the elderly doctor first. "Can you tell us what is really going on with him? The police say one thing. His parents say another. What can you tell us, doctor?"

"Izuku suffered some severe bruising on his abdomen and lower back. He has fractured one of his ribs, a few inches to the heart. He had some minor lacerations around his face and neck. Also, there was some tear from his splinter muscles in his rectum. Overall, his injuries are quite moderate to serious, but not fatal." Already aware of the injuries that were upon Hiro, it still hurt hearing it officially from the doctor. "Izuku can go home maybe the day after tomorrow after we perform some further testing," said Dr. Shuzenji.

"Further testing," asked Shouto.

Dr. Shuzenji used her cane to nudge Shouto, urging him to help her up. She didn't speak any further. She shifted her head, motioning to the couple to head outside of the hospital room.

The duo and the doctor went to the nearby waiting area. The area was quiet, with the exception of the television. Shouto can smell a new batch of coffee brewing nearby.

"I wasn't really able to get a word with Mr. Todoroki as he was biting my ear off," said the doctor as she looked at the window as the rain continued to fall. "So, I believe I can put my trust on you guys." She narrowed her wrinkled eyes to the couple. "For one, Izuku has you as his next of kin. Peculiar for one would normally have the parent first." She sighed. "But an observation nonetheless. The reason why I have you out here so Izuku didn't have to hear what we had to say. After this traumatizing ordeal he has faced, he needs much rest."

"What do you mean," asked Momo. "And also, what do you mean with further testing?"

"I have a question," asked Dr. Shuzenji to Shouto. "Is your brother in a relationship?"

"No, he is not," confirmed Shouto, "None that I know of."

"The reason I ask is out of protocol. I am afraid that your brother might be a victim of rape," replied the doctor.

Hearing that God-forsaken word penetrated his mind again as he listened to what the doctor was telling him.

"On the stretcher, he kept muttering 'rape,' 'yes, mistress,' 'Shouto,' and 'Momo.'" Momo realized that throughout Izuku's ordeal, he was thinking of them. She felt that Izuku was reaching out to them, asking for help. She gripped onto her shirt to have what was left of any grip she could get.

Dr. Shuzenji scratched under her chin. "I am no detective but it makes me believe that Izuku may have known this person or those were things he was forced to say." She perched herself to the windowsill, placing her back to the window. "The officers, Aizawa and Fukukada, they were reported to the scene and will be back tomorrow to ask some questions...once Izuku wakes up. Also, most likely they would want to know more information about you guys as well. Whereabouts and what not."

"Yes, ma'am," replied Momo as she eyed Shouto. She knew that Shouto would become easily defensive whenever someone was to speculate him of any wrongdoing. Shouto stood down, retreating to the wall with his hands in his pockets.

"Look, it is late and I can tell that you guys are nice people," she said to the duo. "And since you guys are family, I will make an exception if you guys want to spend the night."

Shouto nodded as a sign of thanks and Momo bowed gratefully to the kind doctor.

"Everything you will need is in the drawers," said the doctor. "I will be back periodically to check on his condition." She stepped off the windowsill and proceeded to the hallway. "Get some rest, guys. Let's be grateful to the gods that he is alive. And you young folks being up this late is a detriment to your health." She bowed to the duo. "Good night!"

Momo decided to go head back to her home to retrieve some items for their overnight stay. Since Shouto tended to leave some clothes at her apartment, she took them and brought them back to the hospital.

Shouto made a makeshift bed out of layered blankets, thanks to the orderly. He told Momo that she can take the couch since he had mistakenly thought it was a futon. She protested but Shouto told her that she needed to be at school and he wasn't going to say it again.

As he lied on his bed, he apologized to her in which she didn't display any qualms about it. Momo turned out the lights and climbed into the couch.

As the lights were out, shadows of the rain danced and bounced on the wall, Shouto kept his head directly at Izuku. He shook his head in frustration for not being there for his brother.

It was the soft touch of Momo as she crested his chest. Her glowing eyes became watery as she finally had a chance to drop her exterior.

Although a tight fit Momo and Shouto made it work on the couch. Neither could sleep alone and each wanted the other at this point. Especially as they were thinking about Izuku.

To be continued….