There's a name for it. There's a phrase fits.
They made it before nightfall, and Kikis's brother greeted them.
"My Lords,"
"Brother!" Kiko threw her arms around him in a hug, "Oh, and meet Lady Kagome."
Kagome slid off Inuyasha and bowed.
Kiki's brother had blond hair too, his, however, was short, it sat spikey playing against his ears. His eyes were green, "Lady Kagome," He bowed back.
"Lady Kagome became rather ill on the way here, would you show her to a room dear brother?"
"It would be my pleasure." He held out his arm, and Kagome slowly took it.
Inuyasha smelt something and glance back at his brother.
"Kiki," Inuyasha spoke.
"Hia, my Lord?"
"Would ya give us a minute?"
"Sure, I will let father know you are here."
She walked away.
"Io Sesshomaru,"
He released his fist and blood dripped to the ground.
"What the hell is wrong with you?"
"Her scent is having an effect on me."
"No, the sight of another male touching her is having an effect on you."
Sesshomaru glared at him.
"You sure this is what you want to do?"
"It must be done."
"You know tomorrow she will leave you for good, right?"
Sesshomaru closed his eyes.
"That's if Kiki's brother don't sweep her off her feet before then."
Sesshomaru's eyes opened, and Inuyasha stepped back "Damn, you got it bad."
"Enough, it is her scent and nothing more."
"I thought you did the scent imprint on Kiki."
Sesshomaru looked away.
"Holy shit, you didn't!"
"Enough Inuyasha,"
"Look, if you are going through with this-
"It must be done."
"The go and scent Kiki, otherwise you ain't gonna last through the night."
"You think me weak Inuyasha? My beast wants nothing more than to make her summit."
"Yeah, so it can sink its teeth into her,"
"Eyes, don't lie, buddy, and yours are blood red."
Sesshomaru knew his brother was right. So while Kagome slept, he talked to Kiki's father, who accepted the claim of the West. But he didn't scent mark Kiki, and Inuyasha was growing restless and worried.
The next day Kagome woke and had breakfast, a small one with Kiki's house. Then Kiki's brother offered to show her around; she accepted. Inuyasha quickly challenged his brother to a fight to help.
But when late afternoon came and went, and they did not return, Sesshomaru was done waiting.
"I am sure they are fine; my brother's intentions are true, perhaps we will have two mating's instead of one!" She beamed.
Sesshomaru glared at her.
"Aw hell, did you have to go and say that!"
Sesshomaru turned and want to look for them.
"Did I say something wrong?"
Inuyasha sighed, "Come on."
Sesshomaru found her alone watching the sunset with a horse tied up near a tree.
"I know you are there."
"Very wise of you," He walked up to her. The wind blew, throwing her hair to one side.
He inhaled, "The boy touched you."
"He kissed my cheek."
She felt his nose on her neck.
Kiki watched in amazment.
His nose moved to her cheek, she slowly turned, and their lips met.
Kiki gasped. "He loves her!" She spoke while hiding with Inuyasha.
"K, don't let him catch you saying that,"
"I am confused, he if wants to be with her and her him?"
"It's complicated."
"Is it? I do not see why."
"You aint angry?"
"Why should I be, is it not as if I love him."
"You ain't like other bitches."
"I'll take that as a compliment, my Lord."
They looked back.
Their kiss broke, the wind blew.
"Lord Sesshomaru,"
Kikis' brother was calling.
Kagome yawned.
"Go inside and get some sleep Miko, I will come and speak to you later after I deal with him."
"Lord Sesshomaru, a word please."
Sesshomaru smelt her one more time and turned. As soon as he was gone, Kagome grabbed her bow and arrows and mounted the horse and bolted.
"Where is she going!?" Kiki stopped hiding.
She looked at him, frantically, "What, why?!"
He sighed "Because she is Kagome, what's that phase she uses to say, oh yeah," He looked down at her "Is is better to have love and lost then to have never loved at all."
"But she does not have to lose, not if she loves him!"
"It's complicated; you know that."
"Is it, I just saw the way he looked at her, the protectiveness that came over him, that was his beast!"
"His beast," Inuyasha whispered.
"Lord Inuyasha, where is her home?"
"The well," The something sparked in his brain, "The magic, the well."
"Lord Inuyasha?"
"Time does not affect her."
"My Lord?"
"Laws of nature do not apply to Kagome!"
"You mean?"
"His beast and he are reacting to her; he wants to mate her!"
"Shouldn't we tell him?"
"K, let's give her a little head start." He winked at her "Make ice prick suffer a little, it's for his own good."
"You know what they say," She chimed in "Sometimes you just need a little nudge."
"K, bastard needs to be pushed, hard, off a cliff."
She laughed.
"And he calls me a hardheaded asshole."
She laughed, and he shook his head as they made their way back in. They needed to be sure Sesshomaru wasn't killing her brother.