
Shikamaru x Temari


Temari was on her way to meet Shikameru for a meeting with the hokage when Naruto showed up.

"Temari?" He asked.

"Yes. I thought there was a meeting." She crossed her arms.

"It's later this evening." Naruto told her.

With a sigh Temari headed back the way she came when...

"Naruto!" It was Choji. "I still can't find him anywhere!" Temari guessed it was Shikamaru.

This wasn't the first time. Almost every other time she came for a meeting Shikamaru went missing for hours.

"Well. I guess I'll have to go and find him." Temari heard Naruto say.

She doubted he could find him.

But Naruto used his shadow clones to help look allover the village.

Temari walked away and headed outside.

"Find him!" Naruto shouted among his clones.

Temari was outside of the village hiding in a tree.

"That Nara! If I find him I'll kill him myself." She said. Unlikely she really would kill him.

Temari has noticed over the few times she's come over Shikamaru would offer her food or drink or just a walk before going to do work.

"Still. He has been nice to me." She said.

I wonder. She though about it. If he didn't want to be found he would be in a place where...

Temari smiled. She knew where he was.

She jumped from the tree and headed over to the old training ground.

It was right outside and the one place to watch clouds go by.

Once she reached the spot there he was sleeping in the grass with his face pointed up at the blue sky.

Temari giggled a little and walked over sitting next to him.

"I know your not asleep." She said.

Shikamaru sighed. "What a drag." He sat up. "How'd you find me?" He asked.

Temari looked up at the clouds in the sky coming and going. "This is where I first saw you. Remember?"

It was when they first stated working together for the hokage and kazekage.

Temari was passing by when she saw him run in here and followed him.

She wasn't as sneaky so he knew she was there. But he invited her to sit with him and watch the clouds.

Sure it was childish but could watching was Shikamaru loved.

"Yes. I remember." He said. "That's why I still come here. I hope one day you'd come here and watch the clouds with me like last time." He smiled.

Temari blushed. "Whatever. I'm here now. So," Temari looked around in the blue sky seeing what she could fine.

"I see an... a puppy." She smiled at him.

Shikamaru didn't look over at her. "I see it. And next to it is... Ice cream." She smiled.

Temari laid back on the grass and relaxed. "I do wish I could come over more and do this." She said.

"But you'd never leave your brother's side." Shikamaru said.

It was true. Her younger brother Garra was the kazekage. "Maybe I'll convince him to stay a few days. Then we can have a whole day of this." She blushed bright red. This wasn't her normal personality but it was Shikamaru after all.

"Sure. Maybe I'll talk to Naruto and do the same. We can watch them from your home." Shikamaru smiled.

Temari rolled to her side to look at him in the face. "I would love that." Her sweet smiled and tone made Shikamaru blush.

"Shikamaru!" It was Naruto.

"Got to get going." He said.

Both Shikamaru and Temari got up and headed for the village before Naruto tore it all up looking for them.

"It's a promises." Temari said.

"Yeah. And us Nara's never break a promise."

"You also said you'd never make any." Temari glared.

Shikamaru ran as fast as he could and Temari was right behind him.

The End

Hope you all liked this little fluff.

If you want me to write any other Temari ships let me know!

I'm also working on some Ino x someone stories. Keep an eye out for that.

See yeah!