I forgot to add the Epilogue. This will help Book 5 make more sense.
A girl knocked on the wood door of the Grayson household. The door opened and Richard looked at her.
"Hello" she smiled, "it's been a long time Nightwing"
Richard dipped his head to her, "it has Icebird, what can I do for you?"
Icebird smiled kindly, "it is time for my hatchlet to learn his roots"
Richard beckoned her in and called for his sons.
"Jaime was cloned a while back" he warned.
Icebird nodded, but didn't seem surprised. Jaime and Azul ran downstairs and stopped in front of the two, Azul getting there first.
"I win" Azul crowed happily.
Jaime handed him a Hersheys bar.
"Jaime, Azul, this is Icebird" Richard said after getting their attention.
"It's nice to meet you Icebird" Jaime dipped his head in respect, Azul followed the other's lead.
"It is nice to meet the two of you as well" Icebird dipped her head back to them.
"Jaime, there is something you need to know before she explains why she's here" Richard addressed.
Jaime looked at him before redirecting his gaze to the familiar stranger.
"Jaime Reyes, Azul Reyes; we met before, in 2056" Icebird said.
The two looked at each other before looking at her warily, "who are you?"
"My human name is Glackerie Soular. I was born on Earth just like you, but when I came of age my Alike took me to my true home" she hesitated for a second before speaking once more, "I am also your birth mother."