AN: Merry Christmas everyone, enjoy the present!(Now updated with some formatting fixes 12/27)

"You'll need to decide who is going to be Class president."

"An Unexpectedly normal activity!"

The class was abuzz with excitement, people loudly volunteering and arguing who would be best. Minoru smiled to himself, after focusing all his time on readjusting to classwork and student life he'd forgotten all about this. He was so used to the idea of Iida having been class rep he'd forgotten it had even been this divisive to start with. The Speedster in question did manage to get some quiet and purpose an orderly vote to decide who should take the role which succeeded in calming down the mob. Though before they could start Juzo chimed in that if they were going to vote they should probably restrict voting for yourself, since otherwise it would just be a free for all. Seemed like a reasonable enough request so in the end everyone complied. Paper was passed out and everyone started to jot down their choice... It's not like it really mattered, but he wrote down the Iida's name just for completion's sake before turning it in.

What the Hell was going on...

Minoru found himself standing at the front of the class alongside Yaoyarozu, the class as a whole seemingly okay with the choices presented. He found himself glancing up at the chalk board despite himself.

Mineta Minoru - 8
Yaoyarozu Momo - 5
Honenuki Juzo - 3
Midoriya Izuku - 3
Iida Tenya - 1

Eight! How had he gotten eight votes? Iida was suppose to be class rep wasn't he? With tremendous effort he managed to keep the panic off of his face. It seemed the universe had twisted on him again and he'd just need to roll with it.

"Wow, I really wasn't expecting this." he chuckled a little due to the nerves he was trying to repress. "I'll make sure not to let you down then." Taking a bow and letting out a soft sigh. He glanced to Yayarozu who offered him a smile that made his heart jump.

"I look forward to working with you Mineta-san." with the second highest votes at six Yaoyarozu had ended up with the Vice President role as she had back in his time. As Class President this would give him all the time in the world to interact with his beautiful classmate... The fact that his own eye level was even with the hem of the tall girl's skirt did NOT help with being so close. Alarms were ringing in his head so loudly he could barely keep his composure. He'd have to be stronger than ever to resist...

"Likewise Yaoyarozu-san." he replied politely. The two returned to their seats and he allowed himself a soft sigh. In the end it probably wasn't that bad a turn of events, the extra responsibilities would make retaking his classes less dull at the very least. It was just another familiar standby he was losing, making it harder and harder to be sure of what to expect. Hopefully this would be a change for the better. He put the issue aside for now, Aizawa was passing the class over to Ectoplasm. Nothing like a little mathematics to clear the mind.

With the lunch bell's ring the students filled into the hallway. As many rushed, hoping to get to the delicious lunches Lunch Rush provided Minoru took his time. He scanned at crowd as he walked, curious to spot any of the remaining familiar faces he d yet to find.

"Hello Class Rep-san!" Pony chimed in brightly as she trotted into step with him before slowing down. He shook his head and smiled a little bit.

"We're long past formalities Pony," he shot back getting a giggle from the girl. "I still don t get why I got that many votes, I hardly did much more than anyone else in class thus far."

"You really don t Understand?" she asked incredulously, cocking her head to the side. "Minoru is Very smart, reliable and trustworthy." she ticked off on her fingers. "And humble or just dense. Hard to say which." she tease sticking out her tongue at the shorter boy.

Reliable? Trustworthy? Him? That was the greatest joke of all. He was fighting with himself everyday to not fall back into his old habits. If she knew what he was really like deep inside she wouldn't compliment so casually it had been getting somewhat easier, Pony herself hardly registered in his mind in a pervy way anymore, Her warmth and support placing her in his mind as someone off limits for such thoughts it was a step in the right direction, but that concept shouldn't be an exception in his mind for one person. It should be the rule.


"Huh?" he looked up to see her offering him a concerned look. Perhaps a little bit of his bitterness made it to his expression this time. He d have to keep that in check...

"You Okay?"

"I'm fine." he offered a smile, "I'm more hungry than anything, lets go pick up our lunches." he turned the topic away but it was clear she wasn't buying it. Despite that she allowed him to drop it and offered him a nod. This would probably be brought up later but at least for now they moved on.

Trays in hand they made their way to their usual table. Iida was chatting with Izuku. Satou and Tsuyu chiming in as appropriate. For once Toga wasn't around, which was a blessing in it's own right. The Big man waved them over and he took his usual seat next to him Minoru chuckled as he received a round of congratulations on his new position. His personal self-loathing set aside, all the praise making him a little red in the face.

"I don t know if I m the best one for the job but I'll do my best." he scratched the back of his head. "I actually voted for Iida."

"What? That was you?" The blue haired boy looked shocked, for whatever reason Minoru had been the only one to vote for the boy.

"Well you, your a hard worker, no-nonsense type. That's what I think of when I think of a class rep. Seemed obvious to me." he chuckled before looking to the boy in question who looked genuinely touched.


"Anyway, where'd your shadow go Midoriya?" The purple haired boy turned the conversation again before awkwardness could set in. Izuku blinked confused at what her meant.

"I think he's asking about Toga-chan." Tsuyu correctly deduced causing the other boy to blush.

"O-Oh, she just had to use the restroom. She should be back soon."

"I don't doubt it." Pony shot him a warning look so he stopped there, but Tsuyu picked it up where he left off.

"You two are quite close." she noted, placing her finger on her chin in a thoughtful manner. "Are you dating?" she queried without a flicker of emotion on her face. He could always count on Tsu to speak her mind. Izuku turned bright red and started flailing his arms.

"I-It's nothing like that. W-we're just friends!" he squeaked before looking down. "She just looks out for me since I'm always hurting myself." he added in a softer tone. Silence followed for a few long moments as the other five at the table exchanged glances coming to the same conclusion.

Midoriya Izuku had no idea how deep he was already in.

Minoru repressed a frown, if it was ANYONE else but Toga he'd be pushing the boy forward right now. He hated seeing his old friend like this but he couldn't bridge that gap. No until he was sure. Satou was never one to step into another person's personal life without being approached for advice. Tsu, as blunt as she could be, had her boundaries that shouldn't be pressed.

"That's just silly," Pony said with a bright smile. "It obvious that she likes you." she added cheerfully, the American having no problem speaking up. Minoru's heart sank into his shoes.

"No way!" Izuku started before gaining a hopeful look. "...You really think so?"

"Oh definitely." she replied with certainty, offering the boy a thumbs up.

"I..." Izuku seemed to shut down, unable to rationalize the concept. It was hard to remember sometimes that Izuku had such fragile self confidence back in this time, so used to the always together number one hero but why did it have to be Toga?

Warning! Level 3 Security Breach!

Minoru Immediately tensed up, a security breach? Had the league given up all pretense of subtlety and attacked the school directly? With the differences piling up he couldn't dismiss the possibility.

"A drill?" Sato wondered aloud as many of the upper class had already stood and started to make their way to the door.

"That's a security alarm," A second year spoke up as he passed. "A level 3 hasn't happened in years. They'd never drill for a Level 3. We need to get out of here and to athletic fields."

Lunches forgotten the first years got to their feet and followed the crowd, Unfortunately noticing the clogged, panicked mess at the door way when it was too late to stop. The short teen was quickly separated from his friends lost in a sea of legs. He was getting jostled around even more than others he tried to work his way toward the wall or the window, so he could climb out off this mosh pit. He lost his footing, and fear rose in his chest. If he were to fall and get trampled he could be in serious trouble. He made a desperate grab for something to steady him and caught a leg. The feeling of warmth and smooth skin along his fingertips caused him to tense up. He turned to his hand without thinking seeing the bare leg of a girl.

"Shit" her cursed under his breath and tried to turn away but everywhere he looked were bare legs and skits fluttering just above his eye level. He'd ended up in a pocket of girls in the mob. He had to get out of here. As he went to move he felt himself pushed from behind, a knee collided with the back of his head as the crowd pushed forward to the door. His hand slipped upward to try and keep his balance.

"Eee!" the girl's squeal pierced the din of the crowd causing him to look up, he was her under skirt, his own hand gripped firm on her silky behind. He could feel the girl's warmth, the pleasant feel of the silk... He squeezed. "C-Cut it out you Jerk." The girl turned her body, and he lost his grip. A hand swung over his hand and slapped the boy behind him. The spell broke, in a panic he pushed his way through any gap in the sea of legs he could find, leaving the sparked argument behind him getting lost in the shouts and panic.

What the hell had he been thinking? He was supposed to be better than this. He looked down to his hand, fingers twitching. He could still feel the phantom of feeling on his finger tips... it had been so long. It had felt good. He slowly clenched his hand into a fist and bit his lip, allowing himself to flow with the push and pull of the panicked crowd. He was so weak...

"It's just the press, there's no reason to panic! Everyone calm down!" He barely heard Iida's voice trying to plead to the crowd of panicked students. No one was listening, he was just another voice in the crowd. Putting his self loathing aside he pushed through the crowd toward the window, down below was a large crowd of reporters trying to force their way through the front door. Plucking balls from his hair he waited a moment for the shoving to slow and climbed up the sheer surface until he was above the crowd. he could see Denki and Kirishima getting swept away, a pair of long horns with a splash of blond bouncing away somewhere in the middle of the crowd... Idia desperately shouting further toward the back. Someone was going to get hurt if this kept up. He steadied his position on the window and took a deep breath.

A sharp whistle broke through the shouting creating a momentary pause as everyone turned to the source.

"Hey, Listen up!" Minoru shouted firmly. "The School is not under attack, the alarm was triggered by the press!" He was not physically impressive, his voice was was equally uninspiring. But his presence gave off the same calm professionalism of a Pro trying to disperse a crowd. "So everyone calm down, and make your way outside a peaceful and orderly fashion. There is nothing to fear." with some reluctance the crowd of students complied. The clog at the doorway finally broke down, and once there was room he made his way back down to the ground, a few familiar faces make there way through the remains of the crowd over to him.

"Mineta, I'm glad your okay." Tsu Croaked lightly followed by a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, When we lost sight of you in the crowd I was worried you might of gotten trampled." Satou

"Fortunately that was was bit more room down there."

"Yeah class rep!" Denki cheered, Kirashima was a step behind pumping his fist.

"You stopped that riot like it was nothing! So manly, putting your neck out that like that!"

"If you say so." he chuckled a little bit unused to the praise from Kirashima of all people. "Thankfully no one got hurt too bad. It's a good thing I was able to hear Iida call out about the press, otherwise I'd have still been just as lost about it all." He turned to the blue haired boy , who lit up at the acknowledgement.

"Thank you Mineta-kun for making them see reason, Unfortunately I had no way to break out of the crowd without hurting someone myself." He reached up and patted the boy on the back before offering him a thumbs up.

It seemed the rest of their class had been swept away to the athletic fields, something confirmed when they made it outside. It was only on seeing Pony and Izuku okay that he truly was able to relax about the whole event. After the press had been disbursed afternoon classes continued as normal, though Minoru's mind was elsewhere. The Phantom-like tingle in his fingertips, coupled with a resurgence of desire he had been successfully repressing up until that point. By the time Midnight's class ended off the day he could barely contain himself anymore. He rushed out of class with barely a word to anyone else drawing concern from several classmates and Midnight. He d have to figure out some kind of explanation for later but right now he just needed someway to get rid of pent up feelings. He barely saw the crowds on his way home, the apartment thankfully empty. He rushed to the bathroom and immediately started a shower, barely able to contain himself any longer

Nearly an hour later he left the bathroom, with a defeated expression. No amount of washing to remove the feeling of shame sitting heavily on his chest. He caught a glance of himself in on his closet mirror and immediately opened the door so it would go away. Changing into a fresh pair of clothes he bit his lip in frustration. He'd lost it, after months of struggling to repress it all... he'd given in and it had felt so good.

He walked over to his bed and laid back staring up to the ceiling. There had to be something he could do... in the past he'd tackled this issue in his later years, long after the damage had been done. Regular visits and psych checks to get his urges under control... those lessons had gotten him this far but his overactive hormones were much harder to keep control of. Without some kind of release he'd need to do more... after all he wasn't going to be picking up a girlfriend anytime soon. Reformed or not he was still far from a catch.

"But what can I do?" he asked the ceiling, but receiving no answer. His phone buzzed breaking him from his stupor, he lazily reached for the device and unlocked it. It was a message from Pony, asking if he was okay. A small smile crept on to his face and he typed up a reply... He didn't see Pony that way, if only he could do that for the other girls and this wouldn't be a problem. His thumb paused on the screen as a crazy thought occurred to him. What if he did that? Maybe if he got to know the other girls better he could stop seeing them as objects to be ogled and see them as friends...

Thus Began Operation Friendzone...

Having a plan, however tentative, helped ease his mind. Minoru Jumped into his new duties as Class Rep with renewed vigor, grateful for any distraction to keep his mind focused. It wasn't nearly as intense as Iida made it out to be, but it definitely was a lot of work. His classmates were fairly chill for the most part so he hardly had to step up and confront anyone... save for Bakugo. The Blond boy was smart and driven as befitting of a future pro. But he could really be an asshole. He would get better with time, but at this early point in their school careers he had little respect for anyone... It had taken a week and a half of back and forth for him to stop trying to intimidate him when confronted. It wasn't respect yet but he was at least making progress...

On the topic of progress he had started to get to know Mina better, taking the opportunity to help her with some studying when he overheard her sighs after a test. She was a safe start as the pink girl had made clear on several occasions what kind of guy she liked, and needless to say it wasn't Minoru.

If there was one word that could define the future pro it was 'energy', though fun was also a viable choice. It took a lot of effort to reign that in and get her to focus on her studies. The frustration and immaturity doing wonders to distract from her (very nice) curves... Despite that he left each tutoring session with a smile, despite not being book smart she was quick witted and would often have a comeback for any sarcastic shot he'd take... the verbal sparring could get quite fun as long as it didn't divert the studying too much. She seemed to be making some headway on her problems subjects but it would be the be midterms that showed if there was any progress made.

In retrospect it probably would have been easier for him to start with Yaoyarozu... but he was still keeping his distance, as much as their positions would allow. Guilt weighed heavily whenever he interacted with the Creation hero On top of needing to ignoring her obvious beauty there were many regrets from the past the many times he abused her trust, the many undeserved chances and olive branches she had offered over the years only for him to mess it up. Every single one He d promised himself he d leave her be this time around and he stuck to it. His interactions with her were always respectful and professional, nothing more nothing less it was the least he could do.

That being said, the day to day of school life could only go on for so long before destiny reared its head

Rescue training at the USJ. It wasn't until filing everyone into the bus and taking his seat that his stomach began to twist. They were going to be attacked by the league of villains. It was their first real challenge, it had gone remarkably well all things considered the first time around but what if it went differently this time? There were so many ways it could have gone. Is not having Sero, Jiro, or Todoroki around going to be the lynchpin? All he could do is just try to stick to the script and hope it all falls the same way. His clenched his tiny fists in his lap and looked across the way. Izuku was clumsily deflecting Tsuyu's innocent but direct assertion that his power was like All Might's. He really was bad at hiding it... it's so obvious in retrospect. He relaxed and let out a soft chuckle, feeling the tension ease somewhat.

"What are YOU laughing at shortstack? You want some too?!" Bakugo growled half leaning over the chair in front of him. Apparently the topic had shifted while he was zoned out. He waved off the blond teen shaking his head.

"Sorry, I just had a funny thought was all don't mind me." he replied unworried, defusing some of the boy's anger. Aizawa settled the rest of the down for the rest of the trip which spent chatting softly with Pony doing his best to ignore Toga leaning into the blushing Izuku. Their interactions had gotten even more awkward with Izuku now coming to realize Toga's intentions thanks to Tsu and Pony. Some things never got easier to deal with... The gigantic dome of the Unforeseen Simulation Joint came into view long before they got close enough to park. Class 1-A filed out of the bus and into the building proper revealing the many varied biome and situations set up for training... it was an impressive sight, just as impressive as the first time he'd seen. But Minoru's eyes continued to be drawn to the fountain at the center courtyard. Even as Thirteen gave her speech he couldn't break his attention any minute now. Right there they would-

It started as a pinpoint of darkness before it expanded to a full portal, two glowing eyes appearing on top as Kurogiri made the full connection. The villains starting to enter the facility on mass. Minoru reflexively entered a stance one hand poised up to grab a ball if need be. He was better then he had been back then but still far from the level he was used to this would be his first true attempt at live combat. He hoped he was up to the task.

The last two figures through the portal were the most worrying. One spindly, sickly looking young man with white hair, his face adorned with a severed hand. Tomura Shigaraki, future leader of the Paranormal liberation front. Arch-villain to Izuku... currently a no name thug with a cobbled together organization. If he were caught today... that could only be a good thing couldn't it? All worrying of Timelines fell at the rare opportunity... he'd be close enough... if he used enough balls it might- All thoughts left him as the Nomu stepped through the gate, it's wall eyes and exposed brain almost comical if not for the massive muscled body and inhuman beak with jagged teeth. The first of many but still dangerous... that one had managed to injure All Might. His ball would be no use against that monster... Izuku could effortless break from his balls at half his power after all. That reality check brought him back and he focused on what he could control, glancing back to his class as Aizawa prepared to engage with the Villains. Expressions ranged from fear, surprise and disbelief... The uncertainty hanging heavy in the air... Words blurred as his present mixed with his past. Aizawa jumping down to engage with the villains, Thirteen leading them to the door... Kurogiri cutting them off and looming threateningly in front. Wait, if he was stopped no one would get separated and then it would all go a lot smoo-

"Die!" Bakugo roared as he and Kirishima lept forward to engage the portal maker, to little effect.

"Get back here you idiots!" Minoru shouted in a swell of anger. He'd forgotten why they'd been separated, to think it was their impulsive action that had set off all the trouble. Those reckless morons! The blond turned a glare back to shorter boy but it didn't matter. As Kurogiri's darkness extended out over everyone her closed his eyes and prepared for the drop into the water. This was fine, he might still be able to make this wor-


He felt the wind knocked out of him as he fell a short distance onto something solid...

"Shit, Did I hit the boat?" he cursed. He was wet but he was on solid ground. He opened his eyes to see a pounding rain storm. Buildings towered over him, reaching up into the storming darkness above. The Typhoon zone... His clenched his fists tightly, his body shaking... Again, it had changed. He didn't know what was going to happen now. Hopelessness swirled in his stomach before he felt it burned away by a rush of indignation and anger. "Damn it!" he growled slamming his gloved hand into the pavement. Tears of frustration mixed with the pounding rain. Just a little familiarity was all he was asking. Why couldn't he have this much? If someone got hurt...

"Oh ho, little hero sounds angry." a man's voice came from behind his lying position.

"Maybe he needs a timeout?" another weaselly voice replied.

Villains... It seemed he didn't have time to rage. He'd have to do his best to survive and just trust his classmates. In a snap the angry teen was replaced with a seasoned pro. Bringing his hands up he discreetly plucked two balls from his head. On hearing the grunt of effort and immediately rolled forward, a metal pipe connecting with the pavement where his head had been moments before. Rolling up onto his hands he took in the two thugs while balanced upside down. The pipe wielding thug was has a stocky build and odd musculature but didn't seem to have anything else of note. Behind him was a lanky man with arms that nearly scraped the group, his eyes colored with surprise as Minoru's nimble dodge. He quickly gauged the distance and adjusted his angle slightly before before bending his arms and launching up, boosted by the balls he placed under him. He shot over the first thug catching the other one square in the jaw with both feet. As he toppled backward her sprung off that man to the other who was turning. rearing his fist back he brought a punch down right on the man's nose, with cracked slightly getting him to drop his weapon and grab his face. Minoru only has a small window to act so he removed several balls and stuck them to the stunned man before dropping to the ground. The thug let out an angry growl as the small boy slipped through his legs but before he could properly turn he felt his knees buckle, Minoru applying just the right amount of pressure to topple the man who was stuck fast to the asphalt. All the while Minoru's expression was of calm focus...

He was lighter and weaker than his opponents, he nearly always was, So he had developed a fighting style that worked around that. He spent years studying the natural weaknesses of the human form, creating a style made up entirely of elegant pressure points and brutal cheap shots. All to give openings to stick his opponents to his environments. It wasn't perfect in a quirk filled world but it had served him well as a pro and a vigilante. Knowing the stocky thug wasn't going anywhere he turned his attention to the lanky one who had shaken off his surprise kick and was getting ready to attack... an opponent with this kind of insane reach were some of the hardest for the small boy to deal with but he merely grabbed a couple of balls and readied himself for a hard fight. Though much to his surprise the angry face of the man slowly relaxed and with no ceremony toppled forward to the wet asphalt, an empty syringe sticking out of the back of his neck.

"You Okay Class Rep?" Toga asked cheerfully, "Hope you don't mind me butting in." Her tone was sincere but seeing the blond slasher standing in the pouring rain brought a chill down his spine. He did his best to swallow his fear and straightened up.

"No, that was good timing, this guy would have been a real pain to fight." Thanking Toga felt like pouring ash into his mouth but he could offer her that much at least. He stuck the sleeping thugs long arms to the ground and prepared to move. "Best split up and try to find a way out of here so we can meet up with the others." he lied as he started toward the exit to the zone.

"Um, no offense but this place is crawling with thugs. It would really be better to stick toget-"

"No." he said firmly, gloves creaking as he clenched his fists. Maybe it was the stress of it all but he couldn't keep the facade up today. He needed to get away from Toga and find his friends.

"But Why?" It was clear in her tone that she was frustrated. "Honestly, it's been like this from the very beginning. Everything you do is always more forced around me than any of the others. What have I ever done to you?!"

"I... Look. it's-" He growled in frustration before turning to face his walking nightmare. A drenched blond who looked somewhere between angry and hurt. His own anger faltered and he turned away again. "It's complicated, I just need to be alone." it was half-assed and vague but it was all he could muster. confusion and frustration warred on her features before a realization seemed to hit. She looked up, shoulders shaking slightly and she laughed to herself.

"Of course... why hadn't I seen it sooner?" she said to no one in particular, her head cocked slightly to the side while her gaze remained upward. "It makes so much more sense." she slowly turned her gaze back down to the boy, eyes intense and wild, freezing his legs in place.

"Toga-san I-" in a span of a blink she was now crouched down in front of him, her wide eyes threatening to swallow him whole.

"You remember the other world too. Don't-cha Mineta-kun?"

AN: Yes. I am going to end the chapter there and yes it may be a bit before the next chapter is available. Yes, I am monster.

All joking aside I had originally intended to stick to my plan to wait until after the holidays to update but I had received a few reviews that were questioning when this would update and well, it was almost ready. So I knocked down to get it at least readable by Christmas Day. Probably needs a little bit more editing but I think it will be a solid enough update for people to enjoy...

As for the content yes, I had wanted to show Mineta's struggles a bit more, rather then him always managing to be strong... it was originally going to lead into a much more serious angle, him seeking counseling or meeting with teachers about his struggle and having Midnight come to grips with needing to mindful of that... that was Until I came up with Operation Friendzone. He's aiming to be the reverse harem protagonist and get none of the girls interested in him so he can be strong enough not to fall for them in return... the Madlad. How well it will work will obviously depends how things progress.

and yes, Toga is also from a previous world like Mineta. A few of you were theorizing it(Kisame Hoshigaki, Emrys Akayuki & fencer29)and I didn't really set any heavy handed hints to it or anything but as the story progressed the more I started to like the idea, that there were more players out there making changes then just Mineta... as for her motives those will just have to wait until next chapter :)

Though it will likely be a while before the next update hopefully you can enjoy this for now...