The half-demon who known to most as Whistler smiled as he watched Buffy Summers from across the small coffee shop. She happily sipped her coffee with her friends as she tried to enjoy a mostly carefree Saturday morning, holding on to what moments she could as a "normal" teenager he assumed. He always thought The Chosen One had to be a rough gig for these young women.

What she didn't know is he had managed to get the last remaining drops of Angelus' true blood into the drink on her table. He could only hope his little extra push to join these two forces would continue down the right path.

This had been bred a tricky situation from the start- a vampire and a vampire slayer? - that was crazy talk to most as it were. Then, the players got added to the board and that included this particular unconventional vampire slayer and one unstable demon and he was questioning the all mighty Powers That Be for one of the few times in his long existence. Most of the jobs they'd had him be a part of were pretty straight forward and black and white but that was not the case here. He knew that the two of them would either be a surprising miracle, that they would help balance out the good and evil in the world, help stop it from ending when push came to shove - at least for now... or it would be the worst thing to happen on this little planet.

Whistler had spent years now trying to get all the proper ducks in a row. It had been a slow burn with the two of them... he had introduced a spot of blood from the slayer to Angelus after she was called to duty and had sent subtle hints in various ways to push him toward her... but then he finally brought his ass to Sunnydale and things had picked up. He was pleased with their progress so far but he was also ready to just get them linked up as they needed to be, send them on their way to making sure they'd protect one another and the world together, and just move on to his next mission already.

The Hellmouth wasn't exactly his cup of tea he had decided. Too many damn vampires running around. He was ready to back up North.


Buffy had a funny feeling ever since parting ways with Xander, Cordelia and Willow. All afternoon it seemed to progress worse and worse. Her body felt warm and she had a desire to see Angelus that nearly hurt. Of course she'd been dealing with that for some time and it made sense it only grew after their previous night together but it was like her brain couldn't think of anything else and her body was literally craving him.

Buffy paced like a caged animal through her house as she waited for sunset.

Pleasantly surprised, Buffy went flying out the front door as she saw the first signs of darkness and crashed right into a hard body. "Oomph!" she grunted before noticing it was Angelus. A sigh fell from her lips next as she flung herself at him. Angelus' eyes opened wider but he caught her, easily lifting her up against him. "Slayer," he greeted right before she attacked his mouth with her own. Angelus' hands squeezed the round globes of her bottom and she moaned at the sensation. He pulled back and his eyes narrowed.

"What?" she breathed.

He continued to look her over for another long moment. "There's something..." he trailed off, as if he was searching for the right word.

"Something...?" she pressed.

"Different... about you. But familiar." He genuinely looked confused but intrigued.

"Something bad?" she asked him.

He shook his head.

"I needed to see you... I've been dying all day," Buffy confessed.

He smirked a little at that. "I know, I could feel it. I couldn't sleep."

"I don't understand what is happening. I feel like every single day I'm more confused."

"Do you need to understand?" he questioned. "Can't it just be?"

"No... I just need you."

Angelus kissed her next with a hunger that perfectly matched her own. Her fingers threaded through his silky dark locks, pulling him even closer to her and her legs squeezed him painfully, feeling his arousal rubbing against her in all the right ways. She heard him mumble a question about where her mother was and Buffy tried to think, telling him she was gone on a business trip this weekend. He growled, his eyes looking at the open doorway. "Invite me in," he told her in a low voice.


Even though he had spent literal hours last night pleasuring the small slayer, he hadn't had enough. Not even close. He had been craving the taste of her honey ever since parting ways as the sun rose this morning. Hell, he'd barely even made it back home before the sun took him because it'd taken all his power to leave her side.

He hadn't been able to sleep, his stomach burning with need and then this afternoon something just struck through him like a lightening bolt and he thought he was going to go insane. It had taken every ounce of his energy to not do something stupid like charge out into the sun just attempting to get to her.

Angelus felt his body relax a little as he nestled back between her strong thighs, his mouth filling with the taste of her again. Buffy moaned, her head falling back against the door, her fingernails scratching his scalp. His tongue lapped greedily at her dripping, slick core as she began to wiggle against the sensation. He knew it'd take little to send her crashing given the height of their current need for each other. He gently nibbled at her until she bucked with full force, screaming his name.

Clothes were practically ripped off of their bodies, carelessly thrown about as he carried her through the house. He gave her one warning that he was going to claim her as his tonight and he was sure part of that was said to warn his own self. He knew nothing would be the same but that went beyond tonight, liking it or not he knew something much bigger than the two of them were at play here.

Angelus knew he could fight it, he even knew it'd probably even be one hell of a show against the universe and keep him thoroughly entertained, but the truth was he didn't even want to. He wanted to give in to whatever this was, he wanted this seventeen year old more than he'd ever wanted anything in his entire life. He wanted whatever the hell the universe wanted him to have with her.

Angelus' body shook with anticipation as he laid Buffy down on her bed and removed the last of his clothing. Her hands went to him, wide virgin eyes only turning him on more as he let her explore his body. Her fingertips lightly danced down his length then her small hand did its best to wrap around him and she began to stroke him, changing the pressure and speed of her pumping several times and always watching for his reaction to each.

He let her familiarize herself with him for as long as he could stand it then he joined her on the bed. She felt like heaven as their bodies collide and became one, he was sure if she staked him right then and there he wouldn't even mind having experienced this. He gave her time to adjust to the feel of him, the shock of her innocence being broken through and before he knew their bodies were rocking and grinding against one another in perfect, needy rhythm. She begged for more, for him to thrust into her harder and faster and he couldn't help but given into her pleas.

"Oh, God," Buffy's voice broke.

His hips moved frantically and he soon felt his face change to his demonic form. He felt her inner walls began fluttering and his fangs found their way to her delicate flesh, claiming her again. Buffy's legs shot straight out, stiffening, her hips bucking, her liquid fire spilling out against him. Angelus felt high at the first droplet of her blood hitting him on top of the most powerful orgasm he'd ever had the pleasure of experiencing.


Buffy felt like she was having an out of body experience. She was floating, her body numb. Angelus licked her neck before using his own blood to help close the puncture wounds he'd given to her before rolling to the side. His heavy arms pulled her closer to him again. He wiped blood of his wrist on to the fingertip of his index finger and didn't understand why she was so eager to lick it off of him. She made a gross face at the taste and he almost laughed.

"You're mine," he whispered as she began to feel like her eyelids were too heavy to keep open any longer.

She had no argument in her about that. She could feel the truth to that statement in her blood, in her bones.


It wasn't until Monday when Buffy truly realized the significance of what had happened between her and her vampire. She knew there was a deeper meaning to her attraction to him and to when he warned her he would be claiming her as his but it was still a lot to take it. One destiny had already been nearly too much, now there was him.

Giles explained to her that Angelus had claimed her as his - making her his wife in the world of vampire law. This was rare and nearly nonexistent with a human. The ritual protected both of them in a wide variety of ways - including the little tidbit that they could no longer kill one another. Giles explained she could try plunging a stake into Angelus' chest or try cutting his head off or anything else to rid the earth of him but it couldn't come by her hand, he wouldn't even be phased and the same went for her, Angelus' couldn't take her life any more than she could his.

"He is bound to protect you," Giles told her softly. "To... even... love you. A part of your soul resides with him now, just as a part of his demon now lives inside of you."

Buffy's fingertips went to the side of her neck. She was already healed, the little holes already scarring over. They were a permanent reminder of him. "I feel like that was exactly what was supposed to happen, though."

Giles nodded, pulling his glasses from his face and cleaning them.


Across town, Whistler smiled as he bought a bus ticket back to New York. Even with a crew just outside the city limits of Sunnydale digging up Acathla, he had no worries about the state of planet at the moment. He'd done good and he could take comfort in that.

The End.