A/N: Here we go, the new story of 2019! I don't own My Hero Academia or Injustice. They belong to their owners.

Swamp Thing

Swamp Thing vs. All for One

Swamp Thing: You endanger all life.

All for One: No one will stop my ambitions.

Swamp Thing: I am between you now.


Swamp Thing: This world is angry with you.

All for One: And why should I be concerned?

Swamp Thing: So does its Guardian.


All for One: What is this power you have?

Swamp Thing: A power you will never control.

All for One: With my quirk, nothing is impossible.


All for One: Soon, I will control the Green.

Swamp Thing: The Green bows to no one.

All for One: You haven't seen my power.

Swamp Thing vs. All Might

Swamp Thing: You are just like Superman.

All Might: But I inspire people.

Swamp Thing: But still equally dangerous.


Swamp Thing: I am this world's true guardian.

All Might: Thought you might need some help, friend.

Swamp Thing: The Green is protected.


Swamp Thing: I once trusted the Regime.

All Might: We all did, Swamp Thing.

Swamp Thing: And now it is too late.


Swamp Thing: Why have you come here?

All Might: I'm here to protect Earth's people.

Swamp Thing: And I protect the Earth itself.


All Might: Time for me to move a mountain.

Swamp Thing: Others have tried before you.

All Might: I'm not like the others.


All Might: I need you to step aside, friend.

Swamp Thing: The Parament of Trees will not.

All Might: Then you leave me no choice.


All Might: Why didn't you fight the Regime.

Swamp Thing: They helped the planet for a time.

All Might: Now, they're not.


All Might: I need you to step aside, friend.

Swamp Thing: It is not my nature to yield.

All Might: There is a first time for everything.

Swamp Thing vs. Dabi

Swamp Thing: You have offended nature.

Dabi: My flames will do more than that.

Swamp Thing: They will burn out first.


Swamp Thing: Friend or foe?

Dabi: I'll burn your whole forest.

Swamp Thing: Definitely foe.


Dabi: You're an interesting one.

Swamp Thing: Disturb me at your own risk.

Dabi: I'll bring you back to Tomura.


Dabi: How can you handle my flames?

Swamp Thing: The Green always finds a way.

Dabi: And will be burned alive.

Swamp Thing vs. Denki Kaminari

Swamp Thing: I don't like tricks.

Denki Kaminari: I think you're just scared of my quirk.

Swamp Thing: Defend yourself!


Swamp Thing: Keep your distance from me.

Denki Kaminari: I think you're just scared of my quirk.

Swamp Thing: Are you certain of that?


Denki Kaminari: Ready for this, Swamp Man?

Swamp Thing: A mere man cannot harm me.

Denki Kaminari: If he charged with electricity, he can.


Denki Kaminari: Now this is perfect training.

Swamp Thing: Disturb me at your own risk.

Denki Kaminari: Don't worry. I can handle this.

Swamp Thing vs. Eijiro Kirishima

Swamp Thing: There is no need for violence.

Eijiro Kirishima: My quirk hardens my body.

Swamp Thing: But still equally dangerous.


Swamp Thing: Why have you come here?

Eijiro Kirishima: Needed some more manly training.

Swamp Thing: I will spare nothing.


Eijiro Kirishima: So you can control plants?

Swamp Thing: There are no men like me.

Eijiro Kirishima: But you're not the manliest, Swamp Thing.


Eijiro Kirishima: So you can control plants?

Swamp Thing: Do not mock the Green.

Eijiro Kirishima: That's more Bakugo's thing.

Swamp Thing vs. Endeavor

Swamp Thing: Your fire burns hot, Endeavor.

Endeavor: My fire is eternal, Swamp Thing.

Swamp Thing: They will burn out first.


Swamp Thing: Keep your distance from me.

Endeavor: And why is that?

Swamp Thing: Fire is no friend of mine.


Endeavor: Out of my way, creature.

Swamp Thing: I will cede no ground.

Endeavor: Then prepare to get burned.


Endeavor: Your powers are useless.

Swamp Thing: My power is eternal.

Endeavor: Not when it comes to fire.


Endeavor: You should join us, Swamp Thing.

Swamp Thing: The Green bows to no one.

Endeavor: This will convince you otherwise.

Swamp Thing vs. Fumikage Tokoyami

Swamp Thing: We both live between worlds.

Fumikage Tokoyami: Then try not to destroy the area.

Swamp Thing: I will spare nothing.


Fumikage Tokoyami: So what's your quirk?

Swamp Thing: I do not follow.

Fumikage Tokoyami: I mean, "What's your power".

Swamp Thing vs. Gran Torino

Swamp Thing: I am not your friend.

Gran Torino: I just wish to speak to you.

Swamp Thing: You have not earned my trust.


Swamp Thing: Why have you come here?

Gran Torino: We are on the same side.

Swamp Thing: The Parliament begs to differ.


Gran Torino: You should be helping us, Swamp Thing.

Swamp Thing: Humanity's problems are not mine.

Gran Torino: It will be once the Earth is on the line.


Gran Torino: A war is coming…

Swamp Thing: The Green will survive.

Gran Torino: Not unless you join us.

Swamp Thing vs. Himiko Toga

Swamp Thing: There is no need for violence.

Himiko Toga: Violence is my middle name.

Swamp Thing: The Green will humble you.


Swamp Thing: Friend or foe?

Himiko Toga: I wonder if you bleed red or green.

Swamp Thing: Definitely foe.


Himiko Toga: You're an interesting one.

Swamp Thing: Disturb me at your own risk.

Himiko Toga: I'll capture you for Tomura.


Himiko Toga: Hey there, Big Green.

Swamp Thing: I am not here for pleasantries.

Himiko Toga: Now don't be like that.

Swamp Thing vs. Inasa Yoarashi

Swamp Thing: Why have you come here?

Inasa Yoarashi: Just here doing my job.

Swamp Thing: Are you certain of that?


Swamp Thing: There is no need for violence.

Inasa Yoarashi: My wind power are formidable.

Swamp Thing: But still equally dangerous.


Inasa Yoarashi: Time for you to move, Swamp Thing!

Swamp Thing: I will cede no ground.

Inasa Yoarashi: You won't say that for long.


Inasa Yoarashi: Time for you to move, Swamp Thing!

Swamp Thing: It is not my nature to yield.

Inasa Yoarashi: Then prepare to be blown away.

Swamp Thing vs. Izuku Midoriya

Swamp Thing: A child fought by Batman's side…

Izuku Midoriya: And I won't let him down.

Swamp Thing: This will be interesting.


Swamp Thing: I once trusted the Regime.

Izuku Midoriya: We all did, Swamp Thing.

Swamp Thing: And now it is too late.


Izuku Midoriya: You should help us, Swamp Thing.

Swamp Thing: Humanity's problems are not mine.

Izuku Midoriya: But the whole Earth is.


Izuku Midoriya: I'm ready to fight.

Swamp Thing: You are not ready, boy.

Izuku Midoriya: I'll show you my control over the One for All.

Swamp Thing vs. Katsuki Bakugo

Swamp Thing: Arrogant child…

Katsuki Bakugo: I'll kill you, Swamp Face!

Swamp Thing: Reasoning with you is pointless.


Swamp Thing: You are a weapon of mass destruction.

Katsuki Bakugo: But I'm a hero, Swamp Thing.

Swamp Thing: Good does not matter to the Green.


Katsuki Bakugo: Are you some kind of monster?

Swamp Thing: Disturb me at your own risk.

Katsuki Bakugo: I can use you as training.


Katsuki Bakugo: You control plants?

Swamp Thing: Do not mock the Green.

Katsuki Bakugo: I can use you as training.

Swamp Thing vs. Kyoka Jiro

Swamp Thing: The jungle speaks through me.

Kyoka Jiro: It's almost the same for me.

Swamp Thing: I doubt that to be true.


Swamp Thing: The Parliament of Trees has spoken.

Kyoka Jiro: Am I going to nature jail?

Swamp Thing: The Green will humble you.


Kyoka Jiro: You don't understand my plans?

Swamp Thing: I do not fellow your thinking.

Kyoka Jiro: This fight will explain it.


Kyoka Jiro: Think you can beat me in a fight?

Swamp Thing: The Green always finds a way.

Kyoka Jiro: Then the Green would fail.

Swamp Thing vs. Momo Yaoyorozu

Swamp Thing: Can you harness the Green?

Momo Yaoyorozu: I create what's at my limit.

Swamp Thing: This will be interesting.


Swamp Thing: You have offended nature.

Momo Yaoyorozu: Forgive me, Swamp Thing.

Swamp Thing: I will not let that stand.


Momo Yaoyorozu: You have a connection with nature.

Swamp Thing: My root spun deep here.

Momo Yaoyorozu: Then show me your power.


Momo Yaoyorozu: You can't win this.

Swamp Thing: The Green always find a way.

Momo Yaoyorozu: But I can create weapons for myself.

Swamp Thing vs. Muscular

Swamp Thing: You are a weapon of mass destruction.

Muscular: I'm more than that, Swamp Freak!

Swamp Thing: The Parliament begs to differ.


Swamp Thing: Why pollute your body?

Muscular: To kill my victims. It's that simple.

Swamp Thing: Much to my dismay.


Swamp Thing: Your crimes will not stand.

Muscular: I'm not going back to prison.

Swamp Thing: That is unfortunate for you.


Swamp Thing: You have offended nature.

Muscular: Why is that, Swamp Thing?

Swamp Thing: Because you are unnatural.


Muscular: You're dead, Swamp Freak!

Swamp Thing: A mere man can not harm me.

Muscular: You don't watch the News, do ya?


Muscular: So you live here, huh?

Swamp Thing: My strength is root and stem.

Muscular: Then I'm going to destroy it.


Muscular: This forest is going to be a wreck.

Swamp Thing: My root spun deep here.

Muscular: Not for much longer.


Muscular: Time to move you out of my way.

Swamp Thing: Others have tried before you.

Muscular: I'm not like the others, Swamp Freak!

Swamp Thing vs. Ochaco Uraraka

Swamp Thing: I once trusted the Regime.

Ochaco Uraraka: We all did, Swamp Thing.

Swamp Thing: This time, I am prepared.


Swamp Thing: Keep your distance from me.

Ochaco Uraraka: Afraid of my Gravity powers?

Swamp Thing: The Green is stronger.


Ochaco Uraraka: Don't try to stop me.

Swamp Thing: Then you should stand down.

Ochaco Uraraka: I won't let you stop from saving people.


Ochaco Uraraka: Are you actually a hero?

Swamp Thing: I will to save the Green.

Ochaco Uraraka: Then let us help, Swamp Thing.

Swamp Thing vs. Shota Aizawa

Swamp Thing: I am this world's true guardian.

Shota Aizawa: And I love the media.

Swamp Thing: That is disputable.


Swamp Thing: It cannot be…

Shota Aizawa: I've erased your power.

Swamp Thing: This will be interesting.


Swamp Thing: Can you harness the Green?

Shota Aizawa: No, but I can erase it.

Swamp Thing: That is disputable.


Shota Aizawa: You should be helping us, Swamp Thing.

Swamp Thing: Humanity's problems are not mine.

Shota Aizawa: Then you don't care about the Earth itself.


Shota Aizawa: You should be helping us, Swamp Thing.

Swamp Thing: I have changed my mind.

Shota Aizawa: Then I was wrong about you.


Shota Aizawa: You sure you want to do this?

Swamp Thing: I will to save the Green.

Shota Aizawa: You're going to be disappointed.


Shota Aizawa: You should be helping us, Swamp Thing.

Swamp Thing: Not at the expense of the soil.

Shota Aizawa: Then I was wrong about you.

Swamp Thing vs. Shoto Todoroki

Swamp Thing: Keep your distance from me.

Shoto Todoroki: Afraid that I'll burn and freeze you?

Swamp Thing: I'm afraid I will strangle you.


Swamp Thing: Why have you come here?

Shoto Todoroki: I don't need to answer to you.

Swamp Thing: Reasoning with you is pointless.


Shoto Todoroki: This should be interesting.

Swamp Thing: Disturb me at your own risk.

Shoto Todoroki: I welcome the challenge.


Shoto Todoroki: I'm a bad match-up for you.

Swamp Thing: A mere man can not harm me.

Shoto Todoroki: Someone with two powers can.

Swamp Thing vs. Stain

Swamp Thing: Your crimes will not stand.

Stain: I can cut down your little forest.

Swamp Thing: I also have fists.


Swamp Thing: You endanger all life.

Stain: You can't stop me.

Swamp Thing: I am between you now.


Stain: Your blood will satisfy me tonight.

Swamp Thing: Green blood won't feed your hunger.

Stain: All blood taste the same.


Stain: And look at what I found.

Swamp Thing: Are you human or beast?

Stain: I'm the one who's going to kill you.

Swamp Thing vs. Tenya Iida

Swamp Thing: Slow down, Iida.

Tenya Iida: Nothing can slow down.

Swamp Thing: What if you tangled up in thorns?


Swamp Thing: Why have you come here?

Tenya Iida: I came to assist you, Swamp Thing.

Swamp Thing: The Green is protected.


Tenya Iida: I need you to move out of my away.

Swamp Thing: I will cede no ground.

Tenya Iida: Then I'll just blow you away!


Tenya Iida: Please allow me to help you.

Swamp Thing: You are not ready, boy.

Tenya Iida: I'll prove to you that I'm ready.

Swamp Thing vs. Tomura Shigaraki

Swamp Thing: This world is angry with you.

Tomura Shigaraki: And I'm angry with the world.

Swamp Thing: Defend yourself!


Swamp Thing: I don't like tricks.

Tomura Shigaraki: I don't use tricks to win.

Swamp Thing: I doubt that to be true.


Swamp Thing: Friend or foe?

Tomura Shigaraki: I'm going to turn you to ash.

Swamp Thing: Definitely foe.


Swamp Thing: This world is angry with you.

Tomura Shigaraki: And who else is angry with me?

Swamp Thing: So does its Guardian.


Tomura Shigaraki: This is fight is already over.

Swamp Thing: A mere man cannot harm me.

Tomura Shigaraki: Ever fought a man who can make your body crumble?


Tomura Shigaraki: Why fight me, Swamp Thing?

Swamp Thing: You disturb the Green!

Tomura Shigaraki: Soon the Green will bow to me.


Tomura Shigaraki: I will have the Green's power.

Swamp Thing: The Green bows to no one.

Tomura Shigaraki: My master and I disagree.


Tomura Shigaraki: This is fight is already over.

Swamp Thing: The Green will survive.

Tomura Shigaraki: You sure as hell won't, Swamp Thing.

Swamp Thing vs. Tsuyu Asui

Swamp Thing: We both live between worlds.

Tsuyu Asui: I'm better on land and water.

Swamp Thing: Are you certain of that?


Tsuyu Asui: You look like an interesting guy.

Swamp Thing: Disturb me at your own risk.

Tsuyu Asui: I've heard worse warnings.

Next Chapter: Cyborg

Hey guys, Rico 94 here. I'm back with a new set of Injustice interactions with the characters from My Hero Academia. Plus, this is my crossover with My Hero Academia. I don't know much about the series so I'm winging it for now. I'm doing these interactions a little different from the Akame ga Kill interactions. I'm doing the Injustice characters against the My Hero Academia characters first. Then I'll do the MHA character intros against each other with their super moves and endings. As for the Akame ga Kill intros, I'll try to upload more during the weekends. Also I'll try to upload more MHA intros every other weekend as much as I can. I also want to thank jalen johnson for helping me with putting this together. Also, there is a poll on my profile about which story you guys want me to write. You can choose up to five titles of the crossovers you want to see. The first poll ends on March 10th and new choices will be added every Friday.