Third Person POV

He was lying in bed, wide awake and completely still. Not because he wanted to, as he had every desire to move. It was because he couldn't. He was tied up and drugged, but very much aware of his surroundings. Oscar was vaguely familiar with the room he was in, but had no solid memory of it. He couldn't move on his own, everything from his limbs to even his breathing was under some kind of artificial control. Only thing he could control was his eyes but he only could see a light and a blank, white ceiling staring right back. He could feel everything from the cold chill of the air conditioner to even his own heart beat. He heard a clock ticking and he could hear footsteps.

"Where on Remnant am I?" Oscar thought to himself. He then heard a door open and close. A fairly gentle thud on what sounded like a cart.

"Good to see your awake Oscar, the other doctor's chemical measurements and calculations are pin point accurate as always." Said a muffled voice. Oscar tried to open his mouth to speak to no avail. "Now I must say your performance out in the field has brought us results."

"What does he mean "in the field" and "performance"?" Oscar thought to himself.

"Today Oscar, we are going to make history." Said the voice. He then proceeded to open a case that he must put on the cart. He then got into Oscar's field of view, and Oscar than widened his eyes. It was one the doctors, one of the doctors that did… horrible things to him.

"What I have in my hand is something that will make you very powerful" Said the doctor. He then brought the item in question into Oscar's view. It was two vials, one with a black liquid and the other a silver liquid, parallel to each other. Both were connected by single handle on one end and a single needle on the other end.

"No, no, no, no, no!" Oscar thought to himself, trying to scream. Oscar then closed his eyes, hoping this was just a bad dream.

"Open your eyes Oscar." Said the doctor. When Oscar didn't comply the doctor simply put his hand on Oscar's shoulder, shaking him. "Oscar. Oscar. OSCAR!" Said the voice."

"Oscar wake up." Said a different voice. Oscar then slowly opened his eyes, to see that he was in a different room and that Ruby had put her hand on his shoulder. Oscar then quickly sat up, to make sure he was in the real world.

"It's just a bad dream." Said Ruby. Oscar had then took a deep breath of relief. Oscar then took a look at his scroll, he saw that he still had an hour until his alarm goes off. He then looked at Ruby with a confused look as to why to she was up.

"I usually get up earlier then the rest of the team. I am trying to show Weiss that I'm a good leader." Said Ruby as she glanced over to Weiss's bed. "Was your nightmare about something you remember?"

Oscar then raised his hand and shook it in a yes and no fashion.

"Since you're already awake, wanna grab a coffee with me?" Asked Ruby.

Oscar then shook his head yes and stood up.

Ten minutes later.

Oscar had gotten his uniform on and headed out the door with Ruby. Oscar had recognized the doctor and his deeds, but not the syringe. He was glad Ruby woke him up when she did, as he wasn't sure he wanted to know the end of that nightmare.

"You seem nervous." Said Ruby. "I hope that dream didn't spook you about your first day attending classes."

Oscar smiled at Ruby.

"Are you excited for your first day?" Asked Ruby.

Oscar then simply nodded.

"That's good, I was both very excited and nervous on my first day." Said Ruby. "I may or may not have sneezed a crater into the courtyard day." Ruby said nervously.

Oscar then gave Ruby a weird look.

"My sister ran off with like no warning and Weiss was way bossier back then." Said Ruby. "And Blake came along to explain who Weiss was, then disappeared herself."

"That explains a lot." Oscar thought to himself.

"Then Jaune came along and him also being a bit of a dork like me, we became friend right then and there." Said Ruby.

"Couldn't have said it better myself, Crater face." Said Jaune coming from behind.

"Good morning, Vomit Boy." Said Ruby. "Is Ren gonna make pancakes again?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm just making coffee for us." Said Jaune. "What are you two doing up this early?"

"Same thing, plus you know I usually wake up before the rest of my team anyway." Said Ruby, deciding not to say anything about Oscar's nightmare. "I Guess Oscar's a light sleeper."

"Good morning you two" Said Pyrrha. "You ready for your first day Oscar?" She Asked.

Oscar then nodded.

Meanwhile in Somewhere in Vale.

Neo had been up all night going over plans that Roman laid out for their next dust Robbery. She had made the necessary notes and suggestions to her bosses plans. had then decided to leave the temporary headquarters and head back to her own hideout in downtown vale, disguised no less.

She had trusted Roman and Cinder's decision to ally themselves with the White Fang, but she that alone doesn't mean she directly trusted the faunus extremist's. Like her bosses, she had made the decision to get an apartment somewhere away from the warehouse and her friends. One would think that placing all of one's eggs in one's basket is common basket is a terrible idea is common sense in the criminal underworld, but you would be surprised as to how often that gets even the best of criminals put in prison.

Neo had grabbed her purse handbag and umbrella, and headed out the door of the warehouse. She had to made the walk from the warehouse to her apartment with many different routes and disguises, knowing that had fooled most would be followers. "Most" being the key word on this particular morning. She had made many turns into random alleys, used her semblance to quickly change disguise's and routes, even used the fire escapes to get on the rooftops. But the person following her had been very persistent, as he knew Neo's every move before she did.

"Who is this guy? He's way too good of a tracker to be an undercover cop, but very noticeable. Even for some junkie mugger, looking to steal for his next fix." Neo thought to herself. "Unless he wanted me to notice!" As soon as Neo figured out what was happening, a hand than grabbed her by the throat and pinned her back to the wall. Neo than relaxed a bit as she knew the person following her.

"That was careless of you, Politan." Said the cloaked figure. He let go of Neo to let her breathe. "Even the target wouldn't be this sloppy."

"How the fuck did Metsada find me?" Neo thought to herself.

"You know, I may not be able to word-for-word read mind your mind, but I got the general idea." Said Metsada. "Red Mercury doesn't just "lose track" of people."

"If you can kinda read my mind, than get to the point." Thought Neo.

"I know you went AWOL because you didn't want think this was the best use of your talent, but Sparta and Athens allowed it because they thought so too. But this guy in particular is dangerous enough that all hands are being called on deck for this." Metsada said as he handed Neo a paper.

Neo then read the paper and immediately gave Metsada a weird look. "You want me to believe that some Beacon brat is that dangerous?" Thought Neo.

"The full profile of this kid is already in your apartment." Said Metsada. "Just wait until you see it. The council prefers that we capture, but I think you know how well that song and dance usually goes for powerful test subjects. Especially since he's also a field agent."

"Test subject AND field agent?! Shit, this is bad." Thought Neo.

"I best get going, I'll keep you posted on who else Red Mercury decides to send in. Right no, we're the only two agents in Vale." Said Metsada, With that, Metsada jumped off the roof and disappeared, leaving the paper as the only evidence of his presence.

Neo then read the name on the piece of paper. "Oscar Pine, why does that name sound so familiar?" Neo thought to herself.

Authors Note: Thank you, everyone for the kind reviews. Like I said last chapter, I will be sticking to a irregular post schedule. As for the Assassination Classroom Fanfiction I am also working on, I need time time rewatch the anime and time to rewatch all of RWBY. When i'll post the next chapter is when i'll post the first chapter for AC.

I have also been given permission to repost and finish another author's story. It is a Assassination Classroom and SCP crossover. so there's that too.

Please feel free to write a brutally honest review of what you think so far.