Warning large HAREM
Chapter .2.
Harry sighs the war was finally over and he was free. He knew that called his Dad would make him worry. But now his phone was destroyed he couldn't contact his Dad again. He would have to wait for now. As Harry was in the hospital wing getting fixed up. But he would be here for a couple of days.
His injuries included a severely broken arm that would take at least a week or more to heal. Several broken ribs. And ANOTHER lightning bolt on his chest were the killing curse had struck him. Madam Pomfrey had told him in would be just like his scar on his forehead. He also had serval nasty burns. And a scar across his face. He had sprained his leg so he would have too be very careful walking on it. And according to Madam Pomfrey he was malnourished and on the verge of a collapse.
But he wouldn't collapse as he was a High Elf and his was Immortal. He was also Part Light Veela, Part Phoenix, Part Dark Veela, Part Blood Elf, Part Vampire, Part Star, Part Dryad, Part Summer Fae, Part Demon, Part Fury, Part Kitsune, Part Elemental, Part Vanir, Part Draconis his form was black, gold and turquoise and he was part Angel thanks to Vernon who killed him, his wings were while, gold, black, violet and turquoise.
He found all this out a the beginning of his fifth year. He found out his titles which were a lot and the Wizengamot Seats were a lot too. It was…
Inheritance Test
Harry James Anthony Sirius Remus Frank Severus Charlus Godric Morgan Leonidas Julius Merlin Ignotus Arthur Nicholas Louis George Edward Stephan David Philip Albert John Tristan Richard Matthew Griffin Potter
Crown Prince of the Draconis's
Prince of Alfheim
Prince of Summer Fae
Prince of the Blood Elves
Lord of the Imperial and Most Ancient Revered House of Emrys (9 Votes)
Lord of the Imperial and Most Ancient Revered House of Le Fey (9 Votes)
Lord of the Imperial and Most Ancient Revered House of Pendragon (9 Votes)
Lord of the Imperial and Most Royal House of Romanov (8 Votes)
Lord of the Imperial and Most Royal House of Phoenix (8 Votes)
Lord of the Imperial and Most Royal House of Olympia (8 Votes)
Lord of the Imperial and Royal House of Gryffindor (7 Votes)
Lord of the Imperial and Royal House of Ravenclaw (7 Votes)
Lord of the Imperial and Royal House of Slytherin (7 Votes)
Lord of the Imperial and Royal House of Beauxbatons (7 Votes)
Lord of the Imperial and Royal House of Durmstrang (7 Votes)
Lord of the Imperial and Royal House of Ilvermorny (7 Votes)
Lord of the Imperial and Royal House of Koldovstoretz (7 Votes)
Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Royal House of Lionheart (6 Votes)
Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Royal House of Song (6 Votes)
Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Royal House of Ravenswood (6 Votes)
Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Royal House of Torchwood (6 Votes)
Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter (5 Votes)
Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black (5 Votes)
Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Peverell (5 Votes)
Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Blackthorn (5 Votes)
Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Stormhold (5 Votes)
Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Sayre (5 Votes)
Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Salem (5 Votes)
Lord of the Ancient and Noble House of Burke (4 Votes)
Lord of the Ancient and Noble House of Blishwick (4 Votes)
Lord of the Ancient and Noble House of Triple (4 Votes)
Lord of the Ancient and Noble House of Shafiq (4 Votes)
Lord of the Ancient and Noble House of Max (4 Votes)
Lord of the Ancient and Noble House of Stuart (4 Votes)
Lord of the Ancient House of Redbird (3 Votes)
Lord of the Ancient House of Twilight (3 Votes)
Lord of the Ancient House of Nightshade (3 Votes)
Lord of the Ancient House of Sunrise (3 Votes)
Lord of the Ancient House of Rosewood (3 Votes)
Lord of the Ancient House of Gamp (3 Votes)
Lord of the Noble House of Fireblood (2 Votes)
Lord of the Noble House of Fleamont (2 Votes)
Lord of the Noble House of Croft (2 Votes)
Lord of the Noble House of Gaunt (2 Votes)
Lord of the Noble House of Crestview (2 Votes)
Lord of the Noble House of Sunfyre (2 Votes)
Lord of the Lesser House of Waterlily (1 Vote)
Lord of the Lesser House of Pond (1 Vote)
Lord of the Lesser House of Dixon (1 Vote)
Lord of the Lesser House of Smart (1 Vote)
Lord of the Lesser House of Barnes (1 Vote)
Lord of the Lesser House of Redwood (1 Vote)
Lord of the Lesser House of O'Brian (1 Vote)
Lord of the Minor House of Rosehill (0 Votes)
Lord of the Minor House of Hawkeye (0 Votes)
Lord of the Minor House of Summerfields (0 Votes)
Lord of the Minor House of Honeysuckle (0 Votes)
Lord of the Clan Evans (0 Votes)
Lord of the Clan Stark (0 Votes)
Lord of the Clan Stacey (0 Votes)
Lord of the Clan Short (0 Votes)
Lord of the Clan Fleming (0 Votes)
House of Commoners
Potter Seat
IQ: 170
Archmage: Tier-Zero: 998 (0 - 1000)
Battle Magic
Animagus (German Shepherd, Phoenix (Black & Violet & Gold), Grim, Dragonette (Black and Turquoise), Lion, Eagle, Wolf (Black))
Beast Speaking
Empathic powers
Invisibility Powers
Aura seeing
Glamour abilities
After all that he had tones of vaults and he was far richer then his adopted Dad. Not that Harry would ever tell him that. But it would be fun to rub it in his face. He had enough for nearly or over 30 generations of his family.
What had surprised Harry when he got the tests done he had marriage contracts in his name. He met them all and knew most of them from Hogwarts. And he found some mates his High Elf side found. He had 41 mates altogether. But they all had to keep everything to himself as Voldemort could use it against him. He married them before he went on the Horcrux Hunt. And he had never been so happy.
But spending the next half a dozen months with Ron and Hermione was a walk in the park. They were annoying. Ron kept on getting jealous and Hermione insisted she knew it all. When he had found out where the Horcrux's are first. But Hermione always took the credit. Finally he was free of them. He didn't have to pretend anymore.
And speaking of not pretending he could tell everyone he had sat his NEWTS in July of last year. He took every course that was available as he had been studying them since his fifth year. He is a genius and nearly got all OO++ that meant Outrageously Outstanding with Distinction and High Honours. So no matter what Hermione said he was smarter then her. For finding out the extra subjects and for passing all of them without help. But the Time Chamber in Gringotts. The subjects he took were:
NEWT Results
1. Accounting (Not Taught at Hogwarts): (Outrageous Outstanding (OO) with distinction and Honours)
2. Alchemy (Not Taught at Hogwarts): (OO with distinction and High Honours)
3. Analysis (Not Taught at Hogwarts) (OO)
4. Ancient Civilizations (Not Taught at Hogwarts) (OO with distinction with Honours)
1) Achaemenid Empire (Sub NEWT: O)
2) Ancient Carthage: (Sub NEWT: O)
3) Ancient China: (Sub NEWT: O)
4) Aksum Empire: (Sub NEWT: O)
5) Ancient Egypt: (Sub NEWT: OO with Honours)
6) Ancient Elamite Empire: (Sub NEWT: O)
7) Ancient Greek Empire (Sub NEWT: OO with Distinctions and High Honours)
8) Ancient India: (Sub NEWT: OO)
9) Ancient Mesoptamia (Sub NEWT: O)
10) Aztec Empire (Sub NEWT: OO)
11) Babylon Empire (Sub NEWT: O
12) Byzantium Empire: (Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction)
13) Carthaginian Empire: (Sub NEWT: O)
14) Hittites Empire: (Sub NEWT: O)
15) Holy Roman Empire: (Sub NEWT: OO with High Honours)
16) Hurrians Empire: (Sub NEWT: O)
17) Inca Empire: (Sub NEWT: OO with Honours)
18) Lydian Kingdom (Sub NEWT: O)
19) Mayan Empire: (Sub NEWT: O)
20) Nanda Empire: (Sub NEWT: EE)
21) Osirian Empire: (Sub NEWT: EE)
22) Parthian Empire: (Sub NEWT: O)
23) Persian Empire: (Sub NEWT OO with High Honours)
24) Phoenicia Empire: (Sub NEWT: O)
25) Sassanid Empire: (Sub NEWT: O)
5. Ancient Languages (NEWT: OO with honours)
1) Ancient Celtic: (Sub NEWT: OO with Honours)
2) Ancient Egyptian: (Sub NEWT: OO with High Honours)
3) Ancient Germanic (Sub NEWT: O)
4) Ancient Greek: (Sub NEWT: OO with High Honours)
5) Ancient Persian: Sub NEWT: OO with High Honours)
6) Assyrian: (Sub NEWT: O)
7) Babylonian: (Sub NEWT: O)
8) Doric Greek: (Sub NEWT: O)
9) Gothic: (Sub NEWT: O)
10) Hittite: (Sub NEWT: O)
11) Irish Gaelic (Sub NEWT: OO with Honours)
12) Lithuanian: (Sub NEWT: O)
13) Lydian: (Sub NEWT: O)
14) Old Norse: (Sub NEWT: OO with High Honours)
15) Sanskrit: (Sub NEWT: OO with Honours)
6. 3 Partial: (NEWT: OO)
1) Mycenean Greek: (Sub NEWT: OO)
2) Akkaduan: (Sub NEWT: O)
3) Syriac: (Sub NEWT: O)
4) Basque: (Sub NEWT: O)
5) Aramaic: (Sub NEWT O)
7. Ancient Magic: (NEWT: Practical: OO with Honours, Theory: OO with Honours)
8. Ancient Runes: (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and High Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
9. Ancient Studies (Not Taught at Hogwarts): NEWT: Theory: OO)
10. Architecture (Not Taught at Hogwarts): NEWT: Theory: O
11. Arithmancy: (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and High Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
12. Astronomy: (NEWT Practical: OO with distinction and High Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
13. Battles and Wars (Not Taught of Hogwarts): (Theory NEWT: O with distinction)
14. Battle Strategy (Not Taught of Hogwarts): (Theory OWL: O with distinction)
15. Battle Magic: (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and High Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
16. Blood Magic: (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and High Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
17. Business Studies (Not Taught at Hogwarts) (NEWT: Theory: OO with distinction)
18. Care of Magical Creatures: (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and High Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
19. Care of Mundane Creatures: (Not Taught at Hogwarts) (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and High Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
20. Charms: (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and High Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
21. Child Rearing: (NEWT: Practical: OO, Theory: OO)
22. Combat Studies: (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and High Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
23. Creature Traditions: (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and High Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
24. Cultures: (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and Honours)
25. Curse Breaking: (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and High Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
26. Dark Arts: (NEWT: Theory: OO with distinction)
27. Defence Against the Dark Arts: (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and High Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
28. Divine Studies: (NEWT: Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
29. Duelling (Rules, Etiquette and Mock Duel): (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and High Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
30. Enchanting (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and High Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
1) Enchanting Camera: (Sub NEWT: OO+ with distinction and High Honours)
2) Enchanting CD Player: (Sub NEWT: OO+ with distinction and Honours)
3) Enchanting Computer: (Sub NEWT: OO+ with distinction and High Honours)
4) Enchanting Defibrillator: (Sub NEWT: OO+ with distinction and High Honours)
5) Enchanting DVD Player: (Sub NEWT: OO+ with distinction and Honours)
6) Enchanting iPod: (Sub NEWT: OO+ with distinction and High Honours)
7) Enchanting Lamps: (Sub NEWT: OO+ with distinction and Honours)
8) Enchanting Mirrors: (Sub NEWT: OO+ with distinction and High Honours)
9) Enchanting Mobile Phone: (Sub NEWT: OO+ with distinction and High Honours)
10) Enchanting Mundane Batteries: (Sub NEWT: OO+ with distinction and Honours)
11) Enchanting Music Box: (Sub NEWT: OO+ with distinction and High Honours)
12) Enchanting Radio: (Sub NEWT: OO+ with distinction and High Honours)
13) Enchanting Robot: (Sub NEWT: OO+++ with distinction and High Honours)
14) Enchanting Stereo: (Sub NEWT: OO+ with distinction and High Honours)
15) Enchanting Toys: (Sub NEWT: OO+ with distinction and Honours)
16) Enchanting TV's: (Sub NEWT: OO+ with distinction and Honours)
17) Enchanting Video Camera: (Sub NEWT: OO+ with distinction and High Honours)
18) Enchanting Video Games: (Sub NEWT: OO+ with distinction and Honours)
19) Enchanting Watch: (Sub OWL: OO with distinction and High Honours)
31. Engineering: (NEWT: Practical: OO++++ with distinction and High Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
32. Etiquette: (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and High Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
33. Financial Management: (NEWT: Theory: OO with distinction and Honours)
34. Fine Arts (Not Taught at Hogwarts): (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and Honours)
1) Carving: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
2) Creative Writing: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
3) Dance: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
I. Cha-Cha: Sub, Sub NEWT: Theory OO with Distinction and Honours, Practical OO with Distinction and Honours.
II. Flamenco: Sub, Sub NEWT: Theory OO with Distinction and Honours, Practical OO with Distinction and Honours.
III. Foxtrot: Sub, Sub NEWT: Theory OO with Distinction and High Honours, Practical OO with Distinction and High Honours.
IV. Line Dancing: Sub, Sub NEWT: Theory OO with Distinction and Honours, Practical OO with Distinction.
V. Rumba: Sub, Sub NEWT: Theory OO with Distinction and Honours, Practical OO with Distinction and Honours.
VI. Salsa: Sub, Sub NEWT: Theory OO with Distinction and High Honours, Practical OO with Distinction and High Honours.
VII. Samba: Sub, Sub NEWT: Theory OO with Honours, Practical OO with Honours)
VIII. Square Dancing: Sub, Sub NEWT: Theory OO with Distinction, Practical OO with Distinction.
IX. Tango: Sub, Sub NEWT: Theory OO with Distinction and Honours, Practical OO with Distinction and Honours.
4) Drawings: (Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours)
I. Pastel: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours
II. Watercolours: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours
III. Pencils: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours
IV. Charcoal: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours
V. Ink: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and Honours
VI. Graphite: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours
5) Leather-Craft: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
I. Belt: Sub, Sub NEWT: Theory OO with Distinction and High Honours, Practical OO with Distinction and High Honours.
II. Book: Sub, Sub NEWT: Theory OO with Distinction and High Honours, Practical OO with Distinction and High Honours.
III. Book Bag: Sub, Sub NEWT: Theory OO with Distinction and High Honours, Practical OO with Distinction and High Honours.
IV. Boots: Sub, Sub NEWT: Theory OO with Distinction and High Honours, Practical OO with Distinction and High Honours.
V. Bracelet: Sub, Sub NEWT: Theory OO with Distinction and High Honours, Practical OO with Distinction and High Honours.
VI. Bridal: Sub, Sub NEWT: Theory OO with Distinction and High Honours, Practical OO with Distinction and High Honours.
VII. Camera Case: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours
VIII. Dog Collars: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours
IX. Gloves: Sub, Sub NEWT: Theory OO with Distinction and High Honours, Practical OO with Distinction and High Honours.
X. Handbag: Sub, Sub NEWT: Theory OO with Distinction and Honours, Practical OO with Distinction and Honours.
XI. Jacket: Sub, Sub NEWT: Theory OO with Distinction and High Honours, Practical OO with Distinction and High Honours.
XII. Journal: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours
XIII. Money Pouch: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours
XIV. Quiver: Sub, Sub NEWT: Theory OO with Distinction and High Honours, Practical OO with Distinction and High Honours.
XV. Saddle: Sub, Sub NEWT: Theory OO with Distinction and High Honours, Practical OO with Distinction and High Honours.
XVI. Satchel: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and Honours
XVII. Sheath: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours
XVIII. Tool Belt: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours
XIX. Wallet: Sub, Sub NEWT: Theory OO with Distinction and High Honours, Practical OO with Distinction and High Honours.
6) Media Studies: (Sub NEWT: OO)
7) Musical Composition: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and Honours)
8) Painting: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
I. Acrylics: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours
II. Pastel: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours
III. Oils: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours
IV. Watercolours: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours
9) Photography: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction)
10) Playing the Instruments (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
I. Alto Saxophone: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and Honours
II. Bass Guitar: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and Honours
III. Cello: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours
IV. Clarinet: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and Honours
V. Double Bass: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction
VI. Flute: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and Honours
VII. Guitar: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours
VIII. Harp: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours
IX. Piano: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours
X. Tenor Saxophone: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction
XI. Trumpet: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction
XII. Violas: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction
XIII. Violin: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours
11) Poetry: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and Honours)
12) Old Times Dance: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and Honours)
I. Bolero: Sub, Sub NEWT: Theory OO with Distinction, Practical OO with Distinction.
II. Mazurka: Sub, Sub NEWT: Theory OO with Honours, Practical OO with Honours.
III. Minuet: Sub, Sub NEWT: Theory OO with Distinction and High Honours, Practical OO with Distinction and High Honours.
IV. Paso Doble: Sub, Sub NEWT: Theory OO with Distinction and Honours, Practical OO with Distinction and Honours.
V. Polka: Sub, Sub NEWT: Theory OO with Distinction and High Honours, Practical OO with Distinction and High Honours.
VI. Quadrille: Sub, Sub NEWT: Theory OO with Distinction, Practical OO with Distinction.
VII. Viennese Waltz: Sub, Sub NEWT: Theory OO with Distinction and High Honours, Practical OO with Distinction and High Honours.
VIII. Waltz: Sub, Sub NEWT: Theory OO with Distinction and High Honours, Practical OO with Distinction and High Honours.
13) Sewing (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction)
14) Singing: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and Honours)
35. Flying (Quidditch, Flying Etiquette, Rules and Regulations and Flying a Broom): (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
36. Healing (Not Taught at Hogwarts): (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and High Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and Honours)
37. Herbology: (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and Honours)
38. Heroes, Myths and Legends (Not Taught at Hogwarts): (NEWT: Theory: OO with distinction)
39. History of Magic: (NEWT: Theory: OO with distinction and Honours)
40. Hospitality: NEWT: Practical: OO, Theory: OO)
41. Human Languages (Not Taught at Hogwarts): (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and High Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
1) Arabic: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
2) Brazilian Portuguese: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
3) Bulgarian: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
4) Cantonese: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
5) Celtic: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
6) Cherokee: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
7) Chinese: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction)
8) Danish: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
9) Dutch: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
10) Farsi: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
11) Finnish: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
12) French: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
13) Gaelic: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
14) German: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and Honours)
15) Greek: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
16) Hawaiian: (Sub NEWT: OO with Honours)
17) Hebrew: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
18) Hindi: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
19) Indian: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
20) Indonesian: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and Honours)
21) Italian: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
22) Irish: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
23) Japanese: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
24) Korean: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
25) Latin: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
26) Malagasy: (Sub NEWT: OO with Honours)
27) Maori: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction)
28) Mongolian: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction)
29) Native American: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
30) Norwegian: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and Honours)
31) Pashto: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
32) Persian: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
33) Portuguese: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
34) Romanian: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
35) Russian: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
36) Scottish: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
37) Sign Language: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
38) Slovak: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
39) Slovene: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
40) Spanish: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
41) Swahili: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and Honours)
42) Swedish: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
43) Tibetan: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction)
44) Thai: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
45) Turkish: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
46) Vietnamese: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
47) Venetian: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and Honours)
48) Wakandan: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
49) Welsh: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
50) Xhosa: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
51) Zulu: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
Partial for NEWTS:
1) Albanian: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction)
2) Alaska Native: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and Honours)
3) Bengali: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction)
4) Berber: (Sub NEWT: OO)
5) Bhutanese: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
6) Croatian: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and Honours)
7) Czech: (Sub NEWT: OO with Honours)
8) Filipino: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction)
9) Georgian: (Sub NEWT: OO)
10) Greenlandic: (Sub NEWT: O)
11) Hungarian: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction)
12) Icelandic: (Sub NEWT: OO)
13) Jamaican Patois: (Sub NEWT: O)
14) Khmer: (Sub NEWT: O)
15) Lao: (Sub NEWT: O)
16) Lithuanian: (Sub NEWT: OO)
17) Luxembourgish: (Sub NEWT: O)
18) Mandarin: (Sub NEWT: OO)
19) Mosegasque: (Sub NEWT: O)
20) Nepali: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction)
21) Occitan: (Sub NEWT: O)
22) Polish: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
23) Quechua: (Sub NEWT: OO)
24) Romansh: (Sub NEWT: O)
25) Serbian: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and Honours)
26) Siberian: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and Honours)
27) Sinhalese: (Sub NEWT: O)
28) Somali: (Sub NEWT: OO)
29) Tagalog: (Sub NEWT: OO with Honours)
30) Tswana: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and Honours)
31) Ukrainian: (Sub NEWT: O)
42. Government: (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and Honours)
43. Land and Property Management: (NEWT: Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
44. Magical Being Etiquette: (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and High Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
45. Magical Craftmanship: (OWL: Practical: OO with distinction and High Honours)
1) Broom Construction
I. Redwood Wood: Name Crimson Flood: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
II. White Ash Wood: Name: Snowstorm: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
III. Black Oak and Ebony Wood: Name: Galaxy: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
2) Communication Mirrors: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
3) Glass Carving (Animal Figure Glass Sculptures) (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
I. Acromantula: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
II. Badger: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and Honours.
III. Basilisk: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
IV. Crup: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
V. Dragon: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
VI. Eagle: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
VII. Griffin: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and Honours.
VIII. Grim: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
IX. Fairy: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
X. Fire Crab: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and Honours.
XI. Hippogriff: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
XII. Kneazle: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
XIII. Lion: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
XIV. Niffler: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and Honours.
XV. Pegasus: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
XVI. Phoenix: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
XVII. Porlock: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
XVIII. Puffskein: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
XIX. Owl: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
XX. Raven: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
XXI. Runespoor: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
XXII. Snake: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
XXIII. Stag: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
XXIV. Thestral: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
XXV. Thunderbird: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and Honours.
XXVI. Unicorn: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
XXVII. Wolf: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
4) Ice Carving (Important Figures) (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
I. Bonham Murgos: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and Honours.
II. Godric Gryffindor: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
III. Helga Hufflepuff: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
IV. King Arthur: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
V. Merlin: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
VI. Morgana Le Fey: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
VII. Rowena Ravenclaw: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
VIII. Salazar Slytherin: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
5) Jewellery Design and Making (Phoenix Pendent with wand and arrow with sapphire eyes): (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
6) Metal Work: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
I. Buckles (Phoenix, Pegasus, Eagle, Lion. Badger and Snake): Sub, Sub OWL: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
II. Cauldrons: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
III. Locks: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
IV. Silver Snakes with emerald eyes locks for trunk: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
V. Telescope: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
7) Staff Making (Redwood, Black Oak and Ivy Staff: Snow Phoenix Feather, Fire Phoenix Feather, Phoenix tears, Basilisk Venom, Basilisk Horn, Shell, Unicorn Hair, Pegasus Feather, Thestral Hair, Veela Hair, Jackalope Antler, Grim Hair, Hungarian Horntail Heartstring, Harry's hair and blood): (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
8) Wandmaking (Black, Red and White Ash Wood, Aspen Wood, Cherry Wood, Ebony Wood, Red and English Oak, Rowen Wood, Silver Lime Wood, Yew, Redwood, Basilisk Horn, Unicorn Horn, Phoenix Tears, Snow Phoenix Feather, Veela Hair, Harry's hair and blood): (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
9) Weapons: (Sub OWL: OO with Distinction and High Honours)
I. Arrows Celestial Bronze: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
II. Arrows Exploding: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
III. Arrows Imperial Gold: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
IV. Arrows Magical Tracker: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
V. Arrows Silver: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
VI. Arrows Titanium Acid-Etched: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
VII. Compound Bow: (Made of Redwood, Red Oak, Black and White Ash and Bubgina Wood with Steel thread): Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
VIII. Daggers: (Celestial Bronze, Imperial Gold, Silver, Stygian Iron, Titanium Acid-Etched): Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
IX. Double Sided Dual Blades: (Made Out of Imperial Gold, Celestial Bronze, Silver, Titanium Acid-Etched): Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
X. Long Bow: (Blended together with Redwood, Ivy, Red oak, Black Ash, white Ash, and Bubgina Wood and Lined Thread): Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
XI. Multi-Function Penknife: (Black and Gold handle: Magical Blade that can Unlock doors. Has Knife, Scissors, Scalpel, Tweezers, Corkscrew, Reemer, Nail File, Can Opener. Bottle Opener, Key Ring, Screwdriver and Lockpicks): Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
XII. Recurving Bow: (Made out of Redwood, Red Oak, Ivy Ebony, and Black Ash with Dacron and Nylon Strong): Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours
XIII. Sabre: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
XIV. Sword Double Edged Blade: (Made of Imperial Gold): Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
10) Tool Box: (Made out of Redwood, Red Oak, White and Black Ash) (With Metal Lion locks) (Undetectable Expansion Charm) (6, 3 on each side small draws and two big draws, bigger on the inside): Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
11) Wood Craving: (Magical Beings): (Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours)
I. Angel: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
II. Centaur: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
III. Dryad: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
IV. Dwarf: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
V. Fae: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
VI. Fairy: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
VII. Faun: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
VIII. Fury: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
IX. Gargoyles: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and Honours.
X. High Elf: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
XI. House Elf: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
XII. Leprechaun: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
XIII. Mermaids: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
XIV. Pixie: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and Honours.
XV. Satyrs: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
XVI. Vampire: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
XVII. Werewolf: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
12) Woodwork (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
I. Red Oak: Cello: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
II. Red Oak Clarinet with Gold Keys: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
III. Red Oak, White Oak, Black Oak Craved Trunk: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
IV. Red Oak Guitar: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
V. Red Oak Harp: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
VI. Red Oak Piano: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
VII. Red Oak Violin: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
VIII. Wizard Chess Set: Sub, Sub NEWT: OO with Distinction and High Honours.
46. Marketing: (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and Honours)
47. Martial Arts (Not Taught at Hogwarts) (Stances and Rules) NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and Honours)
1) Fencing: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
2) Judo: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
3) Karate: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
4) Taekwondo: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
5) Tai Chi: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
6) Kendo: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction)
7) Kenpo: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction)
48. Mind Arts: (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
1) Legilimency: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
2) Occlumency: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
49. Muggle Subjects: (Not Taught at Hogwarts) (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and High Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
1) Algebra: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
2) Biology: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction)
3) Botany: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction)
4) Calculus: (Sub NEWT: OO with Honours)
5) Chemistry: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction)
6) Computer Science: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
7) Computing: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction)
8) Cooking: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
9) Electrical Engineering: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
10) English: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
11) First Aid: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
12) Geography: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
13) Geometry: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
14) Literature: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
15) Logic and Strategy: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
16) Management: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
17) Maths: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
18) Mathematical Physics: (Sub NEWT: OO with Honours)
19) Physics: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction)
20) Political Science: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
21) Robotics: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
22) Science: (Sub NEWT: OO with Honours)
23) Social Studies: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction)
24) Technician: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
25) Trigonometry: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
50. Muggle Studies: (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
51. Mundane History: (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and High Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
52. Non-Human Languages (Not Taught at Hogwarts) (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
1) Centaurian: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
2) Draconic: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
3) Drudic: (Sub NEWT: OO with Honours)
4) Dwarven: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
5) Elven: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
6) Gargish: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction)
7) Giant: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction)
8) Gnomish: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
9) Gobbledegook: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
10) Fairy: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
11) Mermish: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
12) Pixienese: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
13) Troll: (Sub NEWT: OO)
53. Physical Education (Not Taught at Hogwarts) (Strength and Endurance and Activity) (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
1) Archery: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
2) Badminton: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
3) Basketball: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
4) Bowling: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
5) Boxing: (Sub NEWT: OO with Honours)
6) Cycling: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
7) Diving: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
8) Fencing: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
9) Horse Riding: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
10) Ice Skating: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
11) Lawn Bowls: (Sub: NEWT: OO with Distinction)
12) Netball: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
13) Rock Climbing: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
14) Skiing: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
15) Snow Boarding: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
16) Swimming: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
17) Sword Fighting: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
18) Tennis: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
19) Track Running: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and High Honours)
20) Volleyball: (Sub NEWT: OO with distinction and Honours)
54. Politics and Law: (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
55. Potions: (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and High Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
56. Referee Quidditch (Not Taught at Hogwarts): (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
57. Rituals: (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
58. Spell Creation: (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and High Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
59. Soul Magic: (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and High Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
60. Teaching: (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and High Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
61. Technomagic: (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and High Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
62. Tourism: (NEWT: Practical: OO, Theory: OO)
63. Transfiguration (Multi-Animagus: Lion, Cheetah, Snow Leopard, Bengal Tiger, Black Bear, Wolf, Husky, Jaguar, Cobra, Stag, Hawk, Eagle, Sparrow, Python, Black Stallion, Black and Brown Owl, Shadow Panther, Shadow Phoenix, Griffin, Thunderbird, Thestral, Pegasus, Basilisk, Hungarian Horntail Dragon, and Grim): (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and High Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
64. Wandlore: (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and High Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
65. Warding: (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and High Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
66. Wizarding Traditions: (NEWT: Practical: OO with distinction and Honours, Theory: OO with distinction and High Honours)
Harry had been over the moon with his results. He hadn't got a chance to tell his adopted Dad yet as the war had been going on. But he was sure his Dad would be thrilled.
But Hermione would not be happy that Harry was smarter then her. But now he didn't have to deal with that anymore. He could finally cut that friendship up the same with Ronald.
When he found Luna in that basement in Malfoy manner it was li8ke a punch to the gut. Luna was his wife and she was in a Line Continuation contract. It pained him to see her there.
He was bought out of his thoughts by a knock on his private hospital door.
"Come in", Harry says
In comes his wives all looking a little worse for wear. Most had cuts on them too. Ginny his Lady Potter came over a kissed him.
"I am sorry you had to put up with my dimwit brother", Ginny apologies
"It is over now", Harry says
Harry then turns his attention to his husband George. Who looked like he was in shock.
"Come here", Harry says softly and opens his good arm
George whimpers and goes to Harry and curls into his side sobbing.
"I am sorry about Fred", Harry says wrapping his good arm around George
"He was my other half", George whispers sobs
"He will be with the other Marauders now. Like Remus and Tonks", Ginny replies tears still in her eyes
"I am sorry for your loss too my Lyra", Harry says to his with Lyra Tonks who had tears down her face
"Thanks. I am the last of my line now. Only my mother and me", Lyra replies
"She would be so proud of you", Harry says
"Thanks", Lyra says
"Stella I am sorry about your father", Harry to his wife
"I know. He was good in the end. I am now Lady Snape and Lady Prince", Stella Snape says softly
"He was good to the core. He died with honour. I will make sure everyone knows that", Harry promises
"Thank you my love", Stella says
"Are you all alright? Nothing major wrong?" Harry asks
"We will live", Daphne Black nee Greengrass says
"What are your injuries?" Padma Peverell nee Patil asks
"A few things that will take a couple of weeks to heal", Harry replies
"Tell us", Zara Burke nee Moody says
Harry tells them everything about his injuries.
"What happened on the Horcrux hunt?" Susan Bones asks
Harry tells them everything and Elizabeth Triple nee Runcorn laughs about him impersonating her father. He tells them all about the hunt and the realisation that he was a Horcrux.
"I can't believe my father was raising you like a pig for slaughter", Kendra Dumbledore growls
"Me either", Harry replies, "I called my Dad. He will think I am dead now"
"Why did you call him?" Lilith Emrys nee Moon asks
"I needed to hear him one last time. Him and Sirius. But I didn't get Sirius", Harry tells them
"He must be worried out of his mind", Artemis Redbird nee Scamander says
"I know. I can't contact him at the moment. I have everything to sort out here with the funerals and my injuries. But I will contact as soon as I can", Harry tells them
That was when Madam Pomfrey comes in and was startled at the number of people.
"You all can't be in here", Madam Pomfrey says
"We are his mother. We won't leave him. And we all need the comfort", Juliet Rosewood nee Pomfrey replies
"I want them here", Harry says
"Be that as it may you need sleep", Madam Pomfrey says, "Everyone out"
George whimpers and holds onto Harry. Not wanting to let him go.
"No. They will stay. They have a right to be here. Not anyone else", Harry says firmly
"I really think…", Madam Pomfrey starts
Some of his wives and husbands draw wands and conjure beds for themselves.
"We are staying", Viktor Krum says
Madam Pomfrey sees that they won't be swayed. So she sighs.
"Fine. But all of you need the sleep", Madam Pomfrey says firmly
"We will", Harry promises
Harry knew he had a long road ahead between his grief, injuries, funerals and trials but also he knew he was going to be in trouble with his Dad. He hoped he wouldn't be too angry…
Author's Note: What do you think? Please review:)
1. Ginny Weasley (Lady Potter) (16-17) (Gryffindor)
2. Susan Bones (Line Continuation) (17-18) (Hufflepuff)
3. Daphne Greengrass (Lady Black) (17-18) (Slytherin)
4. Padma Patil (Lady Peverell) (17-18) (Ravenclaw)
5. Tracey Davis (Lady Slytherin) (17-18) (Slytherin)
6. Su Li (Lady Pendragon) (17-18) (Ravenclaw)
7. Katie Bell (Lady Gryffindor) (19) (Gryffindor)
8. Luna Lovegood (Line Continuation) (16-17) (Ravenclaw)
9. Lilith Moon (Lady Emrys) (17-18) (Ravenclaw)
10. Megan Jones (Lady Le Fey) (17-18) (Hufflepuff)
11. Eleanor Branstone (Lady Romanov) (16) (Hufflepuff)
12. Isobel MacDougal (Lady Blackthorn) (18) (Ravenclaw)
13. Zara Moody (Lady Burke) (17-18) (Gryffindor)
14. Violette Dawlish (Lady Ravenclaw) (16-17) (Ravenclaw)
15. Velvet Shacklebolt (Line Continuation) (16-17) (Gryffindor)
16. Gabrielle Delacour (Line Continuation) (15) (Beauxbatons)
17. Demelza Robins (Lady Koldovstoretz) (15) (Gryffindor)
18. Aquarius Malfoy (Lady Blishwick) (17) (Ilvermorny)
19. Lyra Tonks (Line Continuation) (18) (Hufflepuff)
20. Dawn McGonagall (Lady Phoenix) (17) (Gryffindor)
21. Blaise Zabini (Line Continuation & Lord Regent Stormhold) (17) (Slytherin)
22. Elizabeth Runcorn (Lady Triple) (17) (Slytherin)
23. Ivy Ollivander (Lady Shafiq) (17) (Ravenclaw)
24. Cherry Ollivander (Lady Max) (17) (Ravenclaw)
25. Kendra Dumbledore (Line Continuation) (17) (Gryffindor)
26. Artemis Scamander (Lady Redbird) (16) (Ravenclaw)
27. Juliet Pomfrey (Lady Rosewood) (17) (Hufflepuff)
28. Stella Snape (Line Continuation) (Lady Snape, Lady Prince)
29. Victoria Fawley (Line Continuation) (Lady Fawley) (16) (Gryffindor)
30. Sahara Perks (Lady Song) (16) (Hufflepuff)
31. Sinistra Wood (Lady Lionheart) (15) (Gryffindor)
32. Jade Macmillan (Lady Ravenswood) (15) (Hufflepuff)
33. Charlotte Boot (Lady Nightshade) (15) (Hufflepuff)
34. Pandora Prewett (Line Continuation) (18) (Home School By Adopted parents)
35. Nellie Diggory (Line Continuation) (18) (Hufflepuff)
36. Viktor Krum (Line Continuation and Lord Regent Durmstrang)
37. George Weasley (Lord Regent Ilvermorny) (20)
38. Ryuga Justly (Lord Regent Beauxbatons) (20)
39. Ryder Michaels (Lord Regent Torchwood) (19) (Ravenclaw)
40. Louis Smith (Lord Regent Sayre) (19) (Gryffindor)
41. Riviera Carter (19) (Lady Olympia)