Author's Note: Hello dear readers! This is going to be the start of a new story that goes throughout the Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and through the Heroes of Olympus! As you can see this is including an OC character, who's story starts off in the Titan's Curse, the 3rd novel of P.J.A.T.O. Hope you all enjoy!

[P.S.] Many of you guys might be avid readers of the Shaniverse (the universe I've created and write all my stories about), but this is a completely different setting. This isn't incorporated into the Shaniverse... or maybe it is? Maybe, maybe not, we'll see... Haha I'm evil.

[Double P.S.] There is going to be the slow inclusion of one well known character in a modern franchise today, that also has a way of tying into Greek Mythology... and is also a Daughter of Zeus... :OOO

Lydia POV...

Let's be honest for a moment here: being a demigod absolutely sucks.

I don't care who you are, or what you enjoy, this is just the truth. Whatever thoughts you have about how cool it would be to be a part of your favorite fantasy world, like Harry Potter or Superhero comic books, you can drop that fantasy right now. Because actually living it, with all the battles and drama and intense heart stopping moments, is not worth the fun fantasy. And as it so happens, my real life fantasy is being a demigod, the daughter of one of the Greek deities from the myths.

Yeah, they aren't myths at all, they're actually true! And apparently some goddess decided to get all happy and lovely with my dad, and here I am.

My name is Lydia Elton.

I'm sixteen years old, and until a few months ago I was living a fairly decent life with my dad in the suburbs of New York City. We weren't too over the top, being the only two of the family, as my mother left a long time ago, which I'm still saddened about. Whenever I ask my dad about her though, he seemed to have only positive comments, though I sometimes got the feeling there was more he hid about her. Well, doesn't matter anymore.

He's dead now.

One night, two large guys broke into our house, and tried to kill us with ridiculously large knives. My dad managed to defend us, having previously been in the military, and I tried to help, as he'd taught me some combat skills. However he made me run, and I was struck with terror when seeing that the men only seemed to have one eye. They gutted him, and then turned to me. Before they could do anything though, the police arrived, our neighbors probably having heard the commotion and called, and the two guys bolted while the cops gave chase.

I had been a complete train wreck losing my dad, and I tried giving an account of what the guys were like, but they didn't believe me when I mentioned them having only one eye.

To be fair, who would?

I was then sent off to Westover Hall, which was a boarding/military school for kids. Since my dad used to be in the military this is probably why I'd been sent here, but the place seemed dreadful and depressing. It was like something you'd find out of a halloween, vampire styled castle, all black stone with towers and slit windows. On one side it overlooked a large snowy cliff and forest, and on the other a raging ocean. So my life felt pretty crappy during those few months, although other people probably wouldn't know that.

Despite having dyslexia, a small case of ADHD, and not having too many friends, I was actually a rather nice and gentle person, even after my dad was killed. Being a naturally beautiful person had to have helped as well, given my golden hair, tanned skin, and deep, sky blue eyes. My tanned skin came from my enjoyment of being in the sunlight, as it always felt warm and gentle on my skin.

Anyways, life eventually wasn't too bad, as I had managed to make three friends this last month at Westover Hall, namely Bianca di Angelo, her younger brother Nico, and Grover Underwood. They were all cool, although Grover did seem to be a bit of a klutz at times, and had a beard. We all had one thing in common though, which was having no parents. However, a lack of parents did not really gain any sympathy from the teachers and staff here at Westover Hall, particularly from Dr. Thorn.

I really hate that guy.

Mostly because he always seems to be out for blood. He'll always find something to blame on the four of us, although me and Grover especially, probably because Bianca and Nico were younger. And I honestly did not like the way he was staring at us in the middle of the dance party currently happening. Seeing as I was the oldest of the four of us, and Grover wasn't anywhere I could see currently, I decided to stay with Nico and Bianca, because Dr. Thorn just seemed... weirder tonight.

"They're my cards Bianca!" Nico exclaims.

"We're in the middle of a party, you should at least try and interact with someone," his sister replies sternly.

I sighed, rolling my eyes in exasperation. These two always had something to argue about, but it was all in good fun... and by that I mean they don't hate each other afterwards.

"I am interacting with someone. You!" Nico states smugly, shuffling his cards.

Bianca sighed, her green cap seeming to cover her face even more. "You know that's not what I meant Nico," she replies.

"WellI don't see you doing anything," he retorts.

"That's because I want to make sure you are doing something first," she shoots back.

During their argument, I notice Grover had walked in with three other kids, a boy and two girls and frowned. The boy seemed about fourteen at the most, with black hair. The older girl also had black hair, but short and spiky, matching her punk style getup. And the last girl was blonde, her gaze seemingly sparkling with intelligence. They all seemed in a serious mode, but obviously knew each other well.

But those three didn't go to this school.

I gave Dr. Thorn another wary glance, but he was still in the same position, and seemed to be giving someone else the stink eye and a cold nod. I scooted over closer to the di Angelo's.

"Well, speaking of interacting, I'm gonna go do just that!" I announce with a smile. "You guys gonna be alright?"

"Yeah, we'll be fine. I'll try and get Nico on his feet for once," Bianca replies.

"Hey!" Nico says with an indignant frown.

Laughing lightly to myself, I got up and headed over to Grover and his little friend group, the two siblings continuing their bickering as I headed away. As I got closer, I managed to catch a bit of their conversation.

"Ugh. Who chose the Jesse McCartney?" punk girl asks, making a face.

Grover looked hurt, and I couldn't help but snicker at his expression. "I did."

"Oh my gods, Grover. That is so lame. Can't you play, like, Green Day or something?" punk girl asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Green who?" Grover questions, and I roll my eyes.

"Never mind. Lets dance."

"But I can't dance!"

I decide to interject on the conversation at that moment, a grin on my face. "Offer is still on the table if you want to learn though!" I exclaim cheerily by Grover's side. He yelps in surprise, and the three kids immediately tense up before forcing themselves to relax.

"Lydia! Why- don't do that!" he stammers indignantly.

"Come on, it's funny," I retort with a grin.

He sulked while I continued to smile, glancing at the others. "I see you got some new friends," I remark.

"Uh, yep," he says quickly, although it was tense, making me curious and confused.

"So, who are you guys? I don't think you go to school here," I comment, hoping for some light conversation.

"Uhh-" Grover starts to say, before punk girl interrupts.

She does something weird, and raises a hand and snapped her fingers, making me blink in surprise. I feel some sort of breeze blow out, narrowing my eyes in confusion and glancing around for a brief second, which the girl doesn't take notice of.

"We are you classmates though Lydia. Remember? I'm Thalia, that's Percy and Annabeth," she states, like it was fact.

Grover now looks extremely nervous and alarmed, and I begin to get suspicious of the three. The other two act completely normal, like what she just did wasn't dumb at all. I give Thalia a wary look.

"Uh, no you're not," I state dryly, and the three kids blink in surprise while Grover glances between us nervously.

"Yes we are," Thalia insists.

"No you're not!" I retort with a frown. "Seriously, if you wanted to pretend to be a magician, that's not how you do it."

She glances at the other two kids, both of who are looking uneasy, but I continue on.

"Also what- what is this?" I ask sarcastically, snapping my fingers. "What's the snapping for? You trying to be some sort of Harry Potter character or something?"

"It's nothing, she just likes to be dramatic," the blonde girl, Annabeth says. "But we do go to school here, you probably just haven't noticed us."

"Nope, not buying it," I say in denial, shaking my head.

"Heeey Lydia, what are Bianca and Nico up to?" Grover interrupts, trying to throw me a charming smile. I frown at him but shrug, deciding to ignore his weird friends by now. They were probably trying to sneak around in an attempt to be cool without getting caught.

"Well, Bianca's been trying to get Nico off his butt and actually do something besides his card game," I tell him, glancing over my shoulder. "It's a little weird though, because Dr. Thorn keeps glaring at us."

"Why would he be glaring at you?" the boy Percy asks, finally speaking.

"He hates our guts?" I offer dryly with a shrug. "I'm surprised he hasn't had you thrown out yet. He has the eyes of a hawk."

"Uh huh, sure does," Grover comments nervously, chewing on his shirt.

"Grover stop chewing on your shirt," I scold him gently. "You do that all the time when you're nervous!"

"Sorry," he apologizes, immediately stopping.

"You do do that a lot," Percy comments, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Hey, it's a habit!" he exclaims in protest, although it sounds a little bit like he was bleating.

"Oh, so you know him pretty well too?" I ask Percy.

"Yeah, we go way back actually. He used to be at my school before he was transferred," he replies.

"You never told me that," I tell Grover.

"Guess it... never came up?" he replies sheepishly.

I roll my eyes, before getting another glance at Percy, noting how similar he looked to someone I saw before. Then it clicks in my head, and I furrow my brow thoughtfully.

"Hey... aren't you the kid from national television?" I ask him.

"What?" Thalia asks in confusion, although I don't fail to miss how the rest of the group look more cautious.

"N-National TV? What do you mean?" he asks nervously.

"You know, a little over a year ago? Police thought he was some sort of terrorist or something, until he fought that large punk guy," I say, looking at him suspiciously. "You look awfully alike."

"Coincidence maybe?" he suggests meekly.

"There's probably a lot of kids who look like seaweed brain here," Annabeth interjects.

"Yeah, I doubt it was him," Thalia adds.

I look around at them with narrow eyes, letting my gaze linger on Grover for a few seconds longer, causing him to squirm a little bit. I know him to well, and his behavior is all I need to see to know that something is not being told.

"I guess so," I finally say with a shrug. "Although funny thing is, I could've sworn the kid and that guy were fighting with swords."

They all tense up in surprise and nervousness when I say that, meaning something was definitely up.

"Swords?!" Thalia asks in bewilderment.

"Who uses swords these days?" Percy adds.

"Yeah, looked like something out of a Greek fantasy film to be honest," I add, turning to walk away. "Well I'm gonna go see if the others are actually doing something now. The offer for dance lessons is still up Grover!"

"Uhh- uh yeah, yeah sure!" he replies meekly.

I raise an eyebrow at his weird behavior but shrug it off. Giving the rest of his new group of friends one last look, I move away to do more stuff around the gym.

3rd person POV...

"Ok Grover, who was that?" Thalia demands.

"Is she able to see through the Mist?" Annabeth questions thoughtfully. "She's obviously unaffected by Thalia's snapping trick, and it also seems like she saw Percy fighting Ares for real, not what regular mortals saw."

"Wait, you fought Ares?" Thalia asks, raising an eyebrow at Percy.

"Well... yeah I did. Have I not told you about that yet?" he replies.

"Tell me later," she says, rounding back on Grover. "Spill it goat boy."

"Ok ok!" he says quickly, raising his hands placatingly. "Remember how I said there were three demigods here? She's one of them."

"Oh. Well that makes sense," Percy says dumbly.

"Why didn't you tell us her name earlier?" Thalia asks.

"I was going too, but then Dr. Thorn showed up," he explains.

"What about her parentage?" Annabeth asks.

"I don't know hers either, but she's very strong," Grover says, and the three could tell he was a little shook when saying that.

"How strong?" Percy asks.

Grover twiddles his thumbs nervously, glancing around before telling them, his voice low and quiet.

"Well, during the day time especially... maybe as strong as you two," he states, gesturing towards Percy and Thalia.

"What? How is that possible?" Thalia demands.

"I don't see how you could trump a demigod child of the 'Big Three,'" Percy adds sarcastically.

"You said she's stronger during the day?" Annabeth asks, and at his nod she continues. "I would assume a child of Apollo, but his children aren't strong like you're saying."

"Well that's how she is," he says. "Dr. Thorn really doesn't like her, even less than me! Probably hates her the most out of the whole school!"

"Sounds like Mrs. Dodds," Percy comments.

"Well for now, let's do what we originally planned on doing: act natural, mingle, dance around," Annabeth says.

"But... I-" Grover starts nervously.

"Alright, I'm gonna take a page out of this 'Lydia' girl's book, and help teach you to dance," Thalia declares. "Come on goat boy!"

Grover lets out a yelp as Thalia grabs his hand and leads him over to the dance floor. Percy glances around the gym and observes all of the kids dancing or hanging out, noticing Lydia within the mix as well, talking with some other friends. He also notes how she stayed closer to where the di Angelo siblings were, but then notices Annabeth smiling at him.

"What?" he asks.

"Nothing, it's just cool to have Thalia back..."

Lydia POV...

Honestly, I don't know why I go to dances like this sometimes. Probably because the teachers pretty much demand it of us, and also probably because of my politeness and good nature glowing like a ray of sunshine. Speaking of sunshine, I've always loved the daytime, while nighttime I do not really enjoy at all. Maybe it's because of my fear of the dark, or how I just get uncomfortable when out in the night, I don't know. Point is, daytime is much cooler and more enjoyable than nighttime for me.

I'm not a bat.

"Oh my gosh, grow up already," I tell Jackson, one of my classmates.

"You grow up!" he retorts, and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah yeah," I say in exasperation, waving a hand dismissively.

I start to leave the group, more interested in hanging out with Bianca and Nico again. However upon looking at where they were before, I falter in my steps in alarm, seeing that they were gone. Not in the 'nothing-to-worry-about' way, as I could tell something bad happened. Bianca's cap is laying on the ground, as well as Nico's trading cards, which are scattered around the cap.

Looking around in concern, I widen my eyes in worry and confusion upon seeing Dr. Thorn moving Bianca and Nico along, more forcing really. He was steering them away like kittens, and I could see their nervousness and confusion, which was slowly turning to panic the longer he shoved them towards the exit. What is he doing?!

Something else then gets my attention, and I notice how one of Grover's new friends, Percy, is heading swiftly in the same direction as Dr. Thorn, Bianca and Nico. He rips a golden pen out of his pocket along the way.

I don't know what is going on, but I am definitely going to be a part of this. I can't help but get the feeling that Bianca and Nico are both in danger, and something big was about to happen.

Forgetting the party, I rush after the people and exit the gym.

Here's the starting chapter! Anyone interested, hopefully? :O

Speaking of the term 'hopefully,' I'm hoping I can update plenty of chapters on this story too, because I have a whole set of ideas planned in my head for this! Maybe I can make you all wonder about who Lydia's godly parent could possibly be? :P