Faded Memory

by Castlefan6

Authors Note: Thisis my AU version of what could have happened following Rick's discussion with Alexis about the night he danced, fell in love, and lost contact with a girl in college, sometimes memories come back at the worse time. COMPLETELY AU except for the conversation that prompted this and use of some characters names. THIS IS A CASKETT ENDING,

I don't own Castle, I use the characters for amusement purposes only

Chapter 22


"Well, first off, it's great you worry about your Dad and his image, second you came to the right source. Rick and I have spoken a little about what to do, but I take it you have some ideas Allison, we can discuss those and I'll run it by Rick OR you two could present it. You probably stand a better chance to get him to agree to anything since he would do anything for his family."

Allison smiled at Alexis, "Well Sis, you want to break the shocker to Paula, I'll let you do the honors" as she laughed.


Paula Haas Office

Same Day

Alexis is almost beside herself trying to hold back their suggestion to Paula, till finally Paula can't take it anymore.

"Look you two, I know you're both your Dad's kids, hell no one can drive me crazy like the Castles so spill or I will get violent" she laughs.

"Well Paula, Ali and I have talked about this a lot, what if Dad adopted her legally, she changed her last name from Maxwell to Castle, and you can just say it was from a previous domestic relationship, BUT he has always taken interest in his daughter, privately. That would remove the ugly stigma and label of Love Child some asshole, oh I'm sorry for the language, but you know some jerk in the press will use it"

"Wow, you two, I'm impressed. You're right, if all you want to do is suppress the stigma that Allison was conceived out of some drunken one-night stand*"

"Which I was, but I really don't care, I got the best Dad, Sister, Mom and family a girl could wish for, and really I don't give a damn about what they say about me, it's Dad I am worried about. I, well Lexi and I both think the public will accept a private domestic relationship before the world heard about Richard Castle much better than some wild fling."

"Yeah, I understand Allison, and I could make the adoption all private, and sealed, at least for another year, and by that time, it's old news, not much chance of any Main Stream publications pursuing it, we'll always have the Rag publications to deal with, but yeah, Great Idea.

We just need your Dad's approval to get the paperwork started, Allison, are you sure you want to change you name to Castle, I mean you have so much to do with the Maxwell name, it's a big decision honey?"

"I thought so at first too Paula, but I'm not involved with the operations, my Uncles and Cousins run the empire, I'm told to keep quiet and collect my checks, so guess what, I'm going to do just that."

"Well, you TWO are the ones that are going to need to talk to Rick and Kate, so let me know as soon as you do, this will take a few weeks, so the sooner the better."

"We're on it Paula" as Allison rises to hug Paula, and Alexis follows her actions then out the door they went, leaving Paula with her thoughts of just how much Rick's life had changed, and that he was a very lucky man to have such great daughters.

Alexis sent a group text asking Kate, Rick, Allison of their availability for 3:00 PM this afternoon, she wanted to call a family meeting to discuss something urgent.

Rick and Kate had just read the letter from Martha as their phones both chirped with a new message at the same time.

"Babe are you OK with this time today?"

"Of course, Rick, you know it's them scheming to do something to protect you don't you? Might as well get their thoughts and see where we go from here, and before you ask, I'm fine if Martha is back in the meeting as well.

I know how hard it is to write a letter like that, and I appreciate you sharing your history, especially your relationship with Henry, that means more to me than you'll ever know."

Rick looks into the eyes of his adoring wife, and thinks how lucky can a man get? A beautiful wife who loves him, and not one, but two beautiful daughters who share their beliefs of doing the right thing, Always.

"I love you Mrs. Castle, I don't know what star aligned with what planet to make you say yes, but I love you more than anything in this world, and I know you love me. That's the beautiful part of this, no worry, no fear, just time to enjoy each other and our family."

"Well you better answer Alexis, or she'll be calling you or me soon" Kate laughed, knowing where she got that trait from.

Rick grabbed his phone and responded to all, and also added Martha to the list, "Alexis, time is good, we are confirmed, check with your Grams to see if she can or would like to attend the family meeting, she's welcome."

Across town Martha's phone chirped, and when she opened the text, tears of joy came to her eyes. She knew things weren't back to normal, BUT she was being given a second chance by all of her family. She was going to make this right starting today. She quickly responded to the text.

"Thank you, Richard, Alexis, Allison, and Kate, Can't wait to see you all in a few hours


Allison and Alexis were in the coffee shop right around the corner, and both had tears of joy in their eyes when they read first their Dad's text, and both were hugging each other when they read Martha's response. Operation Family was off to a great start.

Castle's Loft

2:00 PM Same Day

Alexis and Allison, AKA Lexi and Ali, now that they had spent most of every waking moment together when Alexis was not in school, or her activities, had arrived together about 2:00 PM to the Loft.

"Hi Mom, Dad" the words flowed so easily off her lips as Allison took each into long hugs and kissed their cheeks as they opened the door together.

Alexis was right behind her duplicating her actions and wearing a smile so big it could light up the room.

"You two are up to something, I can tell by Allison not looking me in the eye, and Alexis, that smile couldn't get any bigger, you want to share something before the meeting or should we wait." Kate smiled at her two daughters.

"Well, Dad, Mom we went to see Paula to see what she thought of Ali's idea, she thought it was a good idea, BUT she isn't going to do anything till Dad and you approve."

"Pumpkin, can one of my girls fill Kate and I in on what's got you and Allison looking like you just pulled off a jewel heist, not wise by the way with your Mom a Cop" Rick laughed.

"Well Dad, Mom I thought about this a long time before I spoke to Sis about it. I don't want my presence to cause you or Mom one moment of negative press, SO I thought if my last name was Castle, and Paula had a cover story that I was your child from an early relationship, it wouldn't feed the Wild Love Child Party Boy Animal that the press seems to paint you as every chance they get.

Before you ask, YES, I have thought about it a long time, and nothing would make me happier, that is, if you want me to have your last name Dad?"

Tears pool in Rick's eyes, and Kate fights back the emotion in her voice as she said,

"Allison, what would your Mother's family think Baby? We don't want you to suffer any consequences either, as for becoming a Castle, I'll let your Dad tell you how happy that would make us all, I think he's got his voice back now" Kate said as she fought back tears of joy.

"Thanks Mom, I already reviewed it with my attorneys and there is nothing they could do to my trusts, they are setup air tight, Grandpa was pretty smart about that. The only restriction I would face is I could never serve as an officer or board member, like that would ever happen anyway with my cousins and uncles, so no worries here." Allison replied as she watched her Dad's eyes.

"Allison, if you're sure, NOTHING would make me happier to have you take my name, I'll call Paula to get the paperwork started, and hide the records for at least a year since you are only twenty. Tears fall from his eyes, as Allison quickly crosses the floor and takes him into a comforting hug.

"Dad, you never left me, it's not your fault, you can't punish yourself for something that was held from you, Forgive them, I did, and now I'm free to really love my family, my real family."

Rick looked at her with amazement in his eyes, "Baby are you sure you just turned twenty, you're so much more mature than a young lady of your age normally is."

"Says the man who raised my little sister who is about as mature as I am, and she's 4 years younger, we must have got it through osmosis from Mom, Right Kate?" as she laughed, hugged him so tight, then kissed him on the cheek as they both smiled as Kate pulled her into a tight hug.

"I would be proud to play a small part in your life, I'm so proud of both of my girls, and if we adopt you, then all of us will now be Castles, I love that"

Castle's Loft

3:00 PM

Precisely at 3:00 PM the buzzer rang, Kate did not accompany Rick as was their usual custom as he opened the door. He pulled Martha into a deep hug, as she kissed his cheek, and Kate could see the tears fall from her as she whispered into Rick's ear. After a few minutes Rick, took her hand and led her into the loft.

"Welcome home Mother, we have things to work on, but we can't do it when we're all in different houses. Come on in and listen to the girls, they called the meeting today." Rick said with a smile as Kate smiled. It wasn't lost on her that her husband had been brought to tears by his ladies, such a loving, sweet man, God she loved him even more if that were possible.

Thirty minutes later the discussion and questions that had been asked, answered and filed away, the family meeting was over. Martha had broken down into a soft cry as Allison announced her plans on becoming a Castle. As she kept talking she simply walked over and placed her arm gently on Martha's shoulder, and squeezed the hand that Martha had grabbed, as she whispered, "It's all right Grams, I swear, we're all good."

Two weeks later, Allison officially became Allison Maxwell Castle, Rick of course had a small party with only a limited number of friends, Martha was elated that she had a Daughter-in-Law living with her, and to say she was trying would put it lightly. She was very respective of the borders she seemed to crash without a second thought previously.

Lexi and Ali had a blast planning the party of the century, especially since money was no object. Allison told Alexis that she was paying for the wedding, and there would be no shortcuts. Their wedding gift to their parents was a month-long European tour to any city Kate chose, it was a gift that brought Mom to tears, to think her girls were so thoughtful of her wants and wishes.

It came about after a girl chat over lunch with Alison and Alexis, Allison just asked, "Mom, anyplace you'd like to see before your time here is done, I know we all have hopes and dreams but you never say anything."

Kate explained about her ancestors and how she would love to visit the village where her Mom and Dad's origin came from, never dreaming it was anything more than casual lunch conversation. Allison was more like Rick than anyone would ever believe, she loved as deep, hurt quietly, and had a determination that Kate had not seen in, well since she was twenty herself.

The wedding went off without a hitch, and the reception was the talk of the town for months. Paula addressed the issue in the press release when she noted that "the groom was being given in marriage by his Mother, Martha Rogers, and daughters Allison Maxwell Castle, and Alexis Harper Castle. No one questioned, and no more information was given.

As Rick and Kate were leaving for their month long tour, Allison was the one fighting back tears, Alexis comforting her, "It's OK Sis, the month will go quick, let's just relax at the Hamptons for a few weeks and then you can help me choosing a college to attend soon."

Rick smiled, and took each of his girls in his arms, then a group hug where he whispered, "I'm the luckiest Dad in the world to have you two beautiful daughters, take care of things and we'll be home soon". He had to turn away to hide the tears pooling in his eyes,

"Give me a hug you two, I should ground you for spending so much on this wedding and honeymoon, but Thank You both, I'll miss you both so call me or Dad if you need anything. Take care of each other and we'll do our best to have a good time", as she winked at her girls, both knowing exactly what she meant as she wrapped her arm around her husband, stopping to kiss him and lock eyes for a brief moment,

"Ready Mr. Castle?"

"I'm ready Mrs. Castle, for today, tomorrow and Always, I love you Babe"

The End of Part 1

A/N I've been asked by a few readers not to kill this story but to take it forward, which is my plan. I'm going to take a few days to plot out the story line for the next chapter in the lives of the Castles, who knows where this will take us, but it'll be a ride. Thanks to all who have read, reviewed, followed or commented on this or any of my stories, it is Greatly Appreciated.