So here this little summer piece ends. It took two summers and a semester
break, and I'm glad it's over. Thanks to everybody who read and reviewed
this piece. I know it's not my best work, but I was happy to have this idea
run in my head. It was okay practice for making something close to original
fiction, which I eventually want to do. Thanks again. I hope you like this.
7 MSWord pages! Personal record! ^^
"Discontinue the invasion."
The lord of the opposing realm was rudely awakened in the middle of the night, to this order. His lady groaned beside him for the disturbance.
"You will lose."
"Get a woman, Aoshi," his highness grumbled.
The black mage folded his arms.
With a final grumble, the lord sat up in bed and looked at him sternly. "We will continue as planned, even if you failed in your part. Do you understand?"
Aoshi bowed respectfully.
But he considered. There was one final thing he could do. Without explanation, he disappeared from before Shishio.
In the palace of the snow prince, a figure materialized. It appeared beside Kaoru, fast asleep in one of the royal bedchambers. It dropped a pill into her mouth, then dematerialized.
What seemed like the sleep of ages was only two hours. It was not much, but Misao felt very rested, more rested than she had felt in weeks. For the first time in many days, she felt totally relaxed to sleep in the same palace with the snow prince. It was a wonderful feeling.
She slipped into her bathrobe, and looked around for the prince.
She found him in the library, poring over plans and models of the palace and its surrounding fields. She walked to the table where he was, and let it separate him and her. She could not bring herself, yet, to come really close to him and kiss him. After all, it was only a few hours ago that he was over her and almost tearing her apart.
He looked up at her, as dawn began to appear. "What is it?"
She was worried about him, despite all that. "I.....uh..............aside from that whack on the head earlier tonight, have you had any sleep?"
"Been asleep too long," he answered, as he peered down at his plans.
"Already talked to Saitou," he continued, without looking at her, "and patched things up, as much as things can be patched up with that man. Speedy has been here as well, and he's now dealing with those magicians you asked him to get."
"You're not answering my 'huh?', Eni-chan!"
"Oh.........OH," he looked up again, and answered. "The last few weeks and months? They were like a long dream that turned into a nightmare. I've been asleep too long. Now, if you will excuse me, weasel, I have to work. Get back to bed."
"How can a person sleep, when her kingdom is about to be taken over?!" she asked with much exasperation at his cool.
"That's my problem, not yours. I caused all this. Now go."
"Alright................oh, and Eni-chan..........."
"Remember the kindness of your heart," she grinned.
"Am trying."
After three hours rest, Megumi was up again, and paced the bedroom they were placed in. The sun was rising quickly over the mountains.
"You have to get more sleep, Megumi, milady," she heard the fiery- haired wizard behind her.
"Look who's talking," she replied with a grin. "Eight hours is the ideal amount of sleep, in order to return to full power. You should know that."
"I know, milady, but we will be needed soon, using whatever power we do have against Lord Shishio." He looked behind him at Kaoru, still in bed. "At least, you and I have learned to control our use of power, unlike her. I will teach her that in time."
However, she was very still, not tossing or turning. And she looked almost like a corpse.
"Something is wrong," he said gravely.
Megumi peered down at Kaoru as well. "I don't understand. She's sleeping peacefully enough, she's breathing normally. What could possibly be wrong?"
"I have only read about it; I have never seen the spell executed," he said with pale face. "But there is a rare spell that locks a victim in a sleep state, even when she wants to already awaken. Unless the spell is broken, it can stay for years on end. One extreme case is............"
"The legend of the sleeping beauty........." Megumi understood, and also paled.
"A less extreme case is that legend of Snow White. Now you understand. I only know of one other mage studious enough to know the spell."
"Aoshi." She began to fume.
For a few minutes Megumi conjured up a speech to give the black mage, when she suddenly remembered. "Um, Kenshin......I may not know the spell, but I know the legends. Correct me if I am wrong. The only way to undo the spell is to ---- "
Kenshin lowered his head, and grew red at the cheeks. "Yes, milady. You are correct."
A rap was heard at the door, and the chief retainer entered. "Wow, you two are up earlier than we expected!" He gave a wide grin as he bowed low to them. "Are you ready?"
The redhaired wizard looked with concern at the bed, took on a brave face, and answered for them both.
"Don't worry, it seems like we have the support of almost the whole guild!" Soujirou added happily, waved then dashed away. "See you later!"
"I wrote a memorandum inside the directory, and explained the situation." Megumi explained. "It's the fastest way to communicate."
"Very good," Kenshin said. "Let us go." He looked again at the sleeping mage, hesitated for a moment, then spoke with resolution. "We will come back to undo the spell on her."
They both teleported to the main hall.
Magicians keep the secrets of their trade very secret. But everything else is open for gossip.
For instance, the fact that Eyes of Malice was successfully used caused the assembled mages to wonder just who was good enough to do it. Of course, the commenting ruffled some feathers that should not have been ruffled. Veterans were annoyed to have been beaten, newcomers pushed and shoved for the privilege to know that mage. Yet other circles discussed the political implications of the spell, and others debated its moral overtones. Most of them did think that using the spell on the prince was an underhanded tactic.
In any case, all the chatter came from a message all members of the guild received from their directory, written by one of the higher-level mages, the daughter of a respected scholar. She did not give the name of the errant mage, but she described and explained everything else. She finally said that it was the prince of the realm who was the victim, and the errant mage who cast it was working under the lord of the opposing territories.
The message came at the heels of another, requesting assistance against that lord. They were all eager to assist.
It is to Lord Shishio's disadvantage that Enishi, as a matter of policy, tolerated mages fairly well within his holdings. There was only one he disliked with his all; everyone knew that. Thus, when the prince himself appeared before them, just outside the palace, they made obeisance. Eyes of Malice intact or not.
The more powerful ones among them did notice that it was already deactivated, and sighed with much relief. Then they realized – he who deactivates the Eyes of Malice, is a very powerful mage indeed. And one of the very few remaining of the descendants of fire. Now, they buzzed. Is he here? Is he among us? What is his rank? Who is he?
"Save your praises and questions for after the battle," the prince interrupted. "I have given the battle arrangement to the chief retainer. You will report to him, and he will assign your places depending on your strengths." He then walked away.
"I can tell you right now," Soujirou whispered with mischievous eyes. "His name is Kenshin........."
The mages buzzed again. Kenshin? Best in his class? The top-ranker! The Crimson Master? He's here? We thought he was dead! Where is he? Where is he? Raise his rank! Raise his rank! Even higher! Of course, we'll fight on his side!
Soujirou grinned. "I knew I was right to tell them." He then skipped off.
Megumi and Kenshin bowed before the prince, and requested their assignments.
"Healer, I think that is what it's called, for Megumi. Stick to physical ailments, though, my dear. You might deplete your magic again. Primary royal guard, for the Crimson Master." He smiled sadly at Kenshin. "Specializing in tower attack. I remember my father assigned you thus. He placed my stepsister at the other tower. Nothing personal, understand?"
"Yes, your highness," they bowed and walked away to their assignments.
But Enishi stopped the redhaired wizard. "You didn't get me, Kenshin. Primary royal guard." He held out a hand. "Protect me like you did back then."
"Your highness?"
"Enishi to you, redhead. I forgave you, a few years back, when I succeeded the throne. I got a good look at those towers, and I finally understood. Forgive my actions some time ago. It was not me talking."
Kenshin nodded, took the hand and shook it. "It will be my pleasure to serve his majesty the prince, once again."
The men assembled formed a motley crew of soldiers, trained civilians, and battle-ready magicians. Most of the soldiers and civilians still had scowls on their faces as they saw the prince. A few with bows were readying an arrow to hit the prince with. People nearer the front lines took out daggers and swords.
His majesty the snow prince finally appeared before the troops, riding a dark brown horse that contrasted his light-colored ensemble. The commander in chief approached, saluted, then took a place a few paces away from the prince.
At the far end of the field, stood the armies of the opposing forces. No less than three territories had allied against the snow prince. All of them wanted his head. On a platter.
The prince merely smiled at all the animosity around him. He paced the horse back and forth through the army as he made his speech.
"I will not apologize for my actions these past few months. I know that I have been less than worthy of my position for a while. Everyone is capable of much evil, when he allows his primitive self to run loose. But enough about that. If any of you think I should not be living a second longer, you're free to attack now."
He raised his sword for the assembly to see, then threw it down. He also took off his helmet and breastplate. It was such unconditional surrender, that the people all froze, confused about what to do next.
"The princess succeeds me on the throne if you do choose to kill me. Next to her, I guess, Saitou takes over. It's not a big problem, as you can see. However, I must remind you, we are facing a much larger problem.
"It does not matter so much who leads you. It does matter to me if you allow your lands, your trades, and your families to be taken from you by force. It matters to me that you're almost willing to surrender your lives to a monster, because you didn't like the man who reigns over you now. You should've revolted against me and got me out, if it was that bad, then replaced one of your own. You should have changed things yourselves. You shouldn't let someone from another realm tell you what you want.
"But, things are already what they are now, so deal with it. Only you can change things. Not me. You. All of you. Now fight. Not for me, but for yourselves.
"That's it. I'm done talking."
The troops buzzed and murmured for a few minutes. Then the noise increased until they turned to shouts. Soon horns blared, and claps and cheers resonated.
They were ready to fight.
"Quite a pep talk, highness," Saitou complimented dryly.
"How do you think I won Misao over, commander? By force?" he answered with a smirk.
He then took back his armor and sword, and galloped to the enemy side. "Hear that, Shishio? That's the noise of my people, and no funny pair of glasses is taking them from me! Your trick has been found out, and you'll pay for your insolence against my realm."
This set the magicians on the side of the enemy buzzing. Several of them were friends of those under Enishi, and had heard about the Eyes of Malice. They reported to their leaders, who forwarded the message to their lords and kings. Of course, these heads of state had only been told about the prince's deterioration, not its reason. Now they were told, they hated themselves for being tricked.
Enishi shouted to the opposing forces. "This is my last word, Shishio! Withdraw!"
Movement of messengers and horses was seen near the back of the assembled force. Some shouting was heard, annoyed shouting. Meanwhile the army whispered among themselves, speculating about what was going on. Then groups of troops backed out, one at a time.
The black mage eventually galloped toward the prince. As he did not know who placed the spell on him, the prince did not offer resistance, or put up a fight.
"I come in peace, your highness," Aoshi calmly said. "Lord Shishio, at least his troops, will not withdraw."
"Fine," Enishi answered. "Let him come."
As assigned, Kenshin headed the magicians responsible for protecting the castle and the towers. Any soldier that got too close to the castle suffered a paralyzing electric blast.
The fighting was fierce and even, on the ground and at the towers. Enishi's forces were slowly gaining new ground, and keeping their own. Soon Enishi was face to face with his rival, and crossed swords.
Kenshin saw this from his point at the tower, and started to aim.
But the poor wizard could not get his mind off the magician they left within the palace. It was not so much the spell that bothered him. It was the undo spell that did.
It was easier to undo than the Eyes of Malice. Even an ordinary human had the power to undo it. And yet, it was the most difficult spell in the books to undo. It was not a matter of qualification. It was a matter of love.
The spellcaster could not take back the spell once executed. There is no spell that could counter it. It required an exact, and yet inexact, emotion, an unreliable sensation. Only one person had the key to unlock the spell, and this person was different for each victim. If the person could not be found, the victim was locked forever.
Megumi brought him back to reality with a shake. "You are making too many mistakes, Kenshin!"
Indeed, most of his shots hit only trees and air. And still Enishi and Shishio were fighting below. "Sorry, milady! It's just that........"
"I'll bet that's Aoshi's plan, to keep you distracted! Now focus! You are the Crimson Master! Prove it to me! We have to do our best, so we can get back to that rookie!"
He nodded, and fired a straight blast. At Lord Shishio!
It was not a killing blow, but it stopped him cold from moving, and drained him of power. Any more exertion by him would endanger his life.
The cry was soon heard.
When they returned that evening, they found the rookie magician still asleep. The palace physician had already taken a look at her. She was not sick in any way. The wizard's explanation was the right one.
"About undoing that spell," Megumi treaded delicately. "What if you are not the one?"
"Then I shall find him," he answered. "The one to break the spell."
"However," Megumi continued, "if it is indeed you who has that honor, great wizard, waste no time."
"Yes, milady."
Then he just kept staring at the sleeping mage. Her delicate lips, her pale cheeks, her wavy hair, her..........
"Kenshin?" Megumi waved a hand in front of his face.
"Yes?" His hands were starting to sweat, and his eyes were starting to panic.
"Now? Within this lifetime?!"
Megumi made him face her. She looked around, and spoke as much to the wizard as to air around them. "Listen, for years I have wanted someone to give me the kiss that will wake me from this nightmare I call my life. For years, he did not give it to me. He was too scared of himself, too afraid to open to another person, and show that he, too, is weak sometimes. He's not a bad man, but he wanted to be..........worthy of me, I guess. But he did not need to be anything more than he is!"
Both she and he felt it. The black mage was present. Cloaked, but present.
She shook Kenshin by the shoulders. "Listen to me, great wizard. Do not be afraid. Do not make this woman suffer, for loving you enough to risk her magic on you. Please, don't make the same mistake."
"But, I spent my magic on the battle, milady..........."
"Great wizard, even you know that a --different-- kind of magic is needed for this spell, right?" she answered with a little smile. "Do I need to show you how it's done?"
She marched to the window. "Manifest!" She disabled the invisibility around the black mage. And before he could protest, she locked him in a long and incredible kiss.
He took her into his strong arms, as a few tears fell from his eyes.
"Let us go, alright?" she pleaded with him. "Let's start a new life Let us not use our magic this way anymore."
He nodded, slowly and sadly. He turned his eyes on Kenshin, with a look of defeat.
"I looked up to you, Aoshi, back in school," Kenshin smiled. "I still do. The directory does not dictate what we really are. Go in peace."
Aoshi nodded again, and took Megumi beside him. He readied his wand for departure. But Megumi raised a hand and made him wait.
"KENSHIN!" Megumi said. "About Kaoru?"
"Yes, milady, yes, I will.........."
He sighed. No way around it, then. He had to do it.
He kneeled slowly, and drew himself nearer and nearer to her. Everything they had experienced together ran quickly in his mind. He remembered the first time he really looked at her, asleep in his bed back in his shack. Her face was peaceful and sweet. He remembered that even then, even then, he wanted to draw himself near, align his heart with hers, align his lips with hers...........
Now it was.
He felt a different kind of warmth pass from him to her. He had known it before with Tomoe, but it was so long ago, and so filled with pain, that it was another sensation altogether now that he felt with this woman. They shared something that had no words, and no understandable expression.
He had known her only for a short while, but that short while was enough and plenty. He wanted her in his life. He wished to be with her always. He.......he..............he loved her.
He did not want to separate himself from her, but staying too long would be disrespectful of her. He stroked her cheek with a smile. Then he stood and bowed to her. "If I am not the one, I still thank you for being there for me." He walked away.
"I did not think that man was capable of a kiss like that," the prince noted, behind all the assembled mages, the princess beaming beside him. "What just happened?"
None of the mages knew what to say.
Just then, the young lady in the bed began to stir.
She gave a little yawn, then rubbed her eyes and stretched. "Good morning -- --- eh? Why is everybody here? Your highness! You're all dirty and bruised! And why does Kenshin looked so flustered? And why is it so dark outside?!"
"You did it, great wizard!" Megumi, against her usual deportment, twirled Kenshin round and round.
Kenshin just kept eyes wide open and mouth agape.
"Somebody tell me what happened while I was asleep!" Kaoru demanded, but everybody was too happy to notice. "Arrgh!"
Aoshi came near after Megumi had twirled the redhaired wizard a few times, and offered his hand. "I now accept my defeat. I was wrong to challenge you. Have a good life with her." The wizard took it with a smile.
Megumi gave him a little peck on the cheek. "You'll be fine with that rookie. Remember to write every once in a while, alright?"
With that, the black mage waved his wand, and the two disappeared.
"What happened?!" Kaoru cried.
"It does not matter any more, Kaoru, milady," Kenshin answered with a large smile. "We won over Lord Shishio."
"And you did not let me help?!" Kaoru pouted. "You're mean!"
"Oh, on the contrary, Kaoru, quite the contrary!" the prince said mysteriously. "He was very, charming, toward you, to say the least."
No one said anything more on the matter.
Soujirou also came into the room, a large flashing book in his hand. "I was looking for all of you! I found this thing glowing and flashing. I think the palace magician owns this? I was wondering if you knew how to disable this bomb, or something?"
Kaoru laughed and took the book from him. She flipped its pages, and her eyes widened.
Kenshin's name was removed from the top of the ranks, to one where legendary mages such as Tomoe's father were listed. Kaoru was listed as the best of the promising new mages. For using the unusually powerful spell, Aoshi's rank in power and skill was raised, but he was placed lower than Megumi overall. Megumi herself was now only four places below the top rank on all categories.
"Well, now!" Misao exclaimed, and tugged at the prince. "With Megumi gone for a while, shall we employ the best of the promising new mages?"
"On one condition," the prince said. "She will not do any more tricks with plates. It costs us too much to replace them."
Kaoru promised.
"And! If you promise to personally train and improve with that redhead! Understood?"
"Yes, Enishi-sama! My pleasure!"
The wizard gave the prince a knowing and grateful look.
"For that matter," Enishi faced Kenshin, "I'll send a letter of recommendation to the school for mages. You're wasting your talent, Crimson Master. Stop working at that stable. Teach rookies like HER what you know."
The fiery-haired wizard bowed with a grin. "It shall be done, your highness. Thank you."
"No, Kenshin. Thank YOU. For everything."
And, so, as most of these mushy, sappy, magical little fairy tales end:
They all lived happily ever after.
I apologize if the characterization of Shishio is rather sparse. I can't think like him, the way I can think like Enishi. ^_^
Thanks to all the reviewers:
Ferai – Dallisse – Bee – Vesca – JML – Cat – Tracey – Sabbie – Firuze Khanume – Cherrymecha – AsianBaka – Trupana – anri – Laurika – Sessha's Crazy
JML – Once again, my supreme thanks to you. You convinced me that this is worth, finishing, at least.
Laurika – Yes, I am done. Thanks for coming back. ^_^
EK out.
"Discontinue the invasion."
The lord of the opposing realm was rudely awakened in the middle of the night, to this order. His lady groaned beside him for the disturbance.
"You will lose."
"Get a woman, Aoshi," his highness grumbled.
The black mage folded his arms.
With a final grumble, the lord sat up in bed and looked at him sternly. "We will continue as planned, even if you failed in your part. Do you understand?"
Aoshi bowed respectfully.
But he considered. There was one final thing he could do. Without explanation, he disappeared from before Shishio.
In the palace of the snow prince, a figure materialized. It appeared beside Kaoru, fast asleep in one of the royal bedchambers. It dropped a pill into her mouth, then dematerialized.
What seemed like the sleep of ages was only two hours. It was not much, but Misao felt very rested, more rested than she had felt in weeks. For the first time in many days, she felt totally relaxed to sleep in the same palace with the snow prince. It was a wonderful feeling.
She slipped into her bathrobe, and looked around for the prince.
She found him in the library, poring over plans and models of the palace and its surrounding fields. She walked to the table where he was, and let it separate him and her. She could not bring herself, yet, to come really close to him and kiss him. After all, it was only a few hours ago that he was over her and almost tearing her apart.
He looked up at her, as dawn began to appear. "What is it?"
She was worried about him, despite all that. "I.....uh..............aside from that whack on the head earlier tonight, have you had any sleep?"
"Been asleep too long," he answered, as he peered down at his plans.
"Already talked to Saitou," he continued, without looking at her, "and patched things up, as much as things can be patched up with that man. Speedy has been here as well, and he's now dealing with those magicians you asked him to get."
"You're not answering my 'huh?', Eni-chan!"
"Oh.........OH," he looked up again, and answered. "The last few weeks and months? They were like a long dream that turned into a nightmare. I've been asleep too long. Now, if you will excuse me, weasel, I have to work. Get back to bed."
"How can a person sleep, when her kingdom is about to be taken over?!" she asked with much exasperation at his cool.
"That's my problem, not yours. I caused all this. Now go."
"Alright................oh, and Eni-chan..........."
"Remember the kindness of your heart," she grinned.
"Am trying."
After three hours rest, Megumi was up again, and paced the bedroom they were placed in. The sun was rising quickly over the mountains.
"You have to get more sleep, Megumi, milady," she heard the fiery- haired wizard behind her.
"Look who's talking," she replied with a grin. "Eight hours is the ideal amount of sleep, in order to return to full power. You should know that."
"I know, milady, but we will be needed soon, using whatever power we do have against Lord Shishio." He looked behind him at Kaoru, still in bed. "At least, you and I have learned to control our use of power, unlike her. I will teach her that in time."
However, she was very still, not tossing or turning. And she looked almost like a corpse.
"Something is wrong," he said gravely.
Megumi peered down at Kaoru as well. "I don't understand. She's sleeping peacefully enough, she's breathing normally. What could possibly be wrong?"
"I have only read about it; I have never seen the spell executed," he said with pale face. "But there is a rare spell that locks a victim in a sleep state, even when she wants to already awaken. Unless the spell is broken, it can stay for years on end. One extreme case is............"
"The legend of the sleeping beauty........." Megumi understood, and also paled.
"A less extreme case is that legend of Snow White. Now you understand. I only know of one other mage studious enough to know the spell."
"Aoshi." She began to fume.
For a few minutes Megumi conjured up a speech to give the black mage, when she suddenly remembered. "Um, Kenshin......I may not know the spell, but I know the legends. Correct me if I am wrong. The only way to undo the spell is to ---- "
Kenshin lowered his head, and grew red at the cheeks. "Yes, milady. You are correct."
A rap was heard at the door, and the chief retainer entered. "Wow, you two are up earlier than we expected!" He gave a wide grin as he bowed low to them. "Are you ready?"
The redhaired wizard looked with concern at the bed, took on a brave face, and answered for them both.
"Don't worry, it seems like we have the support of almost the whole guild!" Soujirou added happily, waved then dashed away. "See you later!"
"I wrote a memorandum inside the directory, and explained the situation." Megumi explained. "It's the fastest way to communicate."
"Very good," Kenshin said. "Let us go." He looked again at the sleeping mage, hesitated for a moment, then spoke with resolution. "We will come back to undo the spell on her."
They both teleported to the main hall.
Magicians keep the secrets of their trade very secret. But everything else is open for gossip.
For instance, the fact that Eyes of Malice was successfully used caused the assembled mages to wonder just who was good enough to do it. Of course, the commenting ruffled some feathers that should not have been ruffled. Veterans were annoyed to have been beaten, newcomers pushed and shoved for the privilege to know that mage. Yet other circles discussed the political implications of the spell, and others debated its moral overtones. Most of them did think that using the spell on the prince was an underhanded tactic.
In any case, all the chatter came from a message all members of the guild received from their directory, written by one of the higher-level mages, the daughter of a respected scholar. She did not give the name of the errant mage, but she described and explained everything else. She finally said that it was the prince of the realm who was the victim, and the errant mage who cast it was working under the lord of the opposing territories.
The message came at the heels of another, requesting assistance against that lord. They were all eager to assist.
It is to Lord Shishio's disadvantage that Enishi, as a matter of policy, tolerated mages fairly well within his holdings. There was only one he disliked with his all; everyone knew that. Thus, when the prince himself appeared before them, just outside the palace, they made obeisance. Eyes of Malice intact or not.
The more powerful ones among them did notice that it was already deactivated, and sighed with much relief. Then they realized – he who deactivates the Eyes of Malice, is a very powerful mage indeed. And one of the very few remaining of the descendants of fire. Now, they buzzed. Is he here? Is he among us? What is his rank? Who is he?
"Save your praises and questions for after the battle," the prince interrupted. "I have given the battle arrangement to the chief retainer. You will report to him, and he will assign your places depending on your strengths." He then walked away.
"I can tell you right now," Soujirou whispered with mischievous eyes. "His name is Kenshin........."
The mages buzzed again. Kenshin? Best in his class? The top-ranker! The Crimson Master? He's here? We thought he was dead! Where is he? Where is he? Raise his rank! Raise his rank! Even higher! Of course, we'll fight on his side!
Soujirou grinned. "I knew I was right to tell them." He then skipped off.
Megumi and Kenshin bowed before the prince, and requested their assignments.
"Healer, I think that is what it's called, for Megumi. Stick to physical ailments, though, my dear. You might deplete your magic again. Primary royal guard, for the Crimson Master." He smiled sadly at Kenshin. "Specializing in tower attack. I remember my father assigned you thus. He placed my stepsister at the other tower. Nothing personal, understand?"
"Yes, your highness," they bowed and walked away to their assignments.
But Enishi stopped the redhaired wizard. "You didn't get me, Kenshin. Primary royal guard." He held out a hand. "Protect me like you did back then."
"Your highness?"
"Enishi to you, redhead. I forgave you, a few years back, when I succeeded the throne. I got a good look at those towers, and I finally understood. Forgive my actions some time ago. It was not me talking."
Kenshin nodded, took the hand and shook it. "It will be my pleasure to serve his majesty the prince, once again."
The men assembled formed a motley crew of soldiers, trained civilians, and battle-ready magicians. Most of the soldiers and civilians still had scowls on their faces as they saw the prince. A few with bows were readying an arrow to hit the prince with. People nearer the front lines took out daggers and swords.
His majesty the snow prince finally appeared before the troops, riding a dark brown horse that contrasted his light-colored ensemble. The commander in chief approached, saluted, then took a place a few paces away from the prince.
At the far end of the field, stood the armies of the opposing forces. No less than three territories had allied against the snow prince. All of them wanted his head. On a platter.
The prince merely smiled at all the animosity around him. He paced the horse back and forth through the army as he made his speech.
"I will not apologize for my actions these past few months. I know that I have been less than worthy of my position for a while. Everyone is capable of much evil, when he allows his primitive self to run loose. But enough about that. If any of you think I should not be living a second longer, you're free to attack now."
He raised his sword for the assembly to see, then threw it down. He also took off his helmet and breastplate. It was such unconditional surrender, that the people all froze, confused about what to do next.
"The princess succeeds me on the throne if you do choose to kill me. Next to her, I guess, Saitou takes over. It's not a big problem, as you can see. However, I must remind you, we are facing a much larger problem.
"It does not matter so much who leads you. It does matter to me if you allow your lands, your trades, and your families to be taken from you by force. It matters to me that you're almost willing to surrender your lives to a monster, because you didn't like the man who reigns over you now. You should've revolted against me and got me out, if it was that bad, then replaced one of your own. You should have changed things yourselves. You shouldn't let someone from another realm tell you what you want.
"But, things are already what they are now, so deal with it. Only you can change things. Not me. You. All of you. Now fight. Not for me, but for yourselves.
"That's it. I'm done talking."
The troops buzzed and murmured for a few minutes. Then the noise increased until they turned to shouts. Soon horns blared, and claps and cheers resonated.
They were ready to fight.
"Quite a pep talk, highness," Saitou complimented dryly.
"How do you think I won Misao over, commander? By force?" he answered with a smirk.
He then took back his armor and sword, and galloped to the enemy side. "Hear that, Shishio? That's the noise of my people, and no funny pair of glasses is taking them from me! Your trick has been found out, and you'll pay for your insolence against my realm."
This set the magicians on the side of the enemy buzzing. Several of them were friends of those under Enishi, and had heard about the Eyes of Malice. They reported to their leaders, who forwarded the message to their lords and kings. Of course, these heads of state had only been told about the prince's deterioration, not its reason. Now they were told, they hated themselves for being tricked.
Enishi shouted to the opposing forces. "This is my last word, Shishio! Withdraw!"
Movement of messengers and horses was seen near the back of the assembled force. Some shouting was heard, annoyed shouting. Meanwhile the army whispered among themselves, speculating about what was going on. Then groups of troops backed out, one at a time.
The black mage eventually galloped toward the prince. As he did not know who placed the spell on him, the prince did not offer resistance, or put up a fight.
"I come in peace, your highness," Aoshi calmly said. "Lord Shishio, at least his troops, will not withdraw."
"Fine," Enishi answered. "Let him come."
As assigned, Kenshin headed the magicians responsible for protecting the castle and the towers. Any soldier that got too close to the castle suffered a paralyzing electric blast.
The fighting was fierce and even, on the ground and at the towers. Enishi's forces were slowly gaining new ground, and keeping their own. Soon Enishi was face to face with his rival, and crossed swords.
Kenshin saw this from his point at the tower, and started to aim.
But the poor wizard could not get his mind off the magician they left within the palace. It was not so much the spell that bothered him. It was the undo spell that did.
It was easier to undo than the Eyes of Malice. Even an ordinary human had the power to undo it. And yet, it was the most difficult spell in the books to undo. It was not a matter of qualification. It was a matter of love.
The spellcaster could not take back the spell once executed. There is no spell that could counter it. It required an exact, and yet inexact, emotion, an unreliable sensation. Only one person had the key to unlock the spell, and this person was different for each victim. If the person could not be found, the victim was locked forever.
Megumi brought him back to reality with a shake. "You are making too many mistakes, Kenshin!"
Indeed, most of his shots hit only trees and air. And still Enishi and Shishio were fighting below. "Sorry, milady! It's just that........"
"I'll bet that's Aoshi's plan, to keep you distracted! Now focus! You are the Crimson Master! Prove it to me! We have to do our best, so we can get back to that rookie!"
He nodded, and fired a straight blast. At Lord Shishio!
It was not a killing blow, but it stopped him cold from moving, and drained him of power. Any more exertion by him would endanger his life.
The cry was soon heard.
When they returned that evening, they found the rookie magician still asleep. The palace physician had already taken a look at her. She was not sick in any way. The wizard's explanation was the right one.
"About undoing that spell," Megumi treaded delicately. "What if you are not the one?"
"Then I shall find him," he answered. "The one to break the spell."
"However," Megumi continued, "if it is indeed you who has that honor, great wizard, waste no time."
"Yes, milady."
Then he just kept staring at the sleeping mage. Her delicate lips, her pale cheeks, her wavy hair, her..........
"Kenshin?" Megumi waved a hand in front of his face.
"Yes?" His hands were starting to sweat, and his eyes were starting to panic.
"Now? Within this lifetime?!"
Megumi made him face her. She looked around, and spoke as much to the wizard as to air around them. "Listen, for years I have wanted someone to give me the kiss that will wake me from this nightmare I call my life. For years, he did not give it to me. He was too scared of himself, too afraid to open to another person, and show that he, too, is weak sometimes. He's not a bad man, but he wanted to be..........worthy of me, I guess. But he did not need to be anything more than he is!"
Both she and he felt it. The black mage was present. Cloaked, but present.
She shook Kenshin by the shoulders. "Listen to me, great wizard. Do not be afraid. Do not make this woman suffer, for loving you enough to risk her magic on you. Please, don't make the same mistake."
"But, I spent my magic on the battle, milady..........."
"Great wizard, even you know that a --different-- kind of magic is needed for this spell, right?" she answered with a little smile. "Do I need to show you how it's done?"
She marched to the window. "Manifest!" She disabled the invisibility around the black mage. And before he could protest, she locked him in a long and incredible kiss.
He took her into his strong arms, as a few tears fell from his eyes.
"Let us go, alright?" she pleaded with him. "Let's start a new life Let us not use our magic this way anymore."
He nodded, slowly and sadly. He turned his eyes on Kenshin, with a look of defeat.
"I looked up to you, Aoshi, back in school," Kenshin smiled. "I still do. The directory does not dictate what we really are. Go in peace."
Aoshi nodded again, and took Megumi beside him. He readied his wand for departure. But Megumi raised a hand and made him wait.
"KENSHIN!" Megumi said. "About Kaoru?"
"Yes, milady, yes, I will.........."
He sighed. No way around it, then. He had to do it.
He kneeled slowly, and drew himself nearer and nearer to her. Everything they had experienced together ran quickly in his mind. He remembered the first time he really looked at her, asleep in his bed back in his shack. Her face was peaceful and sweet. He remembered that even then, even then, he wanted to draw himself near, align his heart with hers, align his lips with hers...........
Now it was.
He felt a different kind of warmth pass from him to her. He had known it before with Tomoe, but it was so long ago, and so filled with pain, that it was another sensation altogether now that he felt with this woman. They shared something that had no words, and no understandable expression.
He had known her only for a short while, but that short while was enough and plenty. He wanted her in his life. He wished to be with her always. He.......he..............he loved her.
He did not want to separate himself from her, but staying too long would be disrespectful of her. He stroked her cheek with a smile. Then he stood and bowed to her. "If I am not the one, I still thank you for being there for me." He walked away.
"I did not think that man was capable of a kiss like that," the prince noted, behind all the assembled mages, the princess beaming beside him. "What just happened?"
None of the mages knew what to say.
Just then, the young lady in the bed began to stir.
She gave a little yawn, then rubbed her eyes and stretched. "Good morning -- --- eh? Why is everybody here? Your highness! You're all dirty and bruised! And why does Kenshin looked so flustered? And why is it so dark outside?!"
"You did it, great wizard!" Megumi, against her usual deportment, twirled Kenshin round and round.
Kenshin just kept eyes wide open and mouth agape.
"Somebody tell me what happened while I was asleep!" Kaoru demanded, but everybody was too happy to notice. "Arrgh!"
Aoshi came near after Megumi had twirled the redhaired wizard a few times, and offered his hand. "I now accept my defeat. I was wrong to challenge you. Have a good life with her." The wizard took it with a smile.
Megumi gave him a little peck on the cheek. "You'll be fine with that rookie. Remember to write every once in a while, alright?"
With that, the black mage waved his wand, and the two disappeared.
"What happened?!" Kaoru cried.
"It does not matter any more, Kaoru, milady," Kenshin answered with a large smile. "We won over Lord Shishio."
"And you did not let me help?!" Kaoru pouted. "You're mean!"
"Oh, on the contrary, Kaoru, quite the contrary!" the prince said mysteriously. "He was very, charming, toward you, to say the least."
No one said anything more on the matter.
Soujirou also came into the room, a large flashing book in his hand. "I was looking for all of you! I found this thing glowing and flashing. I think the palace magician owns this? I was wondering if you knew how to disable this bomb, or something?"
Kaoru laughed and took the book from him. She flipped its pages, and her eyes widened.
Kenshin's name was removed from the top of the ranks, to one where legendary mages such as Tomoe's father were listed. Kaoru was listed as the best of the promising new mages. For using the unusually powerful spell, Aoshi's rank in power and skill was raised, but he was placed lower than Megumi overall. Megumi herself was now only four places below the top rank on all categories.
"Well, now!" Misao exclaimed, and tugged at the prince. "With Megumi gone for a while, shall we employ the best of the promising new mages?"
"On one condition," the prince said. "She will not do any more tricks with plates. It costs us too much to replace them."
Kaoru promised.
"And! If you promise to personally train and improve with that redhead! Understood?"
"Yes, Enishi-sama! My pleasure!"
The wizard gave the prince a knowing and grateful look.
"For that matter," Enishi faced Kenshin, "I'll send a letter of recommendation to the school for mages. You're wasting your talent, Crimson Master. Stop working at that stable. Teach rookies like HER what you know."
The fiery-haired wizard bowed with a grin. "It shall be done, your highness. Thank you."
"No, Kenshin. Thank YOU. For everything."
And, so, as most of these mushy, sappy, magical little fairy tales end:
They all lived happily ever after.
I apologize if the characterization of Shishio is rather sparse. I can't think like him, the way I can think like Enishi. ^_^
Thanks to all the reviewers:
Ferai – Dallisse – Bee – Vesca – JML – Cat – Tracey – Sabbie – Firuze Khanume – Cherrymecha – AsianBaka – Trupana – anri – Laurika – Sessha's Crazy
JML – Once again, my supreme thanks to you. You convinced me that this is worth, finishing, at least.
Laurika – Yes, I am done. Thanks for coming back. ^_^
EK out.