John's POV
I walked through the pediatric wing of St. Burr's Hospital and looked in all the rooms as I went. I knew the floor like the back of my hand.
I found my room, 1776, and opened the door. I went and flopped down on my bed, grabbing my oxygen mask and strapping it around my head.
"Hi, John." Nurse Eliza said, coming into my room. "How are you feeling?"
"My lung function is at 40 percent now, so that sucks." I frowned.
She gave me a pitiful smile, then she made a face as if she remembered something "There's a cute boy down the hall in room 1781." She suggested.
"Eliza, stop. You know I just broke up with Jake." I said.
"I'm just saying!" She threw her hands up like she was surrendering and walked out of the room.
I got up and decided to go see this boy.
Even though I'm not looking for a relationship, I sure am looking for a friend. I thought to myself as I walked down the hall.
I found the door to his room open. I knocked, and he looked up.
Damn, he is cute. I thought, blushing a deep shade of red.
"Hi...?" He said.
"Uh, hi. I'm John. My rooms down the hall." I explained.
"Alex." He said, getting up out of his bed and coming over to shake my hand.
"What are you in for?" I asked him.
"Mets on my liver." He answered simply.
"Cystic fibrosis. Awaiting lung transplant." I stated.
"Fun." He laughed.
"Yeah." I responded, looking around his room. Really the only things he had were a few stacks of books and a laptop.
"So, you like reading, huh?" I asked.
"Yeah, and writing. I'm trying to stay caught up on school work so I can graduate on time." He explained.
"Your a senior?" I questioned. He looked to small to be a senior, but I know that cancer can sometimes stunt people's growth.
"Oh, god no." He said. "I'm a junior."
Wow, a junior. I thought to myself. I'm only a freshman, though stupid CF has held me back.
"What about you?" He asked.
"I'm supposed to be a freshman, but I'm still doing eighth grade classes because I missed so much last year." I explained.
"Do you want to come in?" He asked, gesturing to a couch next to his bed.
"Sure." I said, and we sat down.
"When did you get diagnosed?" He asked.
"They found my CF when I was in seventh grade, and I was fine most of that year, until my lung function plummeted after the first quarter of eighth grade. I've been in the hospital more often than not after that." I explained. "What about you?"
"I've had liver cancer since fourth grade, though I was in remission for most of middle school. It just keeps coming back." He told me.
I was starting at Alex's lips move as he talked, and his really gorgeous long black hair.
"You have really nice hair for a cancer patient." I blurted before I could stop myself.
"Thanks." He laughed. "I used one of those cold hats that lets me keep my hair when I get chemo."
"That's cool." I said, and there was a knock at the door.
"Alex, it's time for your chemo." Nurse Peggy said, walking in the room with a wheelchair. "And, John, it's time for your meds, too." She said, looking at her watch.
"Nice talking to you." He said, standing up.
"You, too. I'm in room 1776 if you ever want to stop by." I said before getting up and walking back to my room for my meds.
Alex's POV
As Peggy brought me down to the peds chemo room, my mind went to John.
He's only a freshman. I thought. And there's also no way he's gay. But he's so cute. With those freckles, and that hair...
"Alright, Alex. It's time." Peggy said, pulling me out of my head and showing me to a chair for my chemo treatment.
She strapped the ice pack on my head and and putting the IV chemo in my arm.
I felt the poison run through my arm and around my body through my bloodstream. It grossed me out and made me super nauseous every time I had a treatment.
I sat in the chair, miserable, for most of my treatment, until I felt it. I grabbed the basin in front of me and emptied my guts into it.
Nurse Angelica walked over to help me unhook the IV. I had learned over the years how to take things out of my own IV port, but it's protocol for the nurses to do it in the chemo room.
"Thanks, Angelica." I said, getting up and falling into the wheelchair next to me.
"No problem." She smiled weakly.
"Rough day?" I asked, looking back at her as she stated wheeling me back to my room.
"My husband an I had another fight." She sighed.
"Oh, I'm sorry." I consoled. "It will all work out in the end."
"I hope so." She replied.
As we turned a corner, I saw John at the nurses station next to our rooms. He looked over at me and smiled, then laughed.
"Not to be rude or anything, since I know we just met, but you look like death." He laughed, walking over to me and following me into my room.
"Yeah, chemo does that to a person." I laughed.
I moved from the wheelchair to my bed, and looked up at John. He was looking at the floor, shuffling his feet, and blushing. Hard.
This kid is hot. I laughed to myself in my head. But there's no way it'll ever work out. I just need to drop it.
"Um... I have... treatments..." John said, then ran out of the room and down the hall.
(A/N - I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Complications - A Lams Story! New chapters should be coming out soon, though I don't have a strict update schedule. Don't forget to review!)