When Amina returned to the Crag, she felt hollow. She had lost her oldest friend, and now she feared she would lose Robb as well. The Undying had promised it. Those sights she'd seen, and the words spoken to her, haunted her dreams in fragments. But she could not bring herself to speak of it. To say it out loud would make it real.

She stood in her nightdress by the window, twisting her crown about her hands. Her eyes stared out over the sea, but she saw nothing but those visions. An arm snaked around Amina's waist, and she let out a small breath. "I heard you get out of bed," Robb whispered in her ear.

"We can still change our minds," Amina said quietly. She turned to face Robb slowly, before continuing. "Only Aylward and Brynden were there, and they will take our secrets to the grave. We can set this aside until the war is won, until the Freys are appeased." Robb's arm dropped from her waist, but she pushed on. "We were rash, and emotional. Renly was dead, and you suspected I was as well. The Gods cannot fault us for our mistakes."

"Is that what we are, a mistake?" Robb asked. He was hurt, she knew, but it was best that way. The timing was wrong, there was too much at stake. Amina could not bear to be the reason they lost it all. "Tell me this is what you want, and I will take back the crown," he told her. "I will do my duty and marry a Frey girl. I will let you go, and you can sail across the Narrow Sea, or run to the Wall, or throw yourself onto the front lines of war."

Robb's words took her by surprise. My sister, Jon, the battles. Does he know it all? There were so many secrets she'd kept over the years, and in that moment, Amina wanted to share them all with him. She wanted to tell him about Qarth, the dragons, and the things she'd seen. Like his death. Whether it was real or one of the Undying's lies, it had shaken her. The visions from behind the doors were blurry and unclear, but she remembered the way she'd felt. It had been as if her heart was torn from her chest.

"Tell me you don't love me, and I will walk away," he said.

Amina opened her mouth to say the words, but the lie wouldn't come. It hadn't with Theon either, though she'd found a way around it. I'm your sister, come home. It was all she needed to say, and he would have left Winterfell. But she couldn't ask him to walk to his death, so instead she'd been the one to walk away. She had walked away from her castle, her brother, and the only home she'd ever known. Amina shook her head. "I can't."

Robb put his hands on either side of her face, and she looked into his eyes. They were so blue and full of love, and all she could give him was her fear. "Then trust in us, trust that we will find a way, trust that the Gods are good."

"I want to," she whispered. As Robb pulled her toward him, the crown fell from her fingers. She pressed her face against his chest, and the tears came as they never had before. But the tears could not take her fear with them.

Amina had never felt so nervous in all her years. But she stood on the dais as Robb congratulated the men and tried not to meet Catelyn's eyes in the crowd. She was so focused on not looking at Cat, she hardly noticed Robb come up beside her. "Are you ready?"

"Not at all," she whispered. Robb gave her hand a squeeze, and for a moment Amina's nerves were wiped away. Then Catelyn was before them. Of all the lords, Karstark was the most wroth with the Kingslayer's escape. He railed at Catelyn before Robb put a stop to it.

"If I could wish the Kingslayer back in chains I would. You freed him without my knowledge or consent...but what you did, I know you did for love. For Arya and Sansa, and out of grief for Bran and Rickon. Love's not always wise, I've learned. It can lead us to great folly, but we follow our hearts...wherever they take us."

Folly, that was what it was, she knew. They both knew. The Freys had ridden for the Twins the moment they'd heard the news. A thousand men gone, and an enemy made, for love. They were no fools, but love had spoiled their judgment. He had given her a chance to run, a chance to save him, but it had sounded more like heartbreak. Amina could break Robb's heart no more than she could have broken her own. She had never been selfless.

Robb turned back to look at Amina and offered her a hand. As she took it, Catelyn looked her way for the first time. Her worry over gaining her son's forgiveness had distracted her at first, but now she saw it. The crown perched in Amina's hair. Amina watched the emotions on Cat's face as they played out clear as day. Confusion, disbelief, devastation.

But Catelyn took Amina's hands and offered her a smile. Amina wondered if Cat could see the guilt in her eyes, the fear. For once in her life, she felt as if her emotions were painted on her face. "I have considered you my daughter since you were a girl," Catelyn said softly, squeezing Amina's hands. "And now it is official in the eyes of the gods."

They retired to Lord Hoster's audience chamber to speak privately. As they walked, Amina stayed by Catelyn's side, linked arm in arm. She lowered her voice so that Robb would be unable to hear while he talked with Brynden. "When word reached Bitterbridge of Renly's death, Margaery and I barricaded ourselves in her rooms. We didn't know what would happen, who would come. I have spent my whole life fearing I would die for my blood, that I never considered I might die for someone else's."

Cat opened her mouth to speak, but Amina wouldn't let her. She had to get it all out now, to explain. She needed her mother on her side. "Then Ser Caswell learned the truth about me, and I thought that was the end. I accepted long ago that I may never live to have children, or to watch them grow old. But accepting death and facing it are two different things."

Catelyn completed her thought. "And Robb knew you hadn't returned to Riverrun with me, he believed you dead." She squeezed Amina's hand, but still there was fear in her eyes. "You are both so, so young." Amina took a deep breath. "You will make a good queen; all the lords know it."

"But we should have waited until the war was won," Amina finished. Catelyn pressed her lips together, answering without saying a word. "I tried to leave, but I could not. I wish I could have." She had wished that for years. But never had she gathered the strength to leave, not even when she knew it would make her family safer. In a whisper she added, "And where would I go?"

Up ahead, Edmure had turned the conversation toward his victory. The very victory that had brought them back to Riverrun. The only reason word of her marriage had reached the Freys. If Edmure hadn't distracted Tywin Lannister, then word of the attack in King's Landing would not have reached him. He would have marched to the Westerlands and right into Robb's trap.

Maybe if they had defeated Twyin Lannister, the Freys would not care so much about the marriage. They could have been given lands, such as Sarsfield or even the Crag. Status and respect mattered more to Walder Frey than his children, that was clear. He may have made the trade. His continued loyalty in exchange for a legacy that extended past the Riverlands. But they would never know.

"Where is Grey Wind," Catelyn asked suddenly.

"Our rooms," Amina said with a sigh. "Since word came of Bran and Rickon, Robb hasn't wanted him with us. If Summer and Shaggy Dog couldn't save them...He's lost faith." The best she could do was ask to keep Grey Wind with her. But Robb hadn't wanted him on the dais, and so he hadn't been.

"Those wolves were sent by the gods," Catelyn said gravely. "They know things that we can't."

"I know that. I will try to make him believe again, but it may take time."

Brynden held the door open for the women, and ruffled Amina's hair as she went by. She tried to muster up a convincing smile but knew it fell flat. Inside Robb was reprimanding Edmure for his mistake. "When the Lannisters take the field against me once more, they'll have the Tyrells at their side. And I may need to fight the Freys as well, if Black Walder has his way..."

"So long as Theon Greyjoy sits in your father's seat with your brothers' blood on his hands, these other foes must wait," Catelyn said. The two ventured into the room. "Your first duty is to defend your own people. You must win back Winterfell."

"I was too late to save Bran and Rickon," Amina said quietly. "But I know how many men he has, and I know his weakness." She didn't need to say it, Robb knew. If it came down to it, Theon would surrender to Amina. She was not yet sure if she was ready to have his blood on her hands. "Ser Rodrick was amassing a host at Torrhen's Square last I saw," she continued. "They were intending to march for Winterfell, but there's been no word since. Perhaps he's done it."

"We can't ask the Riverlords to abandon their lands," Robb said. "If we march north, we do so without them."

Amina ran through the scenarios, pushing figurines across an invisible tactical map in her mind, the histories filling in the blanks. There was only one answer, and they were running out of ways to secure it.

"Without the Rivermen we won't get past Moat Cailin," Brynden pointed out. "Even with them it would be difficult. No army has ever taken the Moat from the south."

"And then we'd be trapped between the Ironborn and the Freys." Robb sighed. "We must win them back. I am willing to give Lord Walder whatever he requires...apologies, honors, lands, gold." Anything but me, Amina thought. Robb had already drawn that line.

"I know what Walder Frey wants," Amina said. The men turned toward her, waiting. Catelyn had already come to the same conclusion. "He wants Edmure."