"Finally, she speaks." Sun said as Blake wrapped her cat ears with a black bow. "Nearly two days and you gave me nothing but small talk and weird looks… Yeah. Like that."
"What do you mean, you need my help?" Spider-Man asked.
"Sun, Spider-Man, are you familiar with the White Fang?" Blake asked.
"Of course!" Sun replied. "I don't think there's a Faunus on the planet who hasn't heard of them."
"Yeah, I've been hearing about them too." Spider-Man added. "They're a bunch of fanatics who's making Faunus look bad."
"That's an understatement." Sun said. "Stupid, holier-than-thou creeps that use force to get whatever they want. Bunch of freaks if you ask me."
Blake took a sip of her drink before the big reveal. "I was once a member of the White Fang."
Both Spider-Man and Sun were caught off guard.
"You were a member?" Spider-Mask asked.
"That's right." Blake assured. "I was a member for most of my life. You could almost say I was born into it. Back then, things were different. In the ashes of war, the White Fang was meant to be a symbol of peace and unity between humans and the Faunus. Of course, despite being promised equality, the Faunus were subjected to discrimination and hate. Humanity still thought of us as lesser beings. And so, the White Fang rose up as the voice of our people. And I was there. I was at the front of every rally. I took part in every boycott. I actually thought we were making a difference, but I was just a youthful optimist.
"Then, five years ago, our leader stepped down and a new one took his place. A new leader, with a new way of thinking. Suddenly, our peaceful protects were being replaced by organized attacks. We were setting fire to shops that refused to serve us, hijacking cargo from companies that used Faunus labor. And the worst part was, it was working. We were being treated like equals, but not out of respect… out of fear. So, I left. I decided I no longer wanted to use my skills to aid in their violence, and instead, I would dedicate my life to becoming a Huntress. So here I am: a criminal hiding in plain view, all with the help of a little black bow."
"Whoa." Spider-Man said.
"You can say that again." Sun said. "So… have you told your friends any of this?"
"…No." Blake admitted. "Weiss and I got into an argument on whether or not the White Fang was evil, and I accidently slipped that I was one of them. I ran out almost immediately without saying more."
"Well, you gotta tell them the truth." Spider-Man said. "If you tell them what you told us, I'm sure they'd understand."
"I can't." Blake said. "Weiss made it very clear how she sees the White Fang, and these recent robberies only prove her point. But if you're certain it's the work of this man, Flint Marko, then we need to see it for ourselves."
"I got it!" Sun said. "The only way to prove that it is this Marko guy is to go to the place where he would most likely go if he was going to do it and catch him in the act, right?"
"But we don't know where that would be?" Spider-Man asked.
"Well, when I was on the ship," Sun said, "I heard some guys talking about offloading a huge shipment of Dust coming in from Atlas."
"How huge?" Blake asked.
"Huge! Big Schnee Company freighter."
"Well, there's only one way to know for sure." Spider-Man said.
Later that night, Spider-Man swung to where Blake and Sun were located watching the large cargo containers. In his hand was a box of large pepperoni pizza.
"Nice." Spider-Man said. "Good to know that pizza the common factor in every reality."
"What do you mean by that?" Blake asked confused.
"Uh… Just a hyperbole." Spider-Man said. "Anyway, who wants a slice. They are my favorite part of stakeouts."
"So… Full disclosure, Spider-Man…" Sun said, "Are you a Faunus?"
"Yes, I have a lemur tail." Spider-Man said sarcastically. "Wanna see a trick?"
"Do you ever be quiet?" Blake asked.
Suddenly, a large plan hovered above the docks. It lowered in the middle of the container area and opened up the hatch. Blake gasped when she saw who came out.
"Is that them?" Sun asked looking at the people in Grimm masks.
"Yes, it's them." Blake confirmed.
"You really didn't think they were behind it, did you?" Spider-Man asked.
"No. I think deep down, I knew. I just didn't want to be right."
"Hey, what's the hold-up?" a new voice called out. The three looked and saw a familiar human following the Faunus. It was Roman Torchwick. "We're not exactly the most inconspicuous bunch of thieves at the moment, so why don't you animals try to pick up the pace?"
"Roman Torchwick?" Spider-Man asked. "Haven't seen him in months."
"This isn't right." Blake said. "The White Fang would never work with a human, especially not one like that."
"That's not all." Sun said. "Look."
A team of black cars pulled into the dock. Torchwick smiled as he approached the people who got out. They were wearing black suits, but they also wore fearsome demon masks.
"Who are they?" Spider-Man asked.
"I've heard of them." Sun said. "They're called the Demons, the biggest organized crime gang in Mistral. And that guy there…" He pointed at the only man in a suit who didn't wear a mask. "That's Martin Li. He's Mistral's version of Torchwick. They call him Mr. Negative."
"Torchwick, White Fang, and now, the Demons." Spider-Man said. "What do you think it all means?"
"I don't know." Blake said. "But I intend to find out." She jumped off the roof much to the alarm of Spider-Man and Sun.
"The infamous Mr. Negative." Torchwick said as he approached the Mistral criminal. "We finally meet."
"You went through a lot of trouble to talk to me here so far from my home, Mr. Torchwick." Martin Li said. "You had better hope this is worth my time."
"Right." Torchwick said. "I've come to you with a proposition. I'm working with someone who has an interest in you. With our resources, you could have anything your heart desires. All we ask for is your help with a little job in Anima."
"And your certain this 'someone' you're working with will make good on that?" Li asked.
"Trust me, Mr. N. If we could round up this wild zoo, we can do anything."
Suddenly, Blake jumped behind Torchwick and held her blade to his throat. He didn't move.
"Nobody move!" Blake shoued.
"What is this?" Li asked in surprise. He twitched a little and his eyes started to glow black and white. He shook it off without anyone noticing them.
"Take it easy, everyone." Torchwick said. "Expecially you, little lady."
"Brothers of the White Fang," Blake said removing her bow, "Why are aiding these scum?"
"Oh, kid, didn't you get the memo?" Torchwick laughed. "The White Fang and I are going on a joint business venture together."
"Tell me what it is or I'll put an end to your little operation." Blake demanded. Suddenly, she felt something brushing past her feet. She looked down and saw thousands of tiny bits of sand swooping on the ground.
"I wouldn't exactly call it a little operation." Torchwick said smugly.
The sand formed and piled up until it formed a man. The colors changed showing off his green striped shirt. He held up his hand and changed it into a giant mace. He swung it at Blake, but she dodged it as he missed Torchwick.
"Watch it, you walking sandbox!" Torchwick shouted. "Just take care of her!"
"Torchwick, what is going on?" Li asked in anger.
"Watch yourself, Li." Torchwick said. "Look, I'll explain the whole thing later. Right now you… You literally have a twinkle in your eye."
"What?" Li asked. He then noticed his eyes glowing. Suddenly, his entire skin and hair changed to black and white.
Li yelled in frustration shooting a beam of black-and-white light from his hands. It hit Blake who fell backwards. Sun and Spider-Man jumped next to her.
"You okay, Blake?" Sun asked.
"I… I think so." Blake said. "But that blast. It…"
"Marko!" Spider-Man shouted.
"Spider-Man?" Sandman asked in surprise.
"No, you're supposed to say 'polo'." Spider-Man quipped.
"How?" Sandman asked. "What are you doing here? Even on another planet, I can't get away from you!"
"Why would you want to?" Spider-Man said swinging to a higher area. "What are you working with these crooks and terrorists? I thought you gave up on crime! You let me put you in that canister until we could find a cure to protect your daughter!"
"I'm doing this for my daughter too!" Sandman exclaimed. "I get released, and the first thing I learn is that I am in some kind of Twilight Zone setting worlds away from her. I need to go back. Now, these guys, they promised to help."
"Torchwick, helping?" Spider-Man asked. "Sandy, he's a lowtime crook. And I'm guessing the White Fang guys aren't exactly phycisists."
"Not them." Sandman said. "I'm talking about the people they're working for. They…"
"HEY!" Torchwick said. "No spoilers! Now, if you want to hug your little girl again, Marko, swat the bug!"
"Sorry, web-head." Sandman said as he shot pillars of sand. Spider-Man dodged them while Blake and Sun fought against White Fang Faunus and Demons. The Demons drew swords that had a black-and-white aura around the blades. The big ones had gauntlets with the same glow.
Little do they know, Ruby and a new girl named Penny were approaching the fight. They stood on top of a storage area and watched the fight.
"Blake!" Ruby recognized her missing friend. "And Spider-Man!"
Roman saw Ruby and chuckled. "Hey, Little Red, isn't it past your bedtime?"
"Ruby, who are these people?" Penny asked.'
"Penny, stand back!" Ruby said turning to her friend, which turned into a mistake. Mr. Negative raised his hands and shot his blasts to Ruby. She was knocked back.
"Ruby!" Penny shouted. "Don't worry, Ruby! I'm combat ready!"
While Penny hovered several spears out of her backpack and fought against the Demons, Sandman continued to throw sand at Spider-Man.
"You can't keep running forever!" Sandman shouted.
"You can't fight forever!" Spider-Man returned. Suddenly, he ran into Ruby who jumped behind a crate with him to shield against his attack.
"That must be the Sandman, right?" Ruby asked.
"Yep." Spider-Man said. "Look, we need to stop this one bad guy at a time! Let's start with Sandy!"
"Any ideas?" Ruby asked.
"I usually stop him with cement or cold air to mess with his silicates." Spider-Man said. "Or… Wait! Do you have any lightning dust?"
"As a matter of fact, yes." Ruby said. "But how does that help?"
"Just get ready to shoot him on my mark!" Spider-Man said. He jumped up and shot a webline at the Sandman. He quickly dodged it.
Spider-Man landed on another crate and raised his mask up to his mouth to blow a raspberry. The Sandman growled and threw another sand mace.
"Okay, the mace thing's getting old, Marko." Spider-Man said dodging it. "Now, Ruby!"
Suddenly, with a stream of red rose pedals, Ruby shot up to the sky and fired her Crescent Rose at the Sandman. She fired five shots of lightning that hit him directly.
When the dust cleared, the Sandman wasn't made of sand anymore. Instead, he was see-through. At the same time, Torchwick and Mr. Negative got on a ship as it was getting ready for takeoff with as much Faunus and Demons they could save.
"These kids these days are just getting weirder." Torchwick said. "Well, Mr. N, I suppose we'll continue this back at my place."
As the ship flew off, Spider-Man, Ruby, Blake, and Sun were surrounding the glass Flint Marko.
"Is he…" Blake asked.
"No." Spider-Man said. "Just overheated. When sand becomes superheated, like from a lightning bolt, it crystalizes turning it into glass. He should stay like this until someone shatters it freeing his silicates."
"I'm still wondering one thing." Sun said. "You said you fought this guy a lot before. Well, I've traveled halfway across the world, and I haven't heard one mention of you or this Sandman guy."
"It's… complicated." Spider-Man said. "All that matters is that we caught him and we're one step closer to what's going on." He then thought to himself, "Still, that thing Marko said. Torchwick's working for someone that can get him back to New York? Who? And can they be trusted?"
When the police came by, Weiss and Yang weren't far behind. The police were setting up Sandman's body to be carefully removed and taken away while everyone involved was being questioned, even Spider-Man. When Weiss and Yang caught up to their team, Ruby tried to cut in.
"Weiss, wait." Ruby said nervously. "It's not what you think. She explained the whole thing. See, she doesn't actually have a bow, she has kitty cat ears and they're actually kind of cute…"
Weiss ignored her and continued her walk until she was face-to-face with Blake, who looked almost ashamed.
"Weiss, I want you to know that I'm no longer associated with the White Fang. Back when I was with the…"
"Stop!" Weiss interrupted. "Do you have any idea how long we've been searching for you? Twelve hours. That means I've had twelve hours to think about this. And in that twelve hours, I've decided… I don't care."
"You don't care?" Blake asked in surprise.
"You said you're not one of them anymore, right?" Weiss asked.
"No." Blake answered. "I haven't been since I was younger."
Weiss spouted a bunch of babble to make Blake stop talking. "I don't want to hear it. All I want to know is that the next time something this big comes up, you'll come to your teammates. And not some…" She looks at Sun and Spider-Man. "Someone else."
Blake was happy to hear her understanding. "Of course."
"Yeah!" Ruby cheered. "Team RWBY is back together!"
"I'm still not quite sure how I feel about you!" Weiss said pointing at Sun.
"Well, I know how I feel about Spidey!" Yang said. "He's a cool guy. Thanks for helping my little sister."
"Don't thank me." Spider-Man said. "I should be the one thanking her. I wouldn't have caught Sandman without this little scamp."
"Thanks, Mr. Spider-Man." Ruby said.
"Just Spider-Man. Mr. Spider-Man was my father." He chuckled.
Suddenly, Blake widened her eyes when she realized that phrase seemed greatly familiar to her. She had heard a certain teaching assistant say that to her the first night she slept at Beacon. As soon as she remembered, she stared in shock at the web-slinger.
Everyone paused at Blake's words. Thankfully, the police didn't hear that.
"Uh…" Spider-Man said nervously. "Well… Dang it. MJ warned me about using old jokes."
Ruby widened her silver eyes as she understood the situation and realized who was under the spider mask. "Whaaaaaaaaaat?"
Ozpin was watching the group gathered at the docks from his observation tower office with his scroll. There was another message from someone named "Qrow" that read "QUEEN HAS PAWNS".
Ozpin put down his scroll and looked out the window in deep thought.
"We might need him." Ozpin thought to himself. "He doesn't know the full truth, and I don't know when it's a good time to tell him. I understand him, but I'm still wondering… Is sending Spider-Man home when we need him really the right thing to do?"
Roman Torchwick and Mr. Negative entered a large warehouse all exhausted from the fight. Negative returned to his normal colors as he took a breath.
"How very disappointing, Roman." An alluring woman said as she revealed herself with two teenagers.
"Whoa!" Torchwick chuckled "I wasn't expecting to see you guys so soon."
"We were expecting more from you." The woman said.
"Hey, you were the ones who suggested working with those stupid mutts from the White Fang and wanted us to establish a partnership with the Demons. Not to mention, we lost that idiot, Marko."
"Yes, we did." The woman said. "Luckily, we have some other powerful people on our side. We'll get him back when the time is right. Right now, I'd like to talk about you, Mr. Negative."
"So you're the one who hired Torchwick." Martin Li said. "Tell me, what kind of job would need an operation this big?"
"All will be clear soon." Cinder said. "For now, I'd like to know more about your semblance. I have heard it has a… unique effect."
"You could say that." Li said. "I don't know when I unlocked it—I've had it longer than I can remember—but it's the reason I had to move a lot when I was a child. Anyone who feels the full force of it says they could only feel sadness, fear, despair. And that brings a great risk of attracting any nearby Grimm."
"So what your saying is," the woman said, "You actually generate negativity. Suddenly, your name makes more sense."
"What does that have to do with this job?" Li asked.
The woman looked back at her companions before making a fireball in her hand. "It means you're more useful than we could ever imagine. We have big plans. All we ask is… a little cooperation."
And so ends the story. But this isn't the end. It's not even the end of the beginning.
Author's Note: And so ends the first volume. And believe me, I've got several new additions to the story of RWBY. I'd like to remind you all of something because some of you didn't read an earlier Author's Note. I was asked why Spider-Man hasn't recognized Dr. Connors. The answer to that is because this Spider-Man hasn't met him yet. I plan on making some of the Spider-Man characters born in the world of RWBY to recreate origin stories. Dr. Connors is one and Mr. Negative is another. I hope everyone gets that. Anyway, until Volume 2.