A/N: Wow, it was such a pleasure seeing my reviews for part 4, there were so many familiar names up there. Konnichiwa anima-san! I'm so glad you like the song, isn't it amazing? I just heard Nina sing it live and it really struck a chord in my heart. Zephor, thank you for sticking to my story and reviewing every upload, it means a lot! To my little nagger, thank heavens you don't nag anymore! I'm a sensitive person. ^_~ and to dennisud, I'll keep your suggestion in mind. Thank you so much everyone, I hope you like this fight scene. If you dislike brutality, you can skip this part. Read and review please! I would be eternally grateful, if my reviews reach 70+! If it does, I'll make a special MS chapter for part 6! ^_^
"Naraku-sama, it looks like your perfect Yoru is useless. She is weak, she loves the darkness as much as she loves light," reported Kagura as she stood in front of Naraku. For days she has waited for Yoru's return but evidently, the creature never ventured forth after the impressively horrifying slaughter of the village in the valley.
Naraku waited silently, his brow thoughtful. He leaned back in his throne and released a slow chuckle. "Patience Kagura, patience."
"Yoru has taken more than enough for her blood lust to ease. In essence, without her lust for blood, she is nonexistent. But when the blood she has stolen has ebbed and when poisoned blood runs through her veins once more, she shall return…" stated Naraku.
"When?" asked Kagura skeptically.
"Soon," answered Naraku, his voice deepening as joy rushed through him.
A week passed in perfect idyll. They moved away from the exterminator's village, determined to get back to their original purpose, to hunt down the shikon shards to ultimately defeat Naraku. Armed with their courage and the need to destroy the evil villain, Inuyasha's group set forth with grim determination.
They traveled slowly because Sango was still healing from her injuries but the taijiya insisted on continuing their quest, saying that she was no sick baggage and was strong enough not to be pampered.
"A lovely baggage nonetheless," Miroku had commented with a mischievous sneer before he patted Sango's butt. A loud slap echoed in the exterminator's village and the entire group broke into laughter before agreeing to travel as Sango wanted.
They finally stopped at the edge of a forest by nightfall. Wearily Kagome got down from her bicycle and practically collapsed on the forest floor. Her injuries were only partially healed like Sango's and her healing concussion still made her occasionally dizzy.
Sango was helped down from Kirara's back by her brother and she flashed the young man a smile of thanks. "Arigato Kohaku," said Sango, laying her hand against his shoulder. He smiled shyly and acknowledged Miroku's presence when the monk went over to Sango.
"Exhausted Sango?" asked Miroku as he brushed Sango's bangs away from her face. Sango flushed, looking at Kohaku and Kirara's avid faces. At daytime, Miroku spent most of his time intensely guarding the back of the group that he was unable to come to her. It was not really a problem for Sango, who still found it awkward to have a lover with her brother knowing about it.
Miroku smiled a little as he measured the growing color on Sango's face. "Um.. a little," came Sango's low reply. Miroku winked at Kohaku and silently gestured for the boy to go and join the group. Kohaku shrugged and scooped the feline Kirara in his arms. He walked over to the fire Inuyasha has started and began to chat with Shippou.
Miroku closed the distance between them and gave Sango a tight hug. Sango stiffened a little at first, thinking that Kohaku was still around but eventually she relaxed and leaned against Miroku, resting her cheek on his shoulder. He was warm and strong, taking away whatever weariness she felt. She brushed a kiss against his jaw. "I feel so much better," said Sango as she cuddled closer to him.
"Uhum. I needed that too," agreed Miroku as he leaned down and kissed her. It was a brief but hot kiss. Pulling back from each other, they both smiled. Miroku grabbed Sango's hand and began to lead her to their camp. "In a day, we'll reach a town. We can probably sleep in a lord's house with some fancy maneuvering," said Miroku with a grin.
Sango laughed. "Ah! Good food, hot water and soft beds with a roof! That'll be great!"
"I knew you'd like it," said Miroku. Before reaching the outskirts of their camp, he whipped out an ofuda and chanted a protection spell. It flew to a tree and stuck there, glowing ominously. "Now we'll be safe. No demon or monster can get through my spell," stated Miroku with satisfaction.
"But what about Inuyasha?" asked Sango worriedly.
Miroku chuckled. "Well, he's in camp now so he doesn't have to worry. My spell keeps youkai from going in our camp but other youkai like Shippou or Inuyasha can stay inside and even go out but they would have the same problem if they were out when I erected the barrier," explained Miroku.
"So they can go out but if they do, they can't get in again?"
"Exactly," answered Miroku.
"Let's just hope Inuyasha doesn't have to pee tonight, he'll have a hell of a time trying to get back in," wryly said Sango making Miroku laugh.
After a quick dinner of ramen and biscuits, everybody was ready to call it a night. "Feh, I'll take first watch," announced Inuyasha as he observed the looks of exhaustion on everybody's faces. He knew that they were pretty much pushing themselves to catch up with Naraku but unlike him, his companions were only human and were less likely to heal from injuries as quickly as he does.
"Thanks Inuyasha," said Sango as she curled up on her bedroll and drew her blanket around her.
"Oyasumi," said Kagome softly, her eyes holding his before turning in herself.
Miroku gave the hanyou a grateful look. He dragged his bedroll beside Sango's and sat down. "Wake me up for my watch okay?" asked Miroku.
"Feh! I'll dump you on your skinny butt if you don't get up when I wake you up," grumbled Inuyasha as he leapt up to his post on one of the trees.
"Okay," answered Miroku before lying down. There was a peaceful silence as everyone slowly drifted down to sleep.
After a while, Miroku spoke up, "Oi Inuyasha, watch out if you have to take a pee okay?"
The night was suddenly shattered when Inuyasha roared at everyone to wake up.
"I smell the scent of youkai, hundreds of them and Kagura just up ahead the path! They're on their way to the town!" yelled Inuyasha as he quickly roused his companions.
"Shikon?" asked Miroku as he shoved his blanket away and grabbed his shakujo.
At the exact moment, Kagome's eyes widened. "Hai! Three shards up ahead in town and its moving, it might be Kouga-kun," said Kagome as she moved to get up. She drew her bow over her shoulder and checked her arrows. She silenced Inuyasha who was about to stop her from joining the coming battle.
"You need me to find out exactly where the shikon is, we can't afford to give Naraku more power, not now, not ever," exclaimed Kagome fiercely.
Inuyasha growled a curse but went over to Kagome to pick her up and give her a piggyback ride. Miroku went down on his knees to Sango's side. "Please stay here Sango. I can't afford to lose my concentration worrying about you," pleaded Miroku.
"You'll be safe here with Kohaku-kun, I'll add more seals before I go."
Sango angrily rose up only to be halted also by Kohaku. "Aneue, you can't fight right now. You're not healed enough yet. Hiraikotsu is also still broken," said Kohaku. Sango looked at her broken weapon in frustration and punched the ground. She took a deep breath, trying to control her emotions.
She pulled Miroku close to her and gave him a kiss. When she pulled back, she whispered against his lips, "Take care of yourself you pervert. If you come back to me wounded and injured, I'll kick your ass and not sleep with you!"
Miroku's eyes gleamed as he smiled. "Promise," he answered as he strode away.
Sango looked after him, barely noticing Shippou scampering after Miroku and her brother laying a hand against her arm. She lay back down on the bedroll, her heart pounding heavily. She looked up at the night sky and then at the quarter moon. Her eyes drifted close. And then there was darkness.
The town was in chaos. People were running around, screaming in panic at the onslaught of monsters. Kagura was high up in the sky, observing Naraku's minions. Ah, the players are almost ready, thought Kagura as she watched Inuyasha and the others storm inside the gate and begin the battle to save the people.
She stiffened suddenly when a familiar presence stood beside her on her leaf. Her skin fairly crawled with fear as she slowly faced the remaining player. YORU. The wind whipped Kagura's hair against her face but it didn't even dislodge a single strand of hair from Naraku's creation. Yoru stood like the Mistress of Death beside Kagura and observed the devastation down them with absolute detachment.
"You've been calling me," Yoru spoke finally, her voice deep and sultry like the night.
"Yes," agreed Kagura through dry lips.
Yoru looked at the youkai in consideration, baring her fang-like teeth in a horrifyingly beautiful smile. It said bloodlust in very simple terms.
"I am here," said Yoru before looking back down. A demonic glow entered her green catlike eyes. And she disappeared in thin air, teleporting herself down to the battle below.
"Where's the shikon shard Kagome?" asked Inuyasha impatiently as he deftly sliced through the attacking youkai. Miroku was doing his fair share of the work by using his ofuda, not yet opening his kazaana, waiting for the moment for Kagura to appear so that he could suck Naraku's creation into his air rip.
Kagome scanned the mess of youkai remains and human corpses. It made her a little sick but there was nothing else she could do now but fight. This battle made all the difference to those other human beings who are still alive. She released an arrow, clearing a straight line of huge monsters. Suddenly, there was this feeling of a shard, very close by. "Its by my right side Inuyasha!" yelled Kagome as an old merchant appeared, evidently running away from several youkai.
"Yosh!" said Inuyasha as he began running towards the merchant. Halfway through his destination, a beautiful woman suddenly materialized beside the merchant and had her white-kimono clad arms twined around the man's. Even from afar, there was something strange about the woman. Her scent was thick and dark, resembling jaki and although her form was that of an exceedingly beautiful girl, there was something about her that was innately predatory. Inuyasha speeded up, sensing unparalleled danger.
"Kagome! Shoot the woman!" yelled Inuyasha as the moon shifted, baring the girl who was holding the merchant intimately.
It was a face no one could forget. It was a beauty heartbreaking in its perfection and yet so remotely human. It was the face of beauty and madness. A madness for blood as the creature opened her lips and bared fang-like teeth.
Kagome cried out when the creature sank her pointed teeth into the merchant's throat. Her arrow wavered, seeing the brutal consumption of the man by such a lovely creature. Blood gushed over the wounds, into the creature's mouth as it sucked the very life out of the man. Her flaming red hair seethed and flew like fire as she feasted. The creature suddenly noticed the child the merchant was pulling. And without further ado, dropped the dead man and took the child, breaking the neck as it sucked its blood.
Kagome sank down to her knees overcome by the horror. It was like cannibalism. To see such beauty and violence was almost too much.
"May God have mercy," said Miroku hoarsely from his position beside Kagome. His hand trembled as he released the beads from around his hand.
"Begone foul beast! May you roast in hell for all eternity!" cried Miroku as he opened his air rip. Inuyasha, who was stunned by what the girl has done quickly dodged the strong funnel of wind that was sucking everything up.
"Yoru!" warned Kagura from the air as she swooped down close to the battle. Miroku's eyes shifted from their target as an almost unconquerable urge to finish Kagura first overcame him.
So that creature's name is Yoru—meaning Darkness or Night
, thought Miroku grimly. How perfectly apt the name was for such a cruel harbinger of death.Yoru dropped the drained body of the child, turning to face her human and hanyou opponents. Her green eyes gleamed brightly, with preternatural light. Blood colored her lips a ruby red. There was a thin trickle of blood running down her cheek and she ignored it as she focused her eyes intently on the monk and the young girl, her body able to resist the force of Miroku's kazaana for some reason.
Her eyes never moved away as she bent down and took the three shikon shards from the merchant's lifeless hand. With the slow sinuous grace of a snack uncoiling, Yoru stood up to her full height, allowing the scant light of the moon to reveal all her features. She smiled, if one could call the slight curling of the tip of one's lips a smile and then she vanished right in front of Inuyasha and everyone's eyes.
She suddenly appeared at Kagome's back as Inuyasha yelled madly for Kagome to run. With the tip of a clawed finger, Yoru traced the back of Kagome's neck. "Sweet," Yoru whispered before her mouth opened and she bit into Kagome's left shoulder.
"KISAMA!" yelled Miroku, so angry that he could barely think straight. Kagome's eyes were dilated as she seemed to go under a strange trance, meekly allowing the monster to rob her of her life.
"KAZE NO KIZU!" shouted Inuyasha as he released the full strength of his sword.
"Inuyasha no baka! Kagome-sama is still captured by the creature!" warned Miroku as he dove forward, tearing Kagome away from the monster. There was a large explosion and smoke covered the whole area. Miroku tumbled down with Kagome, rolling Kagome beneath him to protect the young miko from flying debris.
Inuyasha has destroyed the monster…
"Oh no, not at all," came the calm reply as Yoru suddenly appeared before Miroku and jerked the monk up from his protective stance. She held him up by the collar of his robes, the monk's feet dangling in the air. Her green eyes glowed into his furious violet-blue gaze as Miroku futilely tried to kick free from his captor.
Her lips opened, baring the fang-teeth. Her small pink tongue leisurely licked the trickle of blood running down the side of her mouth and then moving to caress her lips in a sensual manner that bespoke of all that is evil and good in killing.
"Mine," said Yoru as she looked up at Miroku. She smiled her cold smile and dropped the astonished monk. She looked back at the miko, almost smiling once more. And then Yoru disappeared, teleporting away before Inuyasha could once again attack.
A few meters from the edge of the camp, Kohaku was supporting Sango as the two of them went back to their protective circle. "Gomen ne Kohaku, I had no idea I was sleepwalking. It's a good thing you woke up to see me leave, I might have walked into some nasty animals or worse, youkai!"
"Its no trouble at all Aneue. I'm just glad I caught up with you in time," came Kohaku's soft reply. They made their way back to camp and were already settled in as they waited anxiously for their companions' return. Up above, the moon shone brightly, indicating that it was now sometime before dawn. The battle must have started sometime after midnight and it has been going on for more than four hours.
"Miroku, minna… where are you?" asked Sango in the darkness.
Her heart leapt up in her chest when she heard soft footsteps. It was the sound of an injured person walking slowly, her keen hunter's ears identifying the sound. She moved up from her bedroll and came rushing towards the person. She cried out when she saw Miroku limping towards her and caught him in her arms.
He smelled like blood.
Quickly, Sango released him, trembling as she tried to suppress dark memories. "Miroku…" her voice came weakly and she hated herself for her weakness.
Miroku didn't mind Sango's withdrawal but for a moment, he cherished the offered touch. Her road to recovery is still long but in his condition, he knew no one would like to touch him. Blood was splattered over his clothes, the stench of human blood and youkai entrails. His heart also felt burdened by all that he saw tonight and the news he was about to give Sango.
He cleared his throat, trying to speak past the dryness.
"A demon… attacked us tonight.." he began as Sango gasped in shock.
"But it was more like a fallen angel from the way it looked," continued Miroku, his voice trailing off.
Sango listened to him silently.
"Inuyasha had to borrow Kirara so that he can bring Kagome-sama back to her world. Kagome-sama was badly injured by the monster, it would have been impossible to heal her in our time… so perhaps in hers…" narrated Miroku.
Sango cried out. She covered her mouth with her hands. "Kagome-chan…"
"We have to hide right now, Sango. The demon… iie, youkai is too powerful. And…"
"And what? Are you hurt?" asked Sango in alarm.
Miroku, exhausted both mentally and physically, slumped against Sango.
"And she wanted me…"
Night Storm
An Inuyasha Fanfiction by Jo-chan