This fic was supposed to be one shot, but I wrote much longer than I expected. There will be one more chapter... I freaking have many stories to continue but I wrote a new one and I don't have time to write. Anyway, enjoy this short story!

She cleans the bar table slowly and carefully, as if it is delicate and fragile.

A hand touches her shoulder but she doesn't jump because she hears that her friend is moving her arm, she can hear that she is breathing out deeply. "Are you okay?" asks her best friend, the person she loves most besides her sister. Her voice tone is concerned, she reminds herself to not to make her worried.

"I am a bit sad but it is not much of a big deal." she responses and swallows. Her hands tremble but she manages to hide it by cleaning the bar table faster. She didn't say no because she knows her best friend wouldn't believe that.

"Elsa... For once, please tell me the truth about what you are really feeling." she begs and tries to draw her attention. But the platinum blonde ignores her.

"She was your customer. There is no way you are 'a bit sad'. You pulled the covers and cried silently last night. Of course I heard it, I am not gonna pretend as if you are fine. You are devastated!" she snaps in a hasty tone, her voice is low.

Elsa sighs deeply, leans to the table and rubs a dirty spot quickly, her collarbone becomes more visible. "You always clean the bar table for hours when you are really upset. And for God's sake Els, you know that this spot is impossible to be cleaned." she comments in an annoyed tone, probably is wrapping her hands around her arms right now. She always does that when she argues with someone.

Elsa doesn't respond, however, she stops rubbing the bar table. "Look... I just wanted to remind you that it wasn't your fault. You were just doing your job." she mumbles and even though Elsa can't see her, she knows she has that sad, soothing and cute look on her blue eyes.

"I killed her. I gave her five glasses of Vodka Martini and four glasses of Old Fashioned every single night. She hated orange in cocktails so I always put lemon to her Old Fashioned. She was an alcoholic, she always came to the bar at 8 o'clock. She always gave me a tip and grinned to me, she didn't ignore a bartender, not like the others. I didn't know she had kids... She was 40 years old and she died because of alcohol, Astrid." Elsa finally explods in a low voice so nobody can hear them. She is shaking, her whole body is.

Elsa drops the swab and turns around to see her best friend. She is right, Astrid has that look on her face. She slowly hugs Elsa, knows the customers can see them but she doesn't care. Elsa hugs her back.

"We can quit and find another job if you want to. I know you hate this job." Astrid suggests. "We both need money and this job has a good pay amount. We need this job. I will be fine." Elsa shakes her head and declines her offer.

"Money is not more important than you." "Yes, but the future is. We both have to work in here if we want a good future. I won't let you suffer because of me. Think about Hiccup, Astrid. You guys will probably rent an apartment together, as soon as you two finish the college." Elsa points out.

Astrid grumbles in annoyance but doesn't say anything. She doesn't have to anyway. Elsa knows that her friend always supports her.

"Look... I admit that I am a bit devastated but I will get over it. You are here and I can stand up to my every single problem with my best friend." Elsa gives Astrid a light, sincere, yet a solid smile. Astrid smiles back too and gives a supportive squeeze to her hand.

Being a bartender isn't a good job. Really. She hates her job with her all existence, she hates cleaning pukes in the toilets, wiping the old, dusty floor. She despises being a bartender.

She hates seeing drunk people flirting disgustingly, sitting on a table melancholically, giggling in a very stupid way and trying to forget their problems. She hates seeing people addicted to alcohol and how much money they spend on it.

She hates when a drunk person tries to flirt with her, tries to seduce her and asks her number. She hates standing in a bar, for nearly the whole night and then having classes the next day.

She hates the smell of the alcohol in her customer's breath, she hates that the customers who don't care about breaking the glasses or leaving the place really dirty. She hates everything about this stupid bar. She utterly despises the old rusty floor and the cold, dreadful aura in here.

But mostly, she hates the fact that she needs this place because she desperately needs money.

"Hey, bartender. Give me another glass of whiskey neat, please." a tenor voice orders a little bit louder than usual, as if he is trying to pull her from her thoughts.

Elsa doesn't respond, she never does. Bartenders are quiet, quick and invisible. She opens a Jack Daniel's whiskey bottle, masterly pours it to a glass. She is about to give the drink, however, she stands at the edge of the bartender table and looks at the customer.

A snow-white silvery haired young man who is probably 23 or 24 (he is at most three years older than her), is sitting on a bar chair and tapping his index finger to the bar table impatiently.

She has been working in the bar for two years and he has been her customer for a year. Every day, at ten o'clock, he comes and sits across the edge of the bar table, orders 5 tequila shots, then two glasses of whiskey neat, then 5 tequila shots again, after that, a glass of whiskey neat once again and at last, he always orders a Baileys cocktail.

He finishes his all drinks in an hour. Always.

She doesn't know his name, she never learns her customers' names. A bartender should be invisible, a bartender is just someone who serves drinks and takes the payment in dull silence.

He is so attractive. He has a messy, adorable hair, a pale creamy skin (which is probably extremely soft) and if she has to admit, he has a very hot Adam's apple. They way he swallows the drink, the way his Adam's apple appears... It is just too much of a perfect view for a young woman. He has handsome features, he is slim yet, obviously, has a well-built body. There are muscles in his arms but they aren't too visible or too many, she hated too many muscles in a body anyway. He has soft looking, smooth lips and she loves the way his lips curling up sadly before he drinks. It is not a genuine smile but it still looks appealing to her because that quick second of him is the time when he shows his emotions.

He has these marvelous blue piercing eyes, they look surprisingly so innocent as if they are a child's eyes. Never, he has never look upon her in a perverted way. He is kind, he always thanks silently to her after he pays the check.

Every night, he gets really drunk. Yet, he never starts or gets into a fight, flirts with someone or leaves the bar with someone. He is always alone, calm, polite, quiet and somehow... soothing.

So because of his attitude, he is her favourite customer. So because of he, being him, Elsa stands stupidly and does nothing.

"Are you planning to give the drink to me?" he asks kindly but his voice also taunts her.

Now, he is not just tapping his index finger, he is also tapping all his right hand fingers except his thumb. He always does that. She assumes that he never realizes that he is doing this finger tapping habit in a rhythm. The rhythm soothes her, it is one of the things that make this disgusting bar more beautiful, bearable.

"Hey, are you okay?" he now, asks a bit worriedly, his cute eyebrows are knitted but not that strongly.

"I am afraid I can't serve you, Mr." Elsa blurts out suddenly, her eyes grow bigger when she realizes what she said.

"And why is that?" the young man questions her, he is still perfectly calm and polite, although he raises an eyebrow, which makes him even more attractive.

"I... You had enough drink, sir. If you drink more, you may cause trouble." Elsa lies in a hesitating tone, the glass of whiskey starts to shake, the ice cubes hit the glass, the sound of her fear becomes visible.

"You know what I drink. I come here every day. You know that I never get into a fight. Now, may I get my drink, please?" he replies, he is still somehow calm and kind but he sounds annoyed.

"Mr, I am not gonna give you a drink. If you want a drink, go to another bar." Elsa snaps in an emotionless tone, her eyes looked cold and she is determined, so determined to not give any alcohol to her favourite customer.

"Look, I don't know what's in your mind, I really don't want to sound like I threat you but... I can make you be fired just because you refuse to serve me a drink. Now, let's not have any tension between us so give me my whiskey." the devilishly handsome young man tries to strike a balance, but Elsa raises her eyebrows in annoyance.

"It sounded like a threat." She puts the whiskey neat next to the beer machine.

The young man sighs. "It looks like I want the check now." he mutters silently. Elsa breathes out in relief, she does not realize she is holding her breath until that moment.

The attractive man pays, then stands up. He swings and wobbles a little bit when he walks. Still, he manages to leave the bar. He never acts like he is really drunk. Elsa knows he gets really drunk every night but he somehow manages to control his behaviors perfectly.

She doesn't want him to die.

"Hey bartender, give me five tequila shots, please." he comes next day-well, night and sits on his usual spot.

Elsa sighs whereas she is cleaning the glasses. "As I remember, yesterday, I told you to leave here." she mutters under her breath, puts her right hand to the right side of her waist as she does the same thing with her other hand.

"Wait, you meant for every day? That's nonsense. I have rights to get drunk in here, I did cause no harm." he objects, finally, his voice is snappy.

"I don't care. Get out." Elsa replies and knows she is in trouble. She knows she should give him his drink, she knows what he is capable of, as a customer who has rights.

He slams his left hand to the bar table not so hardly and finally looks a bit angry. "Look I want to drink in this bar. You can't kick me out. Give me a drink."

"I don't have any drinks for an alcoholic like you." Elsa snaps harshly, is hoping that this will make him leave. But he doesn't, instead, he rolls his eyes in annoyance and taps his right-hand fingers (except his thumb) with the familiar rhythm that soothes her every time.

Elsa sighs once again, totally ignores him. Thanks to God, no one hears their conversation.

He sits on the bar table, just taps his fingers with the unique rhythm that he makes every single night. He just waits and Elsa just ignores him but his gaze never leaves her.

After a couple of hours, he still doesn't leave the bar. Normally, he would finish by now and leave the bar.

"Hello handsome." a sexy woman voice calls out to Elsa's favourite customer with a flirtatious tone.

Elsa is serving drinks to other customers, however that doesn't mean that she can't their them. She does her job but also focuses on their interaction.

Women always try to flirt with him, the mysterious attractive guy every single night. He is really good-looking so Elsa is never suprised about this. The strange thing isn't this, it is the fact he always, always neglects, rejects those women. He never cares about if the woman is hot, beautiful or sexy, he never flirts back and always shoves them off.

That's why Elsa's jaw is opened a little bit when she sees that her favourite alcoholic customer interacts with the woman. The woman isn't even pretty, she is way older than him, she is probably in her late 30's while he is still living the beginning of his 20's. Even though she looks sexy, many other more beautiful and younger woman flirted with him and he never replied back. It would be a shame if this woman is his type.

For the rest of couple minutes, he flirts with the woman, he makes fake but dashing, charming grins... Elsa feels sorry for him. He deserves better than this, she hopes that he will find someone in his life and never comes back to this trashy, toxic place. She assumes that he is alone, nobody would come to a bar every night if they have a girlfriend.

"Bartender, give me two glasses of whiskey neat!" the woman nearly screams, Elsa tries her damn best to not to make a disgusted face. The woman's voice is sure can be high pitched.

She understands it now, he flirts with this woman to get a drink. Damn jackass knows what to do. Elsa sighs and prepares one whiskey neat. She hands it to the woman.

"I ordered two!" the woman almost snarls, Elsa is really starting to think that this woman doesn't know to be polite.

"I know, Miss. Unfortunately, I can't give a drink to him." Elsa replies in a snappy tone.

"What the-, I ordered two drinks, you have to get me two drinks. Now, be a good bartender or I'll call your boss." the woman hisses in a very annoying voice tone.

"As I said, Miss, I don't serve any drinks to him." Elsa stubbornly responds, her eyebrows knit together.

The woman stands up and is about to yell, she is about to call her boss and cause a big drama, Elsa knows that but she doesn't care. The platinum blonde is so done with this, everything about this alcoholics and this bar.

"Whoa-Hey, hey. Let's not cause a big drama, alright?" Elsa's favourite customer puts a hand to the woman's shoulder and kindly warns her.

Elsa breaths out in relief, her palms are sweaty because of the tension. The woman sits back and the young man wears his coat.

"Where are you going?!" the woman gasps but the man doesn't say anything, he just gives her an apologetic, polite, bitter smile and leaves the bar with a smooth, straight walk.

Elsa's feet follow him before she can process her choice. The weather is rainy and cold, so cold that makes her shiver as soon as she steps out of the bar. Elsa looks around while she is hugging herself... he is nowhere to be seen.

"You won't give me a drink, will you?" a voice comments smoothly, she turns and sees him laying his back to a wall, his hands are in his coat's pocket. "No." she declares, her voice is so clear.

"What a shame, I liked this bar." he murmurs under his breath but he does not sound like he means it.

"What kind of a human like this toxic place?" She tries to warm her body by hugging herself tighter but she keeps trembling.

"Someone who deserves a toxic place." the young man replies softly, his gaze drops to the wet ground.

"Go home, Mr. Don't ruin your life by spending your nights in this disgusting bar."

He doesn't come at 10 o'clock. Elsa smiles to herself softly, maybe he really listened to a low bartender like her. She cleans the bar table with a stupid grin on her face, feels so relieved.

However, after some couple of hours, she hears footsteps in an irregular rhythm. The sound isn't pleasing, she can hear that someone is stumbling and trying to walk. A second later, he, the snow-white silvery haired handsome young man enters the bar.

"Heeeey bartendeeer~ Give me a drink, will ya?" he hums in an absurd joyful tone. He is grinning widely and even though he is drunk as hell, she feels a warm tingle in her heart. He looks happy, not truly happy, but his face has a happy expression. Elsa wishes that he can smile more.

"Mr... Please leave the bar." Elsa silently begs to him, her eyes look sad. She pities him.

"You are not my mother, so close your mouth and give me a fucking drink." he abruptly snaps in an angry tone, his happy grin vanishes, just like his politeness.

Elsa feels betrayed over those impolite words. She shakes her head as a no. Her favourite customer slams his hand to the bar table.

"Please... Please. I have to... forget." he mumbles now, in a begging tone. His gaze focuses on her. Elsa moves away from him and closes her eyes, she isn't going to let those eyes effect her.

"Elsa, what's going on here? Give this man a drink, what the hell is wrong with you?" her boss appears and scolds her impatiently.

She exhales, she is so tired of alcoholics, her boss, her work schedule and mostly, she is tired of being responsible for someone's death...

"I quit."

Her voice is calm and low. As soon as those she said those words, she feels as if the burdens on her shoulders finally leave her. She feels so free.

She doesn't listen to her boss' stupid scold, angry hiss, she wears her coat and moves to the young man. She touches his left muscular arm and pulls him to the exit. He swears and whines but his feet obeys her action by following her.

When Elsa feels the cold, freezing air, she smiles truly.

"Hey! Get me back to the-

"Mr, can you please give me your address so that I can get you to your home safely?" she kindly requests to him with the soft smile which is still lingering on her face.

His cheeks become redder, maybe because of the cold, maybe because of her, she doesn't care. "You are a stranger." "And you are so drunk enough to trust a stranger."

He softly tells her his address. They take a taxi, sit next to each other for ten minutes. After paying to the driver, he manages to find his keys, Elsa opens the door and helps him to walk more upright. Finally, when they enter the living room, her favourite customer throws himself to a couch. Well, he is not her customer anymore.

After that, Elsa thinks that she should stay and look after him. But she know the idea is absurd, she doesn't even know his name, she probably never will be. Before she leaves the house, she stops for a moment, looks at him worriedly but manages to calm herself. He is an adult, he should have take care himself.

So she leans to the door, is ready to leave... Until she hears a deep groan. The groan is not painful, rather...sick. She knows what this groan means, after all, she was a bartender.

She runs to the kitchen, where is linked to the enormous living room, manages to find the trash bin in a minute. She puts the bin in front of him and as soon as she does that, the handsome man pukes into it. He never puked before, he never looked sick after he drank.

"How much did you drink?" Elsa asks in a furious tone, can't control her temper.

"I... I don't remember." he responds and continues to puking. She awkwardly puts her right hand to his back and rubs it soothingly, softly. Finally, he stops puking and exhaustingly leans to the cushion. He closes his eyes and keeps still while Elsa is grabbing the bin, cleaning it. This is ridiculous, he is a stranger and she cleans the puke of a stranger.

"You have to brush your teeth, change your clothes and go to your bed." she comes next to him again and pokes him.

His eyelids flutters and then, opens slowly. "I am fine." "No you are not, look I have to go so please do what I say now." Elsa immediately argues and tries to make him stand up.

The young man obeys her, goes to the bathroom and starts to brush his teeth while Elsa is wearing her coat. "Good bye, Mr. Don't forget to lock the front door." the platinum blonde calls out to him.

"Wait!" he yells from the bathroom, he finishes brushing his teeth. With a stumbling walk, he comes to her side and looks at the confused young, beautiful, pure woman. "...Stay." he manages to mumble with a raspy voice.

"I-I" Elsa starts to stammer in deep shock, thinks for a moment to leave him without saying anything more. However, he gives him this look... This sad, pure, needy look.

"I... You are a stranger." "And you are stupid enough to trust a stranger."

She laughs at that respond.

It is stupid, odd, ridiculous... So damn illogical, irrational. Elsa Arendelle opens her eyes, she is laying on a comfortable, big bed, her soft body is linked to a hard one, two pale muscular arms are wrapped around her waist, his breath is tickling her neck... She experienced this kind of things with another man before, but never felt this much affection and fear before. And he is a stranger...

This is too stupid.

She finally collects herself and slowly pushes him. Last night, she just sat on the bed and stroked his hair kindly. At some time later, she probably dozed off and laid down... That doesn't explain the blanket on her though. He probably woke up and put a blanket on her.

Elsa gets up with heavy thoughts, her eyes refuses to look at the marvelous young man. She scares that she will find him even more attractive. She just wanted to help him, she never wanted... this.

She walks to the kitchen, finds the ingredients to make some crepes. Just when she is about to pour the mixture to a pan, the front door opens loudly.

"Jack! Man, I came!" a very familiar voice announces joyfully, causes Elsa to drop the spatula.

Eugene, her cousin's, Rapunzel's boyfriend steps to Jack's house. "E-Elsa, what are you doing here?" the brunette-haired man gasps in shock, he points to her with his index finger in utter confusion.

"I didn't slept with him!" Elsa blurts out, her voice sounds so freaking hoarse. She slaps her forehead immediately after she realizes her dumb words.

"What?" "It-It is a long story. Just gave him painkillers, okay?" Elsa doesn't let him finish, grabs her coat and passes the confused young man without saying anything.

She doesn't look back, tries to cover the redness on her face by putting her hands on her face.

Jack... Her used-to-be favorite customer's name is Jack. She never tried to guess his name and she really likes that name. It... It suits him.

She knows a simple stupid name will affect her. Yet, she smiles in a very relaxed way, her heart feels so completed.

I hope you liked it. Ready for angst and fluff for the next chapter. Sorry for the grammar mistakes, English is not my main language.