It was the first day of senior year, and Emma could not be more nervous. Starting her final year of high school was a big enough step, but being the weird new girl from Boston was a whole different feat.

Emma always disliked being the new girl, not that it was uncommon. Her father moved her and her mother around a lot for his business, but he promised she could finish high school in Boston, where she belonged.

As usual, however, business came first, so she had to move again. She didn't see what could possibly be so great about Maine. And what kind of name is Storybrooke?

Emma couldn't wait for graduation day to finally come. She was sick of the moving. She was tired of having to make new friends at every new place, knowing it would only be a matter of time before she would have to leave them. As soon as she graduated, she was going back to Cape May, where her heart truly was.

Emma looked down and saw the picture of she and Regina on her night stand. She missed her smile, her laugh, her leather jackets that she used to give to Emma in the cool summer nights. She missed everything about her

She allowed her thoughts to wander while getting ready for school. She thought about what her new school would be like, how much she dreaded going back at all, and how much she was already beginning to miss summer. She replayed her summer vacation through her mind. Ah, Regina.

The dark haired beauty had been creeping into her thoughts more and more as of late. As much as Emma detested social interaction, she and the brunette beauty hit it off perfectly. She was never going to find another like her.

Seeing the time in the clock, Emma gave herself one last look in the mirror, feeling pleased with what she saw. Cute pink dress, high ponytail, and a pair of short heels. She was never much of a girl, but Regina had made her feel beautiful. She encouraged her to dress nice and wear makeup, two things Emma never thought looked appealing on her. She made Emma feel good about her appearance, something no one had accomplished before.

With one last quick glance in the mirror, she was off to Storybrooke High.

After her Dad dropped her off, she went in search of the one girl she knew, Belle French. The two had met in Australia a few years back, and Belle had offered to take Emma under her wing.

She met Belle at the back of the parking lot. She was sitting with a few other girls who all stared as she walked up. They were all so pretty and intimidating, Emma instantly wanted to crawl back to Boston. Belle introduced her to Ariel, Ashley, and Ruby or Red, obviously the queen bee of this little group.

"So, Frenchie, is this your little girlfriend you met back home?" Red asked smirking. Make that Queen Bitch. Emma was not a fan.

"Red, it's her first day, leave her alone. Come on, don't wanna miss the cute boys!" Ariel said, sort of coming to Emma's defense. Belle grabbed Emma's hand an helped her into the red convertible.

"You're right, hon. I need to get a good spot before they're all taken."

As they zoomed off closer to the school, Emma already felt uneasy. She was never one to hang out with this many people at once and especially not a crowd like this. However, she felt comfortable enough with Belle to tolerate the rest of them. Social interaction wasn't a strength of hers, so Emma thought it best to stick to the one she already knew.

Day one and she already had "friends." As long as the rest of the year went as smoothly as this, Emma was going to kick some ass.

Regina stepped out of her convertible, Robin and Killian in tow. This year was her senior year, and Regina was going to own it. She and her two best friends were going to make this year count. But while she had a bad record, she was determined to get it together this year. She needed good grades if she was going to get out of this place and make it to college.

She took one last puff from her cigarette before throwing it to the ground and stomping it out. People passing by would throw her a sideways glance, and she would reply curtly with a smirk and a wink.

She knew people despised her. She was queen bitch, next to Ruby Lucas, and she knew how to work it. Plus, she was known as the school whore...

She was actually a virgin, and she planned on saving herself for a particular blonde beauty. Not that any one cared. She let them think what they want though.

"So, queenie, how was your summer?" Killian asked tauntingly.

"Perfect. Spent it at the beach. Met a hot chick," Regina replied with a wink.

Robin remained silent. He clinched his jaw and punched Killian in the arm. Regina knew her best friend was in love with her, but instead of putting the poor boy out of his misery, she used it in every way she could. She wasn't heartless, but if he couldn't take a hint, she might as well use it to her advantage.

Regina looked around the parking lot in sight of a red Chevy convertible. Ruby always had a habit of being late, but the lack of her car made Regina anxious. Her former bff was out for blood, and Regina couldn't blame her.

As Regina walked through the parking lot giving it one last sweep, she noticed a flash of red headed straight for her. Bitch really was out for blood. She jumped out of the way, catching a tiny glance of a beautiful blonde. Oh, Emma. I miss you... She thought as she stomped to class. Fuck Ruby and her minions. Somewhere in Boston was the only person she ever needed, and she was going to blow this hell hole and find her.