Author's Note: Okay, so this one's kinda funky… I've never written anime fanfics before, so don't throw anything at me… And, uh… I've only watched the anime for Fruits Basket—episodes 1-13 in a language I could understand, and episodes 14-26 in a language I didn't understand… I haven't read the manga. I don't know exact stuff past episode 13, so you'll have to disregard anything in the storyline that contradicts my story. For now. I wouldn't want you to forget everything… One more thing, I'm not Japanese, so if there's anything wrong with whatever I try to say, I'm really sorry…

Title: Neko to Inoshishi

Rating: PG

Spoilers: Some spoilers, I guess. I'll try not to have too many specific ones, though.

Summary: Kyo falls for the one girl who has always wanted him, Kagura.

Disclaimer: I don't own Fruits Basket… darn…

Setting: This story takes place after episode 26.

!!! = setting change

italics = emphasis

italics = thoughts

-Something Different-


Kyo, Yuki, and Tohru were walking home. They had just finished shopping (Kyo was making sure that Tohru didn't buy too many vegetables) when they heard the cry.

Kyo looked around, panicked. That voice could only belong to—

"Kagura-san!" Tohru said happily, waving at the older girl.

Kyo spotted Kagura and tried to figure out what to do. If he ran, she would chase him in her angry mode. If he stayed, she would try to hug him.

Too late. She was already standing in front of him, smiling widely.

Yuki stood there with an amused look on his face as Kagura hugged Kyo, who tensed up immediately. Tohru was next to him, smiling, as always. Yuki glanced at her and blushed.

Meanwhile, Kyo was trying to separate himself from the crazy girl with her arms around his neck. "Kagura," he said, gasping for breath, "you're—choking—me."

Kagura released him immediately. "I'm sorry! Are you all right, Kyo-kun?" she said frantically, checking him for injuries.

Kyo put his hands on his knees as he drew some air into his lungs. He relaxed slightly, now that he could breathe. Then he got back up and looked at Kagura. Well, at least she hadn't changed into her other self. Not yet, anyway.

Tohru piped up cheerily, "Kagura-san, do you want to walk with us?"

Kyo sighed and hung his head. Tohru was too nice to people. Now he would have to endure more time with Kagura.

Kagura's face brightened. "Oh, thank you! Of course I will!" She grabbed Kyo's right arm and started pulling him in the direction of Shigure's house.

Since Kyo and Kagura were ahead of him and Tohru at the moment, Yuki took the opportunity to talk to Tohru. "Honda-san, do you want me to carry the groceries for you?"

"No, Yuki-kun. I'm fine," Tohru replied.

Yuki nodded. At a loss for words, he looked forward and just kept walking.

Kyo looked down at the girl attached to his arm. Kagura was babbling about something or other. My arm's going to fall off, Kyo thought. Why does she always have to hold onto me so tightly?

"And I'm trying really hard to stop beating you up when I see you, Kyo-kun!"

"Eh?" Kyo replied. Well, at least she's trying.

When they got back home, Shigure was there to greet them. But before he could even say hello, Kagura pulled him into another room.

Tohru blinked. "I wonder what that was about."

Yuki replied, "Don't worry about it, Honda-san. I'm sure we'll find out soon enough."

Kyo was rubbing his arm, trying to get some feeling back in it. Why can't Kagura be more like her? he thought, glancing at Tohru, who was heading towards the kitchen. She doesn't get clingy and almost kill people when she's excited.

Shigure came into the room with a big smile on his face. Kagura was right behind him, grinning as well. Shigure said in a singsong voice, "Kyon-kyon, Kagura has something to tell you…"

Kyo had a suspicious look on his face. "What is it?"

Kagura answered, "Guess what, Kyo-kun! I'm going to live here now!"

A look of horror crept onto the orange-haired boy's face. "What?!" he screeched.

"Akito-san said I could live here in Shii-chan's house!"

Tohru came in then, having overheard the last part of the conversation. "Really, Kagura-san? That means we can be roommates!" she said, clearly very happy about the idea.

Kyo, on the other hand, was not happy about it at all. He ran out of the house as fast as he could.

Yuki had gone off into another room and was laughing uncontrollably. The cat chases the mouse, but now someone's chasing the cat, and it isn't the dog! He tried to make sense of his strange thought, but gave up and just kept laughing at the humor in the situation. Kyo's worst nightmare—Kagura coming to live with him.

Shigure smiled as Kagura and Tohru excitedly discussed their new living arrangements. This would be interesting. Very interesting. It's time there was some entertainment around here, he thought.

Apparently, Shigure had already known about Kagura's moving into his house, because her luggage was already there. He, Tohru, and Kagura went up to Tohru's room to get Kagura settled in.

Yuki finally stopped laughing. His stomach hurt a little, but he didn't mind.

Kagura bounded down the stairs. "Yun-chan, did Kyo-kun come back yet?"

Yuki shook his head.

Kagura went outside, yelling "Kyo-kun!" every once in a while.

Tohru and Shigure came downstairs. Tohru went into the kitchen to finish preparing dinner. Shigure sat down, eagerly awaiting his meal.

Yuki seated himself as well, since he had nothing else to do.

A few minutes later, the food was on the table, Tohru was seated, and Kagura and Kyo were nowhere to be found. Tohru looked at the two meals she had prepared for them. "Where are they? The food's getting cold. Kyo-kun will be very disappointed to find out that he missed out on fish."

At that moment, Kagura ran back inside. "Shii-chan, do you have a ladder?" When Shigure nodded and pointed out where the ladder was, Kagura quickly fetched it and went back outside. She didn't even give Tohru a chance to tell her that her food was getting cold.

Kyo was lying on the roof, staring at the sky, which was becoming dark. How come this has to be the one time Akito decides to let someone have their way? He heard a noise and glanced at the edge of the roof. A ladder. Must be Tohru, he thought.

A head of brown hair popped up over the edge of the roof, and Kyo saw that it wasn't Tohru after all. "Kagura?"

"Kyo-kun! I found you!" Kagura said, smiling. She gestured for Kyo to get off the roof. "Your food's going to get cold. I smelled fish when I went inside! Do you want to use the ladder?"

Kyo didn't reply. I might as well go, he thought. I am hungry, and Tohru finally prepared fish instead of vegetables. He jumped off the roof and landed on all fours. He quickly brushed himself off and went into the house.

Kagura smiled as she climbed down the ladder. "Kyo-kun is so brave and strong," she said to herself.


It was past midnight. Kagura was wide-awake, staring at the ceiling. She was lying on a sleeping pallet on Tohru's bedroom floor. She hadn't gotten a bed yet, but it didn't really matter to her.

Kagura wasn't sure why she was unable to sleep. She rolled onto her side. She rolled to the other side. She lay flat on her back. No matter what position she was in, she just couldn't fall asleep. I know, she thought. I'll go to Kyo-kun. He'll know what to do.

She got up quietly, careful not to wake Tohru. The younger girl had to take care of Kagura's relatives, which was not easy work. Kagura didn't want to disturb her. She went out of the room and peeked into Kyo's bedroom.

She moved silently toward the bed, closing the door on her way in. Kyo was lying on his left side, so Kagura kneeled right next to the bed, facing him. Oops. She had forgotten that he would be asleep, even if she wasn't. Oh, well. It didn't matter. She was content just to watch Kyo as he slept.

Kagura sighed softly. Kyo looked so cute when he was sleeping. He didn't look angry, like he often did when he was awake. He wasn't as beautiful as Yuki was, but he was handsome in his own way. And when he was in his animal form, he was just about the cutest cat Kagura had ever seen.

It was dark in the room, but there was still some light. Kagura reached up and lightly touched Kyo's distinctive orange hair. It was really soft. She must have ruffled his hair more than she thought she had, for Kyo opened his eyes then.

"Kagura?" Kyo said. He looked very sleepy and unfocused.

Kagura pulled her hand away from him.

"Kagura, what are you doing here?"

"I couldn't sleep." Kagura bit her lip. "Can I—can I stay here?"

Kyo nodded slightly as he closed his eyes.

Kagura's eyes widened. He had said yes! Well, he hadn't actually said it, but close enough. Kagura went around to the other side of the bed and got in (AN: Don't even start with me, you sickos out there. There's nothing going on!), careful not to disturb Kyo, who had fallen asleep again. She snuggled up close to Kyo's warm body and closed her eyes. She was starting to feel sleepy now. I knew coming to Kyo-kun would help, she thought, as visions of a certain orange neko filled her head.


It was morning. Kyo, being an early riser, was the first person in the house to wake up. He opened his eyes, rolled onto his right side, and promptly jumped out of bed. What the—? "Kagura?!" The same thing had happened before with Ayame. He hadn't been very happy about it then, and he wasn't happy about it now.

Kagura, who had been sleeping soundly, opened her eyes and sat up in Kyo's bed.

"What are you doing in my bed?" Kyo asked, confusion etched on his face. He was standing a few feet away from the bed, clad in his semi-pajamas.

Kagura tilted her head to the side. "You—you said I could stay here."

"When did I say that?" he demanded.

"Last night. Don't you remember, Kyo-kun?"

Kyo shook his head.

"Well, I came in and said that I couldn't sleep—"


Meanwhile, Tohru had awakened in her own room. She got up, got dressed, then glanced at Kagura's bedding. She was about to open the door when she paused and turned around to look at Kagura's sleeping pallet again. Kagura was missing!

"Kagura-san!" she shouted. She ran downstairs and looked for her new roommate there. She was making so much noise that she woke Shigure, who came out to see what the commotion was about.

"Tohru-kun, why are you making so much noise?"

"I can't find Kagura-san! She wasn't there when I woke up, and I usually wake up before everyone else!" Tohru replied, clearly upset about Kagura's disappearance.

Shigure tried to calm her down. "I'm sure we'll find her."

"But what if she went outside and fell on someone and accidentally changed into a boar?" Tohru said, freaking out. "Then someone else would know the secret and they might try to hurt her and all of you and—"

Shigure sighed. He motioned for Tohru to follow him. "Let's go check upstairs again. Besides, the most likely place for Kagura to be would be around Kyo-kun. Let's see if he's seen her."

Tohru nodded and zoomed up the stairs.


"And it was cold, so I just got under the covers," Kagura explained.

Kyo opened his mouth to answer, but closed it again when he heard the door open.


Both Kyo and Kagura stared at Shigure and Tohru, who were standing just outside the room, staring right back at them.

Shigure got an impish look on his face. "Kyo-kun, why is there a girl in your bed?" he asked innocently.

The orange-haired boy's face became hot. "It's not what you think!" he yelled angrily.

"Then what is it?"

"I—I—" Kyo was at a loss for words.

"Shii-chan, you have such a dirty mind," Kagura said, getting out of Kyo's bed.

Shigure shrugged. Tohru spoke up. "Well, why are you here instead of in my room, Kagura-san?"

"I couldn't sleep." She padded over to Tohru. "I'm sorry if I made you worry, Tohru-kun."

"Oh, that's okay," Tohru said, cheerful as ever. "I just didn't know where you were." She gasped, quickly turned around, and headed down the stairs. "I forgot! I was supposed to make breakfast!"

Shigure perked up at the word "breakfast". He followed Tohru down the stairs, bumping into Yuki, who had missed the events that had just taken place.

Yuki asked him, "What happened? I heard the baka neko yelling, so I woke up."

Shigure grinned. "Kagura was in his bed when he woke up this morning." He walked away, leaving behind one very confused cousin.


"Kyo-kun," Kagura began.

"Leave me alone!"

"But I—"

"Go away!" Kyo turned his back on her.

Kagura's eyes filled with tears. She fled to Tohru's room without another word. When she got there, she plopped down onto Tohru's bed. She whispered pitifully to herself, "I just wanted to say good morning."


Kyo got dressed and went downstairs. He spotted Yuki next to the table. "Hey, kuso nezumi! Ready to be beaten?" (AN: Cue battle music!)

Yuki turned to face him. "I could ask you the same, baka neko."

Kyo flushed in anger and started attacking Yuki. Kick. Why does she have to be obsessed with me? Block. What's the matter with her? Punch. Sneaking into my room in the middle of the night… Kick. Why can't she just accept that I don't want to marry her? Punch. She's so weird. Strike. And why does the one person who feels so strongly about me have to be her? Why can't it be someone else? Kick. Someone like

With one last strike from Yuki, the battle ended. Kyo was defeated yet again. Yuki stood up straight and brushed himself off. "You lost again, neko. I will admit, however, that you did better today than you have in the past."

Kyo raised his eyebrows at the semi-compliment. Tohru, who had come back into the room with breakfast, was very pleased to hear what Yuki had said to Kyo. "Yuki-kun, that was very kind of you to say."

Yuki almost blushed.

Kyo replayed the fight in his head as he ate. Come to think of it, he had felt more focused today. Strange. Well, things had been weird from the moment he woke up.

Tohru kept looking around between bites. Finally, she voiced the thought that had been on her mind. "Where is Kagura-san?"

The three males seated at the table shrugged.

Tohru put down her food and headed for the stairs. She slid open the door to her bedroom about an inch. "Kagura-san?" she called.

Kagura was crying. Tohru slipped in and sat down beside her on the bed. "Kagura-san? What's wrong?"

"Kyo—Kyo-kun hates me," Kagura said dejectedly.

"No, he doesn't." Tohru put an arm around her in a comforting gesture. "You just surprised him this morning, that's all."

Kagura didn't reply.

"Now come and eat breakfast."

She shook her head. "I can't. He doesn't want me there."

Tohru sighed. After about a minute or so, she got up, giving Kagura a hug before leaving the room.


Kyo was in the middle of chewing when Tohru reappeared.

"Kagura-san is very upset," Tohru said to Kyo as she walked to the table. "I—I think you should talk to her."

Kyo swallowed. "And say what?"

"I don't know… I don't know what happened between you two," Tohru said slowly, "but you should talk to her. You're the only one who can help."

Shigure said cheerfully, "Come on, Kyo-kun! Be a man! Comfort your damsel in distress!"

Kyo fumed in silence as he marched over to the stairs.


Kyo slid the door open and walked into Tohru's room. "Kagura."

Kagura looked up. "Kyo-kun." She wiped her face on her sleeve. "What are you doing here?"

He stared at her. Crying? She had been crying? Kyo felt bad. He hadn't known that she would be so upset. Usually, he would have known immediately, since Kagura changed drastically when she was at emotional extremes. But then, she had told him yesterday that she was trying to stop doing that.

He stepped into the room. "I—uh—" Kyo was not very good at apologizing. He scratched his head and sank down onto the bed. "I'm—"


"I'm sorry."

Kagura smiled. "Really?" She hugged him, then started pummeling him. "Why did you take so long to apologize? You're so mean! How could you upset me like that! You'd better—"

She froze when she heard a cough. She turned to see Shigure and Yuki looking at her. Yuki blinked. Shigure cleared his throat.

"Um… Why are you two rolling around on the bed?" Shigure asked.

Kyo pushed Kagura off of him.

Yuki walked off. He couldn't let Kyo see him laughing. But it was just so funny. For the second time in two days, Yuki laughed uncontrollably. The next thing he knew, Tohru was standing in front of him.

"Yuki-kun? What's so funny?"

Yuki just pointed in the direction of Tohru's room.

Shigure was still teasing Kyo. "Kyo-kun, I didn't know you were that kind of man."

"Shut up!" Kyo's face was flushed crimson.

"Shii-chan, stop making fun of Kyo-kun," Kagura said.

Tohru popped up next to Shigure. "Kyo-kun, we need to go to school now."

Luckily, they weren't going to be late, since the morning's strange events had woken up everyone in the house earlier than usual.

Kagura piped up, "I'll walk you to school, Kyo-kun!"

Kyo groaned.


Author's Note: Did you like it? Did ya? Did you? Well?! Hehe. Oh, yeah, and please forgive me for my pseudo-Japanese… It's probably all weird… I'm going on information from my friend who is Japanese, so yeah… I hope it's okay.