April walked into the ice castle in awe. She couldn't believe that her turtle brother was able to do this. 'I can't believe that Leo was able to do this. It's incredible. I knew that ice was beautiful but never like this.' Everything was made of ice: The stairs, sculptures, ceiling, columns, etc. It seems as if everything was crafted from ice and snow. "Leo? It's me, April." April nearly fell on the ice but quickly caught herself.
"April?" April gasped as she looked up. Her turtle brother looked completely different. He wore an ice blue t-shirt with blue slack and his mask was the same color as it always was but it had a light blue snowflake pattern on it.
"Whoa. Leo, you look different. Different in a good way, not the bad kind and this place... it's amazing."
Leo smiled at his human sister. "Thank you. I never knew what I was capable of."
Slowly, April started to climb up the steps as she said, "I'm so sorry for what happened back in New York. If I had known..."
Leo backed away from her and said, "No, no, no, it's okay. You don't have to apologize, but you should probably leave. Please."
April stayed on the second step and said, "But I just got here." She didn't understand she was his sister. Didn't he want her help?
"April, you belong in New York."
"So do you, Leo."
"No, April. I don't belong in New York. I belong here. Alone. Where I can be who I am without hurting anybody."
April was a bit shocked but she didn't show it. Leo didn't know about New York. "Actually... Leo, you..."
"SIXTY!" A chipper voice shouted.
The two turned towards the voice. "Wait... what was that?"
"Hi! I'm Mikey and I like warm hugs! And pizza!" Mikey shouted as he entered the castle excitedly.
"Mikey?" Leo said shocked to see the snowturtle that he built just hours ago alive and moving.
"Yeah. You built me. Remember?"
"And... you're alive?"
Mikey moved his arms a bit and said, "Um... I think so."
Leo looked at his hands silently. 'Whoa... I never thought I could do something like that.'
"He's just like the one we built as kids," April told him, taking him out of his thoughts.
Leo smiled at the memories he and his sister playing in the snow and building Mikey when they were kids. "Yeah." He smiled at her with a feeling of happiness.
"Leo, we were so close. We can be like that again."
Leo wanted that so bad but then he remembered that time when he hurt April. He nearly killed her with his powers. He doesn't want to hurt her or anyone with his curse. "No. We can't. Goodbye, April." Leo hugged himself in fear then started to walk away.
"Leo, wait!" April shouted.
She wanted to follow him but Leo told her, "No, I'm just trying to protect you."
"Leo, you don't have to protect me. I can take care of myself. I'm not afraid of you." April continued to follow her brother up the stairs but Leo continued to flee from her. "Please don't slam the door on my face again."
"Leo, now that about your powers, maybe we can work together to help people throughout the kingdom." The two arrived in a room that led to a balcony and it was a room that Leo was still working on. "Leo, I understand you now. You don't have to live in fear anymore."
"April. You should go back home. Enjoy the beautiful sun and open the gates to the castle. Your life awaits you back in New York."
"Yeah, but..."
"I know. I get that you mean well but please, leave me be. I may be alone but now, I'm alone and free to use my powers freely." Leo walked out to the balcony and April joined him but Leo told her, "April, just stay away and you'll be safe from me."
Leo walked back inside and April walked back inside and hesitantly said, "Actually, we're not."
Leo stopped and turned to her. "What do you mean? Who's "we"?" He asked confused. He knew that she didn't have any memories from when he hurt her but what was she talking about and what did she mean by "we".
"It's... New York. New York is extremely deep snow. It's like you made it winter again."
Leo paled and he nearly fell to the ground. "Wh... what?"
"You kind of set off an eternal winter all over New York."
"Everywhere?!" Leo said shocked. He should have known that he couldn't escape his curse. Instead of hurting his sister, he hurt the kingdom, and maybe even the whole world. Snow started to slowly fall in the room in response to Leo's emotions.
"Leo, it's okay. You can just unfreeze it," April said with confidence in her voice.
"April, no, I can't. I don't know how." The snow started to fall down faster and started to get worse but it didn't stop April from trying to convince her brother to unfreeze New York.
"Leo, don't say that. I know you can do it," April told him.
April continued to convince her brother that he could unfreeze New York but he wasn't listening to her. 'I'm such an idiot. I should have known that I would have never been free. from my curse. I can't escape the storm inside of my soul. I will never be able to control this curse.'
As April was trying to get closer to Leo, a snowstorm was growing stronger and stronger around Leo. "Leo, please. I know you can."
"April, stop! You are only making it worse!"
April didn't listen to him. She just continued to try to comfort him. "Leo, don't panic. Everything will be okay. Just come back home and you can fix everything."
Leo continued to become more and more fearful of his powers and he even stared at his reflection. 'I'm... I'm a monster. I not only hurt my sister but I hurt my kingdom.'
"Leo, just come back with me and together will fix everything and it will be all right."
Leo absorbed the surrounding snow and shouted in frustration. "I can't!" The caused the absorb ice and snow to shot out in all directions including at April in her chest. She fell to the ground in pain as she clutched her chest. Leo turned and saw that he hurt April again. 'N... no. I... I did it again. I hurt April. What have I done?'
"April!" Donnie ran inside the castle and went by April's side. "Are you okay?" Mikey soon joined them as Donnie helped April stand up.
"I'm okay, Donnie. I'm fine."
"Who's this? How is there another turtle here? Wait, it's doesn't matter. Just... you have to go." The ice castle started to crack which was something Donnie noticed instantly.
"No, I know we can figure this out together."
"How, April?! What power do you have to stop this winter?! I can't stop it even with my curse, so how can you?!" Leo shouted at her.
"April, I really think we should leave." Donnie tried to get April to leave by calmly making her leave but April shook off his hold on her and said, "No, I'm not leaving without, Leo."
"Yes, you are." Leo knew that if he couldn't ask his sister to leave then he would have to force her. He shot his powers down and the ice form a large snowturtle with ice spikes on his back. (This is basically a snowman version of the 2012 Slash. Fun fact, in the movie, his name is Marshmallow.)
Slash picked up Mikey, Donnie, and April and threw them out the entrance of Leo's castle. "Stop! Put us down!" April shouted.
"Go away." Slash threw April and Donnie and they slid down the stairs and passed by Chompy whose tongue was stuck to the handrail of the staircase. The two slid into a pile of snow then he threw Mikey. "Heads up!" Mikey shouted as Slash threw his head. His head leaned in a pile of snow on top of a rock. "Watch out for my booty!" Then Mikey's bottom half just inches next to him on the same pile of snow.
April gasped then made a snowball. "It is not nice to throw people!"
Donnie stood up and stopped April. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, feisty-pants. You need to calm down, okay? We don't need to make him mad. I have a bad feeling about it," He told her as he held her back.
"Okay, all right!"
"Just leave the giant snow turtle alone," He told her once more, hope it would get through her head.
"I'm calm." She turned as if to walk away and Donnie breathed a sigh of relief. "Great..."
"AHHH!" April screamed as she threw the snowball. "Seriously?!" Donnie said in disbelief. The snowball landed on the snowturtle and it seemingly had no effect but he roared at the two while growing ice claws and ice spikes on his shell, and razor-sharp ice teeth.
"Now he's mad, good job, April."
"I'll distract him. You guys go." Donnie, April, and Chompy ran for it along with the bottom half of Mikey. "What? No! Not you guys! Wait, come back!" Slash walked past Mikey and his head fell into the snow. "Aw, man. This got a whole lot harder."
Donnie and April ran off but sled down an icy slope as Slash roared at the two. "Hang on, April!" Once they stopped sliding, Slash landed just inches behind them causing the two to run into a forest of trees covered in snow. April soon spotted a tree that was bent over and covered in snow. 'Perfect!'
She ran over to it with Donnie shouting, "What are you doing?!" She released some pressure from the tree causing it to hit Slash hard. It knocked him down and another tree landed on him.
Donnie and April laughed in amusement and accomplishment as they continued to run. "I got him!" April shouted happily.
The two nearly slipped and fell down a cliff but Donnie stopped them before they fell. "Whoa! Stop!"
"That has to be a hundred-foot drop."
"Actually, it's about 215 feet." Then Donnie got an idea. He grabbed the rope April bought him earlier and tied both ends to them. He got to the ground and used a pick-ax to make a snow anchor.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm making a snow anchor. It will help us go down the cliff slowly and not too fast."
"Okay, what if we fall?"
"There's about 20 feet of snow on the ground. Sure, it could be like landing on a pillow but I'm not gonna risk it." Once Donnie was sure that his snow anchor was secure. "Okay, on three."
"Okay, I can do this."
"Let's do this. I was born ready!"
Donnie watched as Slash roared loudly and shook the trees then he threw a tree at them. Snow landed on his face as April shouted, "Tree!" Donnie turned around and saw that she had already jumped. The snow on Donnie came off as he fell off the cliff. They stopped about 20 feet down the cliff. "Great, that happened."
From the forest, Mikey came running out since he was following their footprints. "Guys? Where did everybody go? Man, I knew I shouldn't have stopped to make that snow pizza." He looked around and shouted, "Hey, April! Chompy! We totally lost Slash back there!"
Just as he said that Slash came up behind him and roared loudly. Mikey turned around and said, "Sup, dude. We were just talking about you. Good things though, brah. All good things." As he was staying that Slash noticed that Donnie was slowly lowering himself and April down the cliff. Slash went after. them and Mikey tried to stop him but failed. Mikey even resolved to grabbing a spike on Slash's shell. "This isn't working." Eventually, Slash got annoyed with Mikey and threw him off the cliff.
"Mikey!" April tried to reach for him but failed.
Mikey, who broke into a few pieces, his head, body, arms and legs, shouted, "Hang in there guys!"
April told Donnie, "Go faster!"
Donnie started to go faster with his rope but they stopped and started to back up the mountain. "Wait, what? Donnie, what's happening?!
They looked up and noticed that Slash was pulling them up with the rope. April tried to untie herself and Donnie tried to do what he could to grab April but he his his head against the cliffside."Donnie!"
Soon, Slash brought them both up and Slash told them, "DON'T COME BAAAAACK!"
Snow got in their faces and April told them, "We won't." April cut the rope and the two started to fall down the mountain. Slash, satifised with his work, left them and went back to guard Leo's castle.
April closed her eyes, prepared for the worst, and once she opened them, half of her body was in the snow. "Wow. You were right, Donnie. It was like landing on a pillow."
She looked over and saw Mikey freaking out while shaking a pair of booted feet. "I can't feel my legs! Dude, I can't feel my legs!"
Donnie got up from the snow and told him as he wipe the snow from himself, "That's becuase those are mine."
"Brah, do me a soild and grab my booty!" Donnie grabbed Mikey's wondering body and placed his head back on. "Aw, yeah. Much better. Thanks, dude." Chompy came up from behind and Mikey immediatly noticed. "Hey, Chompy! He found us! Who's my cute little alien turtle?!" Mikey asked as he hugged Chompy.
Donnie moved Mikey and told him, "Yeah... don't talk to him like that." Donnie rolled his eyes then he stood up and helped April out of the snow. "Here, let me help." Donnie quickly pulled April out of the snow and asked, "Are you okay?"
"Thank you." The two smiled at each other and April asked, "How's your head?" April checked it and Donnie quickly flinched since it still hurt.
"Don't worry. I'll be fine. Like my shell, I have a thick skull."
"I don't have a skull... or bones... but I got a pretty awesome shell!"
"So, uh... So, now what?"
"Now what?" April's eyes widened in realization at the problem. "Oh... What am I going to do? He threw me out! I can't go back to New York with the weather like this. And there's your ice business..."
Donnie stopped her right there. "Hey, hey. Don't worry about my ice business." Donnie then noticed her hair. "Worry about your hair!"
"What? I just fell off a cliff. You should see your hair." April said a bit confused on what he would say something like that.
"No. Yours is turning white."
"White? It's..." April looked at her hair and Donnie was indeed correct. Her hair was turning white. "What?"
"It's because he struck you, isn't it?"
"Does it look bad?"
Mikey brought his head up and said, "You hesitated."
"No, I...I didn't. April, you need help. Let's get going."
"Okay! Where are we going?" Mikey asked as they all started to follow Donnie.
"To see my friends."
The love experts?" April asked again not believing Donnie's love experts.
"Love experts?" Mikey asked. 'Will they be able to tell me how much I love pizza?'
"Uh-huh. And don't worry, they'll be able to fix this."
"How do you know?" April asked him.
"Because I've seen them do it before."
Mikey turned his head to April and told her, "I'd like to consider myself a love expert." Mikey turned his head back forward and the group continued to follow Donnie through the forest.
Thanks for reading and stay safe! Don't forget to fav, follow, and review, please! Bye! :)