"I'd like to come back to life," Hina said bluntly as she stood in front of Koenma in spirit world.

Koenma said, "Hina, you've been dead for many years. Do you understand what you're asking?"

"Yes," she continued, "but my baby is alive, both of them are. I know it. My son's not in the afterlife. The only reason I killed myself was to join him here, but he isn't. I've looked everywhere for him. Instead, I left my daughter all alone in ice world with those horrible women. How could I do that to her?" She looked down sadly.

Koenma said, "You weren't in your right mind back then. If you go back, that depression and despair won't magically disappear."

Hina looked back up at him, "You're right, but now I know what I have to do so those feelings won't consume me again." She clenched her fist. "My body shouldn't have decomposed at all in ice world. I should be able to return in my body."

"You're correct," he said, "your body is in well repair. I won't be able to transport it so when you reenter it so you'll have to blast 6 feet of dirt off of yourself first."

"I can manage," she said.

As Hina took her first breath of life in years, she was instantly cold from the frozen over ice tundra of ice world. It took everything she had to blast all of the ice from off of her and blow the lid off of her casket. She sat up and took in the light of day, which was hardly bright since it was snowing just like always.

She crawled out of the grave and looked around at the surroundings. Long dead trees and ice cliffs surrounded her. She knew exactly where she was.

Hina approached the village through the storm. Several women turned and stared at her as she passed. Eventually she stopped at Rui. "Hina?" Rui asked nervously, "Is that you?"

"Where is my daughter, Rui," Hina demanded, "Where is Yukina?"

"She disappeared years ago," she explained nervously, "I told her about her brother and she hasn't been seen since."

"That's all I need to know," Hina said as she let out her energy and killed a dozen different ice maidens around her.

She attacked and killed every last one of them, the children too, by piercing their hearts with ice. It wasn't like they weren't already dead on the inside anyway. She left the elder that threw Hiei to his "death" for last, and killed her as well, before leaving that wretched place.

Hina walked around on the service level and changed into more contemporary pants and shirt that were bright red. She cut off most of her hair to just above shoulder length and gave herself a half-up hairstyle with her red star she still had.

She made her way to spirit world again, this time in her own body.

"Hina," Koenma said as he read her file, "You've done quite a bit of damage in recent months."

"I know," she said sadly, "but I still haven't found my son or my daughter. They could be anywhere. You wouldn't happen to know where they are, would you?"

"I wasn't going to tell you this because it's upsetting," he said nervously, "but Hiei's confined to living world right now. He has been for many months."

"What?" Hina asked, "Why? What did he do?"

Koenma explained, "He tried to take over living world not too long ago and that's a very high offence. He'll be confined there for the next several years and now has to work for me when I ask him to." He closed her file and continued, "As for Yukina, she's in living world trying to find Hiei."

Hina asked, "Does he know she's there?" Does he remember? She thought, No, he couldn't have, he was just a newborn when it all happened. Of course he doesn't remember.

He said, "Hiei knows who Yukina is, but she doesn't know who he is. He wants to keep it that way, for some reason."

"What?" she asked, "No, I have to get there and find them. I'm going to living world."

"Very well," Koenma said, "just don't try to take over the world and we won't have any problems, alright?" Hina nodded.

A portal was made for her to go to living word. Once she stepped out into the forest she almost immediately regretted it. The smell of pollution was overwhelming to her and burned her eyes.

"Gross," she said as she looked around.

She started walking toward the city, but noticed she was easily a whole head taller than all the humans around her. She would stick out easily among them, so walking around through the city center wasn't an option. She stuck to the forests and tried looking around for several days, but still had no leads.

"What do we have here?" a strange thin demon said as it walked up from behind her.

She demanded, "Who are you?"

"I was wondering the same about you," he said, "I can sense you're scared and heartbroken over something. Something horrible must have happened to you."

Hina froze in place and unwilingly remembered that horrible day where she lost her son. The parasite demon saw it's chance and took over her body easily. "Wow, that was almost too easy," it said to itself as it made her stand up and start walking around.