Hey Guys! I know I have the story of Logan and Preston to finish and believe me I have every intention of finishing it soon but I have to get this one out of my system first. So my sister got me completely hooked on Kdrama by introducing me Boys Over Flowers. I fell head over heels in love with the whole show but I really loved the storyline of Ga Eul and Yi Jeong. I wanted more interactions between them so boom a new story developed. So here is the first chapter, it probably won't be more than three total. As always I own nothing of my own

Ga Eul stood frozen in the hallway, she took a deep breath trying to ease the panic in her chest. Her wrist was throbbing and she didn't know what to do. Taking another deep breath, she gently lifted her hand and she flinched noticing it was already starting to swell. Without a second thought, Ga Eul quickly whipped out her phone, "Please pick up," she muttered under breath.

"Yo Ga Eul," a cheerful voice called through the phone, "What's up?'

"Woo Bin Sunbae," She began but tears flooded her throat rendering her unable to continue.

"Ga Eul, what's wrong?" Woo Bin asked quickly, "Are you okay?"

"Can you come and get me?" She whispered, "I'm scared."

"Where are you?" Ga Eul could hear him moving quickly as he rushed to his car, the familiar roar of the Lotus filling the background.

"I'm at school. I think he broke my wrist," She whimpered, the pain beginning to set in, "It's swollen and it hurts."

"Ga Eul," Woo Bin broke out sharply, "Did you just say you think HE broke your wrist?" At the low sob, he pushed his foot down on the gas, swerving around cars ignoring the angry beeps and curses of the other drivers. "I'm on my way but I want you to go somewhere safe until I get there, is there a classroom near you?"

"Yes," Ga Eul choked out walking back into the empty art room, "Lock the door and don't let anyone in," Woo Bin commanded.

She took a shuddering breath, "Okay, I'm in the-"

"I will find you." Woo Bin interrupted, "Just leave your phone on."

Ga Eul nodded even though she knew he couldn't see her, tears flowed silently down her cheeks but at least the increasing panic in her chest was easing. She sat on the floor next to the door praying he would get there quickly, her wrist was really starting to hurt. After about ten minutes there was a sharp knock on the door which made her gasp and spring to her feet, "Ga Eul it's me."

Feeling a sense of overwhelming relief, Ga Eul opened the door and all but flew into Woo Bin's chest. He wrapped his arms around her, tension radiating throughout his body. He held her for a few seconds before easing back, looking down at her. His normally soft eyes were filled with concern and a dark look of steel, "let me see."

Ga Eul showed him her wrist and his expression paled as he took in her swollen skin molted with black and blue bruises that bared the impression of fingers. "Who?" Woo Bin asked softly but she shivered at the murderous tone attached to the question. "Yi Seo Jun," she replied, "I will explain but can we please go… I just want to get out of here."

Woo Bin swallowed back the impulse he felt to go tearing through the school and nodded wrapping his arm around her back. Jan Di and Ga Eul were like little sisters to him and he had promised Yi Jeong he would look after Ga Eul while he was away in Sweden. So, for the past year, he and Ga Eul had been spending more time together and formed a deep familial friendship. Which meant she was under his protection and no-one touched his family. He had already texted his men to be on standby, they were going hunting tonight. Woo Bin gently helped her into his car and fastened her seat belt, growling low when she quietly mentioned her ribs were sore from where she had been slammed into the lockers, "I called Ji Hoo to check you over."

Ga Eul nodded, closing her eyes suddenly feeling exhausted. "Ask him not to say anything to Jan Di yet. I will tell her myself later but I would rather wait. I'm too tired to have her clucking around me like a mother hen." She loved Jan Di and thought of her more as a sister but honestly didn't think she could handle her endless questions and anger right now. Woo Bin agreed but looked over at her, "tell me."

"Do you remember me telling you there was this upperclassman who kept asking me out?"

He nodded.

"Well he backed off once I mentioned Yi Jeong not by name since Yi Jeong's name usually evokes more questions but I just told him I was in a long- distance relationship. Then today I stayed late to finish up a project and he was waiting for me. For some reason, it frightened me that he knew my schedule and was cornering me when no-one was around. So, I flat out told him to leave me alone that I was not interested… He didn't like that." Ga Eul finished quietly not wanting to talk about it anymore, as fresh tears pooled in her eyes but she brushed them aside.

Woo Bin cursed, "I will take care of it."

Ga Eul knew she should be frightened by the implied threat from the mafia prince who was as gentle as they come but everyone he cared about was under his personal protection. His devotion to all of them ran fiercely in his veins, along with his family connections made him the most dangerous of the F4. Seo Jun would be lucky to get out of this alive but she didn't really care.

As they pulled into the Song mansion, Ga Eul saw Ji Hoo waiting in the drive for them and though he was smiling, his eyes were also hard with anger as he greeted her calmly. Ji Hoo took her into the living room and at the pained cry from Ga Eul when he only brushed his fingers over her, Ji Hoo cast a look over to Woo Bin, "I need to take her to the clinic for X-Rays."

Woo Bin swore under his breath understanding from Ji Hoo's expression that Ga Eul's wrist would also need to be set. "I have to call Yi Jeong anyway. Will you be all right until I get some men on this?"

Ji Hoo gave him a glance that told him the doctor would be only too happy if the bastard who hurt Ga Eul was stupid enough to show up. While Ji Hoo was more of a healer than a fighter, he was the best at combat besides Woo Bin. "She will be safe."

"Do you have to call him Sunbae?" Ga Eul asked quietly, "Wouldn't it be better if I told him once I get checked out. I don't want him to think I am- "

"Don't worry Ga Eul. I will explain everything but this is a personal promise I made to Yi Jeong." Woo Bin broke in gently, "You go with Ji Hoo now."

Noticing how pale the young woman was and the slow shakes that she desperately tried to control, he gathered her close, "Don't be scared. You're safe I promise."

Ga Eul closed her eyes before smiling weakly, "thank you."

As she walked out, Ji Hoo paused beside his brother, "When you find him don't even think about going without me."

Woo Bin blinked in surprise at the vehemence in his voice, Ji Hoo didn't usually like to involve himself in some of the dirtier work of the F4, but there was no hiding the raw anger in the stance of their gentle knight. "I will call you soon as they find him."

They shared a look of understanding that while their anger and protectiveness for Ga Eul ran deep, it wouldn't compare to what Yi Jeong would feel once they told him what happened. Although the potter had never really spoken about his feelings for their country bumpkin, they all knew she was his light that kept the darkness away. Yi Jeong had stopped binge drinking and pursuing meaningless sex with random women ever since Ga Eul had stopped him from his destructive path after he hurt his hand.

He was working frantically in Sweden to better himself so he could get back to Korea for her. Woo Bin didn't even know if Ga Eul was aware of how deeply the former Casanova loved her. Yi Jeong had made Woo Bin swear that he would look after her and never hide anything from him if she got into trouble, no matter what Ga Eul said about bothering him. So, with a deep sigh, he pulled out his phone.

Yi Jeong looked at the pot he was glazing. It was the best he had done since his accident and although it was nowhere near what he used to be able to do, he was fiercely proud of it. He couldn't wait to send a picture to Ga Eul, she had been demanding to see it every night when they spoke on the phone. Despite their distance, they were closer than ever with nightly video and phone chats. They hadn't said the words but Yi Jeong knew that Ga Eul would wait for him and she understood he would keep his promise. She would be the first person he went looking for when he returned and once he did, he was never going to let go. He shook himself from his wandering thoughts at the sudden pings coming from his phone.

He was puzzled to see Woo Bin's name on the screen, his friend never called him during the day when he knew Yi Jeong was at the studio, "Hello,"

"Yi Jeong," The urgency in Woo Bins voice made him sit up a little straighter, "Woo Bin is everything okay? What's wrong?"

"It's Ga Eul Yang… she was attacked," he paused gathering courage, "she got hurt."

At those words, Yi Jeong felt his entire world stop, his blood turned thick and his fingers gripped his phone so tightly he could hear the plastic cracking, "Did you just say Ga Eul has been attacked?"

Woo Bin recognized the dangerous tone in Yi Jeong's voice and quickly explained, "she's safe bro but- "

"Woo Bin," Yi Jeong interrupted fiercely, "what are you talking about?!? How hurt-Where's Ga Eul? I want to talk to her now."

"She's with Ji Hoo at the clinic. The fucker broke her wrist and bruised her ribs."

The deadly silence at that statement spoke more than his earlier outrage, and Woo Bin realized how much they had all underestimated what Yi Jeong felt for Ga Eul. It probably rivaled Jun Pyo's love for Jan Di, something Woo Bin didn't believe possible until this moment. "Did Ga Eul tell you about that guy at school who kept asking her out?"

"Yes," Yi Jeong finally replied his voice thick with rage.

"Well today he decided to try again and when she didn't change her answer, he got mad. She was too shaken up to give me all the details but he hurt her. She called me as soon as it happened and I got her Yi Jeong, I promise. My men are already on it."

"I'm on my way." Yi Jeong was already out the door not bothering to grab his coat despite the freezing temperatures, "Tell Ga Eul I'm coming."

"What do you want me to do once my boys get him?" Woo Bin asked quietly not even trying to stop him, knowing that nothing would prevent Yi Jeong from getting to Ga Eul now.

"Give him a taste but this one I want to handle personally." The low threat came through loud and clear and Woo Bin agreed but it was pointless since Yi Jeong had already hung up. Woo Bin gathered his keys and felt his phone vibrate, reading the text from Jun Pyo, "I sent the plane to Sweden. I'm in Japan for meetings, I will be home by tonight."

Ji Hoo must have texted him and he wondered if this Seo Jun understood exactly what he had started and how frightened he should feel right now. If he was eating dinner, Woo Bin hoped he enjoyed it because it was going to be his last for a very long time. The power of the F4 was coming and there would be no escaping it once it arrived.