AN: Just wanted to give a heads up that we are approaching the end very, very soon! Thank you to everyone that has read this fic. Feel free to reach out to me over on my tumblr if you are so inclined! xx

"Do you have a gel pen?"

"What am I? A heathen?" Cheryl can't help but respond as she rolls her eyes under her sunglasses. She rummages briefly through her purse and pulls out the selection of pens. Red, pink, purple, and black. Upon doing so, however, she spots Toni trying her hardest to hold in her laughter.

"I was kidding," the other girl responds, unable to stop herself from chuckling.

"Well if you don't want the gel pen," Cheryl huffs playfully.

"I do!" Toni laughs. "I do, baby," she continues with a shit-eating grin on her face.

(Cheryl would be annoyed if she still didn't find it so damn charming.)

"Mhm. What color?"

"Purple, please."

Cheryl hands her the pen with a flourish and – just as Toni's hand takes a hold of it – the other girl reaches in to steal a quick kiss from Cheryl. She gives Cheryl a wide smile before moving on to scribble on the back of the postcard in her hand.

Cheryl shakes her head with a laugh.

(Balance. It's a tricky thing to achieve in almost every aspect and scenario in real life. Cheryl briefly wonders if this is theirs. For as sad as she's sure Toni is to leave New Orleans behind, you wouldn't guess it by how high the other girl's spirits have been their entire ride into Houston.

A regression to the mean.
And all that it entails.

Good and bad.)

(That bittersweet aftertaste.)

Cheryl shakes herself out of her musings then and reaches for her lipstick and compact mirror. She begins to reapply a new coat of her signature red when Toni speaks up.

"You want to add anything?"

Cheryl pauses and glances at the message Toni has written for Sweet Pea and Fangs.

Wish you were here


(Cheryl thinks of what it means to be a family, of what it means to care, to protect, to love.)

(She thinks back to her promise to do right by the Serpents.)

Cheryl takes the postcard in hand and promptly presses one unmistakeable kiss print to it.

Toni chuckles as she takes the postcard back. She gives it one last glance before dropping it into the mailbox before them.

They walk around for a bit, enjoying what the city of Houston has to offer, before entering a local diner for a late lunch.

"Hello! Sit anywhere you like – menus are on the table. We'll be right with you," the woman at the counter tells them as she goes back to serving some coffee.

The two then walk over to sit by a booth next to a window.

For a brief second though, Cheryl pictures them back in Riverdale – sitting together at Pop's. She looks over to Toni sitting across from her and watches as the other girl peruses the menu before she speaks up.

"You think they have milkshakes?" Toni asks looking up to share a soft smile with Cheryl.

(And if Cheryl feels her heart skip a beat at just how in sync it feels that the two of them are – that even their brief homesickness hits them at the same time, well.)

(Their shared world.)


A waitress comes by a beat later. She begins her typical greeting before stopping short once she gets a good look at Toni's face.

"Oh my gosh. Are you okay?" the woman suddenly asks.

"What – oh. Yeah, no, I'm fine," Toni answers with a smile once she catches on to what has caused the woman's reaction.

(If she's honest, Cheryl is a bit amused at the fact that they had all but forgotten all about the still visible bruises on Toni's face. Had gotten used to being around people who had no need to point out something that they found to be the norm.)





Exactly what you expect them to be.)

"You should see the other guy," Cheryl says with a playful smirk.


"Standard creep. He got put in his place though," Toni answers, clearly trying to hold back her own smirk.

Cheryl smiles proudly.

(Two sides of the same vicious coin.)

"Ugh, the worst. Good on you though, hon. So what can I get you ladies?"

The two order and as the waitress leaves them, Cheryl can't help but comment, "We're going to have to do something about your face. You're scaring the plebeians."

Toni snorts at Cheryl's commentary, before leaning forward halfway across the table to whisper faux-seductively at Cheryl, "Just what every girl wants to hear."

Cheryl can't help but smile widely at their silly banter.

(The little things.)

It's a little while later, while the two are in the middle of eating their food, when the commercial playing over the diner's radio ends and the radio personalities of the hour begin to talk.

You want to hear some gruesome news?
We just had lunch, Steve!
Exactly why the audience wants to hear it! If you're just tuning in to us, this is 108.9 WKQH and this is your Gross! I'm Eating, Steve segment of the day.
Okay, fine! Hit us with it, Steve.
Okay, so this comes straight out of New Orleans, Louisiana. Apparently, a car was pulled from one of the local swamps there. Now, the car on its own is alarming enough, but even more alarming? What they found in it.
Please don't say a dead body.
Oh, you know it was! A young woman, by the name of Jessalyn Joyce. Apparently she had to be identified through fingerprints because her–

Before the hosts can continue, the woman at the counter changes the station. From where they are sitting, Cheryl can see her shaking her head.

Cheryl then looks back over to Toni. They lock eyes from across the table.

(Cheryl really does only need one guess.)


If you ever step foot in Serpent territory again, I'll have your head, Cheryl remembers.





Exactly what you expect them to be.)

Toni swallows as she pushes her plate aside. There's not much food left on it, but still. It's clear to Cheryl that she's lost her appetite.

(Cheryl thinks again.
About the Serpents.
About crossed lines and rattled snakes.
About gender roles and lineages.
About blood feuds.
About legacy.)

(Cheryl briefly wonders if balance isn't just another pretty word for compartmentalizing.)

"I have drugs in my pocket," Toni suddenly announces, as she reaches to take a sip of her milkshake.

"Excuse me?"

"Thomas gave them to me," she answers with a shrug as she plays with her straw. "A parting gift – to either use or to lose."

"On the scale of illegal to very illegal, what exactly are these drugs?"

"They're called Snake Venom. It's just a party drug."

"And when exactly did you plan on telling me about this?" Cheryl can't help but indignantly ask.

"The second I remembered it," Toni answers with a sheepish smile.

Cheryl huffs, rolling her eyes. If she's honest, she's unable to truly be mad at it slipping the other girl's mind. The fact that having drugs in her pocket is something that can even slip her mind is, well, a whole other issue.

(Serpents. Exactly what you expect them to be.)

Toni reaches across the table to take a hold of Cheryl's hand. She squeezes it gently in apology.

(And then nothing like it at all.)

(Toni is kind and sweet and warm.)

Cheryl squeezes back.

"So, what do you want to do with them?" Cheryl asks as she reaches for her own milkshake.

"Sell them, of course. Could use the cash," Toni says. Cheryl nods pensively at her choice, which causes Toni to raise an eyebrow and question her, "Did you want to do something else with them?"

"Not at all, mon cher. The last time I partook in recreational drug use it was with the Jingle-Jangle," Cheryl answers in disgust at the memory.

(And if the brief image of Nick St. Clair crosses her mind, she pushes it far far away.

She thinks instead of Veronica, Josie, and the Pussycats stopping him.
Of Archie putting him in his place.
Of Thomas teaching her how to fight.
Of the Serpents and their punishments.

Of Toni by her side now.

Of all that is at her disposal.

Something is not right.

But Cheryl? She's got this.)





Let it be what it is.)

"Right, right. Remember when that blew up in my face," Toni says, playfully shaking her head.

"Yes, well. An unfortunate side effect," Cheryl playfully shoots back, knowing that Toni has already told her that she doesn't hold it against her.

Forgive me?
It's already forgiven.

(Their shared world.)

Toni chuckles at Cheryl's reply and Cheryl can't help but smile at her before continuing, "In any case, I was also so high that night, I think I may or may not have almost made out with Kevin. That's not something I'm ever interested in repeat–"

"Wait. Kevin? Kevin Keller?" Toni interjects.

"Yes, Kevin Kell– do not laugh, Toni Topaz!" Cheryl reprimands as Toni burst into giggles.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. But that's fucking hilarious, babe."

"No, please. Continue to bask in my humiliation."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Toni says again as she reaches for Cheryl's hand. She leans forward and places a tender kiss across her knuckles just as her giggles subside.

(And if Cheryl can't help but feel her heart grow three sizes at the gentle affection, well.)

"What about you?" Cheryl then softly asks as Toni relinquishes her hand.

"No, I've never almost made out with Kevin Keller," she answers with a smirk.

"You know what I mean," Cheryl groans, rolling her eyes.

"If you're asking me if I've done drugs, the answer is no," Toni then responds, her voice taking on a more serious tone. "I've, uh, seen what that kind of thing can lead to. It's not worth it," she adds shaking her head.

Cheryl nods pensively at that.

(Cheryl thinks again of dichotomies and multitudes. Of universes and galaxies. Of how one choice can determine it all.)

(Fairytales and Nightmares.)

A beat passes.

Cheryl clears her throat before speaking, "So, where exactly are we going to sell them? And how? I'm not well-versed in the minutiae of running a drug empire."

"Always at the top, huh?" Toni answers with a sly smile. Her playful tone back in place.

"Someone has to delegate," Cheryl haughtily responds.

Toni can't help but laugh at Cheryl's playful pomposity. Before she can answer however, a commercial on the radio catches their attention.

Are you looking for a place to party? To have a good time? To listen to some great music and enjoy some of the best food & entertainment Texas has to offer? Then come on down to The Austin Music Fest – this weekend! You don't want to miss it! Tickets still on sale!

A beat passes, just as the music comes back on. Toni looks over to Cheryl with a smirk on her face.

"How, uh, do you feel about going to Austin for the weekend?"

Cheryl can't help but smirk in return.

It's on their way out of the diner, just a little while later, when Toni brings it up.

"Nowhere near as good as the ones from Pop's, right?"

"Correct, T.T."

(The little things.)

(Their shared world.)

They're in Austin the next day getting ready to head out to the festival.

"Just hold still," Cheryl can't help but huff.

Given the reaction the day before to Toni's still bruised face, Cheryl had suggested the tried-and-true method of face jewels in order to minimize the attention to them at the festival. Blending them in as part of her look.

"I thought I was," Toni answers with a laugh.

"You most certainly are not."

"It's just a music festival, Cher. Not Coachella."

"Coachella is a music festival, Toni."

"It is?" Toni asks, an incredulous tone to her voice – one Cheryl might believe if she wasn't currently face to face with Toni's mischievous eyes.

"Shut up," Cheryl replies causing Toni to laugh. "There," she finishes as she meticulously places the last jewel on the other girl's face.

"How do I look?"

"There's just one last thing," Cheryl says, reaching for the tube of lipstick laying beside Toni on their motel room bed. She then gently takes a hold of Toni's chin as she reaches to paint the other girl's lips.

"There, terminé," Cheryl says as she caps the tube. She reaches for her compact mirror and hands it to Toni. "Thoughts?"

(It's not that Cheryl's nervous about Toni's reaction, per se. However, ever since Toni did her makeup all those weeks ago, Cheryl had taken it upon herself to actually pay attention to when Toni did her own. Interested in learning all the differences and nuances that come from, not just a different style, but also a different skin tone. Used to excelling in all things, Cheryl's just as eager – if not more – to get Toni's stamp of approval in this particular matter.)

"Looks good, babe. I'm impressed," Toni comments.

Cheryl can't quite contain her pleased smile.

"I do need a napkin though," Toni says.

Before the other girl can stand to go get one, Cheryl impulsively leans forward and softly presses their lips together – effectively rendering the need for a napkin useless.

"What was that?" Toni asks with a smile as the two pull apart.

"You needed to blot," Cheryl answers with a playful smile. "Actually, I think that might be my new favorite part of us doing our makeup."

"Cheryl Blossom, you are something else," Toni says with a laugh.


(Cheryl could get used to this.)

Selling the drugs doesn't take them very long.

The two of them loiter by the entrance briefly, their Serpent jackets on full display, when a young man approaches them.

"Hey," he says, his voice slightly shaky.

He's nervous, Cheryl surmises. She clocks his group of friends, two girls and another guy, standing just a few feet away. Cheryl briefly wonders if he drew the short straw or if he's just trying to impress them.

"Are you guys, like, Serpents?" he then asks.

"Who's asking?" Toni drawls.

(Serpent eyes.)

(Cheryl wonders if seeing Toni take on this persona will ever stop being attractive.




She hopes not.)

"It's just, like, 'cause your jackets are different. But they say Serpents."

When neither of them say a word, the guy continues talking.

"We-we're just looking to have some fun, you know," he answers with a gulp.

"$200," Toni says.

"Woah, that's expensive."

"They're designer party drugs, not whatever cheap imitations you're used to," Cheryl snarks. "The price is $200."

"Right, right," the guy answers as he quickly pulls out his wallet. He extends his hand, handing the cash over to Toni.

Toni smoothly pockets them with one hand, while the other removes the small bag of pills from her jacket pocket and expertly shoves it into the guy's pocket. The guy flinches as she does so.

"Pleasure doing business with you," Toni says. "Y'all have a good night, now."

The guy shakily smiles, before turning around and fast walking back to his group.

Cheryl can't help but snark, "I'm surprised his pants weren't stained when he turned around."

Toni laughs. "Ready to go in?," she then asks.

"Let's, my sucrée," Cheryl says as she loops her arms around Toni's, leaning into her.

They're in the grounds for a while, just walking around getting food and drinks, listening to the bands playing from afar while they wait for the band that Toni is interested in seeing.

As they walk around, Cheryl notices a few other festival-goers exchange brief looks with Toni, before she softly shakes her head no.

"More eager customers?" Cheryl asks as they stand in front of a booth selling festival merchandise.

"The Austin Serpents are known to run the party scene here."

"And they don't mind us infringing on their business?" Cheryl wonders.

"A Serpent is a Serpent is a Serpent," Toni responds with a smirk. "But, uh, it is common courtesy to give them a heads up, though. So, I texted Thomas earlier and let him know. He told me he would handle it."

"King to King?" Cheryl asks.

"That's how it goes," Toni confirms.

"How patriarchal of them," Cheryl snarks.

Toni laughs.

"I'm just saying," Cheryl begins as they walk away from the booth, "Maybe someday things should change. A Queen, perhaps."

(Cheryl sees no harm in the suggestion. Maybe it's time that the Serpents caught up with the rest of the 21st Century. She's sure that a feminist such as Toni, eternally righteous, must probably agree with her – even if she doesn't vocalize it.)

"A Queen, huh?" Toni playfully says, pulling in Cheryl to stand in front of her. She quickly loops her arms around her waist.

"You'd look good with a crown," Cheryl flirts as she plays with the ends of Toni's hair.

"With you ruling beside me?" Toni teases.

"But of course," Cheryl answers. "I have no doubt that you would be an amazing leader. It's quite obvious even your brother thinks so."

Toni smiles softly, but breaks their eye contact.

(Toni Topaz, eternally modest, Cheryl remembers.)

"I believe in you," Cheryl says softly.

Toni locks eyes with her again.

A beat passes.

(Cheryl almost feels as if the world around them briefly disappears – as if it is just the two of them in this moment.)

"When you look at me like that," Toni softly begins. "I feel like I can conquer the world."

(Cheryl feels her breath hitch at having her own words repeated back to her after all this time – of the irrefutable sentiment that they carry.

The certainty of them.
And all that they can achieve.
Both individually and together.)

(What we have? Is nothing but good.)

"You can," Cheryl softly responds.

"Don't ever stop looking at me like that," Toni whispers.

"Never," Cheryl answers as their lips meet.

(Toni will always catch her.)

(And Cheryl will too.)


They're walking around a little while later, hand in hand, when Cheryl notices something: the over-insistent nature of a man attempting to chat up a girl who is very obviously simply trying to make a purchase at a table and walk away. Cheryl raises an eyebrow at the scene.

"Ugh," Cheryl can't help but complain. "Men and their inability to take a hint." Before Toni can respond however, an idea pops into Cheryl's head and she can't help but want to see it through. "Do you mind if we do something about it?" she asks of Toni, batting her eyelashes.

Toni snorts before answering, "What did you have in mind?"

"A conversation," Cheryl says with a smirk.

They make quick and efficient work of it, as Toni sidles up to the girl pretending to be her friend. The girl immediately plays along and Cheryl takes the opportunity to sneak in behind the man and lift his wallet from his back pocket without much trouble. As soon as the guy notices he won't be able to get a word in edgewise with Toni effectively blocking him out of the conversation, he grumbles and walks away.

(Two sides of the same vicious coin.)

"Thank you," the girl says with a sigh.

"Our pleasure," Cheryl answers, handing the girl the cash from the wallet with a smirk, before dumping the rest of it into a nearby trash can.

The girl hesitantly takes it before walking away.

"Well, I'd call that a success wouldn't you agree?" Cheryl airily says as she takes Toni's hand once more and begins leading them to a grassy spot where people are sitting. "As a matter of fact, why haven't we done more of that before?"

"What? Put creepy dudes in their place? Or you mean save pretty girls?" Toni teases.

"Both," Cheryl responds. "I am nothing if not efficient in all of my endeavors – whether they be of upstanding moral character or not," Cheryl snarks.

"You're crazy," Toni laughs as they find a comfortable spot in the grass to sit in, a few ways away from the nearest group of people.

"Oh please," Cheryl shoots back as she flicks her hair. "You'd be bored to death with some rule-abiding, sweet as apple pie, goody two-shoes. Admit it."

Toni gives her a playful smirk before answering, "Just, uh, how savage you are was the first thing I noticed about you."

"Mhm. It's your favorite thing about me."

"It's certainly at the top," Toni responds with a laugh, "but it's not my favorite thing about you."

"Oh, do tell then," Cheryl eagerly asks.

(And while her tone may be playful and their mood light – a part of Cheryl can't quite help but be genuinely interested in Toni's answer. She does, however, intend to keep this banter going though, not wanting to show her cards just yet.)

"Are we talking brains or body?" she asks playfully then.

"Your tenacity," Toni answers softly.


A beat passes.

"Is that a euphemism?" Cheryl half-heartedly jokes.

(And if her heart is beating so loud she fears Toni might actually hear it, well.




Can you blame her?)

"No," Toni softly responds as she reaches to take a hold of both of Cheryl's hands. "The world keeps trying to knock you down and yet you...You get back up. Every single time. You're...amazing, Cheryl. The strongest person I know," Toni softly finishes. She gives Cheryl's hands a gentle squeeze.

(Cheryl thinks of what it means to be a family, of what it means to care, to protect,

A beat passes.

She squeezes Toni's hands.


"Your tenderness," Cheryl says clearing her throat of the emotions threatening to overflow. "That's my favorite thing about you. The world has been just as harsh to you, in different ways, yes, but still…" Cheryl trails off momentarily as she finds the words. "I built castle walls and hid myself away in a tower. But you...You built a home and welcomed people through its doors. Welcomed me."

(Fated to be. Written in the stars.)

"The world has been harsh and you have been kind in return…You are, undoubtedly so, the most amazing person I've ever met, Toni," Cheryl finishes.

Toni lets go of one of Cheryl's hands then and reaches over to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear.

"Rapunzel lets down her hair eventually," Toni whispers. "Getting into the tower isn't impossible."


"Not many have had the patience to wait," Cheryl chokes out, tears threatening to spill.

"Then they missed out. Because it's worth it in the end," Toni says, her voice rough with emotion.

Cheryl leans forward to capture Toni's lips in a passionate kiss.


A beat passes.


They pull apart a moment later, their foreheads resting against each other.

Both clearly overwhelmed by their emotions.

(And in that moment Cheryl feels as if her chest might burst with the one singular truth that beats out of her heart and flows through her veins.)

"I love you," Cheryl whispers against her lips.

(And nothing has ever felt so right and so true.)

Cheryl Blossom is in love with a woman named Toni Topaz.

The acceptance of such a truth within herself suddenly the most freeing feeling she has ever felt.

Cheryl feels Toni pull back in order to stare into her eyes – and with just that one singular look Cheryl knows in her blood and in her bones that the feeling goes both ways.

"I love you," Toni whispers back as she cups Cheryl's cheek.

Cheryl can't help but smile, she can't help but laugh, can't help but let the happy tears come as the two declare their love. Toni smiles widely at her reaction, pulling her in for another kiss – one in which their lips can barely meet due to their smiles.

"Do you want to get out of here?" Toni asks her a beat later.

"Yes," Cheryl answers without hesitation.

And as they begin to walk out of the grounds, the band Toni was eager to catch begins their set. The girls can't help but laugh at the timing as they continue their walk, fingers interlocked. And although they might be on their way out, Toni pulls Cheryl closer moving to wrap an arm around her waist so that she can sing along softly into her ear.

'Cause I could touch a hundred thousand souls
But none of them would ever feel like home
And no matter how far and wide I roam
You're the only one I'll ever know


(Fated to be. Written in the stars.)

They reach their motel a little while later, entering their room quietly. Toni takes off her Serpent jacket and drapes it on a nearby chair, discarding her boots as well along the way. She then reaches over to help Cheryl take off her own. Toni kneels in front of her, unlacing her boots as Cheryl reaches a hand out to the other girl's shoulder in order to steady herself.

(Balance, Cheryl can't help but amusedly think. In every aspect and scenario in real life.)

Once they're off, Toni stands and reaches for Cheryl's jacket. Cheryl dutifully turns around, allowing her to remove it. As she finishes doing so, Cheryl turns back around and the two lock eyes. Toni absentmindedly dropping Cheryl's jacket on top of her own.

A beat passes.

Toni closes the small space between them, reaching over to grab a hold of Cheryl's hips and pull her flush against herself. She tips her head forward, gently brushing her nose against Cheryl's.

(Toni is kind and sweet and warm.)

(Despite the gentle action though, Cheryl can't help but feel the possessiveness of it all – particularly in the contrasting action present as Toni squeezes Cheryl's hips. It's a feeling Cheryl knows all too well.




Mine, mine, mine.)

Cheryl reaches up to grip Toni's arms. Hopes she hears her answer through the action.

(Yours, yours, yours.)

"I love you," Toni whispers.

"I love you," Cheryl responds.

(And the ease in which the words now roll off their tongues is of no surprise to Cheryl.

Not after earlier.
Not after this trip.
Not after every single thing that they have been through together.

Cheryl Blossom loves Toni Topaz.
Toni Topaz loves Cheryl Blossom.

As true as the sky is blue, the grass is green, the earth is round, and the sun shines – although not quite as bright as Toni's smile.

They're in love.)

Their lips meet in the middle as Cheryl throws her arms around Toni's neck now to pull her in closer. They passionately kiss as Toni slowly moves them over to the bed. Cheryl feels the back of her knees hit the mattress and she lowers herself to sit on it, Toni moving to straddle her without missing a beat.

They kiss for a few more minutes, before Cheryl's eager hands reach to take a hold of Toni's shirt.

(And the fact that Cheryl feels so comfortable doing so now, so at ease in reaching for her–

The most freeing feeling she has ever felt.)

Toni quickly obliges, lifting her arms up to allow Cheryl to take her shirt off. After doing so, Cheryl leans forward to press a few kisses along Toni's collarbone – what's left of her lipstick quickly staining the skin.

(And oh, what a sight.)

Toni groans above her, her hands reaching for Cheryl's hair.

Cheryl lets her lips descend a bit more, pausing just as they meet the edge of Toni's bra. Once more, without hesitation, Cheryl moves her hands around the back and unclasps it, Toni taking a hold of the straps and removing the garment without pause.

Cheryl then leans forward, taking Toni's right nipple into her mouth.

"Cher," Toni moans as she reaches for her hair again. Cheryl pulls back after a beat, her eyes zeroing in on one specific spot – right there on Toni's ribs.

Toni's Serpent tattoo.

(Cheryl has seen it before, of course. Noticed it for the first time when Toni was changing shirts once upon a time, the tattoo mostly obscured by Toni's bra. She had pointed it out to her in curiosity and Toni had allowed her to see it – while she had joked about Cheryl missing out. Cheryl hasn't really commented on it since, hoping to avoid Toni's teasing about her lack of tattoo again. Now, however… Now Cheryl can't help but look at it with fresh eyes.)

(A part of the woman she loves.)

Cheryl reaches over then to gently trace the tattoo with her fingers. Toni shivers as she does so. A moment later, Cheryl leans forward and presses a kiss to it – before she lets her tongue peek out and trace the snake inked onto Toni's skin.

"Cheryl," Toni moans again. "Fuck. You're killing me here," she breathlessly chuckles.

Cheryl can't help but giggle in return, "Sorry." She pulls back then and Cheryl lets herself take a moment to take in the glorious image in front of her now: a topless Toni straddling her lap. Her hair messy, only a few of the face jewels left, her cheeks flushed, her lips parted, and her eyes darkened – with arousal, yes, but also with the unmistakable look of love.

(Love. Love. Love.




Cheryl wonders if she'll ever tire of hearing that word in relation to Toni.)

(She hopes she never does.)

(Nothing has ever felt so right and so true.)

"You're so beautiful, Toni," she murmurs then after her eyes have had their fill.

And to her incredibly delight then, Cheryl watches a Toni's entire body flushes.

(Mine, mine, mine.)

Toni reaches over to cup Cheryl's face then, tipping her face upwards as she leans in to passionately kiss her. Cheryl moans as she feels Toni's tongue swipe against her lips, opening her mouth without hesitation. They pull back a few beats later, their foreheads pressed against each other, as they both try to catch their breath.

As Cheryl pulls back then, she reaches for her own shirt and pulls it off her body without hesitation. Toni's eyes widen.

(Without a single ounce of uncertainty.)

(The most freeing feeling she has ever felt.)


"I want you," Cheryl says with unmistakable conviction. "I want you, Toni Topaz."

(Yours, yours, yours.)

Cheryl watches as Toni's eyes soften, that look of love shining within them.

The two meet in the middle again, their kisses now growing even more passionate as their hands roam, clothes are discarded, and bare skin meets bare skin.

And as their night reaches its ultimate crescendo, there is only one singular thought in Cheryl's mind.

One singular conclusion:

This must be what real love feels like.

And oh, what a glory it is to finally feel it so truthfully for the very first time in her life.