Sharla spent her free time, (when she wasn't grading homework or prepping the next days courses), doing as much looking into Gideon as she could. Everyday she was at the local library going through old newspaper and online articles, not finding much beyond what the ewe already knew about him. All the times he was in trouble in school, all the pranks he pulled, the kits he bullied, all they way back even about his father Clayton Grey, who was quite the character from what he put together. Violent, angry, drunk, was just a few choice words she could use to describe him, even catching a few familiar names like her own father and Stu Hopps crossing paths with the abusive tod. Her curiosity was piqued when she read a small clip mentioning that Gideon was under court order to take an anger management and therapy course, but found very little on exactly why. Sharla did let out a breath of relief early on in her searching when she found that Travis had actually moved away some time ago, oddly just a few days before the court order. After a few weeks she found her apartment littered with papers and printing clippings trying to piece everything together, but nothing really sticking out as what was going on.

The ebony ewe racked her brains until they hurt, thinking of all this information she had but very little conclusions. Why was he so nice now? What happened all those years ago? What did Travis and Clayton Grey have to do with him suddenly changing?, and more importantly...What was the court order all about. She had very little to no choice but to ask directly, which is what she was bound and determined to do. No sooner had school ended, she was already walking briskly to the doors of the school, only for them to open in front of her, and none other than Gideon Grey was standing before her, his russet arms laden with sweet smelling pastries. His eyes widened then softened as he smiled, "Well, afternoon there Sharla."

Sharla was taken aback, her nerves faltered as she sighed, not wanting to make a scene at the school, "Afternoon Gideon, something smells amazing...whats with all the goods?"

Gideon shifted the snacks in his arms as he chuckled, "Oh, just making the usual deliverer for the Parent teacher conference y'all got tonight."

Sharla almost literally smack her own forehead. With all the research she forgot that was mentioned for tonight. She sighed internally as she smiled at the portly tod before her...her confrontation would have to wait, "Oh right...yea...almost forgot, got a few kits that need bit of help but nothing major."

Gideon chuckled, albeit a little uneasily, "Yea...I understand that, some needed more help than others." He looked away, his eyes hardened a bit before he exhaled through his teeth and turned back to her, "So...uh...hows things been with the teachin? Ain't seen hide nor fluff of ya since that day bout a month back?"

Sharla stopped, wondering why he asked that. He almost seemed...honest...genuine in his asking, like he cared about it...and well...her. It was an odd combination of creepy since he was her former bully...and also sweet that he actually wanted to make small talk and ask about her. She smiled brightly, "Going great, I love this more everyday. I was a bit iffy with switching careers, but oh so worth it." Gideon smiled as he started walking to the teachers lounge, and she followed, more-so out of curiosity than anything, "What about you Gideon?"

She didn't think his smile could get any bigger, "Doing great! Finally got tha dang sign on the building, and even got a Muzzlebook page going. I'm actually getting busier now, so much so Id hate to do it...but thought about telling some folks no just to catch up."

"Why don't you? Would hate to get burnt out doing all that work?" Sharla was actually very curious when she asked this...Why would he take on so much if it was almost too much?"

"Well...I..I cant tell folks no I guess. I got a lot to make up fer so I do what ever I can." He sighed as they entered the empty lounge and he began carefully setting the confections down.

" should've been able to do all that by now?"

He softly smiled as he offered her a muffin, "Well...maybe to them...but my guilt from doing so much wrong wont let me just call it good. Besides I got a few folks left to try and make amends with."

Sharla took the large muffin and took a bit as she heard him talk, only to stop mid chew as the flavor hit her, cinnamon and sweet saw was her favorite as a kit and even more-so now, she almost let a small moan escape her lip as she chewed, "Oh my gods! This is amazing Gideon! I haven't had this since I was still in school... its even better than the original recipe."

Gideon chuckled as he actually started to blush, "Why thank ya...have to remember that so I can make more of them."

"Oh Id probably eat as many as I can buy." She quickly devoured the pastry as Gideon laughed, and to her surprise it was a hearty, deep chest laugh. She swallowed the last bite and chuckled as she looked at the joyful tod, "What?"

"Buy? Darlin you'd get these for free. Wouldn't feel right charging ya for them."

Sharla was taken back, her mouth agape as he said that. " I will be paying you Gideon, there's nothing that would require otherwise."

Gideon leaned in closer to her, her nose tickled with the scents of flour, spices, fruits and another somewhat pleasant subtle aroma she couldn't quite pinpoint yet, his smirk faltered as his tone grew a bit serious, "It's my right to decide who and who doesn't pay and fer what reason. AND its to make up fer all the crap a gave ya way back."

Sharla stood on the tip of her hooves as she got closer to him as well, her own features hardening, "AND...that was a LONG time ago Gideon...we were kits. Yea I don't forgive you fully yet, but still what happened happened...and I WILL be giving you money for whatever muffin I grab from your rack!" Her voice getting more heated, as did his.

"It still happened, and I feel bad about I will NOT be charging ya for it." His nose now dangerously close to hers as their eyes remained locked, ignoring all around them.

"Why are you being so Gideon? Just let me pay!"

"Quit being so stubborn and accept the gift Sharla!" Both tirades were halted as their noses touched, a shock of electricity passed through them both as they blushed deep red, pulling away. The door shutting grabbed their attention as they both turned to the source, both turning even deeper red as Amanda was standing there, a wide and knowing smirk on her canid muzzle. She looked at one then the other as she chuckled.

"So...nothing between y'all huh?" Sharla grumbled something about a stupid coyote as Gideon wiped his paws on his apron. The two turned to each other and nodded a quick farewell, with Gideon hightailing it out of the room as the female coyote started barking in laughter. Sharla playfully shoved her and headed to her room, just as the sound of cars pulling up signaled the arrival of parents and students. She huffed as she picked up the pace, knowing she'd have to fudge a few things about the kits to placate their parents.

Later on, only one kid remained to visit, a young otter that lived on the border of the county line. This kit she actually knew was having troubles in her class and was a bit prepared. She turned from her desk to look for the kits folder when she heard the door open behind her, "Just take a seat folks, be right with ya."

Just as she grabbed the folder and turned, a very familiar face was the first thing she saw as the parent spoke, "Well...Sharla Ewles...long time." She almost panicked as she saw the face of Travis...the black pawed ferret that used to bully her so long ago as well, her face softened as she saw the face of Brittany, the little otter kit from her class.

"Travis? This must be...your little one?"

He smiled widely as he side hugged the now squirming kit, "Yep, Jerry couldn't be here so it was up to me."

Sharla smiled and motioned for the chairs, "Well then, have a seat and we can start." She started by going over Brittany's strong points, talking about how good she was in some courses, then finishing up talking about her weak point which was reading comprehension and recommended a little extra time with specialized books to get her practice. As soon as they were done, Travis and Brittany was about to leave when he sighed and asked her to wait in the hallway. The cute little girl nodded, and skipped her way out as he turned to face her, his face weary.

"Look..I know this is...years too late. But...I'm very sorry for what me and...Gideon did. We were young and dumb...and well...M sure Gideon told you everything by now."

"No...he hasn't...I have no idea what suddenly made him change...although...Gareth thinks it because he killed you." She chuckled, relieved as he did as well.

"Nah...nothing so morbid...but...lets just say me and him haven't spoken since...right before high school when I moved away." He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, drawing her interested.

"What happened?" She leaned in, looking concerned.

Travis merely stood and walked to the door, stopping and turning towards her as he sighed, "He broke a promise, and it hurt way worse than if he had hit me." He turned and opened the door, leaving as the sound of his daughters giggles were muffled by the thick doors. Sharla sighed as this added another new question to ask Gideon when she confronted him...which was going to be this matter what.

Psst...dont forget I love hearing from you all

Oh and there will be a short (maybe 3chapter) side tail about what exactly is going on with gideon prior to this one