"Young mistress, it's morning," The Hiiragi princess slowly open her eyes, saw a man, in his late 20, with a tidy black hair and pale complexion, almost as pale as hers, and tall body, wearing a tailcoat tuxedo, preparing her tea in her room, "today's earl grey, your favorite, Milady."

"... thankyou Shuu," yes, his name is Shuu Kosaka, the young lady's butler. Smiling, the butler let his mistress took her tea and started preparing her uniform and other things. A handy man, he is, not only preparing school things for his mistress, he also help much of his mistress' job, which became more demanding after Erika was chosen as the heir of her family. What does she do? That's a story for another time.

"Milady, your car is ready," said Shuu while opening the car's door. After his mistress got into the car, he goes in to the passenger seat beside the driver, and told the driver to stop the car near the school, he knew that his mistress did not want any more commotion caused by students seeing her got off from roll-royce phantom, she already had enough by all those people that made fuss of her look and grade, really!"mistress, we're here," Erika nodded and got off the car.

For a bit, Shuu tensed, sensing one person hiding near them. No way mistress doesn't realized, but for precaution, when he looked behind to warned his mistress, the beauty already not there. It seemed that the girl went to school the moment she got off the car. Then he turned back his attention to the hiding man and approached him, "excuse me..." the man flinched, then slowly turned his head to Shuu, "...oh! My apologize, sir"


"Heeyyyyy, Saku-channnnnn," yes, it's Koga, "you know where Ai-chan is?"

"stop calling me that!" The captain said, " the coach is scouting teams for our practice match, ask the manager, she looks like she knows more," then they hear a whistle from the gym entrance door, "... anddd, there he is." I've got a bad feeling about this...
The said coach approached the cool-beauty manager, currently training the first-years, "Here's the team for practice match. It's Jousen High," then he smirked, "it seems one of your underling is there." One of the first year heard what the coach said and shrieked,

"Jousen High? isn't their basketball team in national-level? oh my God," he yelled.

Harakawa sighed, " I knew that coach wouldn't choose a better opponent."

"stop being sacrastic, it's annoying," the captain said, then looked at Rukawa, "it seems you don't know about Jousen."

"I don't know capt," but then he smirks, "but they are strong right? then I'm good," he will know what strong really meant after this.

Erika sighed seeing her teamates various responses, and continued her conversation with her coach, "... which one?" then she heard so many girlish scream outside the gym, "... nevermind." The coach let out a tiny laugh. Only he made his entrance like this.

One, two, "RIKACHIIII!" okay, that was one hell of a scream.

"what the-, who is..." Sakuba said angrily. When he saw the man who's yelled like hell, he froze. What he saw was a young man, younger than he is if not in the same age, with a well-compisitioned body, a pale skin, a spiky but neat, bright-blond, almost orange hair, and hazel-eyes. To put it simply, a really handsome man.

"Gosh, isn't that Ryou Ishikawa?"

"why is he here?"

"which school is he going, again?"

"it's Jousen," said Harakawa suddenly while seeing his fellow model waving goodbye to the girls, " he's our opponent." Ishikawa smiled at the team and waved at Harakawa and Aibara. One of the freshmen search Ishikawa's name at some magazine he took to school and said outloud,

"Ryou Ishikawa, a freshman just like us," he continued, "the magazine wrote that he started playing basketball at 1st year middle school, and got into first string of Tohou Middle, the victorious king, in his 2nd year, currently parttime model, and the rumoured heir of Luxe Inc.!" handsome, good at playing basketball, and rich. Damn it really is a brutal world!

"hehehe, the magazine's only exagarating," said Ishikawa, "I maybe a regular there, but I am the weakest of all," he then smiled at Erika, "I always get bullied, but Rikachii always on my side thought!" he shooting love at Erika.

Wait, is Hiiragi-san..."Hiiragi-san? Is he your friend?" Ask Sakuda.

"we are way moreee than a friend, right, Rikachii?" then he got a smack on his head, "owwww what was that for, Harachiiiiii~"

"... no more than aquitance," Erika said calmly, earning Ishikawa's sob. The team sweatdropped, "aside from that... Ishikawa-kun," she took a glance at Ishikawa, "... I'll speak with you later."

Ishikawa shudder, okayyyyy, I think I'm in trouble, she looks scary~"okay Rikachii! Anyway! I heard that my school will have practice match with yours! So I think I have to pay a visit to you! Anyway I miss you!" then he pout, "and I even confess to you at graduation! But you immediately turned me down, you know how long I cried because you turned me down?"

"... no, and I am not interested to know," so cruel! as expected from the queen!

"wait a minute," the cat-eyed senpai suddenly spoke, "then, Hiiragi-chan is also from Tohou?" Ehhh? The freshman that read Ishikawa's biography from magazine then quickly turned the magazine's page frantically, until the magazine was taken from him by Harakawa,

"yes, she is. No need to search her down," then he threw the magazine, "she's pretty famous you know, no need to search her down. You will know as time goes."

"yes! Rikachii is amazingly good! After all, she's-" Ishikawa got interupted. A ball suddenly thrown into his direction, and of course, he easily intercept it, "hey, that's rude!"

And of course, it's the idiot Rukawa, "hey, you look strong! Let's play one-on-one!" and also being an idiot, Ishikawa accept it.

Aibara spoke, "oh well, maybe it will teach him to stay put," the team shocked at how little confidence their coach had for Rukawa's victory, "hm, what? Do you actually think that Rukawa will defeat that pretty boy?" then he smirks, " how about we ask the queen about this?"

Ignoring her coach's nickname for her, she sighed, "frankly, it is almost impossible for Rukawa-kun to win," then she saw the one-sided match, when Ishikawa easily took the ball from Rukawa, "after all, even as the weakest," then Ishikawa dunked the ball hard, "he is still one of us."

What the... he just do the trick that I just do earlier, stronger on top of that! The heck, he literally made it his own, smirking, Ishikawa started to bounce the ball again,

"Rukawa, is it? Well, you're pretty decent, above average, I think, but not significant enough," and THAT made the red-head idiot angry, but before he retaliate, the half-blood coach interject,

"Rukawa," Rukawa flinched, "before you say something that will humiliate yourself, a quick reminder, you yourself know that you're nowhere, literally NOWHERE, near him now," Aibara said sternly, "so don't talk so big," Ishikawa went to Aibara,

"well, this is dissapointing," he said, then move his gaze to Erika, "come with me, you better off with my team than this one," and that made the captain's personality switched.

"WHAT?" but before the bipolar captain spoke more, Erika butt in

"Ryou," The said model fliched, also the others, this is the first time they hear the ice queen manager called others without honorific and in first name basis, "come with me, now," and that made Ryou followed her immediately.Yep, I'm dead

And it seemed some idiots didn't have their lesson about privacy, one red-head, one bipolar, and one cat-alike decided that they would stalk their manager and relish their curiousity, "well, I pray the three of them will survive," and Harakawa can't be more agree with his coach, knowing what the cold beauty capable of.


"um, R-Rika-sama, I'm sorry...?" I don't know what I did wrong, but I felt like I had to apologized first, before Rikachii kills me, and yes, THIS model is also an idiot. Erika sighed,

"Firstly, Ishikawa-kun, are you the one following me earlier today?" GULP

"... y-YESIAMSORRY!" figures, Erika sweatdropped uncharacteristically

"well, I'm going to let it slide this time," then she glared at him, "secondly, who gives you the right to say whatever you want, to the point saying how dissapointing the team I have chosen?" and it made him flinch, but he quickly retaliate,

"but it's true," his gaze hardened, "without you, this team is nothing," then he sighed, "but that's not why I came today." Then he took out some kind of letter from his bag, and gave it to Erika. She took it and look at the blue seal adorning the letter. The seal consist of some kind of emblem, the shape is similar to rose. Then she sighed,

"very well, thank you for taking your time to deliver it to me personally," then she hardened her gaze again, " but please do not forget, that right now, you are just a pawn," then she started to walk to the gym, and stopped again, " I know you are there, come out or I will make you," the three idiot flinched.

"s-sorry," well, they are quiet, no, VERY, scared of her, despite her angelic appearance, she is really strong, and got a nasty habit speaking cruel things in a very polite manner.

"no matter," said Erika calmly, "your punishment will be given at the gym latter on please procceed to gym," the three of them shuddered, I think hell is going to come and greet us later, "and Ishikawa-kun," she turned her attention to the model, "... don't get me wrong, I do not think of you that low," okay, she got the model attention, "... it's the opposite,"

"... you are capable more than this. Just like a pawn in chess," then what the model saw shocked him very much, "you just did not aware of what you are able to do,"

She smirked.

well, that's it! as I promised, until chapter 2. what do you think about this story? please review hehe~