A little short, but full of goodies I swear! Sorry If I don't read your reviews for the last chapter before I post this, I split this from one huge chapter into two small ones for Fanfiction. net!

Mitsuki Bakugou was many things, and she thought her best trait was her observational skills. Specifically when it came to her son. What she was currently observing disturbed her greatly. He was quiet.

He wasn't brooding quiet, or angrily silent, no. He was politely quiet. This all seemed to start when he got home, but that was rage in his eyes, like he couldn't believe his horrid luck that he had been saved by Izuku Midoriya of all people. She at least could understand that, well not understand. She would never truly understand his resentment of that boy, but she understood the rage.

After Inko called though, it changed. She was on speaker when she informed the Bakugou family of Izuku's condition, and when it finally set in that the poor boy..

Well Bakugou didn't take it well. He didn't rage, no. He didn't swear, he didn't have attitude. He just… deflated. She had tried everything, swore at him, messed with him, attempted to goad him, but he just wouldn't bite. He didn't speak unless asked a question, did his homework, ate dinner, went to school, and watched the same news story over and over on his computer.

The one where it showed Izuku get thrown into the wall.

She caught him crying one of those times, a single tear. Along with anger unlike any she had seen before. "Goddamn idiot, trying to save me, didn't stop anything. Only got himself hurt!" He roared, small explosions slightly burning his desk. "FUCK!" He yelled and punched the wall. She winced, that was going to be a broken knuckle.

"Why?" he asked, the anger slightly seeping out of him. "Why does he always he have to do that shit, trying to help." His head had made it into his arms, then the story was started up again and he stared, and stared. "Only gets him hurt." He muttered.

The screen didn't stop this time, wasn't rewinded as it continued on to show a replay of the boy charging the sludge villain yelling Mitsuki's son's nickname. She thought she saw a spark go through his eyes as bakugou watched Izuku paw and claw at the sludge surrounding Katsuki, trying to free him.

She left without him noticing her at all, so she didn't hear him murmur the sentence that he had been pondering since the event.

"I couldn't just leave you…"

Bakugou slammed his head into his arms. Growling, "Goddammit why not?"

His words had no bite.

(A few Weeks after the event, deep in the district of Yokohama Kamino)

"Alright, kid let's go."

Giran had a good feeling about this one, and the big cheese would see it too. They stepped into the portal leading to the bar, where the two major figureheads of the organization sat. They turned to the duo as they entered, the smoke like figure pulsing and gyrating violently as the boy sitting at the table started scratching his neck, the hand covering his face and part of his bright blue hair still unnerving Giran to this day.

"Hey Giran, who's the kid?" The boy scratched more violently as he regarded the short white hood covered boy beside him. "A new addition I think, I was informed through my web, that he's got some nasty business with ol Mighty boy." He chuckled and stepped to the side, willing the kid to introduce himself.

"Hello, Name's Oculus." Just like he thought they would, both Tomura and Kurogiri froze on the spot, as the boys quirk activated. He pointed to Tomura first, his hand formed into a finger gun.

"Strange, Though I can see your names are not the truth, your actual names are unknown. How very strange." The boy continued to point. "You name here Is Shigaraki Tomura, and you the portal master," The boy pointed to him, Foggy yellow eyes slanting slightly, "Are Kurogiri."

Tomura started scratching again, getting closer to Oculus. He tilted his head to the side as he got close, and then suddenly his hand was a millimeter from touching his face.

"I think not. Tomura, leave him be." The hand covered head twisted to look at the tv beside the bar before nodding and moving back to the same bar, where Kurogiri was still standing, now cleaning a glass.

"You're very interesting.. Oculus" The voice continued from the tv, directed at the newcomer, who only bowed graciously as if his life had not been threatened only a minute previous. "I only aim to please, sir." Oculus paused for a second, before cocking his head to the side.

"I cannot gain the truth from you sir, not your name, not your quirk, not your body." He contemplated this as Kurogiri and Tomura froze once again. Giran was almost beside himself. He had brought quite the firecracker to the big cheese this time.

"I have never experienced such a.. Disconnection with a person. This is troubling sir." Oculus murmured, uttering the last sentence louder. Tomura started forward again, his hand raised.

"You dare use your quirk on sensei? I'll teach you to respect yo-" He was cut off as the person on the tv laughed and clapped. "Truly you have brought quite a boon Giran! I will pay very handsomely for this one!" The man laughed, before directing his voice to Tomura.

"Leave the boy be Tomura, He will be invaluable to our cause, and can help lead you on the path of greatest villains to walk this plane of existence." He soothed, Tomura walking back to his chair and coldly regarding Oculus through the gaps of the hand on his face. "Fine, Kurogiri send Giran back, and get the new guy situated."

"Of course." The smokey figure first teleported Giran out, before calmly walking up to Oculus, gesturing to the door to the left leading up to apartments in the building.

"Before you go," Oculus turned at the sound of the man in the tv speaking. "What brought you to this life child?" His voice was milk and honey, built with a carefully honed edge meant to make the person being directed by the question, to feel more inclined to think the person asking the question was on their side. "The greatest hero to exist manipulated me into thinking the world was black and white, good and bad, yin and yang."

He paused and turned fully back to the room, Tomura and the person in the tv seemingly watching him in interest. He pulled back his hood as far as it would go, stopping at the top of his head where it was sowed into a mask. Going well with his current look, blue jeans, simple black shoes, and a white hooded shirt. The mask, going down to just past his nose, showed his small smile, slowly turning into a grin of pure white, while the dozen or so eyes painted, drawn, or carved into the surface, all of various colors, made even Tomura unnerved.

"He did not realize I saw through his lies, his false promises." His grin turned slightly maniacal as it seemed as if all the eyes focused on the tv, "I am Oculus, and I see everything." He turned and walked back towards the ever patient Kurogiri.

He didn't pause as he waved back. "Remember that… Shimura."

The darkness of the hallway swallowed both he and Kurogiri as Tomura stared, before turning back to the tv. "Sensei... Didn't he say he didn't know our names?" The man on the tv chuckled darkly.

"That he did, Tomura, That he did." The tv went quiet, leaving Tomura to feel as if the eyes on that mask weren't just for show.

All for One was amused to say the least, by this new development. To be able to quote, "see" other's names and quirks, he also showed the ability to work through anti-disclosure quirks given time, which he had intentionally given.

"Ohohoho, what a mistake you have made All Might, leading this one to us." He chuckled out, the eyes on the screen seemingly seeping through into his thermal like vision.

I won't lie, I get a bit of guilty pleasure from making a villain. But really who doesn't?

As always, Fav, Follow, and Review!