AN: Happy Christmas in July, my loves! I couldn't leave these two hanging, so here is their HEA. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have writing it!
HUGE thanks to chaya sara for being such an amazing person and beta!
Also, please stick around to read the AN at the bottom!
Winter In The Air
Bella awoke with a yawn and stretched. She was momentarily startled when an arm reached out to wrap around her waist. She hadn't woken up next to anyone in almost a decade. Copper hair peaked out from under the covers, bringing memories from the previous night flooding back. Her skin flushed, remembering how Edward's fingers had stroked her skin throughout the night after their lovemaking. She let out a sigh and curled back up against her elf. If she had any say in the matter, she wouldn't be leaving his side any time soon. Which led her back to the current conundrum: what to do about their relationship.
She shifted slightly so she could see him, as if assuring herself everything that happened last night was real. She ran her fingers lightly up his chiseled jaw and into his feathery soft hair. He looked so peaceful as he slept on, completely unaware of the emotional storm which was raging inside the woman next to him.
Bella swallowed a lump of emotion as she continued to gently play with his hair. She couldn't imagine leaving here and never feeling this way again. It wasn't possible. Even if she had to give up everything, she would. She felt ashamed at how selfish she had been seven years ago. Only caring about herself and her dream, she had packed up and left him behind. She'd been such a fool. Even if Jasper agreed to marry her, she knew there was no way they'd ever be romantic, which would mean no child to carry on the Santa legacy anyway. It would be pointless.
As the thought of relinquishing the title of Santa passed through her mind, it hurt and made her sad, but the pain felt nothing like the thought of leaving her elf again. She chewed her lip, trying to process that realization. Maybe leaving had been a good thing, she thought. It had helped her grow up and mature, helped her figure out where she truly belonged in the world—by Edward's side.
"It's too early to be thinking so hard," his sleepy voice murmured.
Bella's gaze slid from his hair, and she met those pine green eyes that were shining and full of happiness. She felt tears sting her eyes. How could she have thought she'd be able to live without this? She was such a fool.
She smiled and leaned down to kiss him lightly on the lips. "Good morning, Edward."
He smiled brightly and pulled her into his arms, kissing her so passionately it took her breath away.
"It's an amazing morning, Bell. I was worried that I'd dreamt up last night."
She stroked her fingers along his jaw. "I'm completely real, Edward. I'll be right here as long as you want me to be."
His eyes darkened as he reached to pull her body closer, pressing his morning hardness against her hip. "We won't be making it to dinner at your parents' then. In fact, I think we'd probably be missing until at least New Year's."
She threw her head back and laughed. "Can you imagine our mothers sending a search party?"
Edward grimaced and released his grip on her waist. "Well, that took care of my hard-on."
She snuggled her head against his chest, holding onto him tightly.
"I meant it, you know," she spoke softly, dragging her lips across his collarbone.
He cupped her jaw and angled her face so he could look into her eyes. "Meant what, sweetheart?"
"That I'm yours. I always have been, and I always will be."
"Forever, Bell. I'm yours until the sun refuses to rise."
His lips met hers passionately as he pulled her body against his as tightly as he could. They didn't end up leaving his bed for some time. Bella felt bad for leaving Jasper to his own devices all morning, but she couldn't bring herself to leave Edward's arms until the early afternoon. They'd only shared a light meal in bed between rounds of lovemaking and exploring touches, so she arranged to meet Jasper for a late lunch before she was to speak with her father.
When she kissed her elf goodbye, she felt a small pang of sadness at leaving his presence, but with the decision already made that Edward was a part of her life no matter what, her spirit was more buoyant than it had been for years. She was happily surprised to avoid encountering either of her parents when she returned to their house to meet up with Jasper. She found her best friend in the sitting room, thumbing through a box of old photo albums. He glanced up and smiled before pointing to a particular picture.
"You were a cute kid."
Bella shook her head and smiled as she walked over to sit next to him. She looked down at the album and grinned even wider. It was a photo of herself, Alice, and Edward when they were around seven years old, all wearing matching red pajamas. Jasper closed the album and looked at her expectantly.
"What?" she asked, feigning confusion.
Jasper rolled his eyes. "I'm guessing things with Edward are good since you never came home last night?"
Bella blushed and nodded. "Things are pretty great, Jazz. Even though my mom tricked me, I'm glad I came back."
Jasper smiled, happy for his closest friend. "That's great. I covered for you with your parents at breakfast. Your mom was pretty oblivious, but I think your dad knew I was lying."
Bella laughed. "Of course he did. He's Santa Claus."
Jasper's eyes widened. "Shit. I didn't even think about that. Do you think he'll put me on the naughty list?"
Bella stood up and took his hand before pulling him to his feet. "Probably not, but I'll add you to mine if I don't get some food in me soon. I'm starving."
Jasper smirked. "I wonder what was more important than eating."
Bella smacked him on the shoulder. "Shut up, Jazz."
As they headed out the door, Bella linked her arm through his. "Let's go explore the North Pole, shall we?"
Jasper nodded excitedly as the pair wandered towards the town square.
They returned a few hours later with their bellies full and cheeks sore from smiling. Bella had a great time showing Jasper around her hometown. She'd forgotten how amazing it really was.
"Hey, Dad," Bella called as she entered the doorway of her father's study.
Charlie looked up from a ledger he was working in and smiled brightly. "Jingle Bell! I was wondering if I would see you before dinner or not."
She rolled her eyes good-naturedly and walked over to her favorite sitting chair across from her father's desk. "I had a busy morning, sorry. Jasper and I just got back from a late lunch. He's headed upstairs to take a nap."
Charlie smirked and gave his daughter a knowing smile, causing her to blush under his gaze. While he didn't want to know any of the details of his daughter's love life, he was happy to see her demeanor was much more relaxed than when she had arrived yesterday.
"I take it your discussion with Edward went well?"
Bella's blush deepened and she nodded. "I actually wanted to talk to you about a couple of things before everyone got here for dinner."
Charlie shut his ledger and opened one of his desk drawers, pulling out a stack of papers.
"I was hoping you would," he replied cheerily. "I've been going over some of the suggestions you've emailed recently. I particularly love the computer program that would catch all of the emails that were meant for Santa and distribute them to one localized source. Our magic does a good job of catching as much as we can, but this would be a great way to supplement that."
Bella blinked, surprised at the direction of this conversation. Business was the last thing she expected to come out of her father's mouth. Also, out of every suggestion she'd sent his way, that was the one idea she figured he'd be least happy with.
"Um," she stammered, "really? I kinda thought you'd hate that one and want to stay old-school."
Charlie removed his glasses and smiled at Bella. "When I took over the Santa mantle from my father, he was still heavily entrenched in the 1800's mindset. I'm nowhere near as bad as he was when it comes to change. I learned a long time ago—when you were born, in fact—that life is all about adapting to changes."
He rubbed his jaw thoughtfully. "You'll be Santa yourself one day. I want to be able to be your guide and not have you resent me for holding you back, my dearest child. That's one regret I still carry in regards to my own father. He was too stubborn and set in his ways, so our transition was far from smooth. I refuse to make the same mistakes."
Bella swallowed uncomfortably, overcome with emotion. "That's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about today. What would happen if I passed on the mantle? Who would be next in line?"
Charlie set his glasses down on the desk and sat back in his chair. His brow furrowed in confusion and concern.
"What's this? You've looked forward to becoming Santa ever since you were able sit on my lap at this very desk. What's happened to make you question your dreams, my dear?"
"It's still my heart's desire, Daddy. I just have something more important than that dream now. I can't leave him again; I won't."
"What in the North Pole are you talking about, sweetheart? Leave who? Edward? Why would you have to? I'm very confused here."
Bella eyed her father warily. A strange, anxious feeling welled up in her. "Because Edward is an elf, and I'm supposed to marry a human in order to carry on the Santa legacy," she replied slowly, somehow knowing that his response was going to shatter her.
Charlie's eyes widened in surprise, and his mouth opened silently for a moment. "Who on earth told you that?"
Charlie sighed and closed his eyes. "I'm guessing that's the reason you left to go and find yourself in the outside world?"
When he opened his eyes and met her gaze, Bella nodded in response. His lips flattened in a grim line.
"Isabella Kringle," his tone, authoritative and annoyed, "why wouldn't you come to me about something important like that?"
Bella shrugged. "When mom told me, I was heartbroken. I didn't really want to come crying on your shoulder, Dad. You have enough on your plate. I didn't want to add my teenage angst to it. I thought I could figure it out on my own."
Charlie looked heavenward and sighed. "Isabella, your mother—your loving, erratic, hare-brained mother—means well. I'm sure she didn't mean to cause you any pain. You really should've come to me, though; no one knows the legacy better than he who lives it. The magic courses through my veins, not hers."
"Was I wrong to believe my mother?" Bella couldn't keep the slight sarcasm out of her voice.
Charlie smiled sadly and shook his head. "I'm not saying you were wrong to believe her, but she was wrong in what she told you."
She bit her lip as hope flared in her heart. "What do you mean—she shouldn't have told me or what she told me was incorrect?"
"There is absolutely nothing that prohibits you from taking an elf as your husband, my dearest daughter. Like I said, I'm sure your mother is merely confused, but I am sad that you had to face unnecessary heartache over this. Would you go to a gardener for advice on your automobile?"
Her heart began to speed up. She was too elated to even be mad about the misunderstanding. Really, there was no use in getting upset about what had happened in the past. What mattered now was the present and the future—which currently looked absolutely amazing to her.
A grin slowly tightened her cheeks and tears of joy stung her eyes. "Truly? I can be with Edward and still be Santa? Because I walked in here ready to give it all up to be with him forever."
Charlie stood and walked over to the other side of his desk, sitting on the edge so he could lay a comforting hand on his daughter's shoulder.
"Of course, little one. I would never give you false hope. In fact, my great-grandmother was an elf."
Bella was giddy. All she wanted to do right then was jump up and run straight to Edward's house to share her news. She glanced at the clock behind her father's desk and decided against it. He would be here in twenty minutes or so for dinner, so she could wait a little while longer to talk with him afterward. She'd waited for years already. What would a few more hours hurt?
She stood up and wrapped her arms around her father's waist. As Charlie enveloped her, she breathed in deeply the smell of cinnamon. He ran a hand gently over her hair and kissed her forehead.
"I say we keep this between ourselves for the moment. We can have a discussion with our other halves when we're alone with them. I'm sure Edward will be happy, but I think your mother will be embarrassed by her error."
Bella looked up into his face, worried for a moment until she noticed the twinkle in his eyes. She nodded and smiled.
"I think I'll go help Mom finish up dinner. Do you want me to bring you anything?"
"No, my dear girl. Go. Enjoy some time with your mother before she becomes extra clingy with guilt tomorrow."
Bella smiled and nodded before heading out into the hallway. She paused and leaned against the wall, taking in a deep breath. She wiped away a few errant tears that persistently tried to escape her eyes. Her joy was so overwhelming, it was almost painful. She remembered how happy Edward had looked this morning, and she couldn't wait to see his reaction to her news. As much as she was looking forward to dinner with their families, she couldn't wait for this night to be over with so she could be back in his arms once more.
A little while later, Edward arrived alongside his parents and sister. Bella felt like she could breathe easier as soon as he set foot into the house. After hugging both Esme and Alice, she felt Edward squeeze her hand as she turned to lead everyone to the dining room. He smiled at her and winked before dropping her hand before anyone noticed their interaction. She had to resist the urge to jump into his arms and kiss him silly.
Bella did her best to avoid eye contact with Edward throughout dinner. She knew if she didn't, everyone would know something was up before they had a chance to figure everything out for themselves. The few times she did glance down the table toward him, he was engrossed in conversation with their fathers. Later, she attempted another quick glance but was struck by the forlorn look on his face as he gazed down at his plate. She waited a moment for him to look up and the sadness in his eyes took her breath away. She cocked an eyebrow at him. He responded with a slight shrug. She looked over to the door, and then back to him.
"Excuse me for a moment," she murmured to her mother before setting her napkin on the table and walking out into the hallway.
She leaned against the wall, taking a few deep breaths before she started to worry that Edward hadn't taken the hint. After a few moments, he stepped out of the dining room. Her brow furrowed as she noticed how nervous he seemed.
"Edward? Is everything okay? You seem upset."
He looked directly into her eyes and nodded. "Are you okay? You've got me a little stressed out here."
"What do you mean? What did I do?" She was utterly confused.
His eyes widened. "You've been avoiding me all night. I was worried you'd changed your mind after talking with your dad this afternoon."
She felt a tug on her heart. She hadn't meant to give him that impression. Bella reached for his shirt and pulled him forward before pressing her lips to his. He only hesitated a moment before molding his body against hers. Bella's hands threaded through his coppery hair and tugged on it gently, eliciting a soft growl from his lips. Before their kiss became too heavy, the pair heard a throat clear behind them. Edward startled and began to pull away, but Bella held him tight and smiled against his lips. They had nothing to be embarrassed about. Their families would have to get used to the idea of them as a couple sooner rather than later if she had her say in it.
Bella turned her head and met Jasper's amused gaze.
"I came out to make sure everything was okay, but I can see that you have it under control."
Edward let his arms fall from around Bella and ran a hand through his hair awkwardly. Even though he and Bella had talked about her friendship with Jasper, it still bothered him to think that Jasper could've been the one she married and had a family with. That feeling of loss was hard to shake off.
Bella sensed that Edward needed some space, so she stepped away, but pushed up on her toes to leave a kiss on his cheek.
"Do you still think I've changed my mind?" she whispered mischievously.
Edward opened his eyes and shook his head. "No," he murmured. "I'm sorry that I doubted."
"I'm sorry I gave you that impression in the first place. We have much to discuss later, though."
Bella smiled and squeezed Edward's hand gently before letting go and walking over to Jasper. She hooked her arm through his and guided them back into the kitchen, leaving Edward to stray behind.
"Everything is right as rain, Jazz."
He chuckled before leaning down to whisper in her ear. "I take it I won't be needing to propose any time soon?"
Bella grinned and shook her head. "Nope. My choice is made and I'm good with it, no matter how it turns out."
"That's awesome."
Bella cocked an eyebrow. "Cold feet about being my husband already?"
Jasper sighed. "Not at all, but I think I might have found an elf of my own."
Bella's eyes fell on Alice, who was watching them intently as the pair walked back to the table.
"Hmm," she murmured, "that's an interesting development."
"You're not kidding." Jasper shook his head with mirth. "We've talked nonstop since we sat down, and she's amazing, but enough of that. We can sit down and bare our souls later. Right now, I'm really wanting to try your mom's apple pie."
"That's the Jazz I know and love—"she laughed "—always thinking with your stomach."
Bella couldn't help but notice Alice's face fall slightly as the words left her mouth. She didn't have much time to dwell on that before Edward walked back into the room and sat down his chair. Their gazes connected, and they smiled at each other. This time neither looked away quickly.
Noticing the connection between her daughter and Edward, Renee cleared her throat to break the silence. "So, Jasper, Bella tells us that you're an artist. Any idea what you would like to do once you've relocated to the North Pole?"
Bella bristled at the comment. While she was aware that her father hadn't yet spoken with Renee, she didn't have to make it easy on her mother.
"Mom, the man literally found out about this crazy situation a few days ago. Can you give him a break?"
In an attempt to play peacemaker, Esme joined their conversation. "She's right, Renee. They've only just arrived. No need to bring out the shotgun, dear."
Bella smiled at Esme, who returned the gesture with one of her own. Esme's eyes twinkled as if she knew more than she let on.
Renee huffed, causing Charlie to roll his eyes. "Renee, I agree with Bella. Let's table this discussion for another time, shall we?"
"Fine, fine." The older woman conceded. "Forgive me for trying to get to know my future son-in-law."
"Renee," Charlie warned.
"No, it's okay, Dad." Bella turned to her mother and smiled. "You already know everything you need to know about your future son-in-law. You've known him all of his life."
She glanced over at Edward, whose eyes widened in surprise before he grinned back at her. No words were needed between them.
Esme squealed in delight and rushed around the table to Bella's side. She gripped the younger girl's hands and grinned.
"I knew it! I've always known you'd be my daughter one day. Haven't I always said that, Carlisle?"
Carlisle bit his lip and smiled indulgently at his wife. "Yes, darling. Ever since they were children."
Renee sputtered in annoyance. "Now, wait a darn minute."
All eyes shifted to Mrs. Kringle. Only Bella and Charlie's gazes didn't hold any glimmer of surprise.
"Isabella," her mother began after letting out a long sigh, "I don't know what's gotten into you, but I think we need to sit down and have a long conversation before you do anything rash."
Bella felt her own irritation surge.
"Rash? Like running away from my home and the man I love because I was a foolish child? Like not taking the time to fully learn the specifics about a legacy that would dictate my life?"
Renee's eyes widened, and she looked toward her husband who pursed his lips and shook his head in warning. She wisely held back her retort and trusted her husband's judgment.
Bella glanced around the table and sighed at the confused looks that the Cullen family were sharing amongst each other. She turned to her father and caught his eye. He winked at her and nodded his head toward the front of the house. Bella smiled and decided to take his silent advice.
"Dad, do you think you could explain the situation to everyone while I walk Edward home? We have some things to discuss as well."
"Sure, Jingle Bell. I think that's a great idea."
Bella sood and walked around the table. She held her hand out to Edward, and he grasped it gently as he stood. He was curious as to what was going on, but Bella's smile was enough to keep him from thinking the worst. As the pair put on their jackets and silently left the Kringle home, Bella felt a little childish at walking out on their family dinner, but she really didn't want to deal with her mother and having to rehash the entire situation for the Cullens. There was only one person she wanted to be with at the moment, and he was right beside her.
The walk back to Edward's house was quiet; neither of them seemed to want to break the silence. When they entered his front door, Edward turned and helped Bella remove her coat before his own and hung them up.
"Would you like something to drink?"
Bella smiled and nodded. "Sure, I think I'll take that beer now."
She took off her boots and sat down on the couch, tucking her feet underneath her legs. While she waited his return from the kitchen, she couldn't help but notice the few changes that had taken place since she'd left earlier today. A few pictures were hung back up on the walls, and some decorations had been placed around the room. A box overflowing with lights and garland sat next to the tree, waiting to be lovingly hung upon the pine boughs.
Bella pulled her gaze away from the decorations as Edward sat next to her on the couch. She smiled and took the bottle from his hand before taking a deep pull of the amber brew. He leaned back against the couch and rubbed a hand over his chin pensively.
"How did your discussion with Charlie go?"
Bella set the bottle down on the coffee table and readjusted her position so she was sitting in his lap. She reached up and stroked a finger lightly down his cheek while gazing into his deep green eyes.
"Long story short, he said that my mother was mistaken in her assumptions. In fact, my great-great-grandmother was an elf."
Edward's eyes widened momentarily before his face split into an enormous smile. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer before kissing her passionately. When they pulled apart, Bella's heart swelled as she saw how alive and full of hope his eyes were.
"Does this mean you'll stay, Bell? You'll be my forever?"
She placed a soft kiss on his lips. "Only if you'll be mine as well."
He smiled and responded cheekily, "Well, Edward Kringle does have a certain ring to it. I'll be thrilled to be your Mrs. Claus and Head Elf."
She knew he'd meant it as a joking reply, but his words brought heat into her belly. The fact that he would truly be hers and be willing to take the Kringle name as well made desire sear her veins. She resituated herself on his lap so they were facing each other and placed both hands on his face.
"You'd do that for me, my elf?" she asked, her voice husky with emotion and want. "You'd take my name and be my mate?" She kissed the side of his neck and felt him shiver. "You would be my other half and be by my side, not only as my husband but as my Head Elf?" His hips bucked up into hers as she trailed more kisses across his throat. "Would you call me Santa while we're working and your Jingle Bell at home?"
Edward placed his hands on either side of her face and brought her mouth to his own. "Forever," he whispered before claiming her lips passionately.
A few months later, the morning of December 25th . . .
Bella sighed as she closed the door behind her, kicked off her boots, and shrugged off her red and white fur-lined jacket. She was exhausted yet exhilarated at the same time. Her father had insisted that she ride with him on their Christmas Eve journey. The last time she'd ridden with him was right before she had run away to the mortal world and away from the love of her life.
The past few months had been blissful as she and Edward reconnected with each other. Bella moved in with him officially not long after she and Jasper returned from saying goodbye to their lives in Florida. Charlie offered Jasper the opportunity to be one of the very few mortals to be given residency in the North Pole and a job working with his future brother-in-law designing and drawing new toy ideas. Yes, Bella knew all about his plan to ask Alice to marry him on New Year's Eve. It had been love at first sight for those two, and she couldn't be any happier for her best friends.
Bella turned and stopped dead in her tracks. The entire room was dark save for the string of twinkling lights on their Christmas tree. Tears welled in her eyes, and she covered her mouth to stop a sob from breaking free because there was her elf wearing a Santa hat, down on one knee and holding a ring in his hand. She walked slowly forward and stopped when she was in arm's reach of him.
Edward smiled up at her. "Isabella Kringle, you've been my soulmate since the day you were born. We were made to complement and support each other. There's no other person in this universe who touches my soul like you do. Will you do me the great honor of being my wife and allowing me to be your Mr. Claus?"
Bella nodded, letting the tears fall freely down her face. "Yes, of course."
She dropped to her knees in front of him, and he gently took her left hand and slid his grandmother's ring on Bella's finger.
"Forever, Bell."
"Forever, Edward," she whispered back before kissing her elf deeply.
AN: Last year around this time, some amazing ladies put together a compilation fundraiser called Babies at the Border, which aimed at helping families in need during this time of crisis in the United asked to participate in that compilation is what pulled me back into this fandom after a long hiatus, so I'm more than happy to join in again with this one. The struggle is still ongoing and they've launched a follow up compilation to help these families reconnect and get the support they need. It is a cause that is dear to my heart, so I am going a little overboard.
I'm tentatively shooting for the next chapter of Comfortably Numb (which I also plan to finish up and complete entirely by the end of this year), as well as TWO one shots from Rabbit Heart. One is an outtake from Bella & Emmett's childhood, and the other is an EPOV futuretake. I heard the song "Call Me Sir" by Train featuring Travie McCoy and it became an earworm and fit our RH Edward so well!
I truly hope those of you who can donate to get this amazing compilation do so! There are currently 72 authors signed up from various fandoms, Twilight being the largest! Last year's compilation introduced me to my newest ship, Reylo, and I fell in love. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised to see a fic from yours truly post one day, since I have a few plot bunnies for that particular fandom. ^_^
batbcomp . blogspot . com