Sorry for the delay!

Sasuke walked swiftly from the Hokage's tower, not caring if the two twelve year old idiots followed him. "Hey, Sasuke-teme! Where are we going?" Younger Naruto asked, crossing his arms as he caught up. Younger Sasuke didn't say anything, but looked disgruntled. "I'm taking you both to Hinata," Sasuke said shortly. "I don't have time for this."

"Hinata?" Naruto scrunched his nose. "That Hyuuga short haired girl that doesn't talk much? Why are we going to her?"

Younger Sasuke rolled his eyes. "You should pay more attention to people other than Sakura, dobe."

"She's the only one that somehow managed to tolerate you when you were twelve without wanting to stab you," Sasuke said without looking back at the kids scrambling behind him. "I don't know if she was dropped on the head as a child or was born with the soul of a saint."

Younger Sasuke choked back a laugh. Younger Naruto glared at him. "What?" The black haired boy rolled his eyes. "Nothing. You're too dumb to figure anything out on your own."

The trio reached the door of what younger Sasuke assumed was Hinata's home. Sasuke knocked on the door, and after a moment, a dark haired woman opened the door. Her hair reached her shoulders, and she had bright, lavender eyes that had no pupils. "Oh, Sasuke! It's a surprise to see you here... Naruto-kun isn't home, though. He should be at the Hokage's office," she smiled. "I'm not here for Naruto," Sasuke said.

Hinata furrowed her brow. "Then…"

Sasuke shoved the two kids in front of him so that Hinata could see them. "Oh!" She exclaimed. "What happened? It's not an age reversing spell...because there's two of you?"

"Naruto's past self sent team seven into the future," Sasuke explained. "For now, we don't have the scroll to send them back."

"That seems like something Naruto-kun would do," Hinata laughed lightly. "Come inside, all of you."

The three shuffled inside as Hinata close the door behind them, leading them to the living room. "I just put Himawari to sleep, so please try not to make a lot of noise," she gestured to the couches. "Please, sit."

Both Sasukes looked pointedly at younger Naruto, who looked insulted. "Hey! I know how to be quiet!" He stopped for a moment. "Who's Himawari?"

Younger Sasuke scoffed. "Use your brain, dobe. She's a married woman, in her home."

Younger Naruto was quiet for a second. "So...Hinata has a kid?"

"Two," Hinata corrected. "I have a son, Boruto. He's currently away on a mission with Sarada-chan and Mitsuki-kun."

Younger Sasuke's mind, internally, could not believe that this woman had procreated with the idiot twice. "What kind of name is Boruto? And who's Salad and Mitsook?" Younger Naruto asked. Hinata looked at the blonde boy for a moment and smiled sadly. "Well, you'll know why in the future. For now, don't worry about it. As for Sarada and Mitsuki," she continued, emphasizing the Naruto-butchered names, "They're his genin teammates. They now make up Team 7, in hopes of living up to our generation's legacy."

Younger Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "Legacy of our Team 7?"

Hinata smiled. "Recognized as the three strongest ninja of this generation."

"Even Sakura?" Younger Sasuke couldn't help but ask, mildly curious about how the pink haired girl was included in this 'Legendary Team 7'. Sasuke snorted, speaking before Hinata could reply. "My wife easily could have become Hokage, with her intellect, strength, and healing ability taught by Tsunade. Probably would have made a better one that Naruto, but it was never her dream."

Younger Sasuke stood in stoic disbelief. Younger Naruto looked confused. "What does that mean? Sakura-chan would've taken my spot as Hokage?"

Sasuke chopped the boy on his head. "No, it doesn't. Just drop it."

Younger Naruto rubbed his head indignantly. "Alright, alright, whatever."

"Hey," Sasuke pulled his younger self from his thoughts. "You're not going to say anything?"

The boy didn't respond. Sasuke knew there was almost no chance in getting him to talk. Luckily, Younger Naruto was more than enough to fill in the noise. "Hey, so, Hinata, who'd you marry? Do I know him from my time?"

Hinata giggled. "Oh, Naruto-kun, you're so cute."

Younger Naruto scrunched up his nose. "What? I'm gonna be Hokage one day, I'm not cute."

Younger Sasuke caught a glimpse of a family photo on a shelf nearby. Naruto and Hinata stood side by side with two children in front of them. Naruto wore his Hokage's robe and his hat was in one hand. The taller boy looked just like Naruto, with the same, if not brighter blue eyes and shocking blonde hair in a slightly different style. He had two whiskers on each cheek, sporting a wide, cheeky smile. On top of his head was a curled ahoge*. The younger, shorter little girl beside him also had an ahoge sprouting from her short, layered black hair. She had inherited her father's bright blue eyes and two whiskers on each cheek like her brother. Younger Sasuke wondered how Naruto, a loner of the village at his current time, had managed to become Hokage and find someone to raise a family with.

Hinata noticed the black haired boy staring at the picture and smiled gently. "You know, you have things to look forward too, Sasuke. You have a family of your own, with Sakura-chan."

Younger Naruto scowled and glared jealously at Younger Sasuke. "The teme is always so mean to Sakura-chan. I don't get what she sees in him."

Younger Sasuke sighed. "We're twelve, Naruto. We're twenty years in the future. A lot can change."

"Sakura-chan loved you for all twenty of those years," Hinata said softly. Sasuke looked slightly guilty from his spot on the couch. "She spent too many of her years getting hurt by me," he said. "But she understood how much my goals meant to me and waited."

Younger Sasuke was quiet. Younger Naruto broke the somber silence after a moment. "So who'd you marry, Hinata?"

Hinata sweat dropped. "Ah, you still haven't figured it out…"

"She married you, you idiot," Younger Sasuke grumbled.

The rusty gears in Younger Naruto's head turned and clicked. "Wah, really? I thought Sakura-chan was the only one for me…" he said thoughtfully for a moment. "But you turned out really pretty, Hinata!" Hinata didn't look bothered. "Thank you, Naruto-kun," she laughed. "Don't worry about it. I was always in the background when we were growing up."

A knock sounded at the door. "So many guests, today," Hinata sighed. "Hima might wake up from all this."

She got up and opened the door. "Yes?"

"Ah, Hinata!" Sakura stood at the door. "Are you busy?"

Hinata looked down and saw a small pink haired girl beside her friend. "Might as well come in," Hinata said. "Naruto-kun and Sasuke-kun are also here, with your husband."

Sakura laughed sheepishly. "Ah, gomen, Hinata, I didn't know! But it is easier to keep all of them in the same place. Come on, Sakura."

Younger Sakura was staring at Hinata. "No wonder Naruto married you," she squealed. "You're so pretty, Hinata-san!"

Hinata blushed prettily. "Ah, no, I'm not that beautiful. Come in, come in!"

The two pinkettes made their way into the house and Younger Naruto stood up from his spot on the couch. "Sakura-chans!"

"You three haven't been too difficult for Hinata, have you?" Sakura asked skeptically. Younger Naruto shook his head eagerly. "Hinata was just telling me about stuff from the future!"

Sasuke looked at his wife and shrugged when she looked at him questioningly. "That's good, Naruto. You haven't woken Himawari-chan, have you?" Sakura asked.

"Oh, no, she's still asleep," Hinata said. "I don't know what I would do if she was aw-"


Hinata's shoulders slouched. "Ah, she's awake…"

Himawari stood at the doorway, rubbing her eyes, clutching her stuffed bear. "Ah, here come the questions…" Sakura whispered.

*Ahoge-literally translates to "idiot hair". Drawn on anime characters and is the curl of hair sprouting from their head.