Mad typing was all that could be heard in Adrien Agreste's bedroom. Plagg sat on the computer desk, uninterested in what Adrien was looking at.
"Hey, do you think you could order more camembert?"
Plagg eyed his chosen when there was no response.
"HEY! Do you think you could order more camembert?" he tried again with more force than the last time.
Adrien huffed and rolled his chair back. "I know I'm going to regret asking you this but…" he paused, unsure if he was asking the right person. Not that he had many other options to begin with. "You've been alive for thousands of years. You've seen everything. Do you have any advice when it comes to…" He paused and gave Plagg a pleading look as if he expected the kwami to be mean.
His kwami raised an eyebrow in question and Adrien sucked in a breath, bracing himself for the worst. ""
Plagg's eyes widened, not expecting that to be his question. Just like Adrien predicted, his response was soaked with sarcasm. "Adrien Agreste, THE famous model...needing love advice?" He raised an eyebrow. "PLEASE! You just exist and get girls."
Adrien looked down. "...not the right one."
Plagg heaved and rolled his eyes muttering to himself. "Look, I can't help you with your… Ladybug problem."
Adrien looked up with a pleading expression. "Come on Plagg, you've seen it all! I'm sure you have SOMETHING that can help me!" He pointed to his computer screen. "I've followed all these steps and nothing is working. I'm doomed!"
Plagg peered at the computer and scanned the page he was on.
"See this?" Adrien scrolled down on the page. "Step 7, stay out of the friend zone." He gave Plagg a dumbfounded expression. "They say to flirt to avoid being in the friend zone but no matter how much I flirt with her, look where I end up! The friend zone!" He slammed his head down on his desk and huffed in frustration. "None of these articles are working!"
Plagg stared back at Adrien. "I said I can't help you with Ladybug."
Adrien tilted his head sideways and narrowed his eyes at him. "Thanks for always being there for me, Plagg."
"Don't mention it," his kwami responded and leaned backwards. "Now to more serious matters. Where's my camembert?"
With a roll of his eyes, Adrien sat up and arranged his fingers on his keyboard. "How to make a girl fall for you," he said out loud as he typed the sentence out. He clicked enter and began scrolling through various articles. There had to be one piece of advice from these articles that would help him out!
His eyes lit up when he came across one article that looked promising. "How to make a girl fall in love with you. 37 proven tricks," Adrien read out loud. He ignored Plagg's snort and scrolled his mouse down the page. Each tip and trick listed weren't anything special and he huffed, having read them all for what felt like for the millionth time. He shoved his mouse out of his hand and it went sailing across the top of the desk. "I might as well give up. I'll never be able to win Ladybug's heart." He sunk his head in his hands and sighed.
Plagg blinked and smirked slightly. "I have an idea."
Adrien's head flew up in a flash. "What!?" He stared wide eyed at his kwami who acted so nonchalant.
"I said that I have an idea," Plagg casually blew on his tiny claws and shook them out, acting as if he couldn't care less about Adrien's problem.
"Tell me!"
Adrien was practically begging and it made Plagg smirk on the inside. "Two words." He lifted a paw. "Love potion."
Adrien staggered and closed his open mouth. He had seen love potions in the movies and they always turned out badly. Plus, he could never do that to his Lady. That would be like trying to drug her and that would be betraying her trust. He shook his head. "I can't do that Plagg. Not to her."
Plagg rolled his eyes. "You're not hurting her. You're just having a little fun! It'll wear off in a day or so and hey," he winked. "Wouldn't it be fun having her being the one chasing YOU for once?"
Adrien's speech faltered. Thoughts of Ladybug clinging to him and kissing all over him filled his mind and he shook them off. "I-I can't." It looked like he was trying to convince only himself that it was a bad idea.
"Oh come on, Mr. Goody Two-Shoes," Plagg waved a paw and snickered. "Remember how she kissed you and didn't tell you? It'll be the same thing! She doesn't have to know and she won't, as long as you keep it on the down low." He eyed Adrien and sneered. "Finally all of your dreams will come true!" He dreamily clapped his paws together and swirled in the air, obviously imitating Adrien from all his past Ladybug daydreams.
Adrien paused, not knowing what to do. He knew it was morally wrong but he couldn't help but let his cat-like curiosity get the better of him. It would be more than amazing to have Ladybug not only maybe go on a date with him but also have her be all over him. He couldn't imagine how it would feel. His heartbeat increased by the mere thought.
"U-Uh u-um…"
He clamped his mouth shut and let out an awkward laugh the longer Plagg stared at him with a knowing look. "I-I can't Plagg! It just wouldn't be-"
Plagg smirked and eyed him some more. "You know you'd like it."
"I-I…" Adrien bit his tongue and lowered his voice. "I-IwouldbutIjustcan't!" A breath escaped his lips and a dreamy look appeared on his face. "I want her to fall in love with me for real."
"Well this is as close as you're gonna get so you might as well go for it," Plagg shrugged his tiny shoulders.
"I-I... n-n-" Adrien shook his head, dismissing the temptation that was growing in his head. "It wouldn't be right."
"Fine, have it your way." The little cat sat back down on the desk and casually crossed his legs. "Don't come crying to me that you missed your chance to have Ladybug at the tip of your finger." He grinned when he noticed Adrien's body tense up. "Don't get upset that you missed the chance to have Ladybug all to yourself, kissing her, taking her on dates, doing all those romantic things you have dreamt about doing for her. She'd be in love with only you… Adrien Agre-"
"Okay!" Adrien squeezed his eyes shut and huffed loudly. "I-I'll do it!"
"So you're not as dumb as you look," Plagg spat and grinned an evil grin. "Trust me, you'll be thanking me later." He pulled out a piece of paper and handed a pen to Adrien. "I'll give you a recipe that works."
Adrien bit his lip and scrunched his shoulders. Was he really going to go through with this? He wasn't really drugging her… was he?
"Okay, so here." Plagg pointed at the paper. "Write all these down."
He was really drugging her, wasn't he? The pen moved along the paper, copying every inch of what Plagg had said to him.
Adrien swallowed hard and instantly regretted agreeing to it. "I-I don't know if I can… do this…"
Having enough of his chosen's hesitations, Plagg puffed out a chunk of air form his lungs. "Think of it as putting her under a quick spell. I don't see how it's any different than being put under an akuma." Seeing Adrien press his lips together, he continued. "Look, she'll be fine afterwards. It's not permanent. It's just a little harmless fun!" He grabbed onto Adrien's right hand and pulled him forward. "Live a little!"
Adrien's eyes glanced down at his desk as he murmured in fear. "What if there's side effects?"
"There's none," Plagg said as a matter of factly. "She'll be back to her normal self when it wears off. There's nothing to worry about."
Adrien twisted his lips. "Have… have you done this before?"
Plagg let out a large laugh. "Have I? You're kidding right?"
That earned an eyebrow quirk from Adrien as he let the curiosity fill him up. "You did?"
Plagg snorted. "Oh yeah, a bunch of times actually." He elbowed Adrien. "Get this, you'll love the irony. I did this on Ladybug's kwami once."
Adrien's eyes widened. "On Ladybug's kwami?!"
"Yep!" He placed a paw proudly on his chest. "It was great fun!"
Adrien bit his lip and eyed Plagg nervously. "I'm worried about this Plagg."
"Trust me," the black kwami smirked. "Unlike the fake recipes you find on the internet, this one actually works. It's a kwami's secret recipe."
"That's not what I'm worried about…" Adrien trailed off and bit his lip.
A sarcastic scoff was thrown Adrien's way as Plagg raised his paws in the air. "There's nothing to worry about! I've done it! It's nothing but innocent fun!"
Adrien couldn't believe he was about to go through with this. His Lady… He was an awful person and he wanted to punish the Chat Noir side of his brain for agreeing to it. His mind filled with horrible thoughts of all what could go wrong. What if the recipe hurt her? He'd never forgive himself! Plagg said the recipe was safe… he could be trusted… right?
"I-I," he stammered and shakily inhaled. "O-O-O-Okay. Let's do it." He pulled out his Chat Noir bravery and jotted down the list of the ingredients from the website Plagg found.
Sneaking out his window as Chat Noir and detransforming back to Adrien when he was a comfortable distance away from the mansion, he made a beeline to the grocery store to gather the needed items. The trip went by faster as he really only needed to be in two isles. He picked up some sweet spices and placed them in his shopping basket.
"Cinnamon, cloves, anise," he read off, scratching out the items on a piece of paper.
Next was pure spring water. Adrien stared at all of the bottled water he could choose from. He stood, confused on which was the best option. "How do I know which is the best?"
He heard Plagg mutter from under his shirt. "Just pick one. It doesn't matter."
Adrien checked the labels on every single type of water available. He nodded with approval at a certain bottle design that contained a pink flower. Flowers indicated freshness and romance. This water had to be the best.
His eyes skimmed the list for the remaining items. "Rose petals?" he asked out loud. "Where would they be?"
Plagg stuck his head out of his pocket. "Just pick two off a flower in the flower shop."
Adrien gasped. "That's stealing!"
"Do you want Ladybug in love with you or not?" Plagg rolled his eyes and Adrien sighed.
"Fine but I'm buying it."
He made his way to the flower shop and purchased one rose. The cashier was kind and rang his other items through also. Paying for them, he thanked the cashier and left the store, hurrying back home as fast as he could.
Adrien transformed into Chat Noir again and with the bag in hand, he shot his staff in the air to have him land on a rooftop. He loved travelling by rooftop. He took a few steps, preparing himself to run but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw red and black polka dots.
"L-L-L-L-Ladybug!?" Chat's eyes boggled and his heart instantly panicked. He swiped the bag behind his back and smiled as innocently as he could. Seeing her smiling face sent pings of guilt through his gut. He was tempted to do nothing else but throw his grocery bag off the roof.
"Hi Chat Noir! Fancy meeting you here!"
He did his best to act naturally. "U-Uh yeah! You too!" He laughed nervously and coughed, guilt pouring through his veins. "What are you doing here?"
"I'm on patrol," she studied him. "It's my turn tonight, remember?"
"O-Oh," he mentally slapped himself for forgetting.
"Did you forget and think it was your turn?" Ladybug placed a hand to her mouth and giggled. "Silly Kitty."
Chat Noir wanted nothing more than to cradle her in his arms and apologize for the sinful act he'd be committing soon. No, it was for fun. Just a joke right? Harmless fun?
"Y-Yeah I forgot."
"Tsk tsk," she stood from where she was seated and flicked his bell. "Well go home and get some rest." She winked. "I got this."
He smashed his lips against each other and nodded, unable to say anything else.
She swung her yo-yo out and gave him a quick wave. "Our joint patrol is tomorrow night. Don't forget that one!" With a swish of her arm, she flew out into the open sky.
Chat stood there dumbfounded, mouth agape. His eyes were glued to Ladybug's beauty and he was loving the way her hair looked as she ascended through the night sky. She was breathtaking and Chat found himself having trouble swallowing. He felt all reason drain out of his head and the intense craving of having her in his arms took over. It was just one night. One little short evening. Then he'd never do it again! What harm was it to just hold her close once?
With those thoughts in his head, he traveled back home and detransformed, getting ready for bed. His hands shook in anticipation for tomorrow night's adventures. Tomorrow night he could finally feel his Lady in his arms. He spent the next half hour jotting down all of the fun things he wanted them to do together.
Going on a date to the fanciest restaurant in town, maybe going for a cute romantic stroll while holding hands, of course. Adrien's heart was tingling and he was having trouble breathing. He was going to make sure Ladybug knew just how much he loved her.
Tomorrow night arrived sooner than Adrien thought. He had to wait until decently late in order to make the potion. He couldn't have interruptions. He snuck into the kitchen as quiet as a mouse and began making his masterpiece. As quickly as a speed of light, the ingredients were in a pot simmering away. It smelled delicious to his surprise and he stirred it every few minutes.
"S-So do I give it to her straight or do I put it in something?" Adrien asked his kwami who was munching away on some camembert.
Plagg snorted in response and swallowed his mouthful. "Put it in tea. Just make sure to mark which cup is hers so she gets it and not you."
Adrien laughed. What idiot would drink his own potion? "I know Plagg." He showed him the two cups he was going to be using. "Ladybug's is the one with the red flowers and mine is green."
His kwami nodded. "Don't forget to stir the pot."
Adrien eyes lit up. It had been awhile since he last stirred. Spoon in hand, he gave his creation a nice long stir.
With a plop, Plagg dropped something into the liquid.
"What did you put in it?" Adrien asked, suddenly concerned.
A wink was sent his way. "A special kwami ingredient."
The timer went off sooner than expected and he smiled. Patrol started in fifteen minutes. The timing was perfect! He poured a generous helping of the mixture into Ladybug's marked red cup and poured the rest down the sink. He was only going to do this once. Quickly brewing some hot water, tea bags were dunked into each cup. The two cups were filled to the brim with the steaming water and Adrien let out a long jittery breath. To say he was nervous was an understatement. Fears of being caught filled his mind and he leaned down to gently sniff both cups. He purposely picked out a stronger chai tea so the scent of his potion would be covered up by the tea smell. His nose traveled from one cup to the other and he couldn't tell that one had extra ingredients.
Plagg laughed at Adrien's nervousness. "Have fun kid. Don't stay out too late." He winked.
Adrien raised an eyebrow at him, unsure of how Plagg was acting. Should he be worried?
DUN DUN DUUUUUN. Stay tuned for the next chapter! Will Adrien finally have his sweet Lady under his fingertips?