To Whom it may concern,
I seemed to have messed up the ages a bit here. I have Severus and Lily as 15 and yet they have already taken their owls so they have to be 16 now. I know that Severus' birthday is in Jan. so he would have been 16 before the tests. I will correct this at some point.
Thank you for reading.
Severus had spent the whole week healing scar tissue and waiting for the swelling around his nose to go down. His grandfather had gotten worried and called in a Healer. Severus had not been happy to learn he was going on a strict diet and potions regiment. Not happy at all. But he was thrilled when his grandfather swore to teach him how to brew each one though he was told that Ignotus would be brewing them until Severus could brew them perfectly. Severus agreed to this he was actually worried about his Potions being affected by this new power of his. He was pissed to see
Potions Brewing-1
Ingredient Preparation-1
Lily was worried when he'd almost lost his temper over nothing that she could see. It made him debate on telling her about his power or not. He decided to sit on it for now and brewed most of the week while teaching the girls.
Severus could finally try his nose healing spell again. He wanted to wait because they were going out again to a Ministry function him, Ignotus and Lily. Black and Potter were sure to be there. He looked over at his new robes he had a whole new wardrobe full of Magical and Muggle clothes courtesy of his grandfather who was actually taking his role as Severus' guardian seriously. Severus often found himself wishing that he'd contacted his grandfather sooner maybe the man would have taken him and his mother in and she would still be alive. Then again he doubted that his mother would have left he had no idea why she had stayed.
He decided to wait until after the Ministry Party to heal his nose. He went and washed his hair four times with his new shampoo that was brewed specifically to combat the vapors of potions getting stuck in the hair. It was working like a charm. He'd been thrilled to find out that his grandfather owned the biggest Potions Company in the world. It had always been his goal to work there and he'd told the man so. He'd gotten a rare smile too. After his hair was clean of his potion vapors he brushed it and tied it back at the nape of his neck and got his robes on. He looked at himself in the mirror. He didn't think he looked all that handsome but Lily had said he did so that's why he'd agreed to the fancy robes in the first place. He took a few calming breaths and put his wand in it's sheath. Then headed downstairs.
Neither Severus or Lily had gotten sick after being Apperated but it was a close thing for both of them and even Ignotus looked green he had warned them that it had been years since he'd last Apperated but had wanted to arrive quickly and without soot on their robes. While Severus and Ignotus were wearing black and silver Lily's dress was pure silver and sparkled. She had had enough lessons with Ignotus and Severus to understand the importance of House Colors for the Ancient and Noble Houses. She was making a statement by wearing this dress and being on Severus' arm tonight. She was planning on marrying into the Prince family.
The hall was full when they arrived and both she and Severus were nervous as they were introduced.
"Lord Ignotus Prince, Heir Severus Snape, and Lily Evans."
Everyone turned to watch them come down the stairs into the hall.
"What the hell?!" James growled shocking his family and the Black's. "Lily is wearing silver?!"
"Looks like Snape got to her before you." Sirius said, equally shocked. "Sorry man."
James wouldn't take that he instantly declared that she must be under a dark spell.
"Or she could just not understand the importance of the color." Sirius offered after a full twenty minutes of James raging. "I mean it's not like Snape actually holds true to Pureblood teachings. He's Muggle raised from what I heard. He probably doesn't understand either."
James calmed down a bit yes that would be it. Neither understood what they were saying.
But his hopes were dashed a little while later.
"Miss. Evans. Hier Prince?"
Severus and Lily turned to see a reporter. They were standing with Ignotus and had just finished greeting the Potter and Black families.
"Can we assume that this is an engagement or are both of you ignorant of the statement you showing?"
"Neither of us are ignorant to the statement we are showing." Severus said, cooly but calmly. "Both of us may be Muggle raised but we have been studying up on our Magical Culture for sometime now so no you may not assume that."
"As for the color of my dress." Lily cut in. "I would think it speaks for itself. I have made my choice. I will one day marry Severus."
Severus fought back the blush just as he had when he'd seen Lily in the dress for the first time. He cursed his grandfather again. The man had approved of Lily's dress when the tailor had come so he'd known her color choice. He'd probably talked to her about a contract and everything. This was of course all news to Severus but he acted as if it was old news and that everyone should know it.
Ignotus was amused and proud of how they were handling the situation.
"Come, Lily we must move to greet the other Lords and Ladies as is proper." Severus drawled.
Ignotus lead them along and they followed.
The last families to be greeted were the LeStrange and Malfoy families. Rabastan looked lost as they approached.
After greeting the LeStrange Lord Lily felt it her duty to reassure him but first thing first.
"Heir LeStrange, I would like to extend my congratulations on hearing about your upcoming wedding to Bellatrix Black."
The 18 year old Rudolphus looked less than thrilled.
"Thank you." He grunted.
"Rabastan, I am so sorry that Petunia could not join us tonight but she's had an allergic reaction to one of the magical plants that grow wild in the Moor. It was rather savare so the Healer put her on bedrest and a Potion. She truly wanted to come so that she could see you."
"I'm sorry to hear that she is ill." Rabastan said, sincerely. "What was so that I know not to send her this plant in the future?"
"Asenjul." Severus replied.
Rabastan was instantly annoyed. Asenjul were ruby red flowers that bloomed in the shape of a heart he'd been set to send her a dozen now he would have to rethink.
"I thank you for the information."
"Gotta cancel your flower order, little brother." Rudolphus teased gently.
Severus was fighting off a smile. Lily was acting every bit the Pure-blood Lady and doing it correctly. If she kept this up no one would be able to find fault with her. They moved to the Malfoy family and greeted the Lord as he was widowed much like Lord LeStrange.
"May I extend my congratulations, Heir Malfoy, on your engagement to Narcissa Black." Lily said, instantly.
"And yours to Severus." Lucius Malfoy purred, pulling Narcissa closer to him. While Narcissa looked lovely in Malfoy colors she was no near as hot as Lily in Prince colors.
Narcissa echoed Lucius.
Ignotus, Severus and Lily finally got to their table to rest.
"We greeted everyone?" Lily asked, in a low whisper.
"No," Ignotus shook his head. "We greeted the Lord's and Ladies of Magical Britain as you two will one day be among them this is important."
"You're making me your heir?" Severus asked, forcing himself to keep his voice low. "I know I have male cousins..."
"You are my grandson and the true heir of this family." Ignotus stated. "and I am not just now naming you heir. You were named heir on January 9th 1960."
Severus was shocked. He'd been heir to his mother family for 16 years now. He had a lot of power he could have wielded at Hogwarts. He could have kept himself safe in Slytherin had he known that.
"Eileen did not inform you?" Ignotus sighed.
"No, Grandfather." Severus said, quietly.