A/N:Welcome to another story under the Sonic the Hedgehog category, specifically under Sonic Forces (Wow, SpiderDom, you posted three Sonic Forces stories already and they have either been cancelled or deleted due to computer glitches. Also, the game is two years old, why are you still obsessing over it?) Plus, this came out of nowhere. I have just started a Sonic story called "Awakened" and I'm not even finished with it. But hey, this is something that has been on my mind for a long time now, and I wanted to share it with the rest of the world. Special shoutout to my friends, Infinite's Ruby (She helped me with dialogue and story elements) while TheGameNguyener inspired me to make this happen with his own story, "Revengeful Resistance." Ruby has a story of her own called "The Illusionary Resistance." You all should check them out sometime.

Like Awakened, this story has a random update schedule.

And like Awakened. This story has a "Suggested Music" section. The rules are as followed. If you see a number (1) that's your cue to play the music. If you see a number with an "s" next to it (1s) that's your cue to stop the music.

Suggested Music:

(1) Theme of Sand Ruins - Sonic Riders OST

(2) Sunflower (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse) - Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse OST

With the long and unnecessary introduction out of the way, let the show begin. This is Sonic Heroes: The Atom Bomb

Disclaimer: Sonic the Hedgehog and all other related properties are owned by SEGA. I do not own the story of Sonic Forces. I only own the changes I made to the plot and original characters in this story. All music belongs to their respected owners.


Sonic the Hedgehog: The Fastest Creature in the universe couldn't help but smile, as he made a rough dash with his Extreme Gear; a hoverboard that has been used on many of his adventures, through the desert. Or well… the race track in this case. The blue blur was on the move once again, as he and his good friends, Miles "Tails" Prower and Knuckles the Echidna were in the last race of the third annual World Grand Prix; the second lap of the final race. The three of them were racing through the Sand Ruins, a place where Sonic and a Mobian bird named Jet the Hawk raced each other for the first Grand Prix, only the latter won because he and his team cheated by placing a bomb on Sonic's gear. (1)

Team Sonic, as the team was called, dashed through the arid sands. Jumping from different sized ramps. Doing tricks off them. And landing on the ground, getting a nice boost of speed that kept them ahead of the competition. During their journey through the second lap of the race, they were determined to win. No matter what.

"Phew! So far, so good," Sonic said, looking over his shoulder. Seeing Knuckles and Tails behind him put a smile on his face. "How're you holding back there, guys?"

"I'm feeling great, Sonic!" Knuckles replied, kicking the ground. He gained a boost of speed and caught up to Sonic. "Looks like we're finally going to win this one!"

"Looks to be that way, Knuckles," Tails smiled. He caught up to his friends and rode on Sonic's left. "If we keep this up, we'll make it to the finish line in no time!"

Suddenly, a female, obnoxious toned voice came from behind the two-tailed kit. "Don't be too sure of that, Shorty."

Sonic and Knuckles turned around and groaned at the sight of who the voice was. It was Wave the Swallow; Tails' rival when it came to Extreme Gear. She was close behind them with her two colleagues by her side, Jet the Hawk and Storm the Albatross. All three of them were better known as The Babylon Rogues: A mysterious band of treasure-seeking thieves.

Like Team Sonic, they were in it to win it. As they raced up along their rivals, they sneered at them before cackling.

"It's about time we finally settle this feud!" Storm slapped his fists together, striking anger into Knuckles' eyes.

"For real this time!" the echidna snarled back. "No Eggman, no freaky Gravity Stones, no Babylon Garden! Just a good old-fashioned race!"

"Couldn't have said it better myself, Mutt," Wave chuckled.

"What did she just call me!?"

"Easy there, Knucklehead," Sonic motioned to his friend. "You'll have time to rumble later. Right now, I gotta teach a certain someone about who the real fastest thing alive is!"

Jet the Hawk: Leader of Team Babylon, rolled his eyes at Sonic's snark. He shook it off by laughing in an annoying manner. "You may be the fastest when it comes to running, but when riding with Extreme Gear, you're just a joke!"

"Oh, yeah, sure, Jet. I'm a joke on Extreme Gear. It's not like I used this thing to make a tornado that made you fly in the air or anything!"

"Oh, gosh, don't repeat the line!"

"Even without wings, I can still fly!"

Team Sonic made a mad dash ahead of Team Babylon, ticking off the green-feathered leader. He shook his fist and snarled. Jet was not ready to lose nor was did he want to be mocked by Sonic.

"Orders, boss?" Storm asked.

Jet cracked his fingers and adjusted his goggles. "Leave em' in the dust!"

The Babylon Rogues obeyed their master and drifted across the sand, leaving nothing but dust in the air. It blew away in the soft wind.

A six riders rode through the desert until they came across one of the race track's many action features; pillars that would randomly rise out of the ground. Speaking of which, the ground started shaking below the six racers. They all looked down at the sand and noticed that all the sandy grains moving around. Suddenly, a giant pillar shot out of the ground like a rocket ship. Sonic and Jet dodged the pillar with ease while Tails and Wave flew over it with their flying abilities. Storm attempted to smack Knuckles upside the head, hoping to knock him off his board, but the echidna ducked under the albatross' beef-sized hand. He then grabbed the albatross and slammed his face right into the pillar, causing him to fall off.

"So long, meathead!" Knuckles waved goodbye to his rival.

Storm landed on his rear end. Shook his head to relieve the pain he got from the crash. Cleaned the sand he got from his ears. And got back up on his feet. Grabbing his Extreme Gear, he ran a few feet down the Sand Ruins before jumping back on his hoverboard.

He returned to the competition.

Ahead of him, Sonic and Jet clashed and bumped into each other, trying to throw each other off course. The former boosted ahead of the latter, but before he can make it further, Wave cut him off and yelled in his ear with a loud bird call; a signature attack she would use against her racers.

"Augh!" Sonic yelled, rubbing his ears.

"I got her, Sonic!" Tails gave his best friend a thumbs up, as he raced up to Wave with his plan of attacked. He took out a taser that was in the shape of a plug and shocked Wave with a painful bolt of electricity.

Zap. Zap. Zap. Wave screamed at the top of her lungs, as Sonic and Knuckles drove past her and Jet. Tails released her from her electric capture and caught up with his friends. "See ya later!" he called.

"Idiot!" Jet growled at Wave. Storm finally caught up to them. "Figure out a way to slow them down! I'm not losing this race!"

"Got it, boss!" Storm saluted.

Team Sonic and Team Babylon got to a ramp that sat at the edge of a cliff. The team in first place; Sonic's team, squatted down, and jumped off the ramp. Team Babylon followed close behind.

The blue hedgehog and the red echidna performed a few front flips and backflips while their two-tailed amigo jumped up on his feet and landed on his hands, doing a handstand on his gear. Jet jumped off his gear and performed a triple front flip, he grabbed his board again and placed his feet back on top of it. Wave and Storm did basic spinning tricks prior to landing on the ground. The six riders were back to riding across the sands.

But they weren't in the middle of the desert anymore, they were riding on the outskirts of the temple area. In fact, they were dead in front of the temple's entrance. The ancient piece of architecture was buried in ruins and sand flowed just about everywhere.

There was so much sand flowing around, it looked like a waterfall.

Sonic and Knuckles went towards the waterfall whereas Tails decided to take a shortcut; a ramp that lead to a couple of Dash Rings.

Team Babylon grouped with each other to discuss a plan to win the final race.

"Storm, you and I will handle Sonic and Knuckles!" Jet ordered his teammates. "Wave, take care of the fox!"

Wave kindly nodded to her boss, as she turned to the right and chased down the kitsune. The hawk and the albatross tailed after Sonic and Knuckles. Speaking of the two, they were having trouble traversing through the sand flowing down the hills. No matter how hard the heroes tried, the force of the sand would push them down, almost to the point where they would fall off their Extreme Gear.

"There has to be another way to get through this sand flow!" Knuckles snarled. He turned over his shoulder and saw Jet and Storm clouding over him. The former jumped on a grind rail that was at the left corner of the sand fall while Storm chased after both him and Sonic. "Hey, Sonic, we got company!"

"I'm aware!" Sonic replied, looking up to the top part of the ruins he was riding through. He saw Jet land on the top platform; he was in first place. And Sonic was in second.

"You got any bright ideas?" Knuckles asked.

Before Sonic could reply, Jet kicked a piece of rubble off the ruins, causing a large rock to fall straight towards Sonic.

"Look out!" Knuckles shouted, he dashed up to Sonic and punched the debris with his bare fists, breaking it into pieces. He grabbed one of the pieces and chucked it at Storm, it hit him in the head.

"Thanks, Knux," Sonic smiled.

"Not a problem!" Knuckles replied. He looked up and saw Jet do the same trick again. "Here comes another one!"

"Let it come!"


"Trust me! I know what I'm doing!"

Jet kicked another piece of debris off the ruins and watched it fall to the ground, it landed right in front of Sonic and Knuckles. The two friends squatted down on their legs until they came onto the rock, leaping off of it and doing an aerial trick.

Sonic and Knuckles landed on the top platform and gained a boost of speed from the landing; they were close behind Jet.

"What!?" Jet's eyes widened. He was angry. "Hmph! It doesn't matter, you're not going to win!"

"Don't be so sure about that, Jet!" Sonic smirked. (1s)


On the other side of the track, Tails was flying through the Dash Rings, gaining a high acceleration. Just down below him was a cliff that lead to a bottomless pit… or at least, people who have been here have said that it was bottomless. Tails didn't want to find out if that was true, so he kept using his propeller-like-tails to zoom across the skies.

But little did he know; Wave the Swallow was hunting for him.

An oversized wrench was welded to her hand.

The two-tailed fox turned around to see if his teammates or the Babylon Rogues were behind him, but as soon as he turned around. The wrench greeted him with a swat.

"Whoa!" Tails ducked underneath the tool. "Wave, are you crazy!?"

"Crazy! You shocked me with an electric plug!"

"Just be happy I didn't swing it around like a wrecking ball!"

Wave swung her tool at the fox's face, making him lean backwards in order to dodge it. They flew through another Dash Ring. Wave raised her weapon on the air and slammed it vertically on top of Tails. But before it can knock the fox's brains out, Tails caught the edge of the tool with his hands, struggling to keep it from stabbing him in the eye.

"Let go of my wrench, Shorty!" Wave scoffed. She pulled on her tool.

"Why do you keep calling me 'Shorty?' " Tails moaned. "You're only an inch taller than me!"

"You think I don't know that!?" Wave sneered. She and Tails tossed and turned in the air, fighting over possession of the wrench. "Just because you're an inch shorter doesn't make you smarter than me, you two-tailed freak!"

"Are you smart enough to dodge this?" Tails reached behind him and took out the same electric plug he used earlier. Pushing the end of the wire into Wave's chest, he sent a bolt of electricity running down her body. As she screamed in agony, Tails kicked her off of him and continued racing through the Dash Rings.

As soon as he landed back on solid ground, he cheered for himself and waved his fist in the air. "Haha! I did it!" he chanted. "Take that, Wave-huh!? Oh, no!"

Tails didn't continue any further because he saw Wave on her Extreme Gear, she was over the cliff. Why was that a bad thing?

His answer came to him quickly as soon as he saw Wave trip and fall off her Extreme Gear, which he guessed happened when he kicked her and tased her with his electric plug. Being the gentleman that he is, he rushed over to the cliff and dive bombed towards the bottomless pit below; Wave and her Extreme Gear were falling towards the darkness.

Just before she can spend the rest of her life falling, Tails grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her onto his Extreme Gear. But the swallow was able to catch her gear before it fell into the pit.

The two gearheads, as they were jokingly called by Sonic, landed back on the surface.

Tails and Wave jumped off the former's gear and took heavy pants. The former landed on his feet while the latter landed on her rear end. They couldn't believe that just happened. The kitsune turned his head to the female swallow, gazing into her ocean blue eyes.

"Are you okay?" Tails walked up and asked, holding out his hand.

Wave the Swallow looked at the fox's white glove and felt insulted that he would so something as to help his opponent up on her feet, especially since he's the one who almost caused her death. She turned away from him and closed her eyes, not wanting to see his face. However, after some thought, she turned back around and gazed into his azure blue eyes. For as long as she could remember, she hated Tails and Tails hated her. The two of them were enemies, nothing else. But she was aware that Tails would offer to help her at times when she needed it. She began to recall the time she, the rest of Team Babylon, and Team Sonic were in the last race of their second World Grand Prix, when suddenly, something went wrong with Jet's gear.

She remembered that as she tried to figure out what happened, Tails offered to help her take a look at the malfunction, he didn't need to do that, but it was nice of him to do so… that was she thought at the time.

Tails was always kind to her, despite accepting that they were enemies.

Wave finally grabbed his hand, Tails pulled her up on her feet. Wave brushed the sand off her white and purple pants.

"Hmph! If you were smart, you would have let me fall to my doom!" Wave scoffed. She folded her arms and turned away from Tails.

"Really?" Tails rubbed his head. "That doesn't seem like an intelligent thing to do?"

Wave walked up to her gear and picked it up, walking past Tails. "It seems you and I have different definitions of intelligence." she jumped on top of her Gear and waved the fox goodbye. "See ya, Shorty!"

Wave returned to the competition, hoping to catch up to Jet and Storm.

Tails rolled his eyes and moaned, picking up his hoverboard and climbing on top of it. "I'll never understand her." he said. He dashed back to the race.


"Go Team Sonic! Go Team Sonic! Go Team Sonic!"

"Babylon Rogues! Babylon Rogues! Babylon Rogues!"

"Let's go Sonic Heroes, let's go! Let's go, Sonic Heroes, let's go!"

Chanting filled the colosseum in Sand Ruins.

People's eyes were glued to the screen, showing the six racers in action.

Everyone was eating all sorts of sports food like hot dogs, pretzels, popcorn, etc.

People were cheering for their favorite teams.

What else would you expect from a sports event like this?

People were jam-packed in the seats of Sand Ruins, nearly taking up every single inch of space that was there before the race began. Nearly every citizen of Mobius ranging from Mobian to Human was taped to the edge of their seat, cheering, chanting, and screaming at the television screen because they were wondering who will win this competition. Team Sonic or Team Babylon?

They also cheered because they saw Sonic smack Jet upside the head. That made them laugh.

"Go get em', Sonic!" said Amy Rose, who was sitting in the front row next to her best friends. Well, one of them was her best friend, Cream the Rabbit and Vector the Crocodile. Espio the Chameleon and Charmy Bee sat beside their boss.

"Come on, Knuckles!" Vector shouted. "You're my only ticket to being rich!"

Amy slapped Vector's arm. Espio rolled his eyes. Charmy laughed at Vector's punishment.

In the hub of all the chaos was the racetrack itself, food serves were walking across the racetrack, calling out the food they have in stock for the people.

"Hot dogs!" shouted a Mobian duck. "Get your hot dogs here!"

"Popcorn!" a female human cupped her hands over her mouth. "Get your popcorn! Going once! Going twice!"

"Ice Cream!" shouted a female pink dog. "Get your ice cream before it melts!... never mind, it melted." (2)

In front of the stairway, where all the rows began, there was a small sandwich shop. Inside of it was a tall, chubby, and old Mobian beaver with purple fur and a brown tail. He was in the back of the shop, cooking up some steak he needed to serve a customer. He grabbed the steak with his spatula and flipped it over, feeling the steaming hot sizzling flavor of the steak hit him in the face. The same thing went for the customer.

"Oh, boy!" the customer smiled, rubbing his hands together with joy. He spoke in a voice that made him sound like a brooding superhero. "I can't wait to have me a Clay the Rabbit special!"

Clay the Rabbit was the customer's name. He was a Mobian rabbit with a grey fur and emerald green eyes. He wore red fingerless gloves that sat themselves against the counter, his grey-colored fingers tipped against the wood. He had tan skin for his mouth area and the inside of his large, floppy ears. And last, but not least, he wore bright silver and black sneakers that were labeled "MD."

Clay sat there and waited patiently for his meal, praying that he gets it before all six racers cross the finish line for the final lap.

He cracked his fingers.

Stretched his legs.

Flexed his muscles.

He was excited to eat his special sandwich.

Within a matter of seconds, the beaver brought him the meal he ordered not too long ago. Finally, his Clay the Rabbit special as he called it, was brought to him… and it smelled horribly. While it looked like an appetizing sandwich to Clay himself, no one was able to deny that it smelled like manure and fertilizer. Not only did it spread a hideous odor, but the meal was larger than it should be. One might say that it was so long, it would take ten-meter sticks to measure the entire thing.

Still, this is what he wanted, and he was happy with the result.

"Mmm, mmm," Clay rubbed his hands together in excitement, licking his lips. "Looks delicious! Totally worthy of my coolness. How much will it be, good sir?"

"Six Mobiums," the beaver replied.

"Wow, more expensive than I thought," Clay said to himself. He reached into his shoes and took out exactly six Mobiums. He placed them on the counter.

"Oh, wait, I forgot," the beaver said. He reached behind him and took out a cup of chocolate pudding and a spoon. He placed them on the deck. "You ordered this too, right?"

"Yep! Chocolate Pudding! The food you need to be a God like me!"

"Okay, crazy, get out of here."

Clay grabbed his oversized sandwich and his cup of pudding, walking away from the sandwich shop. As he walked down the colosseum, he took a bite of his sandwich. Feeling all the ingredients he put in there come together in a complete harmony of flavor… or at least, that's what he was picturing. He took another bite and felt the music of the ingredients run down his mouth.

"Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!" Clay smiled, as he devoured another bite. "I feel just like a Mobian God already."

He closed his eyes and continued walking back to where he was sitting, taking two more bites of his sandwich. Unaware that the smell of it was spewing across the stadium. Everyone that was sitting in the front row, including Amy Rose and her friends, couldn't help but feel the wrath of Clay's sandwich.

"Oh, gosh!" Amy coughed, wiping her nose. "Did something die in here!?"

"I hope nothing died," Cream said in a soft voice. "But I hope someone can clean up that smell."

"Pee-u!" Charmy wiped his nose and coughed. "Smells like Vector in here!"

"Hey! I only smell like that because we forgot to pay the water bill again!" Vector retorted. He folded his arms. "Besides, the last person who hired wouldn't pay us."

Espio rolled his eyes at that comment.

As Clay took another bite of his sandwich, he began making small chewing noises as he chewed on his meal. Unaware that someone of a female voice was calling his name.

"Clay," she said. "Clay?"

"Mmm… this is so good!"

"Clay, can you hear me?"

"Little sticky in some parts, but it's supposed to be like that."


"Ah-what the!?"

The rabbit gasped in fear, almost tripping over and ruining his meal. He tossed his arms around until he looked over and saw who called his name. It was one of his closest friends, Skylar. She was standing next to her best friend, Emma.

Skylar was a Mobian bear that had royal blue fur, almost matching the same fur color as Sonic, and pinkish skin. She had bright orange eyes that sat underneath silver and red rimmed glasses. For attire, she wore a yellow suit underneath a black jacket with grey sleeves, leading down to her fingerless black and yellow-colored gloves, they matched the color of her shoes. To top it off, she wore a pink beanie that covered her ears.

Emma, a Mobian hedgehog, had bright yellow skin and dark yellow hair. Her quills were not as long as Sonic or Shadow's, but they were a decent size. She also had four quills unlike both Sonic and Shadow. For attire, she wore a bright green dress with small dark green details on them. Two white buttons were sewed on the dress. Green and white armbands were wrapped around her wrists and she wore blue and white shoes that matched the same style as Amy Rose. (2s)

Clay kindly bowed before the ladies, showing off his gentleman side, as he kindly offered them his sandwich. "Hello, ladies," he said in his low, dark, brooding superhero voice. "Would any of you like a taste of the Clay the Rabbit special?"

"Oh, you got food?" Emma smiled, walking up to Clay. "Thanks, Clay, that's really nice of… oh, my."

The yellow hedgehog managed to catch a whiff of the sandwich. All those ingredients blew into Emma's face. She backed away from the food and held her nose, but she didn't want to be rude to Clay and say that the smell was awful, she wanted to be nice to him, despite how narcissistic he can be. She removed her hand from her nose and took a deep breath.

"Um… Clay, that smell is… interesting." Emma kindly said.

But thankfully, her best friend, Skylar, was blunt. So, she decided to tell Clay the truth. "Interesting!?" she asked in a surprised tone. "Emma, you call that interesting! That's putrid! It smells like three-day old road kill that's left out in the sun too long!"

"I don't know what putrid means," Clay said, taking another bite of his sandwich. "But if it means delicious, then you're correct."

"What's in that vile contraption!?"

Clay rubbed his red fingerless glove against his chin. "Let's see… there's roast beef, some chicken, a pizza, cheese, tomato sauce, lettuce, tomato, ketchup, honey mustard, veggie cream cheese, honey, a scoop of vanilla ice cream, bacon, banana, peanut butter, and last but not least… three sliced pickles."

"Wait. So, you're telling me this sandwich shop cleaned out their fridge just to serve this foul substance!? What sandwich shop would make such a culinary disaster!?"

"A sandwich shop that would serve the mightiest God on Mobius; Clay the Rabbit! Now, would any of you fine ladies care to be as strong as I am, or would you like to be a mere mortal?"

"If being a God means eating that? No thanks."

"I'll pass, Clay, but I appreciate your offer." Emma smiled.

"Besides, who would want to eat that?" Skylar snarled.

Just then, another voice was heard walking behind Skylar and Emma. It was a male voice, he sniffed the air. "Mmm… something smells good."

Clay, Skylar, and Emma turned to their right and saw the one person who could bare to have a smell like that fly up his nostrils; Clay's best friend, Buster the Dog. As his name implies, he was a dark brown Mobian dog with ocean blue eyes and a light brown muzzle. He wore a dark brown cowboy hat on his head and a pair of brown cowboy boots. He sniffed the air and wagged his short, bushy tail. Happy to see some food in front of him. He walked up to his best friend and took a big whiff of the sandwich.

He rubbed his green colored gloves together and licked his lips; he was ready to eat.

"Man, that smells so good, Clay!" Buster smiled. "Would you mind if I have a bite?"

"I don't know," Clay shook his head, grinning. "You think you're ready to taste the power?"


"Are you ready to feel the power of the Gods?"


"Do you think you're ready to taste the rich, crispy, gooey, delicious power that lies within the Clay the Rabbit special?"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

"Then, stop sitting there and help me dig in!"

At that moment, Buster and Clay stopped running their mouths and started putting their taste buds to good use; they sank their teeth into the sandwich like sharks eating a large fish, beginning to devour the entire snack into their mouths.

As they chewed and chewed and chewed, flakes of lettuce, drips of vanilla ice cream, droplets of honey, and other flakes of food flew into the air. All of them scattered across the ground, as they landed against the sand. Some of the flakes got onto Skylar's bumblebee colored shoes, which grossed her out.

"Eww, gross!" she scoffed, kicking the scraps off her shoe. "They're a duo of swines!"

Just then, a random Mobian pig walked behind Skylar, she heard her comment. "You know, some of us have feelings!" she walked away from the bear and the hedgehog.

Burp! Emma and Skylar heard that classic noise come from the two boys. They jerked their heads towards them and saw that they have miraculously eaten the entire sandwich. Clay and Buster patted their stomachs and let out another burp, feeling satisfied with their meal.

"It's official, Buster Beeza," Clay offered a fist bump to his best friend. "You're a man… just like your best bud."

"Thanks, Clay," Buster fist bumped the rabbit. "That means a lot."

"Perfect," Skylar rolled her eyes. "You two terminated that awful snack! Can we go back to our seats, now?"

"We are in our seats, Skylar," Clay patted her on the back. He walked to the front of the racetrack. "I told you all we're going to be sitting here for the race."

"Clay picked the best seat in the house!" Buster smiled. "Isn't it awesome!?"

"Sitting in front of the track is nice," Emma said. "But don't you think it's a little dangerous, Clay? What if one of the racers runs you over?"

"Ah, what if they're small Extreme Gear bruises?" Clay shrugged his shoulders. "Besides, those would be the ultimate souvenirs to brag to your friends about."

Skylar rolled her eyes. Emma and Buster shared a glance.

"And also," Clay continued. "When the race is over, I want the chance to race Sonic and Jet. I want to see which one of us is the fastest. I bet I can beat them in a race."

"Sonic would run you over and Jet would sneeze on you." Skylar teased.

"Eh, I'll take it like a man. Once I'm on the track, the two will be praising me as the fastest thing alive."

An awkward silence was amongst the group.

"Sure, Clay," Skylar said, patting Clay's shoulder. "That'll happen when pigs fly,"

"Again!" shouted the female pig from before. "Standing right here!"


Team Sonic and Team Babylon are almost done with their annual World Grand Prix. All they need to do is finish their second lap and go into their third and final lap. Unfortunately, it may be easier said than done, as a old foe plans to spoil their fun. Who will this opponent be? We're also introduced to our four main OCs for this story; Clay the Rabbit, Emma the Hedgehog, Skylar the Bear, and Buster the Dog. How will they impact our heroes' journey. Find out as the story continues in...

"Chapter 2: The Final Lap."


Not that much happens in this chapter other than the fact that it sets up some of the characters that will be in this story, including The Babylon Rouges. Since they are in Sonic Forces: Speed Battle, I decided to have them here because I feel they are very underrated characters. Similar to my other story, Awakened, other obscure Sonic characters will be in this story.

Sonic Riders is one of my favorite games from my childhood, so I wanted to start off this story with an Extreme Gear Race. Now, in case someone asks about why this story says "three championships" That's because there wasn't one in Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity. If we're going by this, story wise, Sonic Riders is the first World Grand Prix and Sonic Free Riders is the second one. Zero Gravity's story didn't have anything to do with racing, despite being a racing title. This Fanfiction would count as the third World Grand Prix.

Do not attempt to make or eat the sandwich Clay ordered. There is something wrong with that man.

Thanks for taking the time to read! If you're interested in this story, leave a fav/follow for updates. Be sure to leave a review that can help me improve in the future. But no flames, please. That's way past uncool. I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter, Chapter 2 should be coming soon. In the meantime, be sure to check out my second Sonic story, Awakened. I'm the Sensational SpiderDom321 and I'll see you all next time!

~SD321 (SpiderDom321)