A/N: Apologies for the long wait but I wasn't happy with how this chapter initially went and so I decided to change it over and over again. It's over 10,000 words long and my longest chapter to date. Other chapters wouldn't be this long in the future.

Thank you for reviewing my story. I really appreciate all the reviews and comments so do keep them coming! Thank you.

Chapter 9

"So Klaus," Quentin said as he motioned to the blank screens. "Are you ready for the ninth question?"

"Let's do this," Klaus said as his reply was met with a chorus of cheers.

"Now for those viewers who just tuned in, my contestant tonight is none other than twenty-year-old Klaus Baudelaire! Now, Klaus here is on a mission to complete the entire game show, something that's never been done before! Now, Klaus here comes from a family of three kids and has been searching for his missing sisters for six whole years!" Quentin exclaimed to the cameras as Klaus nodded along. "Tell us, Klaus, what are your sisters' names again?"

"My younger sister is Sunny Baudelaire and she is about nine to ten years of age. My older sister's name is Violet Baudelaire and she is twenty-two years of age this year." Klaus replied as Quentin stared at him.

"So I take it that during these six years, you haven't heard a peep as to their whereabouts?"

"Well, there have been whisperings and a few clues but they are still missing to me." Klaus sighed as Quentin nodded. "I haven't seen Sunny since she was a toddler. Can't imagine what she would be like now."

"Six years is far too long," Quentin replied sympathetically.

"Yes, it is." Klaus sighed.

"What about Violet, Klaus? You haven't seen Violet for six years!" Quentin exclaimed.

"Well…" Klaus spoke as he averted his gaze away. "That's not exactly true."


"HELP, WE NEED HELP HERE!" Mark yelled as he and Klaus stumbled into the hospital. Jane had slumped into unconsciousness during the ride towards the hospital and Klaus had a hard time focusing on the road while trying to calm Mark who was beside himself. Klaus recalled breathing a sigh of relief as his eyes found Heimlich Hospital in the distance.

On the outside, the hospital looked similar to what it once was before Count Olaf had burned it down. It was again, only half built with one side having scaffolding while the other was an empty metal structure, similar to the one that Klaus and his sisters spend the night while being pursued by Count Olaf.

On the inside, Heimlich Hospital had certainly changed quite a bit. As they entered the hospital with Jane looking like she was inches away from death's door, Klaus noticed the brightly-lit and floral-patterned lobby which was strange considering that the exterior of Heimlich Hospital still had a dreary and gloomy look to it with its grey outside walls and poorly-maintained windows. There were comfortable chairs around the area with the hospital lobby being well-furnished with paintings of clouds strewn around the room to the flower pots that were scattered all throughout the lobby. Klaus could even hear a tune being played on the intercom, no doubt to add to the pleasant and peaceful atmosphere of the place. There was something quite familiar with the tune, almost like a song Klaus had heard before but without lyrics. Before he could dig deeper to the origin of the tune, Klaus noticed two medical orderlies approaching them.

"Please, please," Mark begged as the two orderlies place Jane on a stretcher. "You have to help her. She's been shot."

"Let's get her to the emergency room!" One of the orderlies said in a gruff, male voice. With their face masks and white uniform, it was difficult for Klaus to see who the orderlies were. The second orderly, no doubt a woman judging from her figure, checked Jane's wound before turning to Mark.

"We'll take care of her, don't you worry. Doctor Victor is the best doctor in the land and he can help her."

"Thank you!" Mark replied

"We would need one of you to come with us to explain what happened while the other can stay here and fill up the paperwork."

Mark turned to Klaus who nodded. "Go with Jane. I'll fill it up."

"Thanks, Klaus!" Mark cried gratefully before disappearing down the hallway with the two orderlies. Klaus walked to the reception counter where he could see a button and a sign that said PUSH. Klaus looked around the empty lobby before peering over the counter. With no one in sight, Klaus pressed the button on the counter.

"Hello?" Klaus cried out before the tune on the intercom started to crackle and a woman's voice came on.

"State your purpose of visit." the voice spoke in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Er…I'm here on behalf of a patient. She's being treated in the emergency room."

"What is your relationship to the patient?" the voice said.

"We're friends," Klaus replied.

"Is there anyone from the patient's family that you could contact?"

"She's an orphan."

"Very well. Please be seated in the lobby. Someone will come to assist you shortly."

"Thank you," Klaus replied as he threw himself on one of the soft cushioned sofas in the lobby. Despite having driven for quite some time, Klaus felt alert and focused. The tune came on the intercom once more as Klaus tried to isolate the sound. He could hear a tremolo guitar being played together with a piano-bass backing. Klaus was starting to get frustrated. The tune sounded so familiar….


Klaus jumped up from the sofa, startled by the sound of a metal tray crashing onto the floor. Turning around, Klaus could see glass syringes rolling about on the floor while the shattered remains of a glass beaker laid scattered all around. Yet Klaus couldn't care at all for the mess. His eyes were glued towards the orderly who had dropped the tray, his mouth dangling open as Klaus stared back in shock.

From her piercing blue eyes to the familiar bangs strewn across the forehead, the orderly stared back at Klaus as her long brown hair fell neatly on her back tied together with a pink ribbon. Though she was wearing a nurse's uniform, there was no mistaking the appearance of the doe-eyed girl with slightly thick red lips staring back in shock at Klaus. Adjusting his glasses so as not to be fooled, Klaus was glad that the image before him remained the same as it had always been ever since he was born.



At first, there was nothing but a long pause as the two siblings stared at each other in shock. Then came the scream of surprise as both Klaus and Violet ran towards each other at such a quick pace that both could hardly stop in time before crashing into a tight embrace. Klaus wrapped his arms around his sister as tightly as he could, fearful that should he let go, Violet would disappear once more while Violet peppered his face with light kisses all around. Klaus's glasses had fallen off his nose and yet Klaus could hardly give a damn if his spectacles had broken into a million pieces.

"How…What…I can't believe…." Klaus stammered as he felt tears streaking down his face. He could feel his shoulder getting damp as Violet rested her head beside his, both siblings tearing up as they nearly fell to the floor. After what seemed like an eternity to Klaus, he pulled away slightly from his sister's embrace although he kept his arms firmly on her waist. His sister had grown slightly the last time he saw her though Klaus was still taller. Klaus felt a momentary blush on his cheeks as his eyes ran down to his sister's bosom which had grown quite considerably the last time he laid eyes on her.

"It's really you?!" Violet whispered as she ran her fingers across his face.

"It's really me." Klaus sighed as Violet stared at him for the longest time. Klaus watched his sister's eyes warily as they stopped tearing and a look of anger came on her face. Before he could say anything, Klaus felt himself being shoved backwards.

"Violet?!" Klaus cried in surprise as his sister started to beat on his chest with her tiny fists. Even though her fists didn't hurt as much as Klaus thought it would, he was still taken aback as to her anger. "Violet! Stop! What are you doing?!"

"How could you, Klaus?!" Violet yelled as she pushed him away. "How could you do this to us? To Sunny?! To me?!"

"What on earth are you talking about?!" Klaus yelled


Klaus felt his heart sinking into his chest as he watched his sister break down in front of him. He had almost forgotten about that horrible day out at sea.

"Violet, I'm sorry," Klaus said as he led his sister to a nearby chair. Klaus noticed that his foot had stepped on a syringe and yet, he was numb to any sensation besides the painful look in his sister's eyes. "If I had pulled on that rope, the rest of you could have been caught in the whirlpool."

"So you thought you'll sacrifice yourself for us?!" Violet snapped as she glared at him. "Fancy that. My brother a hero."

"There was no choice, Vi!"

"There's always a way, Klaus!"

"You could have died!"

"So could you!" Violet snapped back, her voice raised. "I thought you died! Sunny thought you died! Beatrice thought you died! How did you think I was after all that? I went crazy, Klaus! Sunny had to take care of me after that! Imagine that! Our baby sister taking care of me!"

"Where's Sunny?" Klaus whispered as Violet composed herself.

"She's fine," Violet whispered. "I put her up at a boarding school far from here. I visit her whenever I can."

"I've been searching for you for ages. So too have the V.F.D." Klaus replied as Violet scoffed.

"So you're in the V.F.D now?"

"I needed a way to find you!" Klaus replied, his voice now rising. "You think you were the only one who went crazy?! I've been searching for you and Sunny for so long!"

"You wouldn't have to if you just held onto the rope," Violet replied bitterly.

"You were going to die! What else was I supposed to do?!" Klaus roared.

"You could have held on!" Violet screamed.

"You would have died, Violet!"

"I DID DIE, KLAUS!" Violet screeched as she grabbed Klaus's arm before sobbing into his chest. Klaus wrapped a protective arm around his sister as he pulled her close.

"I did die that day, Klaus. How could you expect me to live on if you're not there?" Violet croaked. Klaus remained silent as he whispered soothingly into his sister's ears while the familiar tune from the intercom started to play.


"Wait, so you found your sister? What happened to her?" Mark asked. Klaus placed his hands into his pockets as he sat on the chair next to Mark.

"It's a long story. Something about Finnish pirates and some other stuff I can't recall right now." Klaus replied. "To tell you the truth, I'm still in shock that I found her."

Mark placed a comforting arm on his shoulder. "Well, I'm glad that you found her, Klaus. You deserve it, mate, after what you did for us. Where is Violet anyways?"

"She had to go back to work," Klaus replied as he stared at the white doors of the emergency room. "How's Jane?"

Mark shook his head as Klaus noticed his red eyes. "Doctor Victor said that she's stable for now but the bullet wound is actually worse than we thought. I'm just hoping for the best."

Klaus nodded his head as he sat back into his seat. He couldn't possibly imagine what Mark must be going through right now. If it had been Violet in there, Klaus had no doubt he would have reacted the same way. Klaus closed his eyes as he tried to get some sleep only to hear the familiar tune playing on the intercom once more.

What the hell Klaus thought as he tried to focus on the song. It sounded so familiar. Like a lullaby, one would sing to someone just before they go to…

"Mark Twain and Klaus Baudelaire?"

Klaus gave a start as he felt someone tapping him on his shoulder. Opening his eyes, Klaus could see a tall, light-skinned man with brown fuzzy hair in a white coat staring kindly at him as Mark stood up in a rush next to Klaus.

"How is she, Doctor Victor?" Mark asked.

"She's stable like I told you," Victor replied gently though the frown on his face suggested something else. "However, Jane had gone into a coma."

"A coma?" Klaus and Mark cried in unison.

"Yes, a coma. You see, gentlemen, a coma is a state of unconsciousness where a person cannot be awakened until he or she does so themselves. This happens when an injury occurs at either the cerebral cortex, which is the gray matter that forms the outer layer of the brain or a structure located in the brainstem called the reticular activating system or RAS. The injury to either would be sufficient to cause a patient to experience a coma and the bullet to which Jane was shot with has led to an injury in her cerebral cortex. To put it simply and in laymen's terms, we are doing all we can to keep her alive but only Jane and her brain can wake her up."

Klaus watched as Mark's face paled at the mention of her words. Noticing that his friend was in no condition to ask questions, Klaus took the lead instead.

"Doctor, I…"

"Please, call me Victor."

"Okay, Victor," Klaus spoke. "How long will she be in a coma?"

"Hard to say." Victor sighed. "Unfortunately, due to the damage that has been spreading throughout her brain, it's hard to determine when or if she might wake up?"

"But the possibility does exist." Klaus insisted while motioning his head towards the grief-stricken Mark.

"Yes, of course," Victor replied quickly, getting the hint. "There are many cases as to people who awaken from comas and live perfectly normal and healthy lives."

"Okay good. I mean…it is good that she's stable and that the possibility exists." Klaus said as he turned his attention to Mark who gave a reluctant nod.

"Well, she's hooked up to a life support system. Why don't you go and see her?" Victor said as he placed a reassuring arm on Mark. Mark turned to Klaus, who gave him a gentle nudge, before nodding his head and disappearing between the doors.

"I'm sorry if I was too blunt just now. I didn't want to get his hopes up." Victor spoke as soon as Mark disappeared. Klaus nodded his head. He knew all too well the dangers of one getting their hopes up.

"So, honestly, tell me, doctor, how is she?" Klaus said as Victor gave him a bittersweet smile before motioning Klaus down the hallway.


"How about we just get on with the question?" Quentin said as he noticed Klaus shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

"Sure," Klaus replied with a grateful nod towards Quentin.

"Very well! Now for our viewers, this is the ninth question of our game show. The monetary value of the question stands at twenty-five thousand dollars. Klaus, you are reminded that you only have one life-line left and that is to ask the audience. Now the question is as follows. Which part of our human stores our emotional experiences such as our most frightening memories? Is it…"



Locus ceruleus

Prefrontal cortex

Klaus did a double-take as he saw the question appear on the screen. For years, Klaus had always been complimented about his brain and his ability to absorb knowledge. Yet the human brain was a complex topic for Klaus and the question would have posed quite a challenge if not for what Klaus experienced more than three years ago.

"I believe you know my assistant." Dr. Victor said as Klaus entered his office to see Violet standing next to the table.

"You could say that," Klaus said as he smiled at Violet who gave him a hug.

"So you two are finally reunited," Victor spoke as he beamed at the pair of siblings. "You should have seen her when she first came here to work for me. Couldn't go a single day without talking about you. If I didn't know you were her sibling, Klaus, I would say that she's in love with you."

"We're just very close," Klaus said as a faint blush came on his cheeks although a peek at his sister's face showed the same reaction. Victor gave a light chuckle.

"Anyways, how about I just wrap this up so that you and your sister can spend some quality time together?" Victor said as he sat in his chair before pushing a folder towards Klaus.

"Here is the medical report I've come up with so far on Jane as well as some scans of her brain. Now, as you can read, the damage from the bullet wound on her head has been spreading and right now, in simple terms, certain parts of her brain are finding it difficult to work or to repair itself. Now, I'm sure that on the car ride here, Jane must have been complaining about head pain but of course, any damage to the brain itself couldn't possibly be felt as…"

"…the brain has no pain receptors," Klaus replied as he handed the folder back to Victor. "I've read up on the brain before. Well, certain areas. Could never really finish that book on the Incomplete History of the Human Brain."

"Are you sure you're Klaus?" Violet laughed as Klaus's face turned red once more. "Not to worry, Klaus, because you see, Victor here has a solution to Jane's coma."

"He has?" Klaus said.

"That I do," Victor replied. "You see, Klaus, the issue with Jane's brain right now is that there are parts that are failing and sooner than you think, her entire brain might fail as well. So what we need to do is to keep her brain active. Not just certain parts but all of it, you see. So then, Klaus, tell me what activity can a comatose patient do that will allow her brain to work actively?"

"I have no idea," Klaus replied.


Klaus jumped with a start as Violet placed a large object on Victor's desk. It was a huge metal contraption attached with a translucent helmet, wires, and tubes. Klaus had never seen such a device in his life and felt his curiosity rising as he inspected the device.

"What is this?" Klaus asked as Victor grinned at him.

"This, my boy, is the Visual Fantasy Dreamcatcher," Victor spoke with as much passion and awe as he admired his device.

"A dreamcatcher?" Klaus asked as he turned to Violet.

"You see, Klaus," Violet explained as she handed him the helmet. "Dreaming is an activity that requires the entire brain to be active. When we dream, our brain is working constantly around the clock. There have been records of comatose patients who describe themselves dreaming while they slept although there have also been documented cases of patients experience nothing but blackness during the time when they slept. So what Victor and I have been working on is this device to encourage a person to dream."

"In doing so, it would allow us to help the brain remain active to the point that if things get too unbearable or if anything would happen in the dream, it might cause the person to snap themselves awake thus getting out from the coma," Victor added.

"That is impressive, guys," Klaus replied excitedly. "We could save Jane.

"But this is just a prototype, Klaus," Violet said as she placed her hand on his. "There's every possibility that the device won't work."

"Since when have any of your inventions not work?" Klaus said as Violet gave him a blush. Victor clapped his hands excitedly.

"So that settles it. You would let us use the device on Jane?"

"Wait, why do you need my permission?" Klaus asked.

"Because you and Mark are now considered to be her next-of-kin because of her status as an orphan," Violet explained. "We would need either of your permission to go ahead with any type of operation."

"It's Heimlich Hospital policy. We cannot, under any circumstances, operate nor do anything without your signed permission." Victor added. "Besides, we could sure use your help, Klaus."

"Of course," Klaus replied as Violet beamed at him.


"You really think this device would work?" Klaus whispered as he found himself inside one of the staff's sleeping quarters. Violet had shown him to the bottom bunk of her bed. Though he tried to get some sleep, Klaus found it difficult to drift off and instead, spent most of the first hour tossing and turning in his bed. Klaus felt the bunk bed start to shift as he saw Violet descending down onto his bed.

"You really aren't going to go to bed, are you?" Violet said with a smirk.

"Well, considering that I just reunited with my long-lost sister and I'm currently helping her with her invention, it's kind of hard just going back to sleep," Klaus replied as Violet gave a laugh before lying down next to her brother. Klaus shifted to the side as his sister laid on the bed with her face turned to face him.

"Tell you what," Violet whispered as Klaus stared at her brown bangs and blue eyes. "You get five questions and once I've answered them all, you have to promise me that you'll try to get some sleep."

"Okay," Klaus spoke as he thought of his first question. "Tell me about what happened to you after you and I were separated."

"Well…" Violet sighed. "At first, I was convinced you had perished at sea but Sunny convinced me that you were still alive. But we couldn't bring Beatrice so I left her with a nice woman at an orphanage before Sunny and I went out looking for you. I came across a band of female Finnish pirates, you know, the one that descended from a long line of pirates who invented the Devil's Tongue and I convinced them to let me and Sunny join their crew. Our first instinct was to go back to the island where you were."

"Yes, I was waiting for you there," Klaus replied as Violet gave him pained look.

"That's exactly it. We couldn't find the island no matter how much we searched. So one of the pirates convinced me that after a year, you might have left the island and made your way to some sea-faring port. So we went to all the ports along the coast of many countries and islands, trying to find you."

"The V.F.D was on the lookout for you," Klaus spoke. "Why didn't you try to contact them?"

"One of the pirates had run afoul of the V.F.D years ago and because of that, we had to avoid the organisation or any places that alluded to the V.F.D" Violet sighed. "Also because we were at sea, I guess, that made it difficult for anyone to find us."

"I see," Klaus replied. "But why come here?"

"By then, two years had passed and Sunny was growing older." Violet trembled as she spoke. "It was then that I had to come to a conclusion that perhaps you did perish in that whirlpool. I mean, whoever heard of anyone surviving a whirlpool?"

"I did," Klaus whispered back. "I came back here to look for you."

"And I'm glad that you did." Violet cried. "But I had to take care of Sunny and we were missing Beatrice so I made a call. A call to stop looking for you and to remain at a place so that if by chance, you were alive, you might find me here."

"And you chose a hospital in the middle of nowhere?" Klaus cried. "Why not the city, 667 Dark Avenue, Uncle Monty's place or even Count Olaf's? Why here?!"

"Because I was convinced that you've died, Klaus!" Violet whispered loudly as she shut her eyes. "I was convinced that my brother was gone and I needed to move on. It was the hardest decision that I had to make but it was the right one, Klaus. Sunny needed to grow and go to school. Of course, getting our fortune would have been my first priority considering I'm well past eighteen but the charges made against us when we were younger would have gotten me arrested. So I did the best I could. I sent Sunny to school while working here where no one would know me and I could continue to help people. Believe me, Klaus, it was the hardest decision I had to make."

Klaus could feel his sister trembling beside him. Gently, Klaus placed a hand on his sister's face as he wiped away the tears that had been sliding down her cheeks.

"It's okay," Klaus whispered. "I'm here now and perhaps tomorrow, we can send a message to Sunny that I'm okay."

Violet's eyes opened wide as she stared at Klaus with unblinking eyes. "No," Violet said firmly. "We can't tell Sunny yet."

"Why not?" Klaus asked.

"Because…because… it would wreck her." Violet said as she pushed Klaus's hand away. "When you were gone, Sunny was the optimistic one. She was convinced that you were alive and no matter how much I tried to help her not to get her hopes up, Sunny refused to believe that you were dead."

"That's good, isn't it?" Klaus said as Violet shook her head.

"I had to convince her, Klaus that you were gone and we had to move on. So…" Violet sighed as she gave Klaus a look of shame. "I invented a lie to convince her that you were dead. Sunny grieved for you for weeks before I finally convinced her to move on."

"Violet! How could you?" Klaus gasped.

"It was the only way, Klaus." Violet insisted as she grabbed his hands. "Do you remember how Sunny was when our parents passed away? How sad she would be but still…still able to move on?"

"That's because she was a baby!" Klaus replied.

"Exactly!" Violet replied. "Think about what you mean to her, Klaus. Her childhood with Count Olaf constantly pursuing us and we having to avoid him at every turn. How you and I took care of her and raised both her and Beatrice on the island? We were her parents, not our parents! We were the ones she would look up to and always believed that we would take care of her together. At first, I was fine letting her believe you were alive but the longer, the longer that stayed, the more she changed for the worse. She would pester me to find you, not wanting to move on even the slightest. Sunny refused to bite stuff and on her bad days, she wouldn't even want to eat or sleep. So yes, I lied about your death, but I did it to help her which is what you would do in my shoes if you could see how much your disappearance affected her."

Klaus kept silent as he thought about his sister's words. For months, Klaus had thought a great deal about how horrible his life had been without Violet and now, having placed himself into Violet's shoes, the loneliness that he felt while being away from his family didn't seem so bad as compared to having to deal with his baby sister. Nodding his head, Klaus gave Violet a sympathetic look.

"I'm sorry, Violet," Klaus whispered as his sister gave him a sad smile.

"You don't have to apologise, Klaus," Violet said as she smiled at him. "Once Sunny's semester ends, you and I can go visit her and we will ease you back into her life. For now, I'm just eternally and inordinately grateful for you just being here with me. Klaus…I…I…"

"Yes?" Klaus whispered as he shifted closer to her before noticing a blush on her cheeks that was getting redder by the second.

Klaus noticed that his sister had moved closer towards him as well. He could feel her soft bangs brushing against his forehead as he stared into her eyes. The air between them had disappeared almost as if both of them were holding their breath. Klaus could feel her nose bump into his. Their room had grown silent save for the tune that was playing on the intercom, soft as it was. Yet Klaus's attention was only on his sister, his sister whom he had admired for the longest time, his sister whom he had been with on an island alone, having to raise a family together. His sister who supported him, cared for him, loved him…

Her lips were getting closer to his as Klaus felt the press of her bosom against his chest. In his head, Klaus could hear himself mentally screaming about how strange the situation seemed. How far from normal it was for a brother to be in the same bed as his sister and to be as close as they were now. But then again, Klaus thought as he saw his sister wrestling with same thoughts as his, he and Violet weren't like normal siblings. They were always unusually close, hardly ever getting into any fights with the other and often trading barbs and compliments that a normal pair of siblings would never do. He and Violet had changed much over the years and Violet now was no longer a child but a young woman who in Klaus's eyes, was the most beautiful woman he ever saw.

Klaus retreated back into his thoughts. Could it be possible that I…


The crackling of the intercom surprised both Klaus and Violet that they instantly shifted away from each other. For the first time since he stepped foot in Heimlich Hospital, Klaus could hear something else with the tune.

.I want you in my arms…

"Violet, do you recognise this tune?" Klaus asked a flustered Violet who was busy straightening her hair. "It's like a song I've heard before but I can't remember."

"Well, if there are lyrics, maybe I can help," Violet said before getting off the bed.

"There was…a line…" Klaus said as his sister straightened out her pyjamas.

"This tune doesn't have lyrics," Violet replied before reaching for the bunk's ladder. "Anyways, I…I should probably get some sleep and so should you. Nights, Klaus."

"Nights, Violet," Klaus said although, with the tune and what he was about to do with Violet still fresh on his mind, Klaus knew that it was impossible for him to go to sleep anytime soon.

Over the course of several months, Klaus spent his days helping out at the hospital with Violet. Though Heimlich Hospital was under more effective management, they were still very much understaffed. Klaus took on the role of a medical orderly, learning new skills along the way although if one were, to be honest, Klaus pretty much knew how to run things. Each day, Klaus would check on Jane and Mark to see how they were doing. Mark would help out from time to time although most of it was spent in Jane's room.

As the days go by, Jane's condition wasn't getting any better. Despite Doctor Victor's advice and constant medical attention, Klaus could see no signs of Jane waking up soon. That had taken a toll on poor Mark whose emotions seemed to be getting the better of him. If Klaus was being honest, Mark was a wreck. He no longer cared about his appearance and on a few times, Klaus, Violet or Dr. Victor had to cajole him to eat.

"I don't know what to do with him anymore." Klaus sighed as he peered through the crack of the door. "I've tried to get him to get some fresh air but I don't think he's even been outside the hospital since we first came."

"It's not good for him." Victor sighed as he exchanged a look with Violet who shook her head furiously.

"What?" Klaus asked as he noticed the exchange. "What's going on?"

"Nothing," Violet replied hastily as she glared at Victor who gave Violet a pleading look.

"Please…if you won't let me tell him, then you do it…"

"Tell me what?" Klaus asked as Violet glared at Victor.

"I told you that I would handle it!" Violet whispered harshly as Victor gave an apologetic look.

"Violet Baudelaire, what do you have to tell me?" Klaus asked as he folded his arms. Violet let out a groan before pulling Klaus to the side.

"Look, I want you to know that this isn't what we wanted but…Victor thinks that maybe it's time."

"Time? Time for what?" Klaus asked as his sister fidgeted uncomfortably in front of him.

"Well, as you already know we've linked the V.F.D to Jane's life support so essentially they're both one and the same. However, the problem is the machine has been working overtime. Which can only mean that…"

"That Jane's brain is failing. But why hasn't anyone told me or Mark?" Klaus cried hotly.

"Because Klaus," Victor said as he approached the pair. "Because look at what it's been doing to Mark. Every day, he asks me if Jane's getting better and whenever I give up the slightest bit of doubt, he goes off his rocker. I couldn't tell him or you. We've gotten Jane's brain to work but unfortunately, the wounds are just getting to be too much."

"So what are you suggesting we do, Doctor?" Klaus asked as Victor exchanged a look at Violet who nodded her head.

"That we show her mercy, Klaus," Victor spoke firmly as Klaus allowed his meaning to sink in.

"No…no… you're thinking about euthanasia, aren't you? But she's in a coma! You said so yourself that people can wake up from comas. Some even go under for years before coming out!" Klaus replied as Victor shook his head.

"Well, those are rare exceptions and even in those cases, they didn't have the knowledge of the human brain that we have, Klaus. Here, let me show you something." Victor said as he pulled out a small clipboard from his coat.

"These are the readings from my latest examination of Jane. As you can see, the percentage of her brain that is still active has been dropping not to mention the exertion on all of her brain components. With this much damage, it is increasingly unlikely that Jane will ever wake up. For all we know, our machine could be causing her damage, Klaus."

"How so?"

"Think about the way dreams work," Victor explained. "When you're in a dream, most of the time you won't realise it. Why would it? In a dream, especially a good one, you're blinded to how unusual things would be because all you want is for it to be real. It would seem normal in every sense of the word with the exception of a few details that your brain just fills in to keep up its appearance. But the thing about dreams is that sooner or later, you realise you're in one and before you know it, you wake up. But Jane's been dreaming for months, Klaus and you know how time slows down in the dream world. For all we know, Jane has realised that she's been dreaming for years inside and we are the ones trapping her there."

"But if Jane knows she's dreaming, that means she can manipulate it, right?" Klaus retorted.

"Yes, that is true. Jane can shape her dream." Victor replied.

"So why doesn't she just force herself to wake up? Maybe it's because she doesn't realise she's been dreaming." Klaus replied as Violet put a hand on his shoulder.

"You're just trying to convince yourself, Klaus," Violet replied with a sad expression on her face. "It's more than likely Jane can't wake herself up from her dream."

"So that's it? We just give up on her?!" Klaus snapped.

"We may not be able to save Jane but we can save Mark," Violet replied firmly as Klaus stared at her incredulously.

"You do realise that if Jane dies, Mark might just go down the same path," Klaus exclaimed.

"Or Mark would finally get the impetus to move on!" Violet replied.

"You mean like how Sunny did?" Klaus snapped. As soon as the words left his mouth, Klaus felt instant regret as he stared at Violet's face. Without saying a word, Violet turned and walked down the hall.

"Violet, wait." Klaus cried as he tried to run after her, only to be held back by a strong arm.

"Let her go, Klaus. She just needs time." Victor said gently as Klaus sighed before collapsing into a nearby chair. Victor sat next to him as the two men looked towards Jane's ward.

"I know this is hard for you to hear and trust me, I would give anything not to say it." Victor sighed as he glared at the ward. "But there is nothing more that we can do for Jane. Keeping her alive would be cruel, Klaus."

"Doctor, we're talking about killing a human being in there. A friend." Klaus whispered. "It's not up to us to play God by killing her."

"Nor is it up to us to play God by keeping her alive when she's clearly fading," Victor whispered back. "This is probably the hardest decision you're going to have to make."

"Why me?" Klaus asked bitterly. "Shouldn't it be up to Mark? Or why not you or Violet give it a go?"

"Because I can't operate or do anything without your permission, don't you remember?" Victor said. "You and Mark are the ones now responsible for Jane and well, I doubt Mark would be able to deal with this, let alone make the decision."

"So it comes down to me." Klaus sighed as Victor nodded. Klaus closed his eyes as he leaned his head back. This wasn't the first time he had to make a tough decision where doing something horrible seemed like the right thing to do. In fact, Klaus had undergone the exact same situation at the exact same place a few years ago when he and his sisters were perched on the unfinished part of Heimlich Hospital. He, Violet and Sunny had a quiet yet heated discussion as to whether or not they would break the trust of Hal, record keeper for Heimlich Hospital's library of records, by stealing his keys to look for information on their parents. As Klaus turned to the past to recall that exact memory, his concentration was broken, once again, by the familiar tune playing on the intercom.

Blasted song! Klaus roared in his head as he turned to Victor who was staring deeply at his clipboard while biting his nails.

"What's wrong?" Klaus asked.

"I mean…it's all speculation at this point…but it is possible that Jane might be having a nightmare. Or maybe she's just going through all her memories. I can't be sure, of course. I'm still very much learning oneirology. Oneirology is…"

"… the study of dreams, yes I know," Klaus replied. "But what makes you say all that?"

"Well, see her, this particular part of the brain," Victor replied as he pointed to the scan of Jane's brain. "Well, it's been working overtime. Of course, that could be down to the fact that it's an important access point to our V.F.D but then - "

"What does this part do?" Klaus interjected, cutting Victor off.

"Well, this part is where we store our emotional experiences, including our most frightening memories. Memories are the foundation of dreams, after all, as we use it as a blueprint for the creation of dreams. But if I were to hazard a guess, I say Jane's brain has been accessing all her most emotional experiences and using them to create a dream."

"Why would she do that?" Klaus asked as Victor turned to him with a blank look.

"Who knows? Maybe she just wants to relieve all her experiences before she…well…you know what they say about a person before they die…how their life flashes before their eyes…"

Klaus wanted to point out that Victor was merely speculating at this point but a look into the doctor's eyes confirmed Klaus's suspicions about what the doctor intended to do. He just wants to make it easier for me Klaus thought as he stared at the latest scan of Jane's brain. Wanting nothing but a momentary distraction away from the situation, Klaus motioned towards the scan, hoping that the doctor's explanation of medical jargon and references could distract Klaus from the responsibility of killing someone.

"What's it called?" Klaus asked as he pointed to the part once more.


"The answer is A. Amygdala," Klaus replied firmly as Quentin stared doubtfully at him.

"Are you certain?"

"Yes," Klaus replied. "The answer is A."

"Are you sure?" Quentin asked again. "It's just that you haven't spent this long looking at a question as you did with the previous questions. You do have a lifeline remember…"

"I don't need a lifeline!" Klaus snapped to the surprise of Quentin who looked taken aback.

"I'm sorry," Klaus said as he caught the look of Quentin's face. "I'm sorry. It's just that this question brought back some hard memories."

"It's perfectly alright," Quentin replied with a smile. "This is the ninth question and you must certainly be feeling the pressure. I just wanted you to be sure. I mean…" Quentin gave a light chuckle as he looked around the glass structure. "This question certainly isn't life or death but twenty-five thousand dollars is hardly a small sum, am I right?"

Quentin's question was met with light laughter as Klaus tried his best to put a smile on his face. Quentin turned his attention back to Klaus.

"So, Klaus, for the ninth question which asks you for which part of the brain stores our emotional and frightening experiences, you've chosen to answer A. Before I lock it in, I would need you to confirm it with me. Is that your final answer?"

Quentin stared at Klaus who looked to be elsewhere as a pained expression came over his face. Quentin repeated the question once more.

"I need an answer from you, Klaus. Is A your final answer?"

Klaus said nothing as he continued to stare into the distance.

"Klaus? Are you there?"

"Are you there?" Klaus said as he knocked on the door of his sleeping quarters with Violet. Pushing the door open, Klaus could see Violet seated behind her desk, writing something furiously on a piece of paper.

"Violet?" Klaus said as he moved towards Violet to see what she was writing, only for her to snatch it out of his view as she made her way to the bed. Klaus could see her extract an envelope from under her mattress as she stuffed the piece of paper inside.

"Violet?" Klaus said as Violet handed him the envelope.

"Here," Violet said as she glared at him. "Inside is a letter to our sister's school. You might want to read it. I've told her about how you're alive and will be going to visit her. Pack your bags. You're leaving tomorrow."

"Violet, please," Klaus said as he handed her the envelope without looking inside.

"What?" Violet snapped as she turned away from him. "What else do you want me to say? Go on, go to our baby sister and tell her about how you're alive and how I lied to her. Go on, Klaus! I can take it if she hates me and never wants to speak to me again."

"Violet, you know that's not true. Sunny would…"

"Sunny would be furious and you know it," Violet spoke, cutting him off.

"Look, I'm sorry for what I said. I was just taken aback about having to switch off Jane's life support system." Klaus replied hastily as Violet heaved a sigh before giving him a smile.

"Honestly, Klaus, I don't mind. Of course, you would want to tell Sunny you're alive and if I were in your shoes, I would do the same. But as I told you once before, I don't regret doing what I had to do to get Sunny to move on. And Mark is an awful lot like Sunny was."

"But I came back," Klaus said as Violet threw her arms around him.

"That you did," Violet said as she gave him a bittersweet smile. "But Jane isn't missing like you were. She's dying right in front of our eyes."

"So then, just let the machine work until it's her time." Klaus sighed. "Why do we have to do anything?"

"Because…sometimes we have to choose to do what's right over what's easy," Violet replied. "Something the choices that seemed bad are the ones that are necessary. The longer we put it off, the longer Jane becomes trapped there and the worse Mark will get. I can't say for sure Mark will be okay but we have to do what's right."

"And what's right is killing someone?" Klaus asked. "I don't feel good about this."

"I never wanted to put this on you." Violet sighed as she pulled herself away from his embrace. Moving towards her table, Violet pulled out what appeared to be a small cake.

"It's your birthday today, remember?" Violet said as Klaus gave her a puzzled look.

"My birthday?" Klaus spoke as he gaped at the cake. He had forgotten all about his seventeenth birthday. It dawned on him that his situation was a form of cruel irony, having to decide to kill someone on the day you were born.

"I never wanted you to know about Jane's situation but Victor kept convincing me to tell you." Violet sighed before placing the cake on the table. "All I wanted to do was to celebrate your birthday and then, in about a week, I would switch off the machine myself. Yes, I know, it's against hospital protocol but honestly, I don't give a damn. You're my brother, Klaus, and I love you. And I would do anything to protect you. But now, now it's no longer up to me."

"You weren't going to tell me?" Klaus said as Violet shook her head.

"What for? You would just think that it's a natural death and so too would Mark. No one would have to know but Victor was against it. Said it was unethical what I was going to do."

"It is!" Klaus replied. "I get the whole euthanasia thing, as odd as that sounds, but you should tell me before doing something like that. It's me, Violet. You and I always discuss things like this."

"And burdened you with the thought of killing someone? Burdened Mark with it?" Violet countered.

"Mark deserves to know." Klaus insisted.

"It would push him over the edge," Violet replied. "At least if he thought she died a natural death, Mark might be able to move on but not if we tell him about what we did. Not in his condition."

"Fine! But you should tell me, Violet, me! I'm your brother!" Klaus said as Violet grabbed his hands.

"Look at what's it doing to you now, Klaus, how can I put that on you?" Violet sighed. "Let me handle it," Violet whispered.

Klaus stared at his sister before pulling his hands away and leaning against the wall. Never before in his life, Klaus had to make a decision as devastating and difficult as the one before him. He understood what Violet and Dr. Victor were saying and one only had to look at Mark to see how badly the boy had deteriorated. Though in his mind, Klaus wanted nothing more than to be as far away from Jane's ward as he possibly could be, he couldn't deny it any longer. The facts were there, the logic was sound and Klaus Baudelaire couldn't afford to surrender to his emotions anymore. There was only one final thing to do.

The right thing.


"Hey, Mark," Klaus said as he entered Jane's ward to see the boy staring at her from his seat. He could see Mark's sunken pale face as the boy turned to him while dropping his blanket on the floor. Mark's body was now almost skin and bones as Klaus caught sight of a few strands of Mark's dishevelled and long blonde hair on the floor of the ward.

How could I have let it get this far? Klaus cursed himself internally as he walked towards Mark.

"Hey, Klaus," Mark whispered as he stared back at Jane. "She looks a bit better today, don't you think?"

"Kind of like Sleeping Beauty," Klaus whispered as Mark gave a chuckle.

"That was one of her favourite fairy tales," Mark said as he reached out for Jane's hand. "If only a kiss from her true love could wake her up."

"If it were that easy, you would have kissed her a long time ago, Mark," Klaus said as Mark gave Klaus a light smile. "It should have dawned on me back in the village. You're in love with her, aren't you?"

"Hey, when you spend close to ten months to a beautiful girl, then you can judge me, okay?" Mark laughed as he gave Klaus a pat on his back. "Hey, I got to take a leak and the stupid nurse won't let me use the bedpan anymore."

Klaus watched as Mark struggled to get up to his feet before heading towards the door. Turning around for just a bit, Mark stared at Jane lying in the bed, her blond hair tucked neatly behind her ear.

"She really does look like Sleeping Beauty," Mark said as he stared longingly at her.

"Yeah." Klaus sighed. "Time to wake up."

"Indeed it is," Mark replied before disappearing out of the room.

Klaus turned his attention to Jane. Though he had visited the room on multiple occasions, this was the first time he was getting a good look at her. He could hear the beeping and whirring sounds of the V.F.D as Jane laid on her back with tubes attached to her. Klaus folded her arms as he stared at the young blonde girl who appeared to the world as if she was sleeping.

Inside, Klaus could feel his stomach churning as sharp pangs of pain shot throughout his body. Although he had only known her for a short time, Klaus couldn't help but feel nauseous at the thought of what he was going to do. The closest Klaus ever came to killing someone was Dewey Denouement back at the hotel and even then, it was Olaf who pointed the gun and the release of the harpoon had been but an accident. Even Count Olaf, who no longer plagued Klaus's memories as much as it did in the past, had been a person Klaus greatly wished the worst of suffering upon with the exception of death. But Jane wasn't some cruel monster out to get their fortune, nor was she an adult victim of circumstances. Jane was but a young girl whose parents had perished in a fire.

Klaus thought back to his parents and wondered what they would say to him at this moment. He eyed the door thinking about how easy it would be for him to walk away and just leave it to Violet and yet, the thought of Violet having to bear a burden that was supposed to be his was just too much. Klaus inched forward towards the switch of the V.F.D where it all it took to end a life was just a simple click of a button.

He could feel the tears streaking down his face as Klaus reached for the button. He could feel his heart weighing heavily on his chest as his ears picked up the same old tune that was playing on the intercom.

"I'm sorry," Klaus said before placing his finger on the button.

"Klaus?" Quentin asked as Klaus placed his finger on the screen. As Klaus raised his head to face his, Quentin was surprised to see tears streaking down his face.

"Klaus, are you…"

"Final answer."

"Excuse me?" Quentin spoke as Klaus wiped away his tears before staring back at Quentin with a stoic look on his face.

"Final answer," Klaus said firmly as somewhere in the arena, Klaus could hear music starting to play.


The moment he switched off the button, Klaus could hear a crackling sound over the intercom as the tune played out once more. Only this time, Klaus could hear singing.

Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream

Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream

When I want you in my arms
When I want you and all your charms
Whenever I want you, all I have to do is
Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream

"All I have to do is dream." a voice spoke as Klaus jumped with a start before turning around to see Violet staring sadly back at him. "Written by Boudleaux Bryant in 1958 and made famous by the Everly Brothers."

"Violet?" Klaus said as Violet motioned towards the bed as Klaus turned. To his complete surprise, the bed was empty with no Jane in sight. Without warning, the room started to darken as the lights began to flicker and dim.

"Violet, what's going on?" Klaus asked. Without answering, Violet walked over towards and pulled him into a hug.

"I'm so sorry for having to do this, Klaus," Violet whispered as Klaus caught her voice trembling with fear. "There really was no other way."

"Violet, what are you talking about?" Klaus asked as he pulled away to give her a look of concern.

Violet heaved a large sigh before staring back sadly at Klaus.

"I'm not Violet. I'm Jane."


When I feel blue in the night
And I need you to hold me tight
Whenever I want you, all I have to do is

"Wait, what?" Klaus said as Violet walked over to the V.F.D. "What do you mean you're Jane? I just saw her! And where did she disappeared to? What's going on, Violet?"

"Do you know what the V.F.D can do?" Violet asked, ignoring Klaus's questions.

"Yes. It gets you to dream." Klaus replied as Violet gave him a smile before shaking her head.

"No, that's not its only purpose. You see, Klaus, when Victor invented the V.F.D, he didn't just want the patients to dream. Victor wanted to find a way to get the patients to realise that they were dreaming, that they were in a coma in the hopes that they would fight harder to wake up. It is indeed a revolutionary device and one when used properly, can help save many lives. But I hate it, Klaus. This device…" Violet said as she glared at it. "This device is why I can't move on."

"I don't get it," Klaus said as Violet turned to him.

"Yes, you do. You just don't want to admit it. Have you noticed anything strange since you've been here? Like how you can't feel pain as much you're supposed to? Any other abnormalities? How about the fact that you can't recall other memories or how coincidental it would be that Violet would be at the hospital around the time you came here?"

"But..but…" Klaus said as he spied his sister's ribbon in her hair. "Oh my god, Violet would never have worn a pink ribbon."

"Really?" Violet replied as she touched her ribbon in her hair. "That wasn't intentional on my part but hey, glad it helps. So Klaus, have you figured out yet? What's happening to you?"

"I'm dreaming, aren't I?" Klaus said as Violet nodded her head.

"You're in my dream."


"What's going on?" Klaus said as he sat down on the bed.

"When Victor placed me under the V.F.D out there in the real world, you and Mark took turns to come and see me. You both wanted me to wake up but try as I might, I couldn't break out from the dream." Violet sighed. "So as time passed by, and trust me it moves much slower here then you can imagine, I got tired of dreaming. All I wanted was to die, for you to switch off the machine. But when I told Mark, he flat-out refused. He believed that I could wake up and in the meantime, he and I could spend time here together."

Violet gave a light laugh as she waved her hand. To Klaus's astonishment, the room started to spin before disappearing into the darkness that surrounded them save for the bed in which he and Violet sat. In front of them, a floor appeared out of thin air and Klaus could see Jane and Mark slow dancing to a song as a small cottage materialised behind them. Somewhere in the darkness, Klaus could hear the song playing.

I can make you mine, taste your lips of wine
Anytime night or day
Only trouble is, gee whiz
I'm dreamin' my life away

"At first, I was all for it." Violet sighed as she smiled at the dancing pair before frowning back at Klaus. "But it was all an illusion. Just a dream. I tried to convince Mark to let me go but he wouldn't. He said that it was something he could never do. Just move on."

"I'm sorry," Klaus whispered as he patted her hand. Violet gave him a smile.

"So then, I turned to you. But just like Mark, you refused. You were both so insistent that I could wake up and so I resorted to other tactics. Like not telling you about where I had seen your sisters just so you would come to see me each time and I would get another opportunity to convince you."

"But…I would have remembered…" Klaus stammered as Violet shook her head.

"Remember what Victor said? About how a dreamer doesn't know that he's dreaming and is blinded to everything that shows it's a dream. You see, Klaus, I knew that no matter what I would say, you wouldn't listen. So I had no choice but to manipulate this dream and in doing so, manipulate you as well. I needed someone that you would be completely blinded with to listen to what she had to say."

"Violet…" Klaus whispered as Violet suddenly burst into tears.

"I recalled what your sister looked like the last time I saw her. From the information about the V.F.D and the information that you as well as your sister shared with me the last time I saw her, I created this scenario and this world in the hopes of convincing you to do the right thing. To set me free. You have no idea what's it like being here, Klaus. No idea! " Violet wept as Klaus stared back blankly at her, trying to absorb the meaning of her words.

I need you so that I could die
I love you so and that is why
Whenever I want you, all I have to do is
Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream

"Wait, so you're telling me that right now, I've been dreaming and that my sisters are still missing?" Klaus spoke in a trembling voice. Klaus couldn't believe his ears. All this time, he had been overjoyed to find his sisters only to realise that he never did, that they were still missing and that he had been dreaming the whole thing up for…

"I've been dreaming about finding my sisters for several months?!" Klaus roared as he glared back at Violet.

"Not several months! You've been asleep for just several hours." Violet replied as she cringed under his loud tone. "Although how long you've been at the Hospital in the real world, I have no idea."


"Think about it, Klaus!" Violet begged as she grabbed his hands. "Think back to all those months you spent at the hospital! What did you do? What meals did you eat each day? What experiences did you went through while you spend time here other than the ones I wanted you to experience?!"

"But…but…" Klaus stammered as he forced his brain to work. Jane was right. Try as he might, Klaus couldn't remember a single thing in the months between finding Violet and the day he switched off the machine. Everything seemed like it was a blur almost as if it were a…

"Dream," Klaus exclaimed as his eyes widened with realisation.

"So what now?" Klaus said as he stared back at the fake Violet who had stopped crying.

"I don't know," Violet whispered as she stared back at him. Even though it was an illusion, Klaus couldn't help but wish it was truly Violet in front of him. That he truly did find her at the hospital. That Sunny was at some school somewhere, living a good life while he waited for the right time to visit her. That he and his sister had reconciled about that horrible day at sea. That they could finally, after years, be a family once more.

But it wasn't to be. And Klaus had waited long enough.

"I'll do it. I promise." Klaus said as Violet gave him a look of uncertainty. "Just as long as you tell me where you last saw her and what happened to her." Violet stared back at Klaus for the longest time as Klaus could see her eyes wrestling between hope and caution.

"Okay," Violet said as she leaned in to whisper into Klaus's ear. As Klaus's eyes widened upon hearing where his sisters might be, he couldn't help but sneak a glance back at the image of Violet before him.

I can make you mine, taste your lips of wine
Anytime night or day
Only trouble is, gee whiz
I'm dreamin' my life away


"So I guess this is it, huh?" Klaus said as Violet nodded at him. Before she could say anything, Klaus pulled her into a long hug.

"I wish things would be better for you," Klaus whispered into her ear as he felt a strong pair of arms hugging him tightly. As Klaus pulled away, he could see Jane, in her long blond ponytail staring back at him instead.

"Thank you, Klaus. Thank you so much." Jane whispered as Klaus gave her a smile before pressing his lips onto her forehead.

"Thank you for telling me where my sisters are," Klaus said as Jane nodded before grabbing Klaus's hands.

"I pray that you'll find them soon." Jane said as she smiled at him. "All you have to do now is just close your eyes and listen to the song. You'll wake up soon."

"Are you sure?" Klaus said as Jane nodded. Before Klaus could close his eyes, however, Jane cleared her throat.

"Promise me one thing," Jane said as Klaus glanced back at her.


"Don't tell Mark," Jane said as she stared firmly into his eyes. " I want him to move on from me. He doesn't have to know what you're doing for me."

Klaus stared sadly back at Jane. "Are you sure?"

Jane smiled at Klaus before nodding. "Goodbye Klaus Baudelaire."

"Goodbye, Jane," Klaus said as he took one final look at the blonde-haired girl before closing his eyes shut.

I need you so that I could die
I love you so and that is why
Whenever I want you, all I have to do is
Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream


"That's the right answer! Congratulations, Klaus Baudelaire!" Quentin spoke as Dr Victor smiled at the image of Klaus Baudelaire on the television screen.

"He got it right?"

Victor turned to see Nurse May standing next to him with her eyes shut and fingers in her ears. Chuckling, Victor moved her hands away as May opened her eyes.

"Oh my god, yes! He got it right!" May exclaimed excitedly as Victor laughed at his young nurse.

"I see you're pretty invested in this game show," Victor said as May's cheeks began to blush.

"Well, Victory has always been my favourite game show!" May replied. "What about you, Doctor?"

"I'm just watching it for him," Victor said as he pointed towards Klaus on the screen. "I just hope he can find his sisters. He's been looking for them for quite some time now."

"You said the patient knew him as well?" May said as she motioned to the patient lying in the bed. Victor nodded his head as he stared at the comatose patient in the bed before checking on the V.F.D machine that the patient had been attached to. Everything seemed to be going smoothly as it did three years ago.

"Klaus spent several months here before leaving one day after receiving some news about his sister's whereabouts," Victor spoke. "The patient and Klaus were friends even though their relationship was only for a short time. The patient was admitted because of a gunshot that hit the side of the head." Victor sighed as May motioned towards the machine.

"So why put the machine on if no one's going to go inside? I mean it's been three years…shouldn't we at least…call it a day?" May asked as Victor shook his head.

"Hospital policy remember? We can't operate without permission and since the subject is an orphan, we can't do anything unless we have the family's permission. So unless our search to find a missing or distant relative is successful, we can't do anything." Victor replied as he gave a sympathetic look to the patient.

"To be in a coma for three years…" May whispered as she shook her head. "What about Klaus? Can't he do something?"

"Not for the patient, no." Victor sighed as he handed the clipboard of the patient's details to May who gasped as soon as she read it.

"The wound was self-inflicted? He tried to kill himself?"

"Yes," Victor replied. "Mark's girlfriend had been in a similar coma when she first came here. When she died, we all hope for Mark to recover. But he never could. He had used the machine far too much, you see, and reality wasn't good enough for him anymore. So he sought an excuse to be with her again."

"But shooting himself in the head." May shuddered as she spoke. "Does Klaus know?"

"No, I'm afraid not." Victor sighed. "Klaus left as soon as Jane had passed away. Guess there wasn't really much left to stay for. As for Mark…"

Victor reached for the radio next to Mark's bed and switched it on. A crackling sound came on the radio.

"He's happy wherever he is." Victor whispered as a familiar song started to play.




Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream

Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream