A/N – Thank you so much for reading and commenting. I really appreciate it and am glad you enjoyed this one.

Chapter 17 – Epilogue

Jason collapsed onto the bed as he groaned. His daughter, Isabella Harley Morgan, has lungs louder than her mother.

Brenda threw on a robe. "I'll be right back."

"No, you won't."

She grinned. "Yes, I will. You watch."

While he loves Bella with all his heart, she has a habit of interrupting his lethal weapon action. They had settled into life in Italy quite well. Ethan and Liz are going to join them in a month after their honeymoon is finished. Francis is bringing the boys to Italy and they should be arriving shortly. All the children are a gift that Jason will never take for granted.

"Told you I'd be right back," she said before handing the baby over.

Isabella smiled at her daddy, turning him to mush.

"You're lucky you're so beautiful because you're ruining daddy's action."

She patted his face. At four months, she's starting to be fun and is responding more each day.

"Get him, Bella."

Her blue eyes lit up when she heard her mother's voice. Brenda laid next to them.

"She's so perfect."

Jason smiled. "Yeah."

"I got my wish. She has your eyes and the rest is all me."

He shook his head. "She definitely has your vocal cords."

She smacked him on the arm. "Behave if you want some of my cookies later."

"You baked?"

"Very funny… You won't be joking when you have blue balls later."

"Brenda! Don't talk about my you know what in front of her."

Brenda rolled her eyes. "She doesn't know what I'm saying." She grinned at the baby. "Blue balls, blue balls,"

Bella smiled.

"We're here!" Francis yelled from the staircase, barely keeping an excited Cam and Jake at bay.

"Coming!" Jason yelled before handing Brenda the baby and throwing on some sweats and a shirt. He took her back so Brenda could get dressed and then ran downstairs.

"Daddy!" Jake yelled.

Jason knelt and then pulled Jake against him as Bella squirmed. "Hey, buddy." When Jake let go to look at the baby, Jason pulled Cam against him.

"Daddy, Jason, we flew over the ocean," Cam said excitedly.

"That sounds like fun."

"They are hysterical," Francis said. At first, he was nervous about handling them alone, but he had a blast.

"Are you guys hungry?"


He chuckled. "Let me give Bella to Uncle Francis."

Francis gave Bella a kiss on the forehead. "She is gorgeous."

"Don't I know it," Brenda said. "Hey, boys!"

They ran and hugged her.

"We are going to take Bella to the park later."

"Love the park," Jake said.

Jason whipped up some chocolate chip pancakes, much to everyone's delight and then they got dressed and headed out.


Elizabeth smiled when her phone buzzed and there is a picture of Jake and Cam asleep in the car on the way back from the park.

Ewen grinned. "They are so cute."

They kissed. She never would have thought that she could be so happy. The boys are thriving and while Jason's presence had changed everything, it's a welcome one and she is looking forward to living in Italy.

Her phone rang. "Hello?"

"Hey. They are doing well, and I'll have them call you later. How's Ireland?" Jason asked.

"It's beautiful. We're just relaxing in front of a fire." It's stop one on a five-country excursion that Jason and Brenda had arranged which will end in Italy.

"Well, enjoy yourself."

"How's Bella?" Her baby clock is ticking, and she hopes she'll be pregnant by the end of the trip.

"She's beautiful and very loud."

Liz giggled. "She gets that from you."

Jason almost dropped the phone, making her laugh harder.

"Very funny. I'm surrounded by comedians. Hold on."

Francis grabbed the phone. "I'm stealing your sons."

"Francis, I can't let you do that. I have them lojacked, and Jason would cut you."

"He's more of a shooter."


Brenda snatched the phone. "Hey, girl."

"How are you handling feedings and all the other stuff?"

"I'm good. I've been pumping so Jason can get up in the middle of the night."

"Good plan."

"The best, anyway, your doorbell should be ringing any moment. Enjoy!"

Brenda hung up and Liz stood and stared at the door.

"What are you doing?" Ewen asked following her gaze.

There is a knock and Liz rushes to open it.


She grabs a few dollars out of her purse.

"That has already been handled. Enjoy!"

Ewen takes the basket and sets it on the table. "What is all this?"


She starts to open it and squeals at the different chocolates that are scattered about, making him chuckle.

There is a sexy piece of lingerie that almost made Ewen drool thinking of Liz in it. They laugh at the briefs that have owned by Liz peppered all over them. There are bath accessories and edible lotion.

"I like how Brenda thinks."

Liz's head tilts when she picks up a whip with a note attached.

"Just kidding but save it in case Jason gets out of line. – B."

She laughed. "This is awesome." Who knew that she would get a new friend out of his deal? The blending of the families is going well, and she can't wait to get to Italy.


Liz laughed as the boys ran full speed toward her in the airport terminal and then almost knocked her down grabbing her legs. Ewen steadied them and soon had his arms full of the boys.

Jason approached them. "How was the trip?"

"It was fantastic. Thank you so much," Liz said.

"I was going to throw in a stop to Uzbekistan, but I didn't think you'd appreciate it."

Liz laughed. "I didn't have an umbrella with me, so it would have probably rained."

Jason chuckled.

"I can't wait to see everything."

"Brenda organized the house with your things, but if you want some furniture changed around, let me know and Francis and I can head over there."

"Thanks." They hadn't seen the house yet, so everyone is excited to get into their new home. "They say the light in Italy is different."

He smiled wistfully. "Yeah, someone told me that once. You'll have to let me know if that's true."

"I will."

"Mommy! Bella threw up on my Cam," Jake said.


"She didn't mean it," Cam said.

"Brenda has been letting them hold her if they sit on the couch," Jason explained.

"I can't wait to see her."

"They are waiting at your house. She went food shopping this morning."

"That was nice of her."

"Shopping is one of her favorite pastimes."

They piled into the car and headed to the house.

"I have a surprise for you," Jason said.

Liz's brow rose. "Another one?"

He smirked. "Yup."

They drove a forty-five minutes before finally pulling up to the house. Ewen got the boys out of their seats and they headed inside.

"This is beautiful," Liz said as she perused the area.

The boys ran upstairs.

"Welcome," Brenda said giving Liz a hug with the baby between them.

"Thank you for everything. The baby is so cute."

"Here, you can hold her."

Liz cooed at Bella as she lightly bounced her. "I'm in love. Ewen, I need a little girl, please."

He grinned. "I'll try."

They got the grand tour and then Jason led them to the garage.

"Okay, my studio is to die for. I can't imagine what else you did," Liz said still holding the baby. Jason had filled it with paints, canvases, and brushes and she couldn't wait to try them. It had been a long time since she was able to express herself creatively.

The went inside and she gasped. "Jason…"

"It's not a motorcycle, but close."

There are two Vespa's parked towards the corner.

"I think it's perfect. Is your bike here?"

Brenda laughed. "Jason said he used to swear you only liked him for his bike."

Liz winked.

Ewen made his way to the SUV and small sports car. "Wow, thanks seems so inadequate."

"A Maserati, Jason? Really!" Liz said glaring.

"What? Ewen needs a toy and you like to go fast."

She shook her head. "This is overwhelming."

Ewen rubbed his hands together. "Jason, want to go for a spin?"

He nodded and got in the passenger side and Ewen got in and turned the key.

"Try to get me back safely," Jason quipped.

Ewen laughed and then darted out of the garage and onto the road as Jason chuckled.


Nine Months Later

Brenda rocks Liz and Ewen's new addition, Emily. "She's so cute."

"She's never leaving the house," Ewen said.

"I don't blame you, neither is Bella," Jason added.

The women rolled their eyes.

Brenda is eight months pregnant. She could have killed Jason when they found out.


"Jason Morgan!"

His head jerked up as Ewen threw down his cards and Francis and Johnny cracked up.

"Shit, someone hide me."

Johnny held up his hands."There is no way in hell I'm stepping in front of that train." He and Siobhan had gotten married three months prior, but they aren't ready to start a family yet.

"Don't look at me," Francis said.

"Nor I," Ewen added.

Siobhan and Liz entered the room.

"I would run if I were you," Liz said.

"Like really fast and far," Siobhan added before sitting on Johnny's lap.

Jason stood and turned to find Brenda standing in the doorway with her hands gripping her hips. "Um, hi."

The guys snorted.

"Don't hi me. Does this sound familiar? You—baby, I want you. Me—we're out of condoms. You—just this once, we'll be fine."

Jason's eyes grew big as Francis doubled over laughing.

"That's right. Your ridiculously enormous anaconda knocked me up again."

Liz turned beet red as Francis and Johnny's face contorted and Siobhan laughed hysterically.

Felix peered over her shoulder. "Your lethal weapon scored again. You really should keep the safety on."

Liz covered her face. She should be used to Brenda and Felix by now, but they always manage to shock her.

"You're pregnant?"

"I just got my body back, Jason. How could you?"

Felix moved around her and whispered. "I suggest you go directly to the store and buy the biggest diamonds you can find and throw in a hug or a happy statement which will probably calm the beast."

Jason swallowed hard. "You're mad at me?"

She turned and walked away, and Jason followed her.

"Is she really mad?" Liz asked.

"I think she's in shock. She'll get over it. Besides, they make beautiful babies," Felix said.

In the living room, Brenda plopped onto the couch.

"I love you," he said moving next to her.

"Two babies, Jason? I mean, Bella is perfect but she's still so young."

"If you need help, we'll get it, but I'll pitch in more."

She leaned against him. "It better be a boy this time."

He smiled.

"Seriously, can you imagine your life with all girls. You will get eaten alive."

"I know it wasn't planned, but I'm happy with our life and love our family."

She climbed onto this lap and they kissed reverently.

"That's what got you knocked up in the first place."

"Shut it, O'Brien," Brenda said before resuming the kiss.

"Ewww," Cam and Jake said coming to a stop.

"They are gross," Johnny said. The boys nodded their agreement and then their heads tilted when Johnny laid one on Siobhan.

"Daddy, stop kissing mommy Brenda and come help us," Jake said.

Brenda got in one more taste before retreating. "Go with them. We'll tell them in a few weeks."


He placed her next to him and headed upstairs.

Life is good for the Keenan and Morgan family as well as for their friends. Brenda brought a storefront and Francis settled down the street from them and eventually married a nice Italian girl and they had a little boy named Aidan James. Johnny joined Siobhan in Rome and the Quartermaines visit a few times a year. Jason and Brenda welcomed a little boy named Jason Brendan Morgan who looks just like his daddy. They ended up having one more surprise pregnancy and got another girl they named Lila Sophia. Johnny and Siobhan have twins, Riley Erin and Conor Finn. Ewen and Elizabeth made the move to Italy permanent, so the kids could be around each other all the time and the families thrived.

The End