Chapter Thirteen, boy am I late, I was gonna do a Tamao thing then a collection of just scattered omakes, but man it was just all over the place so let's just cut right to it, this Chapter went through several rewrites and now I have Carpal tunnel so I got owned, anyway I know I am mixing up chapters from Canon but that's on purpose, for the most part, you know with Konoha on the backburner and such

Normal Speech: "They have taken you from the Imperial city's prison"

Flashbacks: "first by carriage and now by boat"

Biju/Fox/Summoning/Inner Moka/Mikogami: "to the east, to Morrowind"


"Come on, you lazy slacks! Get moving!" Tenten shouted at the few workers that were having a short break, the workers let out a groan before going back to the production line

One of the metal doors to the warehouse opened up, grabbing Tenten's attention, she composed herself and gave a salute as she laid her eyes on Tsunade

"Hokage-sama!" Tenten shouted, the Senju woman only smirked, handing this off to Tenten seemed like it was paying off.

The security measures Tsunade took was insane, even by Shinobi standards, the entire warehouse was in a secluded part of Konoha's small industrial districts with aluminum walls making sure no one could just peer into see, there were Anbu crawling around every inch of the district but staying completely out of sight.

The workers of the warehouse, Tenten included weren't allowed to go home and were sworn to secrecy on the threat of death and as far as Team Gai knew, Tenten was on her own extended mission.

"Are you here to check on your order?" Tenten asked as Tsunade nodded, it had been some time since Tenten delivered her first prototype to Tsunade and demonstrated just how this new weapon worked.

To say Tsunade was impressed would be an understatement, Tenten was quick to make her own modifications to suit a Shionbi's needs including smaller size and running on Chakra instead of lugging around those 'shells'

Tsunade immediately placed an order for a handful of these new Chakra mortars as Tenten was calling them now. The Senju woman had a better idea of how she would integrate these weapons in the standard Konoha squad, she'd have to put it into practice during more trial runs before sending them out for a real combat mission but today, she wasn't here for that.

"Actually, I'm here for something else" Tsunade stated, the blonde Kage took out a broken hilt and several shards of steel, Tenten looked mildly interested as Tsunade handed her the items, the Chunnin examined the craftsmanship and her eyes widened.

"Wait! Wait! This steel is from Iron country! the best of the best! How the hell did this happen?!" Tenten exclaimed as she looked up at Tsunade, the Senju woman sighed

"Let's just say a certain blond decided to be a bit reckless with it...can you fix it?" Tsunade asked Tenten bit her lower lip looking at the shards of steel and the hilt. The bun-haired teen had a feeling of who exactly Tsuande was talking about but she decided against saying anything on the subject.

"I...guess, I might, it shouldn't take more than a day...but I'll need some more material" Tenten answered, while Tsunade took out another scroll

"That should be more than enough, now this is a Priority, so get to it" Tsunade stated as Tenten raised an eyebrow

"Tsunade-sama, where are you even getting the funds for this?" She asked and it was a valid question, this would put a dent on anyone's pocket even as someone well off as Tsunade.

"Now a have your orders," Tsunade said in a soft but firm tone, Tenten gave her a hesitant nod before slowly walking back to her small office at the edge of the warehouse.

Tsunade sighed before making her way out of the warehouse, the blond Kage took a brief pause before jumping on the nearest rooftop in front of her was a familiar aged White-haired man

"So how'd it go?" The man asked and Tsunade shrugged

"Pretty well, I let's get back to the real matter at hand, Jiraiya" Tsunade answered and the Toad Sage nodded

"Right, right, well, we're almost ready to make our move on Danzo, the seal's ready, I already tested it on our little Guest" Jiraiya started as he made a hand seal.

As soon as he did, a blank masked Anbu landed in front of Tsunade and kneeled before her

"Hokage-sama" the blank masked Anbu spoke as Jiraiya approached them

"Inochi's help was invaluable to getting the thing to work properly" Jiraiya added, Tsunade stared at the Anbu

"Go back to the Hokage tower and leave us in peace" Tsunade ordered and the Anbu gave a salute before jumping through the rooftops in the direction of the Hokage tower. The Senju woman smirked at her former teammate

"Anything I should know about the seal?" Tsunade asked and Jiraiya scratched his chin

"He believes you're the one that took him in and guided him all your life. Inochi made it very clear that he replaced all memory of Danzō with you, that's the rundown of it anyway...I have a couple of notes you could take a look at in your office" Jiraiya answered while Tsunade looked pleased with the results

"Perfect, we know where Danzō's main base is and now we have our secret weapon to turn his own men against him" the blonde Kage closed her eyes for a brief second

"We'll need to move a lot faster now, I have a feeling Danzō knows something is wrong" Tsunade stated and Jiraiya nodded with a grin

"He's out in the Capital on a 'business trip' for a couple of weeks, it would be very unfortunate if there was a bit of an 'accident' waiting for him on the way back," Jiraiya said and Tsunade once again smirked

"Very unfortunate for him but very fortunate for us…" Tsunade added, Jiraiya blinked

"Ah, one more contact in Akatsuki wants to join us for the ambush" Jiraiya informed as Tsunade raised an eyebrow and pondered on the offer

"Akatsuki wouldn't let your insider go so easily, they didn't take Orochimaru's betrayal lightly...besides, I think our little strike force is already overkill as is," Tsunade trailed off, Jiraiya took a deep breath

"And I normally would agree with you there but my contact was very adamant that he'd leave Akatsuki to tag along, he believes there might be an extra trick up Danzō's sleeve that could be lethal to us and personally wants to ensure Danzō's death" Jiraiya added as Tsunade crossed her arms

"I'm still not convinced, if he left Akatsuki to join us then we'd lose a very important contact in the organization, that's irreplaceable..." Tsunade briefly paused she remembered about Danzo's dealings with Orochimaru and let out a sigh

"Though, I'm worried about what tricks that old war hawk might pull, long as he can hold his own and not drag us down then, he can tag-along" Tsunade stated, Jiraiya let out a chuckle

"He can more than hold his own"


"Wow, they really went to the Human World…" a student muttered, she flipped through the newspaper.

Yukari grinned as she handed off more papers to students who were on their way to their first class, the small Witch reached for another only to grab air

"Eh? Are we out already?" Yukari wondered, thankfully for her, Tsukune arrived with carrying another box of Copies

"I can't believe how fast these things are getting handed out" Tsukune muttered as he assisted Yukari with passing them around.

"Come over and check out the new super Yokai Newspaper! Come on, don't be shy!" a voice suddenly caught the attention of the whole newspaper club

Tsukune glanced at where he heard the voice and lightly blushed as he laid his eyes on three fairly attractive female students handing out their own Newspaper in some revealing swimsuit outfits

"Okay, what the hell is this?" Kurumu grit her teeth as she made her way over to the three girls

"What do you think you're doing?" the Succubus asked, one of the girls glanced at another before stepping forward

"We should be asking you the same thing" The girl spoke as she held up a plastic card

"If you haven't heard the Public Safety Commission is requiring all clubs to have an official permit from them" the girl explained, Kurumu looked bewildered

"You guys aren't an official club unless you have a permit or a license, so handing out your newspaper is against campus policy and we saw that there was no Newspaper Club on Campus so we decided to make our own" another girl added, Kurumu snapped out of it and glared at the student who said that

"That's not right, we should have gotten a notice at least! And you can't just swoop in like that and just take our Club from us"

"If you don't have a license, you aren't a club" another voice cut in behind her, the Succubus turned to look at the source of the voice, in front of Kurumu was a Violet haired Student that clearly was older than her

"This has to be against some sort of rule!" Kurumu retorted as the Violet haired Student gave her a casual grin

"It's a new rule, The Public Safety Commission passed this due to the fact that many students have been able to evade joining a real Club by creating fake ones, I've lost count just how many times we've shut down 'Sleeping clubs'." the older student started, before taking out a school identification card with an odd red mark on it, both Kurumu and Moka caught the girl's name, Keito.

"Unless you have a permit, you people disturbing your garbage paper is against Campus guidelines, take your stand down or I will have to make you take it" Kurumu growled before taking a deep breath

"And how do we even get a license?" Kurumu asked, just barely being able to keep her cool

"you can fill out a form and pay the fine to apply for a Club license, it's up to us to approve it." The Violet haired student answered

"...How much is the fine?" Moka questioned as she appeared behind Kurumu, the Violet haired student hummed

"I'm sure we could work something out to get your permit...for a price, though I can't guarantee you'll get your license approved" She stated, the Violet haired student gave the two a more sinister smirk.

Kurumu shook her head, no way in hell she was going to let herself get extorted like this. The Succubus suddenly grabbed Moka by her arm and led her away with an oddly silent Yukari following behind them.

Naruto approached the Newspaper Club to stand with a yawn and stretched his arms out, the Whiskered blond noticed Kurumu leading Moka away with a scowl on her face and waved at the two to greet them

"Hey, sorry I was lat-"

"Not now, we're going to go look for that perverted wolf, come on!" Kurumu cut in, Naruto blinked before glancing over to and Tsukune who shrugged before continuing to take down the Newsstand

"What's going?" Naruto questioned, Tsukune frowned at his whiskered friend

"Not sure...we'll catch up with them later but man could you help me out here?" Tsukune said as he pointed to the Newspaper stand, Naruto glanced back at the distant figure of Kurumu and Moka before turning back to Tsukune and nodded


Kurumu finally burst through the Club room door, with Moka behind her, to catch Gin packing everything up in a box

"What the hell is this about a 'Club license' and why are we being shut down?!" Kurumu shouted Gin winced as he placed a Newspaper in a box and rubbed his ears

"Keep it down will you?" Gin hissed

"Are we really being shut down, Senpai?" Moka asked and Gin sighed

"Yeah, I think so...this new rule went into effect the day we came back from Summer break, I just got the news today" Gin answered in a downcasted tone as he placed more copies of the Newspaper in a box.

"And this is just something we have to accept? We weren't told about this new rule or else we would have applied!" Kurumu argued, the Werewolf snorted before folding the box top

"The clubs I know of weren't told but they paid up for their permits without hesitation…" Gin trailed off while Moka stepped forward

"I think We...We could just pay the fine for a permit, if we all chipped in" Yukari suggested with a soft tone, Kurumu huffed and shook her head while Gin scoffed

"As If I'd ever give those bastards a single coin...besides they'd probably make up some excuse as to why we aren't getting one." Gin shot down as Kurumu grit her teeth once again.

The Clubroom door swung open as Naruto and Tsukune walked in together, the former eating the last of his breakfast while the latter just looking concerned and wanting to know more of what was going on

"Sorry for being late, Naruto wanted breakfast, so what's going to happen?" Tsukune asked and Gin shrugged as he glanced at the clock

"You guys should get to your first Class soon...but today's Club session is going to be our last so I am trying to think of something special," Gin said with a grin though Kurumu was not having any of it

"No...No I'm not going to accept this" Kurumu muttered before looking up at Gin with a glare

"I thought you cared about the Club, how could you let this happen without saying anything?" Kurumu questioned and Gin's grin turned into a frown

"I love this club, really I do, but it's the Public Safety Committee's rules, my hands are tied" Gin answered, Tsukune suddenly realized something a bit odd

"Senpai, if they're the Public Safety Committee how come we've never heard from them till now?" Tsukune spoke up as Naruto nodded in agreement

"Yeah, they're like the School police right?" Naruto added before throwing away the last of his food

"They...aren't really good at their job, Senpai." Tsukune pointed out, thinking back to his first day here and everything Saizou did. Gin failed to repress a scoff before motioning for Naruto to close the door which the blond did without a second thought.

"The Committee's job was to keep the peace in the Academy, they used to enforce campus rules and subdue troublemakers which I am sure you guys know first hand that requires force here" Gin started before heading into one of the club closets for a tape roll

"Problem is...they went bad a couple of years back, turned into a campus Yakuza, extorting kids and all, the teachers won't do anything about it. I think even they're scared of confronting them, the Public Safety committee practically has the whole student body at their mercy" Gin explained as he taped up the box

"This whole 'Club Licenses' thing is just them trying to squeeze more money out from everyone. It's for the best we burn the remaining copies we have, Nothing good can come from us being in their radar again" Gin finished and made his way to the door with the box in hand, the second Gin was out of the room and out of earshot, Kurumu slammed her fist on the table

"Can you believe that guy?!" She shouted

"I'm not gonna do it" Naruto suddenly said, the rest looked over to him as the Shinobi folded his arms as he leaned on the wall.

"I don't like being told what to do, especially from people like them, that pervert might not stand up to them but like hell, I am going to let all of our hard work go to waste" Naruto stated while Tsukune was just focused on what his upperclassman said

"Again?" The Human was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn't feel Kurumu sneak up behind him and wrap her arms around his waist

"Tsukune-kun, you're gonna help me pass out the rest of these copies, right?" the Succubus purred and the brown-haired teen nodded

"Yeah, I will, you guys are right, we're not gonna let the Club just die like this and I think we should expose them" Tsukune spoke up while Yukari blinked at him

"A-Are you sure? Senpai was pretty adamant we stay away from them" The small Witch pointed out but Moka nodded in agreement with her Human friend

"Tsukune-kun and Naruto-kun are right, they can't keep getting away with stuff like this" Moka said before Kurumu pumped her fist

"Alright! We're gonna keep passing out these papers and we're not gonna let ourselves get shut down over some bogus permit license thing! We're gonna save this Club!" Kurumu shouted as she dragged Tsukune out of the room

"Ah! Kurumu-chan we have homeroom like, right now we can't be…" Tsukune's voice slowly faded away into the busy hallways of Yokai while Moka shrugged it off before she quietly turned to Naruto

"Naruto-kun, I think we'll handle distributing copies but you should go look for evidence against the Committee, we can gather it and make it our headline story, y-you should be good at that kind of stuff, right?" Moka suggested, Naruto slowly grinned knowing what she was getting at but as soon as those words left Moka's mouth one of the Clubroom supply closest suddenly creaked open, Mizore crawled out of one of the selves and stood up after briefly dusting herself off.

"Hi" was all the Yuki-onna said, Yukari got over her shock and pointed her wand at her

"What the hell were you doing in there?!" She shouted, Mizore only blinked at the witch before approaching Moka and Naruto.

"Hey, I'm not gonna let him go alone" Mizore spoke while Moka grinned as she saw an opportunity to help her purple-haired friend

"Good, I am sure, Naruto-kun will enjoy the company" Moka replied, the School bell suddenly rang causing the Vampiress to perk up

"We should probably get to class"


Mikogami's glowing eyes never left the paper in front of him, a letter from Konoha and even if it had been several minutes since the messenger toad left, the Headmaster couldn't help but wonder what this would mean for the coming days.

"So what's this about? You almost never call me here unless it's important." Yūgao spoke as she entered the room, the Headmaster motioned for her to take a seat before slowly passing a letter to her.

"Is...this real?" Yūgao questioned, The Headmaster gave her an eerie grin

"Yes, it is...are you surprised?" the man asked while Yūgao made sure she read the letter correctly

" mean, this is something I should have expected to come up at some point just not during this mission" Yūgao trailed off, thinking of the possibilities

"Unfortunately, your Hokage was adamant you stay in this world, for what reasons? I don't know but I have a couple of theories and I am sure you do as well" The Headmaster stated as Yūgao frowned but nodded at that, despite not being able to return home she couldn't deny she was a bit curious to travel around this world

"What about Naruto?" Yūgao spoke up and the Headmaster blinked

"The Letter mentioned there would be a temporary replacement while you're on vacation" The Man stated, Yūgao sighed, she remembered that while all Konoha Shinobi did have breaks in between missions there were still paid vacations for Shinobis who went above and beyond during their line of work.

Yūgao glanced at the letter once more, she really saved up those vacation days and a part of her simply didn't want to turn them down just like that, these were paid vacation days after all, not something a lot of people would pass upon.

"traveling around wouldn't be a bad idea, I guess," Yūgao said

"This world really is something else compared to where you're from, the city you're staying at in the Human world is really only a tiny fraction of everything this place has to offer" Mikogami spoke up from behind her. Yūgao folded her arms before speaking up

"Hmm, so who is going to be my temporary replacement?" The Headmaster grinned at that

"Someone very close to the Hokage, she wants it to be a surprise" The Headmaster stated, Yūgao raised an eyebrow but shrugged

"I guess, I'll need to wrap up the kid's training as fast as possible…leave him the tools to continue on without me for a while, I'm sure he can pull through..." and just as those words left her mouth she heard the door open and close, the Bus driver entered with a cigar in hand

"Get packing, we're leaving Tomorrow"


"So why are we ditching class to do this?" Mizore asked and Naruto nodded as he slung a gym bag on his back

"Because everyone's in class right now, so there should be less security, right?" Naruto stated Mizore shrugged

"Okay, but do we even have a game plan? I am not even sure I know where they're stationed, do you?" Mizore questioned, Naruto nodded

"I have an, Moka said they were going to interview some students to get whatever evidence they can get" Naruto answered as he saw a small building just outside of what was considered campus grounds, to their flanks, were just an endless sea of dead trees, the Shinobi grabbed Mizore's hand and without a word, moved into the woods in the surrounding area

"N-Naruto, what are you doing?" Mizore asked as the Uzumaki let her go and dropped his bag, they weren't too far from the building and the woods were excellent cover so long as they didn't make a lot of noise and stayed out of sight

"Don't make a lot of noise" Naruto stated while Mizore grinned

"You know if someone saw us they might get the wrong idea" Mizore commented but what she implied seemed to go over Naruto's head.

Mizore played with her sucker as she watched the blond open the bag to reveal an odd-looking uniform and a completely blank white mask that bothered her with just how...basic it looked

"I'm going to head in by myself," Naruto said while Mizore raised an eyebrow

"By yourself?" She repeated and Naruto nodded

"Yeah, I've done this before, it shouldn't be difficult, we need hard evidence of their corruption...maybe they have some files or something, that's usually how this stuff works" Naruto commented, Mizore hummed

"What about me?" Mizore asked Naruto started undressing to change, the Yuki-onna once again began to blush as she saw Naruto take off his Academy uniform

" could go keep watch for me, oh! And if I don't come back in about two hours...go find Moka" Naruto answered as Mizore blinked at him despite his casual tone that last part sounded so cryptic.

"I don't think I can just leave you there" Mizore muttered, Naruto went through his stock of Kunais not even sparing a glance at her

"You probably won't need to" Naruto stated while Mizore frowned, she looked around and just in front of them was a tall tree, the Yuki-onna's frown turned into a grin as she easily was able to climb up.

Naruto was just about done with his preparations when he looked up at Mizore, the blond Shinobi's cheeks turned a light shade of red as he had a clear view of Mizore's striped panties.

"Enjoying the view, Naruto-kun?" Mizore said with a smirk as she glanced down at him

Naruto flinched and turned away but just before he could say anything the metal doors of the Committee's office flung open and two Public safety committee members walked out, the sudden sound startled Mizore, causing her foot to slip off the branch and fall


"What the hell was that?" one of the members said while the other pointed to the nearby woods

"Came from over there!" the other shouted

Naruto groaned as he did his best to regain his bearings which for him didn't take very long

"Hey, are you okay?" Naruto asked as Mizore shuffled before she lifted her head from his chest

"I'm fine, I think we should get ou-"

"Hey! What the hell are you two doing?!" the first member shouted as Naruto and Mizore looked to be in a very...interesting position.

"Not only are you ditching class but you're also doing such...such disgusting and lewd acts on campus," the second member said before eyeing the Kunais on the ground

"Those are illegal on campus grounds!" he shouted as Naruto and Mizore stood up, the blond Shinobi sniffed and kicked the dirt casually while the first member confiscated the Kunais.

Mizore stole glances at the Committee members then at Naruto, wondering why her blond crush was staying so quiet.

"You two are coming with us" The Second member hissed and he made a grab for Mizore

Naruto's breath hitch, the Shinobi grabbed the Committee member's arm and uppercut the member's elbow easily dislocating it

The Committee Member let out a scream of pain but could do nothing as Naruto grabbed the member's academy uniform and slammed him to the floor. Mizore quickly followed up Naruto's attack by quickly freezing the lower half of the Committee member's unconscious body.

The other Committee Member slowly backed up and tried to run for Naruto to appear behind him and put him in a sleeper hold, it didn't take very long for the Second Committee member fall unconscious

With both Committee members down, Naruto hummed as he tried to figure out what to do

"You know we're gonna be in a lot of trouble for this, right?" Mizore spoke and her blond crush nodded and gave her a sheepish chuckle

"Ha, Yeah...but on the bright side I think we might just have the information, Moka wanted" Naruto replied, Mizore raised an eyebrow at that as she saw Naruto go through his gym bag and took out some rope

"Alright, help me up with this heavy guy, I know someone that can help us"


Yūgao grinned as she began to pack up for the trip, the Purple-haired Anbu even got a magazine off the Library on what to normally expect on a trip to Tokyo even if she had till Tomorrow, Yūgao liked being prepared beforehand she even already made a list of what to be taking along for the trip

"Ah, did I remember to bring the backup camera?" Yūgao mused as went through her things once more, she stiffened when she heard the front door open and close

"He's not gonna be back for another hour what the hell is he doing here right now?" Yūgao thought before making her way to the living room.

Yūgao blinked for a couple of seconds trying to comprehend what she was seeing and shaking her head.

in front of her was a tied up Academy student on the couch that was out cold, that short light purple-haired girl she had seen with Naruto before and her blond student himself

"Do I even want to know?" Yūgao questioned while Naruto just gave her a nervous grin

"I-I know how this looks but this is really important! There's a Public safety Committee here on campus that is supposed to protect students! But they're actually really corrupt and we're trying to expose them with this issue of the paper" Naruto hastily replied, Yūgao sighed before folding her arms under her chest

"I am aware of them and I was told by a certain cigar-loving creep that they're very dangerous individuals and to avoid them at all costs." Yūgao started causing the Whiskered Shinobi to fall silent.

"Look, I don't know what you two have gotten yourselves into but what I do want to know why there is a student tied up and unconscious on the couch..." Yūgao trailed off, finally, Mizore spoke up

"Our club...the Newspaper Club was shut down because we didn't give the public safety committee a bribe so we're going to expose them," the Yuki-onna said as Yūgao turned over to her with a calculating eye while Naruto backed up Mizore

"We didn't just attack them randomly either! They were going to take us away for...hanging around by the woods...during school hours" Naruto explained while trying to hide the more important details for that event, Yūgao glanced at him with that same calculating eye before once again letting out a sigh

"Okay, fine but what do you want me to do? You've obviously brought him here for a reason" Yūgao pointed out and Naruto exhaled

"H-haha, well, we never got around to that interrogation lesson you said we would get would now be a bad time for a lesson?" Naruto gave his purple-haired Sensei a half-hearted grin.

the two waited for Yūgao's stoic face to change and after a few seconds a grin slowly broke out on Yūgao's face

"Fine" She spoke before going back to her room, Yūgao quickly came back with a storage scroll in hand, Mizore blinked as she caught a glimpse of the Kanji on the scroll

"Cage…?" She wondered and just as Yūgao was going to open the scroll, she glanced at Mizore

"Sorry, this isn't anything personal but do you mind waiting outside? This might be a bit...disturbing to people…" Yūgao trailed off trying to find the right words to say next

"Who aren't really like us" she finished, Mizore perked up

"Oh, okay...well, I guess I'll just wait outside" Mizore sheepishly said before quickly exiting the room, the Yuki-onna shut the door behind her and leaned on it. Several minutes went by before a couple of screams could be heard from Naruto's dorm.

Mizore did her best to zone out the screaming, it made her heart sink a bit that she had taken part in this even just a little but this was for the Club.

It went on for a while before a soft whimper was heard, the Yuki-onna was so zoned out she almost fell back when the door opened again

"You can come in again," Naruto said with a grin and Mizore blinked, she was a bit hesitant to take a look back inside but did so regardless

The Committee member was once again tied up and completely unconscious however this time with a piece of paper stuck to his forehead. She watched as Yūgao pushed the couch back to its original location without issue and turned over to Naruto who was messing around with a cassette tape player

"So, what happened?" Mizore asked as Naruto placed the cassette tape player in his pocket

"Eh? Oh he talked really fast" Naruto answered before making his way over to the Committee member and picking him up

"I am going to find a place to leave this guy, I'll be back!" Naruto shouted before running out the door

Mizore was busy trying to comprehend everything that just happened and realized she was alone with Yūgao, the Yuki-onna made eye contact with her and didn't look away

"Is there a reason you've been staring at me like that?" Yūgao asked rather rudely, Mizore flinched and Yūgao's stoic face turned into a slightly softer gaze as she realized how disrespectful that was

"Sorry, I didn't mean to come off like that, but is there a reason you're still here?" Yūgao questioned in a more polite tone and the Yuki-onna nodded

"I'd just like to speak to you for a while" Mizore answered, the Anbu raised an eyebrow before shrugging

"Fine but first I have a question for you," Yūgao said as she narrowed her eyes and stepped forward.

Mizore played with her lollipop and tried to avoid eye contact with her

"How much do you know?" Yūgao asked and Mizore look around the living room

"Naruto told me about his village, his...job and a bit about why he's here, but that's it" Mizore answered, Yūgao's posture became visibly more relaxed

"And how do you feel about it?"

Mizore paused when she heard that question before taking a deep breath

"I can't say it doesn't bother me, it kind of does but It doesn't change how I feel about Naruto overall" Mizore responded, Yūgao grunted before turning on the Television, Mizore stared at the Television before awkwardly sitting next to Yūgao

"are you really Naruto's cousin?" Mizore said with a grin only for Yūgao to shake her head

"No and I'm glad that I'm not, he can be a bit difficult, sometimes" Yūgao answered

Mizore scratched her cheek, there were still so many questions she had about Naruto but this woman had a very vague threatening aura as if she was ready to pounce on her if she made the wrong move, that alone made her feel uneasy.

"Difficult as in…" Mizore trailed off

"Well I am pretty sure you already know this but he can be stubborn, loud, dense and reckless. My colleagues even have stories about his younger days and just how much a brat he used to be...despite that Naruto has a heart of gold, though I think that's his biggest flaw given our line of work" Yūgao rambled on with a grin she moved her eyes away from the Television and into her room, her mouth formed a line before she turned over to the Yuki-onna

"I know this is out of the blue but I have something really important for you" Yūgao spoke before entering her room, Mizore looked confused and a bit uneasy but that was quickly replaced with sheer curiosity as Yūgao brought her a small wooden box with an odd symbol she had seen before

It was the symbol that Naruto's headband had when they were out in the city and she had seen him doodle the symbol on his classwork occasionally too, though she never asked about it

Yūgao opened up the box to reveal several paper tags with the Kanji for ' to suppress'.

Mizore scratched the back of her head and watched Yūgao place the open box on the coffee table

"What are these for?" Mizore asked and Yūgao paused trying to find a good way to go about this

"Naruto is a very different kind of person even by our village's standards, I can't tell you why you'll really need these, it's something very personal to Naruto so ask him about it but I will say if Naruto stops feeling like Naruto and he becomes more...feral, try to get those on his forehead as soon as you can, if he starts oozing out orange energy, just don't bother and find the headmaster" Yūgao answered before closing the box and handing it to Mizore

"Normally I wouldn't be giving you these at all but I'll be going on an extended vacation tomorrow and won't be back for some time, I was hoping to run into you or that brown-haired kid before I left" Yūgao continued while Mizore just tried to process what she heard

"Feral like an animal? Aren't you know...human?" Mizore whispered over and Yūgao sighed

"Yes but Naruto is a special case, Shirayuki, I am trusting you with this while I am on Vacation" Yūgao replied and Mizore glanced at the wooden box before nodding

"Right…Thank you, Miss..." Mizore trailed off as she realized she had never learned this woman's name

"Yūgao, Now get back to class, I have to continue packing" Yūgao stated and Mizore perked up before quickly nodded and taking the box with her

"Thank you for having me, Yūgao-san" Mizore said with a short bow and exiting the room, leaving the Anbu alone

Yūgao still felt in her gut that something bad was on the horizon and couldn't shake it off but at the very least Mizore was in possession of those Chakra suppressing Seals and that eased her mind even if only slightly


"Kurumu-chan, let's think about this first, Senpai said that nothing good can come from being under their radar again, we should discuss this more with everyone else"

"No" was the only thing that came out of Kurumu's mouth as she continued her way back to the front of the Academy

"We should at least talk it over with Senpai before we-"

"No" Kurumu cut and Tsukune sighed as the Succubus turned around to face him and held up the box containing all the Copies of the Paper

"Tsukune, we all wore ourselves out on this paper you, Moka, Mizore, Naruto and Yukari, we poured everything into it and we did all of that just to throw it in a fire?" Kurumu retorted and Tsukune gained a grim look

"She's right…" he thought but before either of the two could do anything a white silky thread flew through the air and grabbed the box of newspapers that Kurumu was carrying and pulled it away.

"You newspaper club kiddies really are just adorable "

Both Kurumu and Tsukune looked at the source of the voice to see the same girl from earlier, standing on a branch with the box in hand

"H-Hey, give back our paper!" Kurumu shouted while Keito smirked

"Why are you picking on us, anyway?!" Tsukune yelled out and the smirk on the girl's face was gone

"You don't know? Do you?" the girl spoke as she broke out into a fit of laughter

"Hah, oh this is rich! the Werewolf never told you?" She started before she glared at the two

"The Newspaper Club has been a target of ours since they dared to defy us last year, those idiots were delusional, believing that they could change school policies if they exposed us but they don't understand" Keito ranted before tossing the newspaper into the incinerator

"The Newspaper!" Kurumu cried out, Tsukune looked horrified that all of their hard work was just gone like that, they had no time to react as a silk thread grabbed Kurumu's arm and dragged her towards a tree, Spider limbs grew from Keito's stomach

"Don't bother trying to struggle, this Silk that I've spun with my powers sticks tight and never let's go!" Keito shouted, Kurumu landed on the tree and was tied down by the web. Keito's face finally had changed into that of a Spider-Human hybrid.

Despite being in complete terror at the Monster in front of him, Tsukune could still see Kurumu trying to break free from her bonds. Tsukune felt overwhelming adrenaline as he tried to rush over to Kurumu, barely dodging a silk web shot at him and as Tsukune nearly reached Kurumu another silk web wrapped itself around his wrist and jerked him away.

Tsukune cursed and was dragged away from Kurumu and to Keito's new form, the Human's face went completely white as Keito's fangs were only inches from his face.

"Stop it!"

Keito's face twitched before slowly turning away from Tsukune to see Moka push her away from Tsukune

"Moka!" Tsukune shouted

"I had a bad feeling so I had to follow you two" Moka stated, helping Tsukune out of his bonds.

Moka didn't notice Keito recover and created another silky thread to wrap itself around Moka's wrist causing the Vampiress gasped

"Another Maggot? Well, at least you saved me the trouble of hunting the rest of you down!" Keito shouted as the Spider Woman lifted her sharp limb ready to slice Moka.

To Moka's horror, Tsukune got in front of the attack and the sharp limb sliced the same location. Ruby's attack did some weeks back, even Keito was so surprised to see Tsukune get in her way. There was a brief pause as Tsukune stumbled forward and landed in Moka's arms

"Again? Why does this keep happening to us? I thought things would finally look up for us this semester" Moka thought, Tsukune used the last bit of his strength to yank on Moka's Rosario and a soft click was all that was heard


Naruto had dropped off the Committee student on the bench without an issue and removed the memory seal tag from his forehead. Once the student finally wakes up, those memories will be repressed in the back of his mind for good.

The blond sighed as he made it back to the Clubroom with the cassette tape in hand, he got a confession, a location on where important files were held and the names of the people responsible for running the whole show.

It really creeped him out just how deep the whole thing went, apparently even teachers and school staff would pay up if the committee demanded it.

"Nii-san, you're back!" Yukari shouted as she got up from a lunch table and ran over to him, the Small witch hugged him and the blond smiled at her

"Yep, I got everything I needed" Naruto replied, Yukari glanced at the cassette tape before a look of worry flashed on her face

"Er, Moka ran off to look for Tsukune and cow tits, I haven't seen them for a while now..." Yukari stated, Naruto blinked at her and bit his lower lip, a feeling of dread crept up on him but despite that he gave Yukari a reassuring smile

"Alright, we can go look for them"

"Oi! There you are!"

both Yukari and Naruto turned to see Gin casually walking up to them with his hands in his pocket and a scowl on his face

"You know, I was trying to do something special for our last day as a club I waited for like an hour for you guys but none of you even showed up, what gives?" Gin questioned, Naruto didn't flinch even with the tape recorder in his hand and only stared down the Werewolf

"It's not gonna be our last day as a Club" Yukari proclaimed and Naruto nodded

"Yeah! we're gonna do what you're too afraid to do and stand up to them, the Club isn't going to end like this" Naruto answered while Yukari began to exchange worried glances between Naruto and Gin.

Gin was a bit surprised to hear that but that surprise quickly turned to anger, the werewolf was doing his best to stay calm before he noticed the tape recorder in Naruto's hand

"What did you do?" Gin asked in a stern tone, Yukari inched closer to Naruto while the Uzumaki waved the tape recorder in his hand

"I got a confession out of those bastards" Naruto answered with a smug smirk, he sort of hoped Gin would be ecstatic and let them go through with exposing the Committee but instead Gin sighed before suddenly taking a deep breath

"You don't know what you've done" he softly spoke before staring at Naruto

"...okay, look, just give me the tape, I'll dispose of it, we can keep our heads down for a week or two, pay off the right people and if we're lucky something else will grab their attention and they'll forget about us" Gin extended his empty hand over to the blond who simply gave him a look of disbelief

"Dispose of it? This is evidence we can do something with this and really make a-" Naruto was cut off as Gin walked right up to them.

"No you don't understand, Kuyō and the safety committee are not people we should be crossing paths with, just give me the tape," Gin said, reaching for the Tape in Naruto's hand but the Uzumaki pulled away and stared his upperclassman down.

Gin began to glare at Naruto and the blond simply glared back at him, Yukari gulped nervously as she could sense that things were going to escalate really quickly but before Gin or Naruto could make a move, both of them froze as they felt a very oppressive energy but it was one Naruto and Yukari knew all too well.

"That's Moka-chan's…" Yukari whispered Naruto dashed towards the source with Yukari and Gin following behind him as Gin was behind the Shinobi, his eyes landed on the tape recorder

"We settle this afterward, Naruto!" Gin shouted and the blond only glanced back at him, It didn't take long for Naruto and Gin to get to the source of the energy but Yukari unfortunately lagged behind

Naruto flinched when he saw Moka's familiar red slit eyes, Gin whistled and grabbed Naruto's Shoulder

"Man, who is that babe?" Gin said as his eyes were focused on Moka's assets

"My eyes are up here, Werewolf" Moka harshly stated, Naruto finally got over the fact that Moka's true form was out and noticed the barely conscious Tsukune in her arms

"Oi, Tsukune!" Naruto shouted in a worried tone as he rushed over next to Kurumu to check on him

"I'm fine…" the Human weakly smiled at his concerned friends.

"You should be fine now that the blood is in your system…" Moka commented

"Yeah, thank you, M-Moka," Tsukune said, Moka gave him a slow nod as she let Tsukune stand on his own two feet.

"Wait, that's Moka? Damn, she's hot!" Gin exclaimed

The Werewolf was ignored as Tsukune stumbled a bit before Naruto and Kurumu caught him while Yukari had finally caught up but was out of breath to say anything

"What the hell have you done?!" Gin shouted at the top of his lungs as he laid his eyes on the unconscious form of Keito that was on some nearby garbage bags

"Well, She nearly killed Tsukune and threatened to suck our bodily fluids, I merely defended myself and these two while I was at it" Moka casually said and Naruto began poking Keito's body with a stick

"Should we take her to the infirmary?" Kurumu asked Moka shrugged

"Is it really our problem? Besides, I didn't hit her that hard" Moka replied, Gin looked like he was going to lose it

"We're so dead…" Gin muttered while Moka scoffed

"You're worrying over nothing, werewolf" Moka stated, Gin shook his head and stood up

"I need to get out of here, now, there's no way in hell I'm not gonna take part in this" Gin whispered and started walking away

"Are you really going to run from this? You're nothing more than a scared puppy!" Naruto shouted, Gin glanced at the blond with a blank stare and muttered something under his breath before turning back and walking away from the group

"Oi! I'm not done wit-"

Naruto was interrupted by Moka placing a hand on his shoulder

"If he doesn't want to help then that's his problem," Moka said and Naruto stole a look at her, the Whiskered blond wanted to argue but he only sighed. Moka shrugged before making her way over to Tsukune

"Now then, My Rosario?" Moka said with a stern tone and her empty hand open, Tsukune nodded and, despite still recovering, handed the Rosario over with no issue. wordlessly the Silver-haired Vampiress reattached it and the dark energy quickly ceased.

For a moment everyone was still until they saw a Pink-haired Moka began to fall back, Naruto cursed but acted quickly as he moved to catch her.


It was finally after school and Naruto huffed as he saw the dead trees finally give in to some trees with leaves on them. He never understood why there were so many dead ones closer to the Academy but so many live one's way out here. Regardless Naruto continued down the trail down to the Bus stop with Yūgao next to him but the blond was lost in his own thoughts about how the group would get together to do their paper without the Clubroom

"Now I left a list of healthier meals you can prepare yourself, make sure you sleep on time so you don't mess up your schedule when I get back, don't skip out on training even when I'm gone...are you even listening?" Yūgao glared at her blond student who nodded

"Yeah, Yeah, eat better and sleep on time" Naruto casually dismissed while Yūgao glanced at the few storage scrolls she had with her

"Are you sure you'll be fine without me?" Yūgao asked with slight concern, Naruto suddenly stopped and watched Yūgao turn over to him

"Sensei, I raised myself most of my life, I'll be fine so you just go have fun on your vacation" Naruto replied with a grin, Yūgao's look of concern somewhat faded away as she nodded and gave her blond student a smile

"You're right" Yūgao softly replied and the two continued on their way before finally reaching the Bus stop, the Bus driver smirked

"It's a nice day isn't it?" The man commented while taking out another Cigar, Naruto greeted him and Yūgao

"Well, before we get going I have a gift for you, Uzuki," The Bus driver said before holding his cigar on his lips and reaching for his pocket and pulling out a purple flip phone. Yūgao blinked and took the phone in her hand

"A Phone? You're giving me a phone?... Thanks? Not really sure how they work though..." Yūgao trailed off as she examined it, Naruto peered over at it and tried to touch it only for Yūgao to softly slap his hand away

"It's for keeping in contact with myself and Naruto" Nurari let out a puff of smoke before reaching for his other pocket, a piece of paper was handed to the Shinobi who just stared at it and blinked several times

"This is just a bunch of numbers" Naruto commented, looking up at the Bus driver who nodded

"It's the number for the Cellphone...her Cellphone, gives the two of you a direct line of communication, most phones don't work inside the barrier but the one in the office is actually still connected to the Human world if you need to call us" Nurari explained while Naruto glanced at the numbers and doing his best to memorize it.

"Do you have everything you need?" The Bus driver asked

"Everything" Yūgao answered before letting out a brief sigh and turning over to Naruto

"Well, I guess this is goodbye, for now, the place better still be clean when I get back" Yūgao joke as she eyed up Naruto, the blond lifted a finger a pointed at her

"No promises" he resorted and Yūgao grinned

"Yeah" Yūgao turned away and hopped on the bus, the Purple-haired Anbu turned back to face her blond student

"Remember, anything happens…"

"I'll call you" Naruto cut in as he waved the piece of paper, Yūgao's grin grew and she nodded as Yūgao entered the Bus with Nurari following behind her

Naruto put away the paper and watched the Bus's engine start, the Uzumaki could see Yūgao waving at him from the Bus window and the Shinobi waved back with a grin the Bus sped off into the tunnel and finally was out of his view.


"Sir! We finally found Keito and those two guys that went missing" a student with glasses shouted as he barged into the room

A long blond-haired man paused and looked up from his desk with an emotionless stare

"You should knock next time" was all the man said while the Student stiffened

"H-Hai, Kuyō-sama, it won't happen again!" the Student saluted him and a brief moment of silence was had before Kuyō glared at him

"Well? Spit it out!" Kuyō ordered and the Student cleared his throat

"Er...well, Keito was found not too far from Campus laying in some garbage bags, She's currently in the infirmary getting her wounds treated, Hideki, on the other hand, was completely fine, we found him on a bench and he says he doesn't remember a thing...and Keizo was found not too far from the office, he was in the woods and his legs were frozen solid! He's currently also in the infirmary." The Student said

Kuyō leaned back on his chair, someone had assaulted his men just like that and that was unforgivable but Keito was far more valuable, she was one of Kuyō's inner circle and she was beaten just like that.

"I made sure to send her to keep an eye on the Newspaper Club and she was defeated?" Kuyō wondered aloud before turning over to the Student

"Get me each Student file on the Newspaper Club from the Service Club, I don't care how you get it, just get me those files" Kuyō ordered, the Student smirked and flashed a folder in front of him

"I already took the liberty of doing so, sir, here they are," The Student said and quickly set the folder in front of Kuyō.

The blond-haired man raised an eyebrow but said nothing as he dismissed his underling, these were School files, the Service club was in charge of assisting School staff with day to day affairs so it wasn't hard for the Public Safety Committee to get ahold of these, a show of force and some bills was all that was needed to grease some wheels

"Mizore Shirayuki, a Yuki-onna, most likely responsible for Keizo's assault...let's see here...Succubus...Witch...Werewolf, ah poor Ginei but he should have stayed out of our way, I guess history does repeat itself...Moka Akashiya is a Vampire? Well, that's a surprise but nothing I can't handle...but those two…" Kuyō mused as he finally reached the last two names

"That can't be right, it's blank...but why?" Kuyō wondered before noticing something even more strange, Naruto's rank was still listed while Tsukune's wasn't. That bothered Kuyō, why would Naruto's rank be listed but his Monster form be blank and why didn't Tsukune have either a Monster form listed or a rank.

Regardless, the Newspaper Club tried to oppose the rule of law, assaulting Three Committee members including a high ranking member they needed to pay for their actions, It would take some time but Kuyō was efficient, he'd bring them all in soon enough to face Justice



Gods, am I done? It felt like I'd never get this Chapter out, whatever, we're on the Kuyo Chapters now as for the criticisms, thanks, for it, now I could see how it was borning for the first couple Chapters, I think that was my objective to make it a slice of life which we're still kind of in since I'm not in the fairy tale arc or the war arc, with that said I should spice things up, just got to figure out how...I was tweaking older Chapters though, I should get around to a full revamp of those Chapters as soon as I can but after the Kuyo arc

As for Guestbro, yeah, Lucien was a call back to Oblivion and I think I snuck in something from Morrowind and Daggerfall

sorry if this took so long but with the rewrites, life, the "this isn't good enough change it" things yeah this Chapter was like 14k words too before I had to cut down it was overwhelming as hell even at like 8k words it still feels overwhelming with so much happening, oh and that other grunt

No, I didn't forget just wait and see that, as I said, I planned to change up how some things played out in the Manga and Anime, you guys see anything wrong, go ahead and point it, I'll put out a hotfix asap

Anyway, Kuyo arc, that should be fun, granted I'll be in quarantine but it could be worse, later

Hotfix 1: formatting got messed up, I have no idea why? maybe something with Docs and the site, sorry about that!