She could hear the munchers before she saw them. Ducking down behind the trees she knew if they couldn't see her, they wouldn't come after her, the wind was taking her scent away from them. But then she heard grunting too. Peaking around the tree she saw a man clutching his side, stumbling away from the pack. He carried a crossbow and seemed like he hadn't taken a bath or gotten a hair cut in years. But on his back, she could see he was carrying a bag of things.

Depending on what was in it, those supplies could be useful. If the munchers got to him it could get ripped apart or tainted by their disease. Cursing in her mind she watched as the man fell over, no longer able to stay awake from blood loss. Flicking her wrists, releasing the blades from the holders on them, she let out a whistle distracting the dead.

She rushed the ones coming for her, her hands in fists so that her blades landed in their skulls when she punched at them. Slicing and swiping the munchers, she flicked one of her wrists as she reached out for the hair of one about to bite the man, her blade retracting, stabbing it in the head with the other. Flicking her other wrist, she threw the body to the side, looking down at the unconscious man.

The vest he had on was ragged as if he'd been wearing it since the beginning of all of this, he was smart though, his pants closed off at the bottom by way of tape around his ankles to keep the snakes out. None of that was important though as she reached for the bag, yanking it off of him, before moving away from him with it.

In case he woke up she went behind a tree, opening it up to look at the contents. She got confused when all she found were little boy onesies, baby bottles, reusable diapers, and some seeds. The seeds she could use, but everything else? What the hell would she do with that? She'd figure something out though, she didn't kill all those things just for the sake of saving him.

Putting the bag on her back she began to walk away when she heard him speak, voice weak and barely there, "Please. Don't."

He was barely awake but reaching out for her. She knew deep down that the stuff in his bag was for someone's baby, maybe even his. Watching as his body went lax again, she swallowed hard and against her better judgement, went back to him, grabbing him by the legs, beginning to pull him back to her car.

There was a pain in his side as he woke up, but there was also a soft mattress under him and a fluffy pillow cushioning his head. As he opened his eyes, he also noticed there was a note stuck to his forehead. Grabbing it Daryl tried to sit up before wincing in pain and laying back down to read it.


Water is next to you, drink it slow.

He looked next to him and saw a glass of water with a straw placed in it on the desk. It didn't matter how thirsty he was he wasn't going to drink something from someone he didn't know, especially when he didn't even know where he was at.

Sitting up slower this time he realized he didn't have a shirt on and that his torso had been washed and the stab wound stitched together and bandaged. His shoes were also off. Daryl looked around and tried to figure out where his things were, and also his bag, but none of them seemed to be in the small room. Trying to figure out where the hell he was he looked at the simple wooden furniture, bare white walls, and ugly carpeting. It wasn't a big room, in fact it wouldn't even fit two people in it.

He heard keys coming down the hallway and looked for anything to defend himself with, but the room had been cleaned of anything short of the furniture and the glass of water. The key was inserted in the door and he was surprised to see a girl, well he guessed she was old enough to be a woman, coming in with a tray in her hands that had a bowl of soup on it. She was quite small but had clearly defined muscles in her arms, probably how she was able to get him there. Her chocolate brown hair was up in a tight bun on the top of her head and she had a tank top on with tight pants with boots that went over them.

She stopped seeing him actually up, her hands gripping tight to the tray. One bowl of soup was worth losing to knock this guy out if he tried something. They stared at each other for a minute. Both waiting for the other to do something. When he didn't rush her or try anything she slowly moved to the desk, making sure to put the keys to the door back around her neck.

Daryl noticed the number of keys on the chain, it was at least fifteen. Those might lead to a way out of this place. He watched her closely as she set the tray down on the desk, before putting her hands up non-threateningly.

Stepping closer towards him she began to reach for the bandage on his stomach, wanting to make sure he didn't agitate it by sitting up but before her fingers could get close, he grabbed her wrist defensively.

Daryl saw her wince away as he grabbed her, but then noticed her other hand was hovering above the handle of the knife on her hip. They were once again just staring at each other until she moved the hand that he was gripping, pointing to his wound. He looked down and realized she just wanted to check it.

He let go of her wrist and her heart beat began to regulate again, but she kept her eyes on his hands as she peeled the bandage away. The wound was strained slightly, but the stitches hadn't torn so she placed the bandage back to his skin. Moving away from him she motioned to the soup and water.

"Hell no." Daryl looked at her suspiciously.

She looked at him as if he were stupid. Then she pointed to the water, miming having a cup and drinking from it before pointing to the soup and miming eating it.

He looked at her like she was insane now that she had just shown him out to drink and eat and wondered what the hell her deal was. He watched as she rolled her eyes at him.

She realized what he thought and couldn't believe he was stupid enough to think that she would waste food and water by poisoning it or something to kill him. If she'd wanted him dead, she would have left him in the woods. Reaching for the water she took a sip of it then grabbed a spoonful of soup and gulped it down. Turning back to look at him, she held her hands out to the side, what more proof did he want?

When Daryl still didn't move to eat or drink, she sighed and left the room, locking it again before walking back down the hallway.

Returning with a book and a bag of supplies in her hand she unlocked the door and saw him kicked back on the bed, his bowl and glass empty and she smirked slightly. Moving the glass to the tray she put the book in the empty spot next to the bed now and opened it up to a section in the middle before pulling a chair over to the bed.

He watched her as she pulled back the bandage again, discarding it onto the tray before pulling a cotton swab from the bag. She looked at the book before reaching into the bag again pulled out a bottle, setting it on the desk, then reaching back into the bag, pulling out the right one now. She squirted the clear liquid on the cotton swab and began running it over his wound. He asked, "Who are you?"

She looked at him but then went back to what she was doing without answering him. He pushed her hand away, "Answer me."

She scoffed, annoyed at him then pointed to her eye. Then she took one of her hands in the other and pretended like she was lifting the lower one up, then she pointed at him. His face scrunched, "What the hell does that mean?"

She let out an annoyed sigh and pushed his hand away from his wound and began working on it again.

"No. Tell me who the hell you are." He looked her directly in her green eyes.

Her jaw stiffened and she motioned around with her arms, like she didn't know how else to answer him. Then he asked, "Can you not talk?"

She rolled her eyes at him but then he asked her again. She shook her head then pointed to her eye quickly then to her mouth, half mouthing with attitude I can talk. He continued with, "Then why the hell don't you?"

He noticed something in her this time, a slight quiver in her lip and she moved his hand away again gently and began working on his cut, yet again. He wanted to be answered, but was gentler in his tone this time, "What, you're tongue get cut out?"

She stuck her tongue out while working, not even bothering to look at him. His constant questions were annoying, but hearing the sound of someone else talking was nice, it'd been over a year since she'd had contact with another living human. He let her work for a moment, and she was glad, the book had said that cleaning the wound and rebandaging was simple.

When she pulled the new bandage from the bag he watched as she squirted some of the first bottle, she'd grabbed on it before placing that side down against his wound. Then she asked, "You holding me hostage?"

She looked at him as if he were crazy and shook her head.

"Then can I leave this damned room?" he asked, he was so bored and need to stretch. She considered it for a moment, then held up a finger. He looked at her, "What?"

She pointed to him then cradled her arms like she was holding a child. He realized what she was asking, "Is it my baby?"

He couldn't help but smile at her face lighting up that he'd understood her. It'd been so long since she'd had a conversation that wasn't filled with pleas and begging. He shook his head, "Nah, it's a friends. He's one."

Her smile was small but content as she stood from the chair, placing everything on the tray. She couldn't believe people were having babies. Well, she could, but not actually wanting them. He watched as she left the room, but this time she didn't shut the door, meaning he was free to walk around.

Slowly he got up, making his way to the door, holding his side. The hallway outside was long but he'd seen her go to the right. Following where she was, he found a make kitchen and living room, power on, running water, the windows were boarded off and barricaded, but she had decorations and bits and bobs that made it a home. Her home, he realized, "Are you by yourself?"

She froze at this question, her hand instinctively going towards her knife. Seeing her do this he put her hands up like she had earlier, showing he wasn't a threat, "I ain't gunna do nothing. Just a question."

Hesitantly she nodded that it was just her. She kept an eye on him though as she cleaned the dishes. When she was done, she brought him over another glass of water.

He was looking at a map on the wall that had places marked off all across the country. Taking the glass of water and sipping it he followed the line back from where they were in Virginia, all the way to the Pacific Ocean, "You're from California?"

She half heartedly shrugged, and he looked at her confused again. She sighed, pointing to where they were then cradled her arms like a baby again, then pointed to Silicon Valley, and formed a house over her head. He thought her understood, "Born here, lived there?"

She nodded again, a smile back to her face. He looked around the place again and wondered, "Did you do all of this?"

A blush went across her face as she nodded and he asked, "How?"

She pointed to herself and then motioned really big then pointed to her head. He clarified, "You're…really smart?"

She nodded and he couldn't help but crack a smile. He couldn't stop himself from asking again, "Why don't you talk."

Her eyes fell again, and she moved away from him, heading back towards the kitchen area. He stepped forward, "I won ask again."

She stopped and bowed her head to him in thanks. He kept his voice low and steady, at times she was like an injured animal that might attack, "Can you at least tell me your name?"

Turning she pointed at him. He motioned to himself and knew what she wanted when she nodded, "Daryl."

She grabbed her car keys and brought them over to him, showing the wood burnt keychain on it saying her name. He looked to her, "Serenity?"

She nodded. He gave her a small smile, "Thanks for saving me Serenity. I won't hurt you, I promise."

He then watched as she covered the Se and ity with her thumbs. He nodded, "You go by Ren."

Nodding again she went back to what she was doing by the sink and he went to relax on the couch, his side actually really hurting.

A/N: New story! Woo! The idea hit me out of no where haha. I know it's just the beginning and there's not a lot going on in this one, but let me know what you guys think!